Exemple #1
/* Define the columns; the first column has "*" as its width which
   tells the class to use the remaining width for this column;
   the addcolumn() method returns a handle so you can adjust
   the column's parameters */
$col1 =& $table->addcolumn("License", "*", &$col1h, &$col1r);
$col2 =& $table->addcolumn("Branches", 100, &$col2h, &$col2r);
$col3 =& $table->addcolumn("Percentage", 100, &$col3h, &$col3r);
$col4 =& $table->addcolumn("Barcode", 100, &$col4h, &$col4r);
/* Adjust some table parameters */
$table->setbgcolors(array(false, 0.95));
/* Adjust the bgcolor of the barcode cell to to white, because
   some barcode readers might get into trouble otherweise */
$col4->normcellparam->bgcolor = 1;
/* Adjust the cell padding on the left and the right side of
   the barcode column, so that the table lines don't interfere
   with the barcode */
$col4->normcellparam->leftpadding = 10;
$col4->normcellparam->rightpadding = 10;
/* Loop through the elements of the example table */
foreach ($exampletable as $data) {
/* Close the table (important!) */