Exemple #1
 // if no error (datas seems valid)
 if ($error_message == "" && ($account != "" || $sex != "" || $AddEmail && $email != "" || $pass != "" || $conf_pass != "")) {
     // connect to server
     $ladmin_conect = new ladmin();
     if (!$ladmin_conect->connect($serverip, $adminpasswd, $serverport)) {
         $error_message = $lang[$Language]['Maintenance'];
     } else {
         // Create the account and get result
         $result = $ladmin_conect->make_account($account, $pass, $sex, $AddEmail ? $email : "");
         if ($result == false) {
             $error_message = $lang[$Language]['Failed'];
         } else {
             //	for futur extension
             //				if ($SetGMlevel == 'Y') {
             //					// try to change GM level
             //					$ladmin_conect->changeGMlevel($account, $GMlevel);
             //					// don't display any answer about this modification
             //				}
     // close in all case (password can be incorrect and connection opened)
 if ($result != false) {