/** * Dump information about a variable * * @param mixed $data,... * @access public * @static */ function dump($data) { // disabled ? // if (!krumo::_debug()) { return false; } // more arguments ? // if (func_num_args() > 1) { $_ = func_get_args(); foreach ($_ as $d) { krumo::dump($d); } return; } // the css ? // krumo::_css(); // find caller // DEVEL: we added array_reverse() so the proper file+line number is found. $_ = array_reverse(debug_backtrace()); while ($d = array_pop($_)) { // DEVEL: changed if() condition below if (strpos(@$d['file'], 'devel') === FALSE && strpos(@$d['file'], 'krumo') === FALSE && @$d['class'] != 'krumo') { break; } } // the content // ?> <div class="krumo-root"> <ul class="krumo-node krumo-first"> <?php echo krumo::_dump($data); ?> <li class="krumo-footnote"> <div class="krumo-version" style="white-space:nowrap;"> <h6>Krumo version <?php echo krumo::version(); ?> </h6> | <a href="http://krumo.sourceforge.net" target="_blank">http://krumo.sourceforge.net</a> </div> <?php if (@$d['file']) { ?> <span class="krumo-call" style="white-space:nowrap;"> Called from <code><?php echo $d['file']; ?> </code>, line <code><?php echo $d['line']; ?> </code></span> <?php } ?> </li> </ul> </div> <?php // flee the hive // $_recursion_marker = krumo::_marker(); if ($hive =& krumo::_hive($dummy)) { foreach ($hive as $i => $bee) { if (is_object($bee)) { unset($hive[$i]->{$_recursion_marker}); } else { unset($hive[$i][$_recursion_marker]); } } } // PHP 4.x.x array reference bug... // if (is_array($data) && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5", "<")) { unset($GLOBALS[krumo::_marker()]); } }
/** * Dump information about a variable * * @param mixed $data,... * @access public * @static */ public static function dump($data, $second = '') { if (Krumo::is_cli()) { print_r($data); exit; } static $setheader = null; if (empty($setheader) && ($setheader = 1)) { try { @header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); } catch (Exception $e) { } } // If we're capturing call dump() with just data and capture the output if ($second === KRUMO_RETURN) { ob_start(); Krumo::dump($data); $str = ob_get_clean(); return $str; // If we were given expand all, set the global variable } elseif ($second === KRUMO_EXPAND_ALL) { self::$expand_all = true; Krumo::dump($data); return true; } $clearObjectRecursionProtection = false; if (self::$objectRecursionProtection === NULL) { self::$objectRecursionProtection = array(); $clearObjectRecursionProtection = true; } // disabled if (!Krumo::_debug()) { return false; } // more arguments if (func_num_args() > 1) { $_ = func_get_args(); foreach ($_ as $d) { Krumo::dump($d); } return; } // find caller $_ = debug_backtrace(); while ($d = array_pop($_)) { $callback = self::$lineNumberTestCallback; $function = strToLower($d['function']); if (in_array($function, array("krumo", "k", "kd")) || strToLower(@$d['class']) == 'krumo' || is_callable($callback) && $callback($d)) { break; } } $showVersion = Krumo::_config('display', 'show_version', TRUE); $showCallInfo = Krumo::_config('display', 'show_call_info', TRUE); $krumoUrl = 'https://github.com/oodle/krumo'; ////////////////////// // Start HTML header// ////////////////////// print "<div class=\"krumo-root\">\n"; print "\t<ul class=\"krumo-node krumo-first\">\n"; // The actual item itself ob_start(); print Krumo::_dump($data); print str_replace(ROOT, '~', ob_get_clean()); if ($showVersion || $showCallInfo) { print "\t\t<li class=\"krumo-footnote\" onDblClick=\"toggle_expand_all();\">\n"; if ($showCallInfo && isset($d['file']) && $d['file']) { print "<span class=\"krumo-call\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">"; print "Called from <strong><code>" . str_replace(ROOT, '~', $d['file']) . "</code></strong>, "; print "line <strong><code>" . $d['line'] . "</code></strong></span>"; print "<span class=\"krumo-call\"> { Time: " . number_format(microtime(true) - LARAVEL_START, 3) . 's }</span>'; } if ($showVersion && 0) { $version = krumo::version(); print "<span class=\"krumo-version\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">\n"; print "<strong class=\"krumo-version-number\">Krumo version {$version}</strong> | <a href=\"{$krumoUrl}\" target=\"_blank\">{$krumoUrl}</a>\n"; print "</span>\n"; } print "</li>"; } print "</ul></div>\n"; print "<!-- Krumo - HTML -->\n\n"; // Output the CSS and JavaScript AFTER the HTML krumo::_css(); //////////////////// // End HTML header// //////////////////// // flee the hive $_recursion_marker = Krumo::_marker(); if ($hive =& Krumo::_hive($dummy)) { foreach ($hive as $i => $bee) { if (is_object($bee)) { if (($hash = spl_object_hash($bee)) && isset(self::$objectRecursionProtection[$hash])) { unset(self::$objectRecursionProtection[$hash]); } } elseif (isset($hive[$i]->{$_recursion_marker})) { unset($hive[$i][$_recursion_marker]); } } } if ($clearObjectRecursionProtection) { self::$objectRecursionProtection = NULL; } // End of dump() }
/** * Dump information about a variable * * @param mixed $data,... * @access public * @static */ public static function dump($data) { // disabled ? // if (!krumo::_debug()) { return false; } // more arguments ? // if (func_num_args() > 1) { $_ = func_get_args(); foreach ($_ as $d) { krumo::dump($d); } return; } // the css ? // krumo::_css(); // find caller // $_ = debug_backtrace(); while ($d = array_pop($_)) { if (strToLower($d['function']) == 'krumo' || strToLower(@$d['class']) == 'krumo') { break; } } // the content // ?> <div class="krumo-root"> <ul class="krumo-node krumo-first"> <?php echo krumo::_dump($data); ?> <li class="krumo-footnote"> <div class="krumo-version" style="white-space:nowrap;"> <h6>腾迅微博API,PHP SDK <?php echo krumo::version(); ?> </h6> | <a href="http://t.177wan.com/qq" target="_blank">http://t.177wan.com</a> </div> <?php if (@$d['file']) { ?> <span class="krumo-call" style="white-space:nowrap;"> Called from <code><?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> </code>, line <code><?php echo $d['line']; ?> </code></span> <?php } ?> </li> </ul> </div> <?php // flee the hive // $_recursion_marker = krumo::_marker(); if ($hive =& krumo::_hive($dummy)) { foreach ($hive as $i => $bee) { if (is_object($bee)) { unset($hive[$i]->{$_recursion_marker}); } else { unset($hive[$i][$_recursion_marker]); } } } // PHP 4.x.x array reference bug... // if (is_array($data) && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5", "<")) { unset($GLOBALS[krumo::_marker()]); } }
/** * Dump information about a variable * * @param mixed $data,... * @access public * @static */ public static function dump($data, $capture = '') { // If we're capturing call dump() with just data and capture the output if ($capture === KRUMO_CAPTURE) { ob_start(); krumo::dump($data); $str = ob_get_clean(); return $str; } $clearObjectRecursionProtection = false; if (self::$objectRecursionProtection === NULL) { self::$objectRecursionProtection = array(); $clearObjectRecursionProtection = true; } // disabled if (!krumo::_debug()) { return false; } // more arguments if (func_num_args() > 1) { $_ = func_get_args(); foreach ($_ as $d) { krumo::dump($d); } return; } // the css krumo::_css(); // find caller $_ = debug_backtrace(); while ($d = array_pop($_)) { $callback = self::$lineNumberTestCallback; $function = strToLower($d['function']); if (in_array($function, array("krumo", "k", "kd")) || strToLower(@$d['class']) == 'krumo' || is_callable($callback) && $callback($d)) { break; } } $showVersion = krumo::_config('display', 'show_version', TRUE); $showCallInfo = krumo::_config('display', 'show_call_info', TRUE); $krumoUrl = 'https://github.com/oodle/krumo'; ////////////////////// // Start HTML header// ////////////////////// print "<div class=\"krumo-root\">\n"; print "\t<ul class=\"krumo-node krumo-first\">\n"; // The actual item itself print krumo::_dump($data); if ($showVersion || $showCallInfo) { print "\t\t<li class=\"krumo-footnote\">\n"; if ($showVersion) { $version = krumo::version(); print "<div class=\"krumo-version\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">\n"; print "<h6>Krumo version {$version}</h6> | <a href=\"{$krumoUrl}\"\ttarget=\"_blank\">{$krumoUrl}</a>\n"; print "</div>\n"; } if ($showCallInfo && isset($d['file']) && $d['file']) { print "<span class=\"krumo-call\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">"; print "Called from <code>" . $d['file'] . "</code>, "; print "line <code>" . $d['line'] . "</code></span>"; } print "</li>"; } print "</ul></div>\n"; print "<!-- Krumo - HTML -->\n\n"; //////////////////// // End HTML header// //////////////////// // flee the hive $_recursion_marker = krumo::_marker(); if ($hive =& krumo::_hive($dummy)) { foreach ($hive as $i => $bee) { if (is_object($bee)) { if (($hash = spl_object_hash($bee)) && isset(self::$objectRecursionProtection[$hash])) { unset(self::$objectRecursionProtection[$hash]); } } elseif (isset($hive[$i]->{$_recursion_marker})) { unset($hive[$i][$_recursion_marker]); } } } if ($clearObjectRecursionProtection) { self::$objectRecursionProtection = NULL; } // End of dump() }