Exemple #1
 public function run()
     if (!empty($_GET['presentation']) && $_GET['presentation'] == 'calendar') {
         $this->presentationMode = 'calendar';
     } else {
         $this->presentationMode = 'timeline';
     $orderBy = 'ASC';
     $start = NULL;
     if (isset($_GET['day']) && !empty($_GET['day'])) {
         $this->filter['day'] = $this->clearContent($_GET['day']);
     if (isset($_GET['filterTags']) && !empty($_GET['filterTags'])) {
         $this->filter['tags'] = $_GET['filterTags'];
         # Becomes escaped in model
     if (isset($_GET['filterKeyword']) && !empty($_GET['filterKeyword'])) {
         $this->filter['keyword'] = $this->clearContent($_GET['filterKeyword']);
     if (isset($_GET['filterBezirke']) && !empty($_GET['filterBezirke'])) {
         $this->filter['bezirke'] = $_GET['filterBezirke'];
         # Becomes escaped in model
     if (isset($_GET['timespan']) && !empty($_GET['timespan'])) {
         # Input: ...?timespan=02.16-05.16
         $timespan = explode('-', $this->clearContent($_GET['timespan']));
         $begin = explode('.', $timespan[0]);
         $end = explode('.', $timespan[1]);
         $start = array('0' => array('date' => (new \DateTime($begin[1] . '-' . $begin[0] . '-01'))->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), 'operator' => '>='), '1' => array('date' => (new \DateTime(date('Y-m-t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $end[0] - 1, 1, $end[1]))))->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59'), 'operator' => '<='));
     if (!empty($this->filter)) {
         $orderBy = 'DESC';
     // Paginator (will be replaced by AJAX-calls)
     $explodedPath = explode('/', $this->clearContent(current_path()));
     $currentPageNr = $explodedPath[1] == '' ? '1' : $explodedPath[1];
     if (empty($start) && empty($this->filter)) {
         if ($explodedPath[1] == 'old') {
             $start = array('0' => array('date' => (new \DateTime(date()))->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), 'operator' => '<'));
             $orderBy = 'DESC';
             $this->getOldEvents = 1;
             drupal_set_title(t('Vergangene Events'));
         } else {
             $start = array('0' => array('date' => (new \DateTime(date()))->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), 'operator' => '>='));
     $resultTags = $this->tags->getTags('events');
     $resultBezirke = $this->getAllBezirke('events');
     if (!empty($this->filter)) {
         $resultEvents = $this->events->getEvents(array('filter' => $this->filter, 'start' => $start), $this->presentationMode == 'calendar' ? 'EID' : 'normal', false, $orderBy);
     } else {
         if ($this->isBlock) {
             $resultEvents = $this->events->getEvents(array('FID' => $_SESSION['fid']), $this->presentationMode == 'calendar' ? 'EID' : 'complete', false, $orderBy);
             # 2b improved soon
         } else {
             if ($this->presentationMode != 'calendar') {
                 $resultEvents = $this->events->getEvents(array('start' => $start), 'complete', false, $orderBy);
     if ($this->presentationMode == 'calendar') {
         include_once $this->modulePath . '/kalender.php';
         // New: We allow calendar-results to become filtered as well...
         $kal = new kalender(isset($resultEvents) ? empty($resultEvents) ? 'empty' : $resultEvents : null);
         $resultKalender = $kal->show();
     /*else if ($this->presentationMode == 'map'){
        // New feature: Look for all events (&akteure) in radius of 20Km
        // MAY BE USED IN FUTURE TIMES TO GENERATE new/interesting spots in location and send them by mail
        if (empty($_GET['geodata'] || !isset($_GET['geodata']))) {
        $userLocation = explode(',', $this->clearContent($_GET['geodata']));
        $collectedADIDs = array();
        $distance = 2; // Distance-radius in km
        $resultLocations = db_query('SELECT `ADID`, (6371 * acos( cos( radians( :lat) ) * cos( radians( `gps_lat` ) ) * cos( radians( `gps_long` ) - radians(:lng) ) + sin( radians(:lat) ) * sin( radians( `gps_lat` ) ) ) ) AS distance
         FROM `aae_data_adresse` HAVING distance <= :distance
         ORDER BY distance ASC', array(':distance' => $distance, ':lat' => $userLocation[0] , ':lng' => $userLocation[1] ))->fetchAll();
        echo '<br />'.count($resultLocations);
        foreach ($resultLocations as $location){
         $collectedADIDs[$location->ADID] = $location->ADID;
        $resultEventsInRadius = $this->events->getEvents(array('start' => $start, 'ort' => $collectedADIDs), 'complete');
        $js = 'var addressPoints = [';
        foreach ($resultLocations as $location) {
         if (!empty($akteur->gps)) {
          $beschreibung = (!empty($akteur->kurzbeschreibung)) ? ' - '.$akteur->kurzbeschreibung.'...' : '';
          $js .= '['.$akteur->gps.',"<a href=\''.base_path().'akteurprofil/'.$akteur->AID.'\'>'.$akteur->name.'</a>'.strip_tags($beschreibung, '<p>').'"],';
        $js .= '];';
        drupal_add_js($js, 'inline');
        // Needed to add Map-Files:
        $this->addMapContent('','',array('something' => 'bla'));
       } */
     $resultTagCloud = db_query_range('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, s.KID, s.kategorie FROM {aae_data_sparte} s INNER JOIN {aae_data_event_hat_sparte} hs ON s.KID = hs.hat_KID GROUP BY hs.hat_KID HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 ORDER BY count DESC', 0, 10);
     $itemsCount = db_query("SELECT COUNT(EID) AS count FROM " . $this->tbl_event)->fetchField();
     $festivals = db_select($this->tbl_festival, 'f')->fields('f', array('name', 'alias'))->execute()->fetchAll();
     // Ausgabe der Events
     // Aktiviert "Render"-modus
     if ($this->isBlock) {
         // TODO: Interact with festivals-class
         drupal_add_js($this->themePath . '/js/CountUp.js');
         include_once $this->themePath . '/templates/festival_events_block.tpl.php';
         echo ob_get_clean();
     } else {
         include_once path_to_theme() . '/templates/events.tpl.php';
         return ob_get_clean();
         // Übergabe des gerenderten "events.tpl"