function processOrders($upload_name = 'file_name')
     global $db, $messageStack;
     $period = gen_calculate_period(date('Y-m-d'));
     if (!defined('JOURNAL_ID')) {
         define('JOURNAL_ID', 12);
     // load the amazon contact record info
     $result = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM " . TABLE_CONTACTS . " WHERE short_name='" . MODULE_AMAZON_CUSTOMER_ID . "'");
     $cID = $result->fields['id'];
     if (!$cID) {
         $messageStack->add("Contact could not be found in the Customer database. Please make sure the setting in the defaults.php file match your Customers value.", 'error');
     $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " WHERE ref_id={$cID} AND type='cm'");
     $commonMain = array('post_date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'period' => $period, 'journal_id' => JOURNAL_ID, 'currencies_code' => DEFAULT_CURRENCY, 'terminal_date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'store_id' => 0, 'admin_id' => $_SESSION['admin_id'], 'rep_id' => 0, 'gl_acct_id' => MODULE_AMAZON_DEFAULT_RECEIVABLES_GL_ACCT, 'bill_acct_id' => $result->fields['ref_id'], 'bill_address_id' => $result->fields['address_id'], 'bill_primary_name' => $result->fields['primary_name'], 'bill_contact' => $result->fields['contact'], 'bill_address1' => $result->fields['address1'], 'bill_address2' => $result->fields['address2'], 'bill_city_town' => $result->fields['city_town'], 'bill_state_province' => $result->fields['state_province'], 'bill_postal_code' => $result->fields['postal_code'], 'bill_country_code' => $result->fields['country_code'], 'bill_telephone1' => $result->fields['telephone1'], 'bill_email' => $result->fields['email'], 'drop_ship' => '1');
     $bill_acct_id = $result->fields['ref_id'];
     // iterate through the map to set journal post variables, orders may be on more than 1 line
     // ***************************** START TRANSACTION *******************************
     $itemCnt = 1;
     $items = array();
     $totals = array();
     $inStock = true;
     $orderCnt = 0;
     $skip = false;
     $runaway = 0;
     $rows = file($_FILES[$upload_name]['tmp_name']);
     $row = array_shift($rows);
     // heading
     $this->headings = explode("\t", $row);
     $row = array_shift($rows);
     // first order
     if (!$row) {
         $messageStack->add("There were no orders to process!", 'caution');
     $data = $this->processRow($row);
     while (true) {
         if (!$row) {
         $main = $commonMain;
         $main['purch_order_id'] = $data['order-id'];
         $main['description'] = "Amazon Order # " . $data['order-id'];
         $main['shipper_code'] = MODULE_AMAZON_DEFAULT_SHIPPING_CARRIER;
         if (strlen($data['recipient-name']) > 32 || strlen($data['ship-address-1']) > 32 || strlen($data['ship-address-2']) > 32) {
             $messageStack->add(sprintf("Order # %s has a name or address that is too long for the PhreeBooks db and has been truncated: %s", $data['order-id'], $data['recipient-name']), 'caution');
         $main['ship_primary_name'] = $data['recipient-name'];
         $main['ship_address1'] = $data['ship-address-1'];
         $main['ship_address2'] = $data['ship-address-2'];
         $main['ship_contact'] = $data['ship-address-3'];
         $main['ship_city_town'] = $data['ship-city'];
         $main['ship_state_province'] = $data['ship-state'];
         $main['ship_postal_code'] = $data['ship-postal-code'];
         $main['ship_country_code'] = gen_get_country_iso_3_from_2($data['ship-country']);
         $main['ship_telephone1'] = $data['buyer-phone-number'];
         $main['ship_email'] = $data['buyer-email'];
         // build the item, check stock if auto_journal
         $inv = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " WHERE sku='{$data['sku']}'");
         $messageStack->debug("\n Executing sql = " . "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " WHERE sku='{$data['sku']}' resulting in:" . print_r($inv->fields, true));
         if (!$inv->fields || sizeof($inv->fields) == 0) {
             $messageStack->add(sprintf("SKU: %s not found in the database, this import was skipped!", $data['sku']));
             $skip = true;
         } else {
             if ($inv->fields['qty_stock'] < $data['quantity-purchased']) {
                 $inStock = false;
         $items[] = array('item_cnt' => $itemCnt, 'gl_type' => 'sos', 'sku' => $data['sku'], 'qty' => $data['quantity-purchased'], 'description' => $data['product-name'], 'credit_amount' => $data['item-price'], 'gl_account' => $inv->fields['account_sales_income'] ? $inv->fields['account_sales_income'] : MODULE_AMAZON_DEFAULT_SALES_GL_ACCT, 'taxable' => 0, 'full_price' => $inv->fields['full_price'], 'post_date' => substr($data['purchase-date'], 0, 10));
         // preset some totals to keep running balance
         if (!isset($totals['discount'])) {
             $totals['discount'] = 0;
         if (!isset($totals['sales_tax'])) {
             $totals['sales_tax'] = 0;
         if (!isset($totals['total_amount'])) {
             $totals['total_amount'] = 0;
         if (!isset($totals['freight'])) {
             $totals['freight'] = 0;
         // fill in order info
         $totals['discount'] += $data['item-promotion-discount'] + $data['ship-promotion-discount'];
         $totals['sales_tax'] += $data['item-tax'];
         $totals['total_amount'] += $data['item-price'] + $data['item-tax'] + $data['shipping-price'] + $data['shipping-tax'];
         // missing from file: $data['gift-wrap-price'] and $data['gift-wrap-tax']
         $totals['freight'] += $data['shipping-price'];
         // check for continuation order
         $row = array_shift($rows);
         if ($runaway++ > 1000) {
             $messageStack->add("runaway reached, exiting!", 'error');
         if ($row) {
             // check for continuation order
             $nextData = $this->processRow($row);
             //				$messageStack->debug("\nContinuing order check, Next order = {$nextData['order-id']} and this order = {$main['purch_order_id']}");
             if ($nextData['order-id'] == $main['purch_order_id']) {
                 $data = $nextData;
                 // more items for the same order
         // finish main and item to post
         $main['total_amount'] = $totals['total_amount'];
         // @todo add tax, shipping, gift wrap, and notes records (add to item array)
         $items[] = array('qty' => 1, 'gl_type' => 'frt', 'description' => "Shipping Amazon # " . $data['order-id'], 'credit_amount' => $totals['freight'], 'gl_account' => MODULE_AMAZON_DEFAULT_FREIGHT_GL_ACCT, 'taxable' => 0, 'post_date' => substr($data['purchase-date'], 0, 10));
         $items[] = array('qty' => 1, 'gl_type' => 'ttl', 'description' => "Total Amazon # " . $data['order-id'], 'debit_amount' => $totals['total_amount'], 'gl_account' => MODULE_AMAZON_DEFAULT_RECEIVABLES_GL_ACCT, 'post_date' => substr($data['purchase-date'], 0, 10));
         $dup = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " WHERE purch_order_id='{$main['purch_order_id']}'");
         if ($dup->fields['id']) {
             //				$messageStack->debug("duplicate order id = ".$dup->fields['id']." and main = ".print_r($main, true));
             $messageStack->add(sprintf("Order # %s has already been imported! It will be skipped.", $data['order-id']), 'caution');
         $ledger = new journal();
         $ledger->post_date = substr($data['purchase-date'], 0, 10);
         $ledger->period = $period;
         $ledger->closed = '0';
         $ledger->journal_id = JOURNAL_ID;
         $ledger->bill_acct_id = $bill_acct_id;
         $ledger->journal_main_array = $main;
         $ledger->journal_rows = $items;
         if (!$skip) {
             if (!$ledger->validate_purchase_invoice_id()) {
                 return false;
             if (!$ledger->Post('insert')) {
         // prepare for next order.
         $data = $nextData;
         $itemCnt = 1;
         $items = array();
         $totals = array();
         $inStock = true;
         $skip = false;
     if ($orderCnt) {
         if (!$ledger->update_chart_history_periods($period)) {
     // finished successfully
     // ***************************** END TRANSACTION *******************************
     $messageStack->add(sprintf("Successfully posted %s Amazon transactions.", $orderCnt), 'success');
     if (DEBUG) {
     return true;
     $affected_ids = $glEntry->get_recur_ids($glEntry->recur_id, $glEntry->id);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($affected_ids); $i++) {
         $glEntry->id = $affected_ids[$i]['id'];
         $glEntry->journal_main_array['id'] = $affected_ids[$i]['id'];
         if ($i > 0) {
             // Remove row id's for future posts, keep if re-posting single entry
             for ($j = 0; $j < count($glEntry->journal_rows); $j++) {
                 $glEntry->journal_rows[$j]['id'] = '';
             $glEntry->post_date = $affected_ids[$i]['post_date'];
         $glEntry->period = gen_calculate_period($glEntry->post_date, true);
         $glEntry->journal_main_array['post_date'] = $glEntry->post_date;
         $glEntry->journal_main_array['period'] = $glEntry->period;
         $glEntry->purchase_invoice_id = $affected_ids[$i]['purchase_invoice_id'];
         if (!$glEntry->validate_purchase_invoice_id()) {
             $error = true;
         } else {
             if (!$glEntry->Post('edit')) {
                 $error = true;
         // test for single post versus rolling into future posts, terminate loop if single post
         if (!$glEntry->recur_frequency) {
 } else {
     // it's an insert
 for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($order->journal_rows); $i++) {
     $order->journal_rows[$i]['id'] = '';
     $order->journal_rows[$i]['so_po_item_ref_id'] = '';
     $order->journal_rows[$i]['post_date'] = $order->post_date;
     if ($order->journal_rows[$i]['gl_type'] == $search_gl_type) {
         $order->journal_rows[$i]['gl_type'] = GL_TYPE;
 // ***************************** START TRANSACTION *******************************
 if ($purchase_invoice_id) {
     $order->journal_main_array['purchase_invoice_id'] = $purchase_invoice_id;
     $order->purchase_invoice_id = $purchase_invoice_id;
 } else {
     $order->purchase_invoice_id = '';
     if (!$order->validate_purchase_invoice_id()) {
         $error = true;
 if (!$order->Post('insert')) {
     $error = true;
 if ($order->purchase_invoice_id == '') {
     if (!$order->increment_purchase_invoice_id()) {
         $error = true;
 if (!$error) {
     gen_add_audit_log(constant('ORD_TEXT_' . JOURNAL_ID . '_WINDOW_TITLE') . ' - ' . TEXT_ADD, $order->purchase_invoice_id, $order->total_amount);
     // set the closed flag on the quote