function bitcoin_link($params)
    # Gateway Specific Variables
    $u = $params['username'];
    $p = $params['password'];
    $h = $params['host'] . ':' . $params['port'];
    $rpc = 'http://' . $u . ':' . $p . '@' . $h;
    # Invoice Variables
    $invoiceid = $params['invoiceid'];
    $amount = $params['amount'];
    # Format: ##.##
    $currency = $params['currency'];
    # Currency Code
    # Client Variables
    $firstname = $params['clientdetails']['firstname'];
    $lastname = $params['clientdetails']['lastname'];
    $email = $params['clientdetails']['email'];
    $address1 = $params['clientdetails']['address1'];
    $address2 = $params['clientdetails']['address2'];
    $city = $params['clientdetails']['city'];
    $state = $params['clientdetails']['state'];
    $postcode = $params['clientdetails']['postcode'];
    $country = $params['clientdetails']['country'];
    $phone = $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber'];
    # Build Bitcoin Information Here
    require_once 'bitcoin/jsonRPCClient.php';
    $bitcoin = new jsonRPCClient($rpc);
    if (!$bitcoin->getinfo()) {
        die('could not connect to bitcoind');
    $address = $bitcoin->getaccountaddress($params['clientdetails']['userid'] . '-' . $invoiceid);
    # Enter your code submit to the gateway...
    $code = 'Send Payments to: ' . $address . '';
    return $code;
Exemple #2
 public function confirm_sent()
     $order_id = $this->session->data['order_id'];
     $order = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($order_id);
     $current_default_currency = $this->config->get('config_currency');
     $eMark_DEM_decimal = $this->config->get('eMark_DEM_decimal');
     $eMark_total = $order['eMark_total'];
     $eMark_address = $order['eMark_address'];
     require_once 'jsonRPCClient.php';
     $eMark = new jsonRPCClient('http://' . $this->config->get('eMark_rpc_username') . ':' . $this->config->get('eMark_rpc_password') . '@' . $this->config->get('eMark_rpc_address') . ':' . $this->config->get('eMark_rpc_port') . '/');
     try {
         $eMark_info = $eMark->getinfo();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->data['error'] = true;
     try {
         $received_amount = $eMark->getreceivedbyaddress($eMark_address, 0);
         if (round((double) $received_amount, $eMark_DEM_decimal) >= round((double) $eMark_total, $eMark_DEM_decimal)) {
             $order = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($order_id);
             $this->model_checkout_order->confirm($order_id, $this->config->get('eMark_order_status_id'));
             echo "1";
         } else {
             echo "0";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->data['error'] = true;
         echo "0";
 * Test if the connection to the Bitcoin JSON-RPC server is working
 * The check is done by calling the server's getinfo() method and checking
 * for a fault.
 * @return mixed boolean TRUE if successful, or a fault string otherwise
 * @access public
 * @throws none
 public function can_connect()
     try {
         $r = parent::getinfo();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $e->getMessage();
     return true;
function funct_Billing_JSONRPC_GetInfo($strConnectionString)
    //get info about wallet as | delimited string
    if (!$strConnectionString) {
        $strConnectionString = JSONRPC_CONNECTIONSTRING;
    //echo "conn = $strConnectionString <br>";
    $mybtc = new jsonRPCClient($strConnectionString);
    $strReturnInfo = $mybtc->getinfo();
    //echo "array=$strReturnInfo<br>";
    foreach ($strReturnInfo as $key => $value) {
        //echo $key."=".$value."<br>";
        $strReturn = $strReturn . $key . "=" . $value . "|";
    return $strReturn;
 public function confirm_sent()
     $order_id = $this->session->data['order_id'];
     $order = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($order_id);
     $current_default_currency = $this->config->get('config_currency');
     $bitcoin_btc_decimal = $this->config->get('bitcoin_btc_decimal');
     $bitcoin_total = $order['bitcoin_total'];
     $bitcoin_address = $order['bitcoin_address'];
     if (!$this->config->get('bitcoin_blockchain')) {
         require_once 'jsonRPCClient.php';
         $bitcoin = new jsonRPCClient('http://' . $this->config->get('bitcoin_rpc_username') . ':' . $this->config->get('bitcoin_rpc_password') . '@' . $this->config->get('bitcoin_rpc_address') . ':' . $this->config->get('bitcoin_rpc_port') . '/');
         try {
             $bitcoin_info = $bitcoin->getinfo();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->data['error'] = true;
     try {
         if (!$this->config->get('bitcoin_blockchain')) {
             $received_amount = $bitcoin->getreceivedbyaddress($bitcoin_address, 0);
         } else {
             static $ch = null;
             $ch = curl_init();
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; PHP client; ' . php_uname('s') . '; PHP/' . phpversion() . ')');
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' . $bitcoin_address . '?confirmations=0');
             $res = curl_exec($ch);
             if ($res === false) {
                 throw new Exception('Could not get reply: ' . curl_error($ch));
             $received_amount = $res / 100000000;
         if (round((double) $received_amount, $bitcoin_btc_decimal) >= round((double) $bitcoin_total, $bitcoin_btc_decimal)) {
             $order = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($order_id);
             $this->model_checkout_order->confirm($order_id, $this->config->get('bitcoin_order_status_id'));
             echo "1";
         } else {
             echo "0";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->data['error'] = true;
         echo "0";
 public function confirm_sent()
     $order_id = $this->session->data['order_id'];
     $order = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($order_id);
     $current_default_currency = "USD";
     $hazecoin_total = round($this->currency->convert($order['total'], $current_default_currency, "haze"), 4);
     require_once 'jsonRPCClient.php';
     $hazecoin = new jsonRPCClient('http://' . $this->config->get('hazecoin_rpc_username') . ':' . $this->config->get('hazecoin_rpc_password') . '@' . $this->config->get('hazecoin_rpc_address') . ':' . $this->config->get('hazecoin_rpc_port') . '/');
     try {
         $hazecoin_info = $hazecoin->getinfo();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->data['error'] = true;
     $received_amount = $hazecoin->getreceivedbyaccount($this->config->get('hazecoin_prefix') . '_' . $order_id, 0);
     if (round((double) $received_amount, 4) >= round((double) $hazecoin_total, 4)) {
         $order = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($order_id);
         $this->model_checkout_order->confirm($order_id, $this->config->get('hazecoin_order_status_id'));
         echo true;
     } else {
         echo false;
Exemple #7
function litecoin_link($params)
    full_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mod_gw_litecoin_payments` (`invoice_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `amount` float(11,8) NOT NULL, `address` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `confirmations` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`invoice_id`))");
    full_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mod_gw_litecoin_info` (`invoice_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `secret` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `address` varchar(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`invoice_id`))");
    $q = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `mod_gw_litecoin_info` WHERE invoice_id = '{$params['invoiceid']}'"));
    if ($q['address']) {
        $amount = $q['amount'];
        $address = $q['address'];
    $secret = '';
    $characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 64; $i++) {
        $secret .= substr($characters, rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1), 1);
    # Grab the amount and everything from BTC-e's ticker
    $ltc_ticker = json_decode(file_get_contents(""), true);
    if (!$ltc_ticker) {
        return "We're sorry, but you cannot use Litecoin to pay for this transaction at this time.";
    $amount = round($params['amount'] / $ltc_ticker['ticker']['sell'], 8);
    # Build Litecoin Information Here
    require_once 'whmcscoin/jsonRPCClient.php';
    $litecoin = new jsonRPCClient("http://{$params['username']}:{$params['password']}@{$params['host']}:{$params['port']}");
    if (!$litecoin->getinfo()) {
        //This won't work. Gotta make this work.
        return "We're sorry, but you cannot use Litecoin to pay for this transaction at this time.";
    $address = $litecoin->getaccountaddress($secret);
    if (!$address) {
        //This probably won't work either.{
        return "We're sorry, but you cannot use Litecoin to pay for this transaction at this time.";
    $code = 'Please send <strong>' . $params['amount'] . '</strong>worth of LTC to address:<br /><strong><a href="#">' . $address . '</a></strong><br /><span id="ltcprice">Currently, ' . $params['amount'] . ' is <strong>' . $amount . '</strong> LTC</span>';
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `mod_gw_litecoin_info` SET invoice_id = '{$params['invoiceid']}', address = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($address) . "', secret = '{$secret}'");
    return "<iframe src='{$params['systemurl']}/modules/gateways/litecoin.php?invoice={$params['invoiceid']}' style='border:none; height:120px'>Your browser does not support frames.</iframe>";
    return $code;
$gatewaymodule = "litecoin";
# Enter your gateway module name here replacing template
$GATEWAY = getGatewayVariables($gatewaymodule);
if (!$GATEWAY["type"]) {
    die("Module Not Activated");
# Checks gateway module is active before accepting callback
# Gateway Specific Variables
$u = $GATEWAY['username'];
$p = $GATEWAY['password'];
$h = $GATEWAY['host'] . ':' . $GATEWAY['port'];
$rpc = 'http://' . $u . ':' . $p . '@' . $h;
# Build Litecoin Information Here
require_once '../litcoin/jsonRPCClient.php';
$litecoin = new jsonRPCClient($rpc);
if (!$litecoin->getinfo()) {
    die('could not connect to litcoind');
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tblinvoices WHERE paymentmethod="' . $gatewaymodule . '" AND status = "Unpaid"';
$results = mysql_query($sql);
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
    $amount = $result['total'];
    $btcaccount = $result['userid'] . '-' . $result['id'];
    $received = $litecoin->getbalance($btcaccount);
    if ($amount <= $received) {
        //echo 'PAID';
        $fee = 0;
        $transid = $litecoin->getaccountaddress($btcaccount . '-' . $result['id']);
        addInvoicePayment($result['id'], $transid, $received, $fee, $gatewaymodule);
Exemple #9
<input type=text size="40" name="username" value=""><br />
<input type="submit" name="param" value="アドレス取得">
<input type="submit" name="param" value="入金チェック">
require_once __DIR__ . '/jsonRPCClient.php';
$host = 'localhost';
/* monacoind 又は monacoin-qt を実行中のホストのアドレス */
$rpcuser = '******';
/* monacoin.conf で指定した rpcユーザー名 */
$rpcpassword = '******';
/* monacoin.conf で指定した rpcパスワード */
$rpcport = '4000';
/* monacoin.conf で指定した rpcポート */
$historyNum = 50;
/* 取得するトランザクション数 */
/* monacoind への接続アドレス */
$coindaddr = "http://{$rpcuser}:{$rpcpassword}@{$host}:{$rpcport}/";
$coind = new jsonRPCClient($coindaddr);
$info = $coind->getinfo();
echo "Balance: <div id=balance>{$info['balance']}</div>";
$list = $coind->listaccounts();
<div id="COUNTDOWN">0</div>
<div id="BTCMONA">wait</div>

Exemple #10
require "jsonRPCClient.php";
if (isset($_POST['currentWallet']) && !empty($_POST['currentWallet'])) {
    $_SESSION['currentWallet'] = $_POST['currentWallet'];
if (isset($_SESSION['currentWallet']) && !empty($_SESSION['currentWallet'])) {
    $currentWallet = $_SESSION['currentWallet'];
} else {
    $keys = array_keys($wallets);
    $currentWallet = $keys[0];
    $_SESSION['currentWallet'] = $currentWallet;
$nmcu = $wallets[$currentWallet];
$nmc = new jsonRPCClient("{$nmcu['protocol']}://{$nmcu['user']}:{$nmcu['pass']}@{$nmcu['host']}:{$nmcu['port']}", true);
try {
    $nmcinfo = $nmc->getinfo();
} catch (exception $e) {
    die("Failed to retrieve data from the daemon, please check your configuration, and ensure that your coin daemon is running:<br>  {$e}");
$wallet_encrypted = true;
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Wallet is not encrypted
    $wallet_encrypted = false;
// Begin bootstrap code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
$gatewaymodule = "bitcoin";
# Enter your gateway module name here replacing template
$GATEWAY = getGatewayVariables($gatewaymodule);
if (!$GATEWAY["type"]) {
    die("Module Not Activated");
# Checks gateway module is active before accepting callback
# Gateway Specific Variables
$u = $GATEWAY['username'];
$p = $GATEWAY['password'];
$h = $GATEWAY['host'] . ':' . $GATEWAY['port'];
$rpc = 'http://' . $u . ':' . $p . '@' . $h;
# Build Bitcoin Information Here
require_once '../bitcoin/jsonRPCClient.php';
$bitcoin = new jsonRPCClient($rpc);
if (!$bitcoin->getinfo()) {
    die('could not connect to bitcoind');
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tblinvoices WHERE paymentmethod="' . $gatewaymodule . '" AND status = "Unpaid"';
$results = mysql_query($sql);
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
    $amount = $result['total'];
    $btcaccount = $result['userid'] . '-' . $result['id'];
    $received = $bitcoin->getbalance($btcaccount);
    if ($amount <= $received) {
        //echo 'PAID';
        $fee = 0;
        $transid = $bitcoin->getaccountaddress($btcaccount . '-' . $result['id']);
        addInvoicePayment($result['id'], $transid, $received, $fee, $gatewaymodule);

require_once 'jsonRPCClient.php';
$litecoin = new jsonRPCClient('http://*****:*****@');
try {
    $info = $litecoin->getinfo();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo nl2br($e->getMessage()) . '<br />' . "\n";
// Litecoin settings
$blockStartingReward = 50;
$blockHalvingSubsidy = 840000;
$blockTargetSpacing = 2.5;
$maxCoins = 84000000;
$blocks = $info['blocks'];
$coins = CalculateTotalCoins($blockStartingReward, $blocks, $blockHalvingSubsidy);
$blocksRemaining = CalculateRemainingBlocks($blocks, $blockHalvingSubsidy);
$blocksPerDay = 60 / $blockTargetSpacing * 24;
$blockHalvingEstimation = $blocksRemaining / $blocksPerDay * 24 * 60 * 60;
$blockString = '+' . $blockHalvingEstimation . ' second';
$blockReward = CalculateRewardPerBlock($blockStartingReward, $blocks, $blockHalvingSubsidy);
$coinsRemaining = $blocksRemaining * $blockReward;
$nextHalvingHeight = $blocks + $blocksRemaining;
$inflationRate = CalculateInflationRate($coins, $blockReward, $blocksPerDay);
$inflationRateNextHalving = CalculateInflationRate(CalculateTotalCoins($blockStartingReward, $nextHalvingHeight, $blockHalvingSubsidy), CalculateRewardPerBlock($blockStartingReward, $nextHalvingHeight, $blockHalvingSubsidy), $blocksPerDay);
$price = 2.92;
// change to dynamic way of getting price
function GetHalvings($blocks, $subsidy)
    return (int) ($blocks / $subsidy);
 function before_process()
     global $insert_id, $order;
     $address = $order->customer['email_address'] . '-' . tep_create_random_value(32);
     require_once 'bitcoin/jsonRPCClient.php';
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $confirmation = array('title' => 'Error: Bitcoin server is down.  Please email system administrator regarding your order after confirmation.');
         return $confirmation;
     $address = $bitcoin->getaccountaddress($address);
     $order->info['comments'] .= ' | Payment Address: ' . $address . ' | ';
     return false;

include "/var/www/faucet/core/functions.php";
$start = timer();
include "/var/www/faucet/core/config.php";
include_once "/var/www/faucet/core/includes/jsonRPCClient.php";
include "/var/www/faucet/core/";
include "/var/www/faucet/core/";
include "/var/www/faucet/core/";
$publickey = "6LffhPUSAAAAAGTZ_L4aju_mxXDa6hJcV6-M_k2a";
$privatekey = "6LffhPUSAAAAAH4Msa5u8ieP4QcEYC2nlnWtHZws";
// init
$btclient = new jsonRPCClient("http://" . $btclogin["username"] . ':' . $btclogin["password"] . '@' . $btclogin["host"] . ':' . $btclogin["port"]);
$addr = new Address($btclient, $sqlogin);
$derp = $btclient->getinfo();
//$this->PDO_Conn = new PDO("mysql:host={$sqllogin['host']};dbname={$sqllogin['dbname']}", $sqllogin['username'], $sqllogin['password']);
$dbconn = mysql_connect($sqlogin['host'], $sqlogin['username'], $sqlogin['password']);
mysql_select_db($sqlogin['dbname'], $dbconn);
Exemple #15

$path = '/var/www/app';
include $path . '/config.php';
require $path . '/jsonRPCClient.php';
$coin = new jsonRPCClient("{$wallet['protocol']}://{$wallet['user']}:{$wallet['pass']}@{$wallet['host']}:{$wallet['port']}");
$staking = $coin->getstakinginfo();
$info = $coin->getinfo();
$newArray = array("averageweight" => $staking['averageweight'], "totalweight" => $staking['totalweight'], "netstakeweight" => $staking['netstakeweight'], "interest" => $coin->getinterest(), "balance" => $info['balance'], "connections" => $info['connections'], "time" => time());
if (!file_exists($path . '/db/stats.dat')) {
    file_put_contents($path . '/db/stats.dat', serialize(array($newArray)));
} else {
    $array = unserialize(file_get_contents($path . '/db/stats.dat'));
    array_push($array, $newArray);
    file_put_contents($path . '/db/stats.dat', serialize($array));
Exemple #16

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
require './config.php';
require './smarty/Smarty.class.php';
require './jsonRPCClient.php';
require './functions.php';
$conn = myinit();
$dd = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '******'");
$array = array();
while ($row = $conn->fetch_assoc()) {
    $array[] = $row;
$i = new jsonRPCClient("http://" . $conf['rpc_user'] . ":" . $conf['rpc_pass'] . "@" . $conf['rpc_host'] . ":" . $conf['rpc_port'] . "/");
$data = $i->getinfo();
$smarty = new Smarty();
//$smarty->force_compile = true;
$smarty->debugging = true;
$smarty->caching = false;
$smarty->assign('data', $df);
 public static function getInfo()
     $wallet = new jsonRPCClient(HOTWALLET, true);
     $getInfo = $wallet->getinfo();
     return $getInfo;
Exemple #18
include "config/config.php";
require_once 'jsonrpcphp/includes/jsonRPCClient.php';
include "includes/infomsg.php";
$khs = 0;
print "<html>";
print "<head>";
print "<title>Test script</title>";
print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"60\" />";
print "</head>";
print "</body>";
print "<center> <img src=\"logos/" . $symbol . ".png\"></center><br/>";
print "<center><font size=\"10\">" . $name . " Faucet.</font></center><br/>";
$bitcoin = new jsonRPCClient('http://' . $user . ':' . $password . '@' . $host . ':' . $port . '/');
//  print_r($bitcoin->getmininginfo());
$array = $bitcoin->getmininginfo();
$array2 = $bitcoin->getinfo();
if (array_key_exists('networkhashps', $bitcoin->getmininginfo())) {
    $khs = $array['networkhashps'];
    $kname = "KH's";
if (array_key_exists('netmhashps', $bitcoin->getmininginfo())) {
    $kname = "MH's";
    $khs = $array['netmhashps'];
#Needs finishing.
#if (array_key_exists('Proof-of-Stake', $bitcoin->getinfo()))
#$PoS = $array[1]['Proof-of-Stake'];
Exemple #19
 public function is_testnet()
     try {
         $r = parent::getinfo();
         if ($r['testnet']) {
             return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return false;
Exemple #20

require_once 'settings.php';
if ($login) {
    require_once 'login.php';
require_once 'jsonRPCClient.php';
$bitcoin = new jsonRPCClient($address);
require_once 'functions.php';
$getinfo = $bitcoin->getinfo();
$getpeerinfo = $bitcoin->getpeerinfo();
$getaddednodeinfo = $bitcoin->getaddednodeinfo(false);
$getblockchaininfo = $bitcoin->getblockchaininfo();
$startTime = microtime(true);
if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
require __DIR__ . '/config.php';
require __DIR__ . '/function.php';
require __DIR__ . '/jsonRPCClient.php';
require __DIR__ . '/name.class.php';
if (isset($showDebug) && $showDebug) {
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
ini_set('memory_limit', 200 * 1024 * 1024);
$rpc = new jsonRPCClient($jsonConnect);
$getinfo = $rpc->getinfo();
if (!($getinfo_old = get_cache('getinfo'))) {
    $getinfo_old = array('blocks' => 0);
if ($getinfo['blocks'] == $getinfo_old['blocks']) {
    echo 'Still on same block';
echo "New blocks : " . ($getinfo['blocks'] - $getinfo_old['blocks']) . "\n";
$diff = $getinfo['blocks'] - $getinfo_old['blocks'];
$new_names = $rpc->name_filter("^d/[a-z0-9_-]+\$", $diff);
#echo '<pre>'; print_r($new_names);
if (!count($new_names)) {
    echo 'No new name since last scan';
 if ($blockchain != 'multi') {
     try {
         $bitcoind = new jsonRPCClient("http://" . $rpc_options[$blockchain]['username'] . ":" . $rpc_options[$blockchain]['password'] . "@" . $rpc_options[$blockchain]['host'] . ":" . $rpc_options[$blockchain]['port'] . "/");
         if ($bitcoind->getinfo()) {
             $loaded = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $loaded = false;
 if ($loaded === true || $blockchain == 'multi') {
     if ($blockchain != 'multi') {
         $bitcoind = new jsonRPCClient("http://" . $rpc_options[$blockchain]['username'] . ":" . $rpc_options[$blockchain]['password'] . "@" . $rpc_options[$blockchain]['host'] . ":" . $rpc_options[$blockchain]['port'] . "/");
         $raw = false;
         if ($debug && $bitcoind && $loaded) {
             $raw = $bitcoind->getinfo();
     if ($call == 'address') {
         $obj = ["address" => false, "blockchain" => $blockchain, "hash" => "N/A", "tx_count" => 0, "received" => 0, "balance" => 0, "raw" => []];
         if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id']) {
             $address = $_GET['id'];
             $obj['address'] = $address;
             $account_name = 'XXX_' . $address;
             $balance = $bitcoind->getbalance($account_name, 1, true);
             $received = $bitcoind->getreceivedbyaccount($account_name, 1);
             $address = $bitcoind->validateaddress($obj['address']);
             $txs = $bitcoind->listtransactions($account_name, 100, 0, true);
             foreach ($txs as $tx_key => $tx) {
                 $raw_tx = $bitcoind->getrawtransaction($tx['txid'], 1);
                 foreach ($raw_tx['vout'] as $output) {