Exemple #1
 function __construct($value)
     try {
     } catch (\exception $exception) {
         throw new exception\domain('Type should be a string matching [a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*');
Exemple #2
 public static function generator($name, $data, $selected_value)
     foreach ($data as $value => $text) {
         $radio = new radio();
         $radio->name = $name;
         $radio->value = $value;
         if ((string) $radio->value === (string) $selected_value) {
             $radio->checked = "checked";
         $label = new label();
         $label->class = "radio-inline";
         //Fit Bootstrap Style
         (yield $label);
  * Method to show the option group for a table
 public function showTable()
     $table = new htmltable();
     $table->cellpadding = 1;
     $counter = 0;
     $equalColumns = (100 - 100 % $this->tableColumns) / $this->tableColumns;
     foreach ($this->options as $opt => $lbl) {
         $str = '<input type="radio" name="' . $this->name . '"';
         $str .= ' value="' . $opt . '"';
         if ($this->cssClass) {
             $str .= ' class="' . $this->cssClass . '"';
         // If no CSS Id is given, it takes the default value of input_$opt for accessibility
         // If CSS Id is given, it takes the default value of input_$opt for accessibility, as well as CSS one
         if ($this->cssId) {
             $cssId = 'input_' . $this->name . $opt . ' ' . $this->cssId;
         } else {
             $cssId = 'input_' . $this->name . $opt;
         // Cleanup to the CSS Id to make it W3C Compliant
         // At the moment, it checks for \ and /
         $cssId = preg_replace('/(\\/|\\\\)/', '_', $cssId);
         $str .= ' id="' . $cssId . '"';
         if ($this->selected == $opt) {
             $str .= ' checked="checked" ';
         if ($this->extra) {
             $str .= ' ' . $this->extra;
         $str .= ' />';
         $label = new label($lbl, $cssId);
         $str .= $label->show();
         $table->addCell($str, $equalColumns . '%');
         if ($counter % $this->tableColumns == 0) {
     if ($counter % $this->tableColumns == 0) {
     } else {
         for ($i = 1; $i < $counter % $this->tableColumns; $i++) {
             $table->addCell('&nbsp;', $equalColumns . '%');
     return $table->show();
  * Method to render an add form to a template
  * @param string $module The module to add the parameter
 function showEditAddForm($pmodule)
     //Create a form
     $formAction = $this->uri(array('action' => 'save'));
     //Load the form class
     $this->loadClass('form', 'htmlelements');
     //Create and instance of the form class
     $objForm = new form('sysconfig');
     //Set the action for the form to the uri with paramArray
     //Set the displayType to 3 for freeform
     $objForm->displayType = 3;
     //Create a heading for the title
     //$objHd = $this->newObject('htmlheading', 'htmlelements');
     //Load the textinput class
     $this->loadClass('textinput', 'htmlelements');
     //Load the label class
     $this->loadClass('label', 'htmlelements');
     //Load the dropdown class
     //Kevin Cyster
     $this->loadClass('dropdown', 'htmlelements');
     //Create an element for the input of module
     $objElement = new textinput("pmodule");
     //Set the value of the element to $module
     if (isset($pmodule)) {
     //Create label for input of module
     $label = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_sysconfig_modtxt", 'sysconfig'), "input_pmodule");
     $objForm->addToForm("<p><strong>" . $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_sysconfig_modtxt", 'sysconfig') . "</strong>: " . $pmodule . "</p>");
     //Get the pk value
     $id = $this->getParam('id');
     //Get the records for editing
     $ar = $this->objDbSysconfig->getRow('id', $id, 'tbl_sysconfig_properties');
     //Get the two values needed
     if (isset($ar)) {
         $pname = $ar['pname'];
         $pvalue = $ar['pvalue'];
     } else {
         $pname = $this->getParam('id', NULL);
         $pvalue = $this->getParam('value', NULL);
     //Create an element for the input of id
     $objElement = new textinput("id");
     $objElement->fldType = "hidden";
     //Create an element for the input of id
     $objElement = new textinput("pmodule");
     $objElement->fldType = "hidden";
     //Add the $name element to the form
     $objForm->addToForm('<p><b>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_sysconfig_paramname", 'sysconfig') . '</b>: ' . $pname . '</p>');
     // Check in Config folder if module is gives as _site_
     if ($pmodule == '_site_') {
         $moduleToCheck = 'config';
     } else {
         $moduleToCheck = $pmodule;
     // Load object that checks if class exists
     $checkobject = $this->getObject('checkobject', 'utilities');
     // Check if class 'sysconfig_{pname}' exists in module.
     if ($checkobject->objectFileExists('sysconfig_' . str_replace('/', '_', str_replace('-', '_', $pname)), $moduleToCheck)) {
         // If yes, instantiate the object
         $objParamValue = $this->getObject(strtolower('sysconfig_' . str_replace('/', '_', str_replace('-', '_', $pname))), $moduleToCheck);
         // send it the current default value
     } else {
         $valueLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_sysconfig_paramvalue", 'sysconfig'), "input_pvalue");
         //Add the $value element to the form
         $objForm->addToForm("<b>" . $valueLabel->show() . "</b>: ");
         //Create an element for the input of value
         $objParamValue = new textinput("pvalue");
         $objParamValue->size = "50";
         //Set the value of the element to $value
         if (isset($pvalue)) {
     //Create text add link
     $objForm->addToForm($objParamValue->show() . "<br /><br />");
     // Create an instance of the button object and add a save button to the form
     $this->loadClass('button', 'htmlelements');
     // Create a submit button
     $objElement = new button('submit');
     // Set the button type to submit
     // Use the language object to add the word save
     $objElement->setValue(' ' . $this->objLanguage->languageText("word_save") . ' ');
     // Add the button to the form
     $objForm->addToForm('<br/>' . $objElement->show());
     //Add the form
     return $objForm->show();
 public function test_label_with_no_and_x()
     $expected = '<span class="label label-important">_no <i class="icon-remove icon-white"></i></span>';
     $actual = label::no();
     $this->assertSame($expected, $actual);

$display = '<h1>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_blog_searchresults', 'blog', 'Search Results') . '</h1>';
$this->loadClass('textinput', 'htmlelements');
$this->loadClass('button', 'htmlelements');
$this->loadClass('form', 'htmlelements');
$this->loadClass('label', 'htmlelements');
$this->loadClass('hiddeninput', 'htmlelements');
$form = new form('search', $this->uri(NULL));
$form->method = 'GET';
$formModule = new hiddeninput('module', 'search');
$search = new textinput('search', $this->getParam('search'));
$module = new textinput('searchmodule', $this->getParam('searchmodule'));
$searchLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_search', 'system', 'Search') . ': ', 'input_search');
$moduleLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_module', 'system', 'Module') . ': ', 'input_module');
$form->addToForm($formModule->show() . $searchLabel->show() . $search->show());
$form->addToForm(' &nbsp; &nbsp; ');
$form->addToForm($moduleLabel->show() . $module->show());
$button = new button('go', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_go', 'system', 'Go'));
$form->addToForm(' &nbsp; ' . $button->show());
$display .= $form->show();
$objSearchResults = $this->getObject('searchresults');
$searchKey = $this->getParam('search', $this->getParam('query'));
$display .= $objSearchResults->displaySearchResults($searchKey, $this->getParam('searchmodule'));
$this->setVar('middleContent', $display);
$cssLayout = $this->newObject('csslayout', 'htmlelements');
$middleColumn = $display;
echo $cssLayout->show();
  * Method to generate an edit context settings form
  * @param array $context Current Context Settings
  * @return str
 public function editContextForm($context)
     $header = new htmlheading();
     $header->type = 1;
     $header->str = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_edit', 'system', 'Edit') . ': ' . $context['title'];
     $str = $header->show();
     $title = new textinput('title');
     $title->size = 50;
     if ($context != NULL) {
         $title->value = htmlentities($context['title']);
     $titleLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_title', 'system', 'Title'), 'input_title');
     $status = new dropdown('status');
     //$status->setBreakSpace('<br />');
     $status->addOption('Published', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_published', 'system', 'Published'));
     $status->addOption('Unpublished', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_unpublished', 'system', 'Unpublished'));
     if ($context != NULL) {
     if ($this->objSysConfig->getValue('context_access_private_only', 'context', 'false') == 'true') {
         if (is_null($context)) {
             $access_ = 'Private';
         } else {
             $access_ = $context['access'];
         $access = new hiddeninput('access', $access_);
     } else {
         $access = new radio('access');
         $access->setBreakSpace('<br />');
         $access->addOption('Public', '<strong>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_public', 'system', 'Public') . '</strong> - <span class="caption">' . ucfirst($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_publiccontextdescription', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] can be accessed by all users, including anonymous users')) . '</span>');
         $access->addOption('Open', '<strong>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_open', 'system', 'Open') . '</strong> - <span class="caption">' . ucfirst($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_opencontextdescription', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] can be accessed by all users that are logged in')) . '</span>');
         $access->addOption('Private', '<strong>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_private', 'system', 'Private') . '</strong> - <span class="caption">' . $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_privatecontextdescription', 'context', NULL, 'Only [-context-] members can enter the [-context-]') . '<span class="caption">');
         if ($context != NULL) {
         } else {
     $table = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
     if ($context != NULL) {
         $table->addCell(ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contextcode', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] Code')) . ':', 100);
         $table->addCell('<strong>' . $context['contextcode'] . '</strong>');
     } else {
         $code = new textinput('contextcode');
         $codeLabel = new label(ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contextcode', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] Code')), 'input_contextcode');
         $table->addCell($codeLabel->show(), 100);
         $table->addCell($code->show() . ' <span id="contextcodemessage"></span>');
     $table->addCell($titleLabel->show() . ':');
     $table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_status', 'system', 'Status') . ':');
     if ($this->objSysConfig->getValue('context_access_private_only', 'context', 'false') == 'false') {
         $table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_access', 'system', 'Access') . ':');
     $alerts = explode("|", $context['alerts']);
     $emailAlert = new checkbox('emailalertopt', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextadmin_emailalert', 'contextadmin', 'Email alerts'), $alerts[0] == 'e' || $alerts[0] == '1');
     // this will checked
     //if($emailchecked) {
     //    $emailAlert->setChecked($emailchecked);
     $table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextadmin_emailalert', 'contextadmin', 'Alerts'));
     $objSelectImage = $this->getObject('selectimage', 'filemanager');
     $objSelectImage->context = TRUE;
     $table2 = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
     $table2->addCell($table->show(), 600, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'colspan="2"');
     $table2->addCell(ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_aboutcontext', 'context', NULL, 'About [-context-]')) . ':', 100);
     $htmlEditor = $this->newObject('htmlarea', 'htmlelements');
     $htmlEditor->name = 'about';
     $htmlEditor->toolbarSet = 'advanced';
     if ($context != NULL) {
         $htmlEditor->value = $context['about'];
     $table2->addCell($htmlEditor->show(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'colspan="2"');
     $table2->addCell('&nbsp;', 100);
     if ($context == NULL) {
         $button = new button('savecontext', $formButton);
     } else {
         $button = new button('savecontext', ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_updatecontext', 'context', NULL, 'Update [-context-]')));
     $table2->addCell($button->show(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'colspan="2"');
     $form = new form('createcontext', $this->uri(array('action' => $this->formAction), $this->formModule));
     if ($this->objSysConfig->getValue('context_access_private_only', 'context', 'false') == 'true') {
     if ($context != NULL) {
         $hiddenInput = new hiddeninput('contextcode', $context['contextcode']);
     $form->addRule('title', $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_entertitleofcontext', 'context', NULL, 'Please enter the title of your [-context-]'), 'required');
     $str .= $form->show();
     return $str;
Exemple #8
foreach ($newPlugins as $plugin) {
    $checkbox = new checkbox('plugins[]');
    $checkbox->setId('module_' . $plugin['module_id']);
    if (in_array($plugin['module_id'], $contextModules)) {
    if ($counter % 2 == 1) {
    $table->addCell($checkbox->show(), 20);
    $label = new label($objIcon->show(), 'module_' . $plugin['module_id']);
    $table->addCell($label->show(), 30);
    $label = new label('<strong>' . $plugin['title'] . '</strong><br />' . $plugin['description'], 'module_' . $plugin['module_id']);
    $table->addCell($label->show() . '<br /><br />');
    if ($counter % 2 == 2) {
if ($counter % 2 == 1) {
$button = new button('submitform', $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_savepluginsabs', 'context', array('plugins' => 'plugins'), 'Save [-plugins-]'));
$backUri = $this->uri(array('action' => 'step3', 'mode' => 'edit', 'contextCode' => $contextCode), 'contextadmin');
 public function environment_check_table($result, $environment_results)
     global $CFG;
     $servertable = new html_table();
     $servertable->head = array(get_string('name'), get_string('info'), get_string('report'), get_string('status'));
     $servertable->attributes['class'] = 'table table-striped table-hover';
     $serverdata = array('success' => array(), 'warning' => array(), 'important' => array());
     $othertable = new html_table();
     $othertable->head = array(get_string('info'), get_string('report'), get_string('status'));
     $othertable->attributes['class'] = 'table table-striped table-hover';
     $otherdata = array('success' => array(), 'warning' => array(), 'important' => array());
     // Iterate over each environment_result
     $continue = true;
     foreach ($environment_results as $environment_result) {
         $errorline = false;
         $warningline = false;
         $stringtouse = '';
         if ($continue) {
             $type = $environment_result->getPart();
             $info = $environment_result->getInfo();
             $status = $environment_result->getStatus();
             $error_code = $environment_result->getErrorCode();
             // Process Report field
             $rec = new stdClass();
             // Something has gone wrong at parsing time
             if ($error_code) {
                 $stringtouse = 'environmentxmlerror';
                 $rec->error_code = $error_code;
                 $status = get_string('error');
                 $errorline = true;
                 $continue = false;
             if ($continue) {
                 if ($rec->needed = $environment_result->getNeededVersion()) {
                     // We are comparing versions
                     $rec->current = $environment_result->getCurrentVersion();
                     if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') {
                         $stringtouse = 'environmentrequireversion';
                     } else {
                         $stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendversion';
                 } else {
                     if ($environment_result->getPart() == 'custom_check') {
                         // We are checking installed & enabled things
                         if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') {
                             $stringtouse = 'environmentrequirecustomcheck';
                         } else {
                             $stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendcustomcheck';
                     } else {
                         if ($environment_result->getPart() == 'php_setting') {
                             if ($status) {
                                 $stringtouse = 'environmentsettingok';
                             } else {
                                 if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') {
                                     $stringtouse = 'environmentmustfixsetting';
                                 } else {
                                     $stringtouse = 'environmentshouldfixsetting';
                         } else {
                             if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') {
                                 $stringtouse = 'environmentrequireinstall';
                             } else {
                                 $stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendinstall';
                 // Calculate the status value
                 if ($environment_result->getBypassStr() != '') {
                     //Handle bypassed result (warning)
                     $status = get_string('bypassed');
                     $warningline = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($environment_result->getRestrictStr() != '') {
                         //Handle restricted result (error)
                         $status = get_string('restricted');
                         $errorline = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($status) {
                             //Handle ok result (ok)
                             $status = get_string('ok');
                         } else {
                             if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'optional') {
                                 //Handle check result (warning)
                                 $status = get_string('check');
                                 $warningline = true;
                             } else {
                                 //Handle error result (error)
                                 $status = get_string('check');
                                 $errorline = true;
             // Build the text
             $linkparts = array();
             $linkparts[] = 'admin/environment';
             $linkparts[] = $type;
             if (!empty($info)) {
                 $linkparts[] = $info;
             if (empty($CFG->docroot)) {
                 $report = get_string($stringtouse, 'admin', $rec);
             } else {
                 $report = $this->doc_link(join($linkparts, '/'), get_string($stringtouse, 'admin', $rec));
             // Format error or warning line
             if ($errorline || $warningline) {
                 $messagetype = $errorline ? 'important' : 'warning';
             } else {
                 $messagetype = 'success';
             $status = label::make($messagetype, $status);
             // Here we'll store all the feedback found
             $feedbacktext = '';
             // Append the feedback if there is some
             $feedbacktext .= $environment_result->strToReport($environment_result->getFeedbackStr(), 'alert alert-' . $messagetype);
             //Append the bypass if there is some
             $feedbacktext .= $environment_result->strToReport($environment_result->getBypassStr(), 'alert');
             //Append the restrict if there is some
             $feedbacktext .= $environment_result->strToReport($environment_result->getRestrictStr(), 'alert alert-important');
             $report .= $feedbacktext;
             // Add the row to the table
             if ($environment_result->getPart() == 'custom_check') {
                 $otherdata[$messagetype][] = array($info, $report, $status);
             } else {
                 $serverdata[$messagetype][] = array($type, $info, $report, $status);
     $servertable->data = array_merge($serverdata['important'], $serverdata['warning'], $serverdata['success']);
     $othertable->data = array_merge($otherdata['important'], $otherdata['warning'], $otherdata['success']);
     $output = $this->heading(get_string('serverchecks', 'admin'));
     $output .= html_writer::table($servertable);
     if (count($othertable->data)) {
         $output .= $this->heading(get_string('customcheck', 'admin'));
         $output .= html_writer::table($othertable);
     // Finally, if any error has happened, print the summary box.
     if (!$result) {
         $output .= bootstrap::alert_error(get_string('environmenterrortodo', 'admin'));
     return $output;
Exemple #10
                $page[$j]['id'] = $item['id'];
                $page[$j++]['page'] = $item['category'];
            } else {
                // toolbar links
                $toolBar[$k]['id'] = $item['id'];
                $toolBar[$k++]['category'] = $item['category'];
$objHead->str = $heading;
$objHead->type = 1;
$str = $objHead->show();
$str .= '<p><b>' . $moduleLabel . ':</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $modName . '</p>';
// Drop down to select a different module
$objLabel = new label($selectLabel, 'input_modulename');
$objDrop = new dropdown('modulename');
$objDrop->extra = 'onchange="document.forms[\'modselect\'].submit()"';
foreach ($moduleList as $item) {
    $modName = $objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_' . $item['module_id'] . '_name', $item['module_id']);
    $objDrop->addOption($item['module_id'], $modName);
$objForm = new form('modselect', $this->uri(array('action' => 'editlinks')));
$objForm->addToForm('<b>' . $objLabel->show() . ':</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $objDrop->show());
$str .= '<p>' . $objForm->show() . '</p>';
// Toolbar links
$addTool = $objIcon->getAddIcon($this->uri(array('action' => 'addtool', 'modulename' => $moduleName)));
$objHead->str = $toolbarLabel . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $addTool;
$objHead->type = 3;
$str .= $objHead->show();
     * Short description for function
     * Long description (if any) ...
     * @param  array  $subFolders Parameter description (if any) ...
     * @param  array  $files      Parameter description (if any) ...
     * @return object Return description (if any) ...
     * @access public
    function previewLongView($subFolders, $files, $symlinks, $restriction, $mode, $name, $forceRestriction = FALSE)
        $objTable = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
        $objFilePreview = $this->getObject('filepreview');
        $objFileSize = new formatfilesize();
        $objThumbnail = $this->getObject('thumbnails', 'filemanager');
        if ($this->viewType == strtolower('thumbnails')) {
            $objTable->cssId = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_filemanagertableclass', 'filemanager', 'filemanagerTable');
            $this->objFileIcons->size = 'large';
        $objIcon = $this->newObject('geticon', 'htmlelements');
        if ($this->editPermission) {
            if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                $objTable->addHeaderCell('&nbsp;', '20');
        if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
            $objTable->addHeaderCell('&nbsp;', '20');
            $objTable->addHeaderCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_name', 'system', 'Name'));
            $objTable->addHeaderCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_size', 'system', 'Size'), 60);
            $objTable->addHeaderCell('&nbsp;', '30');
        // Set Restriction as empty if it is none
        if (count($restriction) == 1 && $restriction[0] == '') {
            $restriction = array();
        $hidden = 0;
        if (count($subFolders) == 0 && count($files) == 0 && count($symlinks) == 0) {
            $objTable->addCell('<em>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_nofilesorfolders', 'filemanager', 'No files or folders found') . '</em>', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'noRecordsMessage', 'colspan="5"');
        } else {
            if (count($subFolders) > 0) {
                $folderIcon = $this->objFileIcons->getExtensionIcon('folder');
                foreach ($subFolders as $folder) {
                    $this->domDoc = new DOMDocument('utf-8');
                    $domElements['viewDiv'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('div');
                    $domElements['viewDiv']->setAttribute('class', 'fm_thumbnails');
                    $domElements['folderLink'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('a');
                    //The DOM icon folder
                    $domElements['folderIcon'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('img');
                    $domElements['folderIcon']->setAttribute('src', $this->objFileIcons->getIconSrc('folder'));
                    $domElements['folderIcon']->setAttribute('class', 'iconThumbnail');
                    $domElements['folderLink']->setAttribute('title', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_clicktoopen', 'filemanager'));
                    $domElements['folderLink']->setAttribute('href', str_replace('amp;', '', $this->uri(array('action' => 'viewfolder', 'folder' => $folder['id'], 'view' => $this->viewType), $this->targetModule)));
                    if ($this->editPermission) {
                        $checkbox = new checkbox('files[]');
                        $checkbox->value = 'folder__' . $folder['id'];
                        $checkbox->cssId = htmlentities('input_files_' . basename($folder['folderpath']));
                        //The DOM folder checkbox
                        $domElements['folderCheckbox'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('input');
                        $domElements['folderCheckbox']->setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
                        $domElements['folderCheckbox']->setAttribute('name', 'files[]');
                        $domElements['folderCheckbox']->setAttribute('id', htmlentities('input_files_' . basename($folder['folderpath'])));
                        $domElements['folderCheckbox']->setAttribute('value', 'folder__' . $folder['id']);
                        $domElements['folderCheckbox']->setAttribute('class', 'transparentbgnb');
                        //Delete confirm object
                        $delConfirm = $this->getObject('confirm', 'utilities');
                        //Setting the confirmation message
                        $delConfirm->setConfirm(NULL, str_replace('amp;', '', $this->uri(array('action' => 'deletefolder', 'id' => $folder['id'], 'module' => $this->targetModule))), $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_areyousuredeletefiles', 'filemanager'), NULL);
                        //The DOM delete link
                        $domElements['deleteconfirm'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('a');
                        $domElements['deleteconfirm']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_delete', 'system')));
                        $domElements['deleteconfirm']->setAttribute('class', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_buttonlinkclass', 'filemanager'));
                        $domElements['deleteconfirm']->setAttribute('href', $delConfirm->href);
                        if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                    //The value to appear when the mouse is over the link
                    $domElements['folderParagraph'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('p');
                    $domElements['folderParagraph']->setAttribute('class', 'folderdetails');
                    $domElements['folderParagraph']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText("phrase_foldername", "system") . ": " . substr(basename($folder['folderpath']), 0, 12)));
                    $domElements['folderParagraph']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText("word_files", "system") . ": " . count($this->objFiles->getFolderFiles($folder['folderpath']))));
                    $domElements['folderParagraph']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText("word_folders", "system") . ": " . count($this->objFolder->getSubFolders($folder['id']))));
                    //creating space between the link at the top and the string below
                    if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                    $folderLink = new link($this->uri(array('action' => 'viewfolder', 'folder' => $folder['id'], 'view' => $this->viewType), $this->targetModule));
                    $extTitle = '';
                    $accessVal = null;
                    if (key_exists("access", $folder)) {
                        $accessVal = $folder['access'];
                    if ($accessVal == 'private_all') {
                        $extTitle = $objIcon->show();
                        $domElements['folderParagraph']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_access', 'system') . ': '));
                    //TODO: make this a reusable function
                    //variables to store informatin partaining folder contants
                    $nmbrOfFiles = count($this->objFiles->getFolderFiles($folder['folderpath']));
                    $nmbrOfFolders = count($this->objFolder->getSubFolders($folder['id']));
                    //Assign the value to be displayed on the link's title depending on it's contents
                    if ($nmbrOfFiles == 0 && $nmbrOfFolders == 0) {
                        $titleString = $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_filemanager_emptyfolderindicator", "filemanager");
                    } else {
                        $titleString = $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_filemanager_contentsindicator", "filemanager");
                        $titleString = substr($titleString, 0, 9) . $nmbrOfFolders . substr($titleString, 8, 11) . $nmbrOfFiles . substr($titleString, 18, 12);
                    //End subfolder and files count
                    $folderLink->title = $titleString;
                    $folderLink->link = substr(basename($folder['folderpath']), 0, 70) . '...' . $extTitle;
                    if ($this->viewType == strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                    } else {
                        $objTable->addCell('<em>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_folder', 'system', 'Folder') . '</em>');
            if (is_array($symlinks)) {
                $files = array_merge($files, $symlinks);
            if (count($files) > 0) {
                $fileSize = new formatfilesize();
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    $this->domDoc = new DOMDocument('utf-8');
                    $domElements['viewDiv'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('div');
                    $domElements['viewDiv']->setAttribute('class', 'fm_thumbnails');
                    $visibility = null;
                    if (key_exists("visibility", $file)) {
                        $visibility = $file['visibility'];
                    } else {
                        $file['visibility'] = 'visible';
                    $showFile = true;
                    if ($visibility == 'hidden') {
                        if ($file['creatorid'] == $this->objUser->userid()) {
                            $showFile = true;
                        } else {
                            $showFile = false;
                    if (!$showFile) {
                    if (count($restriction) > 0) {
                        if (!in_array(strtolower($file['datatype']), $restriction)) {
                        } else {
                    } else {
                    if ($this->editPermission) {
                        $checkbox = new checkbox('files[]');
                        //DOM checkbox
                        $domElements['checkbox'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('input');
                        $domElements['checkbox']->setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
                        $domElements['checkbox']->setAttribute('name', 'files[]');
                        //DOM link
                        $domElements['editLink'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('a');
                        $domElements['editLink']->setAttribute('title', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_clicktoedit', 'filemanager'));
                        $domElements['editLink']->setAttribute('href', str_replace('amp;', '', $this->uri(array('action' => 'editfiledetails', 'id' => $file['id']), $this->targetModule)));
                        if (isset($file['symlinkid'])) {
                            $domElements['checkbox']->setAttribute('value', 'symlink_' . $file['symlinkid']);
                            $checkbox->value = 'symlink__' . $file['symlinkid'];
                        } else {
                            $checkbox->value = $file['id'];
                            $domElements['checkbox']->setAttribute('value', $file['id']);
                        $checkbox->cssId = htmlentities('input_files_' . $file['filename']);
                        if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                        } else {
                            $domElements['checkbox']->setAttribute('id', htmlentities('input_files_' . $file['filename']));
                            $domElements['editLink']->setAttribute('class', $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_filemanager_buttonlinkclass", "filemanager"));
                            $domElements['editLink']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode(substr($this->objLanguage->languageText("word_edit", "system"), 0, 4)));
                            //Add the line separator
                            $domElements['viewDiv']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode(' | '));
                    $label = new label($this->objFileIcons->getFileIcon($file['filename']), htmlentities('input_files_' . $file['filename']));
                    if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                    if (isset($file['symlinkid'])) {
                        $fileLink = new link($this->uri(array('action' => 'symlink', 'id' => $file['symlinkid'])));
                        //The DOM file link
                        $domElements['fileLink'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('a');
                        $domElements['fileLink']->setAttribute('href', str_replace('amp;', '', $this->uri(array('action' => 'symlink', 'id' => $file['symlinkid']))));
                    } else {
                        $fileLink = new link($this->uri(array('action' => 'fileinfo', 'id' => $file['id']), $this->targetModule));
                        //The DOM file link
                        $domElements['fileLink'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('a');
                        $domElements['fileLink']->setAttribute('class', 'fileLink');
                        $domElements['fileLink']->setAttribute('href', str_replace('amp;', '', $this->uri(array('action' => 'fileinfo', 'id' => $file['id']), $this->targetModule)));
                    //The DOM image paragraph (to display image file information)
                    $domElements['imgParagraph'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('p');
                    $domElements['imgParagraph']->setAttribute('class', 'filedetails');
                    $linkTitle = '';
                    $access = null;
                    if (key_exists("access", $file)) {
                        $access = $file['access'];
                    } else {
                        $file['access'] = 'public';
                    $domElements['fileLink']->setAttribute('title', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_clicktoviewinfo', 'filemanager'));
                    //The DOM download link
                    $domElements['downloadLink'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('a');
                    $domElements['downloadLink']->setAttribute('title', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_clicktodownload', 'filemanager'));
                    $domElements['downloadLink']->setAttribute('href', $this->objCleanUrl->cleanUpUrl($this->objAltConfig->getcontentPath() . $file['path']));
                    $domElements['downloadLink']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText("word_download", "system")));
                    $domElements['downloadLink']->setAttribute('class', $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_filemanager_buttonlinkclass", "filemanager"));
                    //creating space between the links at the top and the string below
                    $filepath = $this->objAltConfig->getSiteRoot() . '/usrfiles/' . $file['path'];
                    $fileType = $this->getObject("fileparts", "files");
                    $domElements['detailsDiv'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('div');
                    $domElements['imgDiv'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('div');
                    $domElements['imgDiv']->setAttribute('class', 'imageDiv');
                    $domElements['imgParagraph']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText("word_filename", "system") . ": " . substr($file['filename'], 0, 10)));
                    //new line
                    $domElements['imgParagraph']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createtextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText("phrase_filesize", "system") . ": " . $objFileSize->formatsize($file['filesize'])));
                    //new line
                    $domElements['imgParagraph']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText("phrase_filetype") . ": " . $fileType->getExtension($file['filename'])));
                    //new line
                    $domElements['imgParagraph']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText("phrase_dateuploaded", "system") . ": " . $file['datecreated']));
                    if ($access == 'private_all') {
                        $domElements['imgParagraph']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode(ucfirst($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_access', 'system')) . ': '));
                        $domElements['viewDiv']->setAttribute('id', $file['access']);
                        $linkTitle = basename($file['filename']) . $objIcon->show();
                    } else {
                        $linkTitle = basename($file['filename']);
                    // get image thumbnails
                    //The DOM image
                    $domElements['image'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('img');
                    if (ereg("image", $file['mimetype']) || ereg("video", $file['mimetype'])) {
                        $domElements['image']->setAttribute('src', str_replace('amp;', '', $objThumbnail->getThumbnail($file['id'], $file['filename'], $this->objCleanUrl->cleanUpUrl($this->objAltConfig->getcontentPath() . $file['path']), 'large')));
                        $domElements['image']->setAttribute('class', 'imgThumbnail');
                    //create audio/video player object
                    $objPlayer = "";
                    if (ereg("audio", $file['mimetype'])) {
                        $objPlayer = $objFilePreview->previewFile($file['id']);
                    //other formats
                    if (!ereg("audio", $file['mimetype']) && !ereg("image", $file['mimetype']) && !ereg("video", $file['mimetype'])) {
                        $domElements['image']->setAttribute('src', $this->objFileIcons->getIconSrc($file['datatype']));
                        $domElements['image']->setAttribute('class', 'iconThumbnail');
                    $fileLink->link = $linkTitle;
                    $folderAccessObj = $this->getObject("folderaccess");
                    $filepath = $this->objAltConfig->getSiteRoot() . '/usrfiles/' . $file['path'];
                    //// $filePreviewObj->previewFile($file['id']);
                    //$this->uri(array("action" => "downloadsecurefile", "path" => $file['path'], "filename" => $file['filename']));
                    // echo "rssult == ". $folderAccessObj->isFileAccessPrivate($file);
                    // die();
                    if ($folderAccessObj->isFileAccessPrivate($file)) {
                        $filepath = $this->objAltConfig->getSiteRoot() . "index.php?module=filemanager&action=file&id=" . $file['id'] . '&filename=' . $file['filename'];
                    $selectStr = '<a href=\'javascript:selectFile("' . $filepath . '");\'>' . basename($file['filename']) . '</a>';
                    $selectFileStr = '<a href=\'javascript:selectFileWindow("' . $name . '","' . $file['filename'] . '","' . $file['id'] . '");\'>' . basename($file['filename']) . '</a>';
                    $selectImageStr = '<a href=\'javascript:selectImageWindow("' . $name . '", "' . $filepath . '","' . $file['filename'] . '","' . $file['id'] . '");\'>' . basename($file['filename']) . '</a>';
                    if ($mode == 'fckimage' || $mode == 'fckflash' || $mode == 'fcklink') {
                        if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                        } else {
                            //Disable file preview
                            //remove the title string as the option will not be possible
                            //The DOM select string
                            $domElements['selectStr'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('a');
                            $domElements['selectStr']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_select', 'system')));
                            $domElements['selectStr']->setAttribute('href', 'javascript:selectFile("' . $filepath . '");');
                            $domElements['selectStr']->setAttribute('class', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_buttonlinkclass', 'filemanager'));
                            $objTable->addCell($this->domDoc->saveHTML($domElements['viewDiv']) . $objPlayer);
                    } else {
                        if ($mode == 'selectfilewindow') {
                            if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                            } else {
                                //remove the title string as the option will not be possible
                                //The DOM select file string
                                $domElements['selectFileStr'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('a');
                                $domElements['selectFileStr']->setAttribute('href', 'javascript:selectFileWindow("' . $name . '","' . $file['filename'] . '","' . $file['id'] . '");');
                                $domElements['selectFileStr']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_select', 'system')));
                                $domElements['selectFileStr']->setAttribute('class', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_buttonlinkclass', 'filemanager'));
                                $objTable->addCell($this->domDoc->saveHTML($domElements['viewDiv']) . $objPlayer);
                        } else {
                            if ($mode == 'selectimagewindow') {
                                if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                                } else {
                                    //remove the title string as the option will not be possible
                                    //The DOM image select link
                                    $domElements['imageSelect'] = $this->domDoc->createElement('a');
                                    $domElements['imageSelect']->setAttribute('href', 'javascript:selectImageWindow("' . $name . '","' . $filepath . '","' . $file['filename'] . '","' . $file['id'] . '");');
                                    $domElements['imageSelect']->appendChild($this->domDoc->createTextNode($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_select', 'system')));
                                    $domElements['imageSelect']->setAttribute('class', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_buttonlinkclass', 'filemanager'));
                                    $objTable->addCell($this->domDoc->saveHTML($domElements['viewDiv']) . $objPlayer);
                            } else {
                                if ($this->viewType == strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                                    //return the document with all available objects and elements
                                    $objTable->addCell($this->domDoc->saveHTML($domElements['viewDiv']) . $objPlayer);
                                } else {
                    if ($this->viewType != strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                    } else {
        if ($hidden > 0 && count($restriction) > 0) {
            $str = '';
            if ($this->viewType == strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                $str .= '<style type="text/css">
#filemanagerTable tr.hidefile {display:none;}
            } else {
                $str .= '<style type="text/css">
 tr.hidefile {display:none;}
            $str .= $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_browsingfor', 'filemanager', 'Browsing for') . ': ';
            $comma = '';
            foreach ($restriction as $restrict) {
                $str .= $comma . $restrict;
                $comma = ', ';
            if (!$forceRestriction) {
                if ($this->viewType == strtolower('thumbnails')) {
                    $str .= '<script type="text/javascript">
var onOrOff = "off";
function turnOnFiles(value)
    if (onOrOff == \'off\') {
        jQuery(\'#filemanagerTable tr.hidefile\').each(function (i) {
            this.style.display = \'inline-block\';
        onOrOff = "on";
    } else {
        jQuery(\'#filemanagerTable tr.hidefile\').each(function (i) {
            this.style.display = \'none\';
        onOrOff = "off";
                } else {
                    $str .= '<script type="text/javascript">
var onOrOff = "off";
function turnOnFiles(value)
    if (onOrOff == \'off\') {
        jQuery(\'tr.hidefile\').each(function (i) {
            this.style.display = \'table-row\';
        onOrOff = "on";
    } else {
        jQuery(\'tr.hidefile\').each(function (i) {
            this.style.display = \'none\';
        onOrOff = "off";
                $str .= ' &nbsp; - ';
                $this->loadClass('checkbox', 'htmlelements');
                $this->loadClass('label', 'htmlelements');
                $checkbox = new checkbox('showall');
                $checkbox->extra = ' onclick="turnOnFiles();"';
                $label = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_showallfiles', 'filemanager', 'Show All Files'), $checkbox->cssId);
                $str .= $checkbox->show() . $label->show();
        } else {
            $str = '';
        return $str . $objTable->show() . $this->getJavascriptFile('thumbnails.js', 'filemanager');
    <script  src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/js/stageDevelopment.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!--Style to Forms-->
    <link type="text/css" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/css/formsStyle.css" rel="Stylesheet" id="linkestilo">   

    <!--Style to Tabs-->
    <link type="text/css" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/css/tabs/tabs.css" rel="Stylesheet" id="linkestilo">

	 $id = substr($url, 48);
	 $stage = Tstage_information::model()->findAllBySql('SELECT * FROM tstage_information WHERE idRider='.$id);		 		 
	 $labels = label::model()->findAllBySql('SELECT * FROM tlabel WHERE id_rider='.$id); 


	<div class="block0">
		<div class="about">			
			<?php foreach ($bandInfo as $data):?>
				<h2><?php echo $data->name_band; ?></h2>
				<?php echo $data->desc_band; ?><br><br>
				<div style="text-align:left;">
					<?php echo $data->genre_band; ?><br><br>
					<?php echo $data->page_band; ?><br>
					<?php echo $data->email_band; ?>
  * Standard block show method. It uses the renderform
  * class to render the login box
 public function show()
     $this->loadClass('label', 'htmlelements');
     $this->loadClass('textinput', 'htmlelements');
     $this->loadClass('button', 'htmlelements');
     $this->loadClass('form', 'htmlelements');
     $this->loadClass('htmlheading', 'htmlelements');
     $this->loadClass('link', 'htmlelements');
     $form = new form('elearnlogin', $this->uri(array('action' => 'login'), 'security'));
     $label = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_username', 'system', 'Username') . ':', 'username');
     $username = new textinput('username');
     $form->addToForm('<br />' . $username->show());
     $label = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_password', 'system', 'Password') . ':', 'username');
     $form->addToForm('<br />' . $label->show());
     $password = new textinput('password');
     $password->fldType = 'password';
     $form->addToForm('<br />' . $password->show());
     $button = new button('login', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_login', 'system', 'Login'));
     $form->addToForm('<br />' . $button->show());
     $str = $form->show();
     $str .= '<hr />';
     if ($this->objSysConfig->getValue('elearnlogin_forgotpassword', 'security', 'true') === 'true') {
         // JOC [[ Forgot your password OK
         $header = new htmlheading();
         $header->type = 5;
         $header->str = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_security_forgotyourpassword', 'security', 'Forgot your password') . '?';
         $str .= $header->show();
         // JOC [[ Yes, help me login OK
         $link = new link($this->uri(array('action' => 'needpassword')), 'security');
         $link->link = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_security_helpmelogin', 'security', 'Yes, help me login');
         $str .= '<p>' . $link->show() . '</p>';
     return $str;
Exemple #14
$validCanvases = array_map('basename', glob('usrfiles/context/' . $this->objContext->getContextCode() . '/canvases/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR));
$canvas = new dropdown('canvas');
//$status->setBreakSpace('<br />');
$canvas->addOption('None', 'None');
foreach ($validCanvases as $validCanvas) {
    $canvas->addOption($validCanvas, $validCanvas);
//$canvas->size = 50;
if ($mode == 'add' && is_array($fixup)) {
} else {
    if ($mode == 'edit') {
$canvasLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextadmin_theme', 'contextadmin', 'Theme'), 'input_canvas');
$status = new dropdown('status');
//$status->setBreakSpace('<br />');
$status->addOption('Published', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_published', 'system', 'Published'));
$status->addOption('Unpublished', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_unpublished', 'system', 'Unpublished'));
if ($mode == 'add' && is_array($fixup)) {
} else {
    if ($mode == 'edit') {
//$access = new hiddeninput('access', 'Private');
//} else {
if ($objSysConfig->getValue('context_access_private_only', 'context', 'false') == 'false') {
    $access = new radio('access');
Exemple #15
 protected function build()
     $sql = $this->get_par('datasource-sql');
     if (empty($sql)) {
         die('[ERROR] - Multibox ' . $this->id . ' - query builder assente');
     $sql = $this->replacePlaceholder($sql);
     $res = $this->db->exec_query($sql, null, 'ASSOC');
     if (empty($res)) {
     $mlt_tbl = $this->add(tag::create('table'));
     $val_from_db = array_key_exists($this->id, $_REQUEST) && is_array($_REQUEST[$this->id]) ? false : true;
     foreach ($res as $k => $cmp_raw) {
         if ($val_from_db) {
             $_REQUEST[$this->id][$cmp_raw['id']] = $cmp_raw['val'];
         $mlt_row = $mlt_tbl->add(tag::create('tr'));
         $cmp = $lbl = null;
         if (strlen($this->readonly) > 4) {
             $this->readonly = HelperOsy::exec_string(null, 'return ' . $this->readonly . ';');
         if ($this->readonly) {
             $cmp = tag::create('span');
             if ($cmp_raw['typ'] == 'CMB') {
                 $cmp_raw['val'] = label::getFromDatasource($cmp_raw['val'], $cmp_raw['sql_qry'], $this->db);
         } else {
             $is_req = $cmp_raw['is_req'];
             $cmp_nam = "{$this->id}[{$cmp_raw['id']}]";
             switch ($cmp_raw['typ']) {
                 case 'DAT':
                     $cmp = new DateBox($cmp_nam);
                     $cmp->par('date-format', 'dd/mm/yyyy');
                 case 'TXT':
                 case 'NUM':
                     $cmp = new TextBox($cmp_nam);
                     if ($cmp_raw['typ'] == 'NUM') {
                         $cmp->att('class', 'numeric', true);
                     } else {
                         $cmp->att('class', 'text', true);
                 case 'CMB':
                     $cmp = new ComboBox($cmp_nam);
                     //echo $cmp_raw['sql_qry'];
                     $cmp->par('datasource-sql', HelperOsy::replaceVariable($cmp_raw['sql_qry']));
             $cmp->att('label', $cmp_raw['nam']);
             if (!empty($is_req)) {
                 $lbl = '(*) ';
                 $cmp->att('class', 'is-request', true);
         if (!is_null($cmp)) {
             $lbl = "<label class=\"multibox\">{$lbl}{$cmp_raw['nam']}</label>";
             $mlt_row->add(new Tag('td'))->add($lbl);
             $mlt_row->add(new Tag('td'))->add($cmp);
} else {
    echo '<h1>Forgot your Password</h1>';
echo '<p>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_security_forgotpasswordprocess', 'security', 'If you have forgotten your password, please complete the form below. We will generate a NEW password for you to use, and send it to your email address.') . '</p>';
$this->loadClass('form', 'htmlelements');
$this->loadClass('textinput', 'htmlelements');
$this->loadClass('label', 'htmlelements');
$this->loadClass('button', 'htmlelements');
$form = new form('requestpassword', $this->uri(array('action' => 'needpasswordconfirm')));
$username = new textinput('request_username');
$usernameLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_username'), 'input_request_username');
$email = new textinput('request_email');
$emailLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_emailaddress'), 'input_request_email');
$objCaptcha = $this->getObject('captcha', 'utilities');
$captcha = new textinput('request_captcha');
$captchaLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_verifyrequest', 'security', 'Verify Request'), 'input_request_captcha');
$table = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
$table->addCell($usernameLabel->show(), 100);
$redrawButton = new button('redraw', 'Redraw', 'redraw();');
Exemple #17
    case 'nofoldernameprovided':
        $folderContent .= '<span class="error">' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_folderwasnotcreatednoname', 'filemanager', 'Folder was not created. No name provided') . '</span>';
    case 'illegalcharacters':
        $folderContent .= '<span class="error">' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_folderwasnotcreatedillegalchars', 'filemanager', 'Folder was not created. Folders cannot contain any of the following characters') . ': \\ / : * ? &quot; &lt; &gt; |</span>';
echo '<h1>' . $folderpath . '</h1>';
$folderActions = "";
if ($folder['folderlevel'] != 2 && $folderPermission) {
    $form = new form('formrenamefolder', $this->uri(array('action' => 'renamefolder')));
    $objInputFolder = new hiddeninput('folder', $folderId);
    $label = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_nameoffolder', 'filemanager') . ': ', 'input_foldername');
    $textinput = new textinput('foldername', $folderpath);
    $form->addToForm($label->show() . $textinput->show());
    $buttonSubmit = new button('renamefoldersubmit', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_renamefolder', 'filemanager'));
    $form->addToForm('&nbsp;' . $buttonSubmit->show() . '<br/><div class="warning">' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_renamewarning', 'filemanager') . '</div>');
    $fieldset = new fieldset();
    $fieldset->setLegend($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_renamefolder', 'filemanager'));
    $folderActions .= '<span id="renamefolder" style="display: xnone;">' . $fieldset->show() . '<br /></span>';
    $objAccess = $this->getObject("folderaccess", "filemanager");
    $accessContent = $objAccess->createAccessControlForm($folder['id']);
    $folderActions .= '<span id="accessfolder" >' . $accessContent . '<br /></span>';
    $alertContent = $objAccess->createAlertsForm($folder['id']);
    $folderActions .= '<span id="alertsfolder" >' . $alertContent . '<br /></span>';
 protected function backup_course_sections($details)
     foreach ($details->sections as $key => $section) {
         $included = $key . '_included';
         if (!$section->settings[$included]) {
         $userinfo = $key . '_userinfo';
         if ($section->settings[$userinfo]) {
             $userinfo = label::yes();
         } else {
             $userinfo = label::no();
         $form_section = $this->backup_detail_item('includeuserinfo', $userinfo);
         $table = null;
         foreach ($details->activities as $activitykey => $activity) {
             if ($activity->sectionid != $section->sectionid) {
             if (empty($table)) {
                 $table = new html_table();
                 $table->head = array('Module', 'Title', 'Userinfo');
                 //TODO: the above aren't translateable, see MDL-37211
                 $table->colclasses = array('modulename', 'moduletitle', 'userinfoincluded');
                 $table->align = array('left', 'left', 'center');
                 $table->attributes = array('class' => 'table table-striped');
                 $table->data = array();
             $name = get_string('pluginname', $activity->modulename);
             $icon = new pix_icon('icon', $name, $activity->modulename);
             $table->data[] = array($this->output->render($icon) . '&nbsp;' . $name, $activity->title, $activity->settings[$activitykey . '_userinfo'] ? label::yes() : label::no());
         if (!empty($table)) {
             $form_section .= form::row(get_string('sectionactivities', 'backup'), html_writer::table($table));
         $out[] = form::section(get_string('backupcoursesection', 'backup', $section->title), $form_section);
     return implode($out);
if ($howcreated == 'LDAP') {
    $textinput->extra .= ' disabled="disabled"';
    $passMsg = '<span id="leaveblank" style="display:none;">' . $leaveblank . '</span>';
    $ldapMsg = '<span id="ldappass">' . $ldappass . '</span>';
} else {
    $passMsg = '<span id="leaveblank">' . $leaveblank . '</span>';
    $ldapMsg = '<span id="ldappass" style="display:none;">' . $ldappass . '</span>';
$table->addCell($textinput->show() . ' - ' . $passMsg . $ldapMsg);
// Repeat Password
$label = new label('Repeat Password', 'input_useradmin_repeatpassword');
$textinput = new textinput('useradmin_repeatpassword');
$textinput->fldType = 'password';
$textinput->size = 15;
$textinput->extra = ' autocomplete="off"';
if ($howcreated == 'LDAP') {
    $textinput->extra .= ' disabled="disabled"';
$button = new button('submitform', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_useradmin_updatedetails', 'useradmin', 'Update Details'));
// $button->setOnClick('validateForm()');
Exemple #20
$cadd = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
$cadd->cellpadding = 3;
//IP textfield
$ciplabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_cache_ip', 'cache') . ':', 'input_ip');
$ip = new textinput('ip');
$ip->extra = ' style="width:50%;" ';
if (isset($cache['ip'])) {
    $ip->setValue(htmlentities($cache['ip'], ENT_QUOTES));
$plabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_cache_port', 'cache') . ':', 'input_port');
$port = new textinput('port');
$port->extra = ' style="width:50%;" ';
if (isset($cache['port'])) {
//end off the form and add the buttons
$this->objCButton = new button($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_save', 'system'));
$this->objCButton->setValue($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_save', 'system'));
Exemple #21
// email
$friendemail = new textinput('friend_email');
$friendemailLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('friendemail', 'userregistration') . '&nbsp;', 'input_friendemail');
$table->addCell($friendemailLabel->show(), 150, NULL, 'right');
$table->addCell('&nbsp;', 5);
$table->addCell($friendemail->show() . $required);
// message to include to mate
$defmsg = $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_userregistration_wordhi", "userregistration") . ", <br /><br /> " . $this->objUser->username() . " " . $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_userregistration_hasinvited", "userregistration") . " " . $this->objConfig->getSiteName() . "! <br /><br /> " . $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_userregistration_pleaseclick", "userregistration") . "<br />";
$friendmsg = $this->newObject('htmlarea', 'htmlelements');
$friendmsg->name = 'friend_msg';
$friendmsg->value = $defmsg;
$friendmsg->width = '50%';
$friendmsgLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('friendmessage', 'userregistration') . '&nbsp;', 'input_friendmsg');
$table->addCell($friendmsgLabel->show(), 150, NULL, 'right');
$table->addCell('&nbsp;', 5);
$friendmsg->toolbarSet = 'simple';
$fieldset = $this->newObject('fieldset', 'htmlelements');
$fieldset->legend = '';
// $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_invitefriend', 'userregistration');
$fieldset->contents = $table->show();
// add the form to the fieldset
$button = new button('submitform', $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_userregistration_completeinvite", "userregistration"));
$form->addToForm('<p align="center"><br />' . $button->show() . '</p>');
$middleColumnContent .= $form->show();
$fieldset = $this->newObject('fieldset', 'htmlelements');
$fieldset->legend = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_userdetails', 'userregistration', 'User Details');
$fieldset->contents = $table->show();
$form->addToForm('<br />');
// Email Address
$table = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
$email = new textinput('register_email');
$emailLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_email', 'system', 'Email'), 'input_register_email');
$confirmEmail = new textinput('register_confirmemail');
$confirmEmailLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_confirmemail', 'system', 'Confirm Email'), 'input_register_confirmemail');
$emailInfoLabel = new label('Please Enter a Valid Email Address', 'input_register_email');
if ($mode == 'addfixup') {
    $email->value = $this->getParam('register_email');
    $confirmEmail->value = $this->getParam('register_confirmemail');
if (isset($userstring[2]) && $mode == 'add') {
    $email->value = $userstring[2];
    $confirmEmail->value = $userstring[2];
$table->addCell($emailInfoLabel->show(), 150, NULL, 'right');
$table->addCell('&nbsp;', 10);
$table->addCell($emailLabel->show() . $required . '<br />' . $email->show(), '20%');
$table->addCell($confirmEmailLabel->show() . $required . '<br />' . $confirmEmail->show());
$fieldset = $this->newObject('fieldset', 'htmlelements');
$fieldset->legend = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_emailaddress', 'system', 'Email Address');
$groupDropdown->addOption('all', 'All groups');
$groups = array("Lecturers", "Students", "Guest");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($groups); $i++) {
    $groupDropdown->addOption($groups[$i], $groups[$i]);
$table->addCell($label2->show() . $groupDropdown->show() . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $label->show() . $courseDropdown->show());
$orderLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextgroups_orderresultsby', 'contextgroups') . ': ', 'input_order');
$searchdropdown->name = 'order';
$searchdropdown->cssId = 'input_order';
$label = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextgroups_noofresults', 'contextgroups') . ': ', 'input_results');
$dropdown = new dropdown('results');
$dropdown->addOption('20', '20');
$dropdown->addOption('30', '30');
$dropdown->addOption('50', '50');
$dropdown->addOption('75', '75');
$dropdown->addOption('100', '100');
//$dropdown->addOption('all', 'All Results');
$table->addCell($orderLabel->show() . $searchdropdown->show() . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $label->show() . $dropdown->show());
$button = new button('searchbutton');
$button->value = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_search');
  * Short description for function
  * Long description (if any) ...
  * @param  unknown $folderId Parameter description (if any) ...
  * @return object  Return description (if any) ...
  * @access public
 function showCreateFolderForm($folderId)
     $folderPath = $this->getFolderPath($folderId);
     if ($folderPath == FALSE) {
         return '';
     $folderParts = explode('/', $folderPath);
     $form = new form('createfolder', $this->uri(array('action' => 'createfolder')));
     $label = new label('Create a subfolder in: ', 'input_parentfolder');
     $form->addToForm($label->show() . '<br/>' . $this->getTree($folderParts[0], $folderParts[1], 'htmldropdown', $folderId));
     $textinput = new textinput('foldername');
     $label = new label('Name of Folder: ', 'input_foldername');
     $form->addToForm('<br/>' . $label->show() . '<br/>' . $textinput->show() . '&nbsp;');
     $button = new button('create', 'Create Folder');
     $form->addToForm('<br/>' . $button->show());
     return $form->show();
Exemple #25
    //Set the value of the element to $pname
    if (isset($pname)) {
    $txtToShow = $objElement->show() . $pname;
} else {
    // We are adding.
    if (isset($pname)) {
    $txtToShow = $objElement->show();
//Add the $pname element to the form
$objForm->addToForm($pnameLabel->show() . ": " . $txtToShow . "<br />");
//Create label for the input of ptag
$ptagLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_userparamsadmin_pvalue", 'userparamsadmin'), "input_ptag");
//Create an element for the input of ptag
$objElement = new textinput("ptag");
//Set the value of the element to $ptag
if (isset($ptag)) {
//Add the $ptag element to the form
$objForm->addToForm($ptagLabel->show() . ": " . $objElement->show() . "<br />");
$commaWarn = "<div class='warning'>" . $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_userparams_nocommas", 'userparamsadmin') . "</div>";
// Create an instance of the button object
$this->loadClass('button', 'htmlelements');
// Create a submit button
$objElement = new button('submit');
Exemple #26
foreach ($condition->objConditionType->getAll() as $option) {
    $ddbType->addOption($option['name'], $option['name']);
$ddbType->extra = 'onChange="javascript:document.frmCond[\'button\'].value=\'save\';document.frmCond.submit();"';
$lnkSave = $this->newObject('link', 'htmlelements');
$lnkSave->href = "#";
$lnkSave->extra = 'onclick="javascript:document.frmCond[\'button\'].value=\'save\';document.frmCond.submit();"';
$lnkSave->link = $this->objLanguage->languageText("word_save");
$lnkBack = $this->newObject('link', 'htmlelements');
$lnkBack->href = '#';
$lnkBack->extra = 'onclick="javascript:document.frmCond[\'button\'].value=\'cancel\';document.frmCond.submit();"';
$lnkBack->link = $this->objLanguage->languageText("word_back");
$arrControls = array($lnkSave->show(), $lnkBack->show());
$lblConditionType = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_contextpermissions_lblConditionType', 'contextpermissions');
$objLabel = new label($lblConditionType, 'input_type');
$lblType = $objLabel->show();
$frmCond = $this->newObject('form', 'htmlelements');
$frmCond->name = 'frmCond';
$frmCond->displayType = '3';
$frmCond->action = $this->uri(array('action' => 'condition_form'));
$frmCond->addToForm("<input type=hidden name=button value=''>\n");
$frmCond->addToForm("<input type=hidden name=id value={$id}>\n");
$frmCond->addToForm("<DIV id=blog-content>\n");
$frmCond->addToForm("    <DIV id=formline>\n");
$frmCond->addToForm("        <DIV id=formlabel>{$lblType}</DIV>\n");
$frmCond->addToForm("        <DIV id=formelement>" . $ddbType->show() . "</DIV>\n");
$frmCond->addToForm("    </DIV>\n");
$frmCond->addToForm("    <DIV id=formline>\n");
$frmCond->addToForm("        <DIV id=formlabel>{$lblName}</DIV>\n");
$frmCond->addToForm("        <DIV id=formelement>{$element}</DIV>\n");
$selectModuleLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextcontent_selectmodule', 'contextcontent', "Select module");
/* * ** start date & time *** */
// Set start date of test
$startField = $objPopupcal->show('startdate', 'yes', 'no', strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', mktime()));
$objLabel = new label($startLabel . ':', 'input_start');
//  $objLabel->show(),
// $startField
// Set closing date of test
$closeField = $objPopupcal->show('enddate', 'yes', 'no', strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', mktime()));
$objLabel = new label($closeLabel . ':', 'input_close');
  $objElement = new checkbox('studentsonly', '', true);  // this will checked
  $check = $objElement->show();
Exemple #28
 private function create_node_course_modules_mod()
     $labels = new label();
     $resources = new resource();
     $forums = new forum();
     $quiz = new quiz();
     self::log_action('Creating node: COURSE/MODULES/MOD');
     // LABELS
     $node_course_modules_mod_label = $labels->generate_node();
     $node_course_modules_mod_resource = $resources->generate_node();
     // FORUMS
     $node_course_modules_mod_forum = $forums->generate_node();
     // QUIZ
     $node_course_modules_mod_quiz = $quiz->generate_node_course_modules_mod();
     $node_course_modules = $node_course_modules_mod_label . $node_course_modules_mod_resource . $node_course_modules_mod_forum . $node_course_modules_mod_quiz;
     return $node_course_modules;
Exemple #29
//Set the field type to hidden for the primary key
$objElement->fldType = "hidden";
//Add the hidden PK field to the form
//Create label for input of category
$catLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText("word_category"), "input_category");
//Create an element for the input of category
$objCat = new textinput("category");
$catMiss = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_storycategory_catmiss', "storycategoryadmin");
$objForm->addRule('category', $catMiss, 'required');
//Set the value of the element to $category
if (isset($category)) {
//Create label for the input of title
$titLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText("word_title"), "input_title");
//Create an element for the input of title
$objTit = new textinput("title");
$titMiss = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_storycategory_titmiss', "storycategoryadmin");
$objForm->addRule('title', $titMiss, 'required');
//Set the width
$objTit->size = 70;
//Set the value of the element to $title
if (isset($title)) {
//Create an instance of the fieldset object
$objFieldset = $this->getObject('fieldset', 'htmlelements');
$objFieldset->legend = $fieldsetLabel;
$objFieldset->contents = "<table><tr><td align=\"right\">" . $catLabel->show() . ": </td><td>" . $objCat->show() . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td align=\"right\">" . $titLabel->show() . ": </td><td>" . $objTit->show() . "</td></tr></table>";
//Add the fieldset to the form
  * Render a login box
  * @param string $module The module we are in or will go to
  * @param boolean $ajaxLogin Whether or not to do ajax login
  * @return string The login box
  * @access public
 public function renderLoginBox($module = NULL, $ajaxLogin = FALSE)
     try {
         // Determine if we need to use https
         $useHTTPS = $this->objSysConfig->getValue('MOD_SECURITY_HTTPS', 'security');
         // Set the formaction depending on whether it is going to use ajax or not.
         if (!$ajaxLogin) {
             // Set the action for the login form depending on if there is a module or not.
             if ($module != NULL) {
                 $formAction = $this->uri(array('action' => 'login', 'mod' => $module), 'security');
             } else {
                 $formAction = $this->uri(array('action' => 'login'), 'login');
             if ($useHTTPS == '1' || $useHTTPS == 'TRUE') {
                 $formAction = str_replace("http:", "https:", $formAction);
         } else {
             // We want an ajax login.
             $formAction = 'javascript:void(0);';
         // Create a Form object.
         $objForm = new form('loginform', $formAction);
         $objFields = new fieldset();
         $objFields->setLegend(' ');
         //--Create an element for the username
         $objInput = new textinput('username', '', 'text', '15');
         $objInput->extra = 'maxlength="255"';
         $objInput->setCss('required minlength(2)');
         $objLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_username') . ': ', 'input_username');
         //Add the username box to the form
         $objFields->addContent($objLabel->show() . '<br />');
         $objFields->addContent($objInput->show() . '<br />');
         //--- Create an element for the password
         $objInput = new textinput('password', '', 'password', '15');
         $objInput->extra = 'maxlength="255"';
         $objLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_password') . ': ', 'input_password');
         $objFields->addContent($objLabel->show() . '<br />');
         //--- Create an element for the network login radio
         $objElement = new checkbox("useLdap");
         $objElement->label = $this->objLanguage->languageText("phrase_networkid") . ' ';
         $ldap = '';
         $objSysConfig = $this->getObject('dbsysconfig', 'sysconfig');
         $showLDAPCheckBox = $objSysConfig->getValue('show_ldap_checkbox', 'security');
         // Get a nonce
         $objNonce = $this->getObject('nonce', 'login');
         $nonce = $objNonce->storeNonce();
         // Create a hidden field for the nonce
         $objNonce = new hiddeninput('nonce', $nonce);
         $objNonce->extra = ' id=\'nonce\'';
         $nonce = $objNonce->show();
         //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Checking this is a violation of the principle of chain of responsiblity @todo fix it
         if ($this->objConfig->getuseLDAP() && $showLDAPCheckBox == 'true') {
             $ldap .= $objElement->label . ' ' . $objElement->show();
         //--- Create an element for the remember me checkbox
         $objRElement = new checkbox("remember");
         $objRElement->setCSS("transparentbgnb noborder");
         $objRElement->label = $this->objLanguage->languageText("phrase_rememberme", "security");
         $rem = $objRElement->show() . "<br />";
         //--- Create a submit button
         $objButton = new button('submit', $this->objLanguage->languageText("word_login"));
         // Add the login icon
         // Set the button type to submit
         // Give the button an ID for jQuery to grab.
         // Add the button to the form ----------------------------------------------------------- Note LDAP breaks the COR pattern
         $objFields->addContent($ldap . '<br />' . $nonce . $rem . "<div class='loginbuttonwrap'>" . $objButton->show() . '</div>');
         $helpText = strtoupper($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_help', 'system'));
         $helpIcon = $this->objHelp->show('register', 'useradmin', $helpText);
         $resetLink = new Link($this->uri(array('action' => 'needpassword'), 'security'));
         $resetLink->link = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_security_forgotpassword');
         // the help link
         $p = '<br/>' . $resetLink->show() . '<br />' . $helpIcon;
         return '<div id="login_block_wrapper">' . $objForm->show() . '</div>';
     } catch (Exception $e) {