public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Caller Detail Records', 'sortname' => 'start_stamp', 'sortorder' => 'desc')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('xml_cdr_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('direction', 'Direction', array('width' => '120')); $grid->add('caller_id_name', 'Caller Name', array('width' => '250')); $grid->add('caller_id_number', 'Caller Number', array('width' => '250', 'callback' => array($this, 'formatNumber'))); $grid->add('destination_number', 'Destination', array('width' => '250', 'callback' => array($this, 'formatNumber'))); $grid->add('start_stamp', 'Start', array('width' => 250, 'callback' => array($this, 'formatDate'))); $grid->add('duration', 'Duration', array('callback' => array($this, 'formatDuration'))); //$grid->add('uuid', 'Recording', array('callback' => array($this, 'playLink'))); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('xmlcdr/details', 'Details', array('arguments' => 'xml_cdr_id')); // Only display records from the domains associated with the account $domainlist = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('domain')->from('Location')->fetchArray(); $inlist = array(); foreach ($domainlist as $domain) { $inlist[] = $domain['domain']; } $grid->whereIn('domain_name', '', $inlist); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $subview = new View('generic/grid'); $subview->tab = 'main'; $subview->section = 'general'; // What are we working with here? $base = $this->getBaseModelObject(); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid('Location', array('caption' => 'Locations')); // If there is a base model that contains an account_id, // then we want to show locations only that relate to this account $base = $this->getBaseModelObject(); if ($base and !empty($base['account_id'])) { // Set a where clause, if we're playing plug-in to someone else $grid->where('account_id = ', $base['account_id']); } // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('location_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => TRUE, 'key' => TRUE)); $grid->add('name', 'Name'); $grid->add('domain', 'Domain'); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('locationmanager/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'location_id', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm'))); $grid->addAction('locationmanager/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'location_id', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm'))); // Produces the grid markup or JSON $subview->grid = $grid->produce(); $subview->gridMenu = html::anchor('/locationmanager/create', '<span>Add New Location</span>', array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm')); // Add our view to the main application $this->views[] = $subview; }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Media Files')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('mediafile_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('name', 'Name'); $grid->add('type', 'Type'); if (!kohana::config('mediafile.hide_rate_folders')) { $grid->add('rates', 'Rate'); $grid->add('channels', 'Channels'); $grid->add('length', 'Length'); } $grid->add('updated_at', 'Updated'); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('mediafile/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'mediafile_id', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm'))); $grid->addAction('mediafile/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'mediafile_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); if (kohana::config('mediafile.hide_rate_folders')) { $q = $this->grid->getQuery()->GroupBy('file'); } else { $q = $this->grid->getQuery(); } // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(array('doctrine_query' => $q)); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array( 'caption' => 'Network Lists' ) ); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('net_list_id', 'ID', array( 'hidden' => true, 'key' => true ) ); $grid->add('name', 'Name'); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('netlistmanager/edit', 'Edit', array( 'arguments' => 'net_list_id' ) ); $grid->addAction('netlistmanager/delete', 'Delete', array( 'arguments' => 'net_list_id' ) ); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Users')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('user_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => TRUE, 'key' => TRUE)); $grid->add('email_address', 'Email Address'); $grid->add('first_name', 'First Name', array('width' => '100', 'search' => TRUE)); $grid->add('last_name', 'Last Name', array('width' => '100', 'search' => TRUE)); $grid->add('Location/name', 'Location', array('width' => '100', 'search' => TRUE, 'sortable' => TRUE)); $grid->add('user_type', 'User Type', array('callback' => array('function' => array($this, 'userType'), 'arguments' => array('user_type')))); $grid->add('logins', 'Logins', array('hidden' => TRUE)); $grid->add('last_login', 'Last Login', array('hidden' => TRUE)); $grid->add('last_logged_ip', 'Last Logged IP', array('hidden' => TRUE)); $grid->add('debug_level', 'Debug Level', array('hidden' => TRUE)); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('usermanager/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'user_id')); $grid->addAction('usermanager/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'user_id')); if (users::getAttr('user_type') == User::TYPE_SYSTEM_ADMIN) { $grid->addAction('usermanager/login', 'Login', array('arguments' => 'user_id')); } // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array( 'caption' => 'Caller Detail Records', 'sortname' => 'x.start_stamp', 'sortorder' => 'desc' ) ); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('xml_cdr_id', 'ID', array( 'hidden' => true, 'key' => true ) ); $grid->add('direction', 'Direction', array( 'width' => '120' ) ); $grid->add('caller_id_name', 'Caller Name', array( 'width' => '250' ) ); $grid->add('caller_id_number', 'Caller Number', array( 'width' => '250', 'callback' => array($this, 'formatNumber') ) ); $grid->add('destination_number', 'Destination', array( 'width' => '250', 'callback' => array($this, 'formatNumber') ) ); $grid->add('start_stamp', 'Start', array('width' => 250, 'callback' => array($this, 'formatDate'))); $grid->add('duration', 'Duration', array('callback' => array($this, 'formatDuration'))); //$grid->add('uuid', 'Recording', array('callback' => array($this, 'playLink'))); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('xmlcdr/details', 'Details', array( 'arguments' => 'xml_cdr_id' ) ); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); // $this->template->content = new View('xmlcdr/index'); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $this->grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Domains'))->add('id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true))->add('name', 'Domain Name/Realm')->add('recordCount', 'Records', array('search' => false, 'align' => 'center', 'callback' => array('function' => array($this, 'countRecords'), 'arguments' => array('id'))))->navButtonAdd('Columns', array('onClickButton' => 'function () { $(\'#{table_id}\').setColumns(); }', 'buttonimg' => url::base() . 'assets/css/jqGrid/table_insert_column.png', 'title' => 'Show/Hide Columns', 'noCaption' => true, 'position' => 'first'))->addAction('powerdns/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'id', 'width' => '120'))->addAction('powerdns/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'id', 'width' => '20')); // dont foget to let the plugins add to the grid! plugins::views($this); $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $this->grid = jgrid::grid('FaxProfile', array('caption' => 'Fax Profiles'))->add('fxp_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true))->add('fxp_name', 'Name')->add('fxp_default', 'Default')->addAction('fax/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'fxp_id'))->addAction('fax/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'fxp_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Build a grid with a hidden device_id, class_type, and add an option for the user to select the display columns $this->grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'My ODBC Connections', 'multiselect' => true))->add('odbc_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true))->add('dsn_name', 'DSN Name', array('width' => '60'))->add('description', 'Description', array('width' => '120'))->add('host', 'Host', array('width' => '60'))->add('user', 'User', array('width' => '50'))->add('type', 'Type', array('width' => '30'))->add('port', 'port', array('width' => '30'))->navButtonAdd('Columns', array('onClickButton' => 'function () { $(\'#{table_id}\').setColumns(); }', 'buttonimg' => url::base() . 'assets/css/jqGrid/table_insert_column.png', 'title' => 'Show/Hide Columns', 'noCaption' => true, 'position' => 'first'))->addAction('odbc/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'odbc_id', 'width' => '40'))->addAction('odbc/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'odbc_id', 'width' => '40'))->addAction('odbc/config', 'odbc.ini', array('arguments' => 'odbc_id', 'width' => '60'))->navGrid(array('del' => true)); // dont foget to let the plugins add to the grid! plugins::views($this); // Produces the grid markup or JSON, respectively $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array( 'caption' => 'Auto Attendants' ) ); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('auto_attendant_id', 'ID', array( 'hidden' => true, 'key' => true ) ); $grid->add('name', 'Name', array( 'width' => '200', 'search' => false, ) ); $grid->add('type', 'Prompt', array( 'align' => 'center', 'callback' => array( 'function' => array($this, '_showPrompt'), 'arguments' => array('registry') ) ) ); $grid->add('keys', 'Options', array( 'align' => 'center', 'callback' => array( 'function' => array($this, '_showOptions'), 'arguments' => array('keys') ) ) ); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('autoattendant/edit', 'Edit', array( 'arguments' => 'auto_attendant_id' ) ); $grid->addAction('autoattendant/delete', 'Delete', array( 'arguments' => 'auto_attendant_id' ) ); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); $this->grid = jgrid::grid('callcenter_queue', array('caption' => 'Queues')); $this->grid->add('ccq_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $this->grid->add('ccq_name', 'Name'); $this->grid->add('queueLocation/name', 'Location', array('width' => '150', 'search' => false)); $this->grid->addAction('callcenter_supervisor/view', 'View', array('arguments' => 'ccq_id')); plugins::views($this); $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function subview_tiers() { $grid = jgrid::grid('callcenter_tier', array('caption' => '')); $grid->where('callcenter_tier/cct_cca_id', '=', Event::$data->callcenter_agent->cca_id); $grid->add('callcenter_tier/cct_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('callcenter_queue/ccq_name', 'Queue Name'); $grid->add('callcenter_tier/cct_level', 'Level'); $grid->add('callcenter_tier/cct_position', 'Position'); $grid->addAction('callcenter_tier/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'callcenter_tier/cct_id')); $subview = new View('callcenter_agents/tiers'); $subview->tiergrid = $grid->produce(); $this->views[] = $subview; }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('globalmedia/index'); javascript::add('php_file_tree_jquery.js'); stylesheet::add('php_file_tree.css'); // Collect a list of paths in the system, to be displayed as a list $this->view->filetree = filetree::php_file_tree(Media::getMediaPath(), "javascript:filterPath('[link]');", FALSE, '/^8000$|^16000$|^32000$|^48000$/'); // Build a grid with a hidden device_id, device_type, and add an option for the user to select the display columns $this->grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => ' ', 'gridName' => 'MediaGrid'))->add('mediafile_id', 'ID', array('width' => '80', 'hidden' => true, 'key' => true))->add('file', 'Filename', array('width' => '40', 'search' => true, 'callback' => array('MediaFile', 'getBaseName')))->add('path', 'Path', array('width' => '80', 'hidden' => true, 'key' => true, 'search' => true))->add('description', 'Description', array('width' => '80', 'search' => true))->add('size', 'File Size', array('width' => '40', 'align' => 'right', 'callback' => array('function' => array('MediaFile', 'getSize'), 'arguments' => 'registry')))->add('length', 'Length', array('width' => '40', 'align' => 'right', 'callback' => array('function' => array('MediaFile', 'getLength'), 'arguments' => 'registry')))->navButtonAdd('Columns', array('onClickButton' => 'function () { $(\'#{table_id}\').setColumns(); }', 'buttonimg' => url::base() . 'assets/css/jqGrid/table_insert_column.png', 'title' => 'Show/Hide Columns', 'noCaption' => true, 'position' => 'first'))->addAction('globalmedia/details', 'Details', array('arguments' => 'mediafile_id', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm')))->addAction('globalmedia/download', 'Download', array('arguments' => 'mediafile_id'))->addAction('globalmedia/delete', 'Delete', array('width' => '60', 'arguments' => 'mediafile_id')); // dont foget to let the plugins add to the grid! plugins::views($this); // Produces the grid markup or JSON $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); $this->grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Directories')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $this->grid->add('dbn_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $this->grid->add('dbn_name', 'Directory Name'); $this->grid->addAction('dbndir/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'dbn_id')); // $this->grid->addAction('callcenter_agents/delete', 'Delete', array( // 'arguments' => 'cca_id' // ) // ); plugins::views($this); $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
/** * Method for the main page of this module */ public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Time Of Day Routes')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('time_of_day_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('name', 'Route Name'); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('timeofday/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'time_of_day_id', 'width' => '120')); $grid->addAction('timeofday/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'time_of_day_id', 'width' => '20')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $this->grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Queues')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $this->grid->add('ccq_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $this->grid->add('ccq_name', 'Name'); //$grid->add('datafield2', 'Field 2'); $this->grid->add('queueLocation/name', 'Location', array('width' => '150', 'search' => false)); // Add the actions to the grid $this->grid->addAction('callcenter_queues/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'ccq_id')); $this->grid->addAction('callcenter_queues/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'ccq_id')); plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function download($start = NULL, $end = NULL) { // Download a CDR // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('gridName' => 'calldownload', 'caption' => 'Export Preview'))->add('calls_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true))->add('start_stamp', 'Start')->add('end_stamp', 'End')->add('caller_id_number', 'Calling Party')->add('destination_number', 'Called Party')->add('duration', 'Length')->add('hangup_cause', 'Call End Cause'); if (!is_null($start)) { $grid->andWhere('start_stamp >', "'" . $start . "'"); } if (!is_null($end)) { $grid->andWhere('end_stamp <', "'" . $end . "'"); } // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; Kohana::log('debug', print_r($_POST, TRUE)); plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Custom Feature Codes')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('custom_feature_code_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('name', 'Name'); $grid->add('description', 'Description'); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('customfeaturecode/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'custom_feature_code_id')); $grid->addAction('customfeaturecode/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'custom_feature_code_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
/** * Typically we create a grid, but you can define any entry point you * would like... */ public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'MyModule Grid Header')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('my_module_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('datafield1', 'Field 1'); $grid->add('datafield2', 'Field 2'); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('mymodule/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'my_module_id')); $grid->addAction('mymodule/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'my_module_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
/** * Typically we create a grid, but you can define any entry point you * would like... */ public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $this->grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Tiers')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $this->grid->add('cct_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $this->grid->add('callcenter_agent/cca_loginid', 'Agent Login'); $this->grid->add('callcenter_agent/cca_displayname', 'Agent Name'); $this->grid->add('callcenter_queue/ccq_name', 'Queue Name'); $this->grid->add('callcenter_agent/cca_locationid', 'Location', array('width' => '60', 'callback' => array('function' => array($this, 'getlocationname')), 'search' => false, 'sortable' => false)); // Add the actions to the grid $this->grid->addAction('callcenter_tiers/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'cct_id')); $this->grid->addAction('callcenter_tiers/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'cct_id')); plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Trunks/Gateways')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('trunk_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('name', 'Trunk Name'); $grid->add('type', 'Type', array('width' => '50', 'search' => false)); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('trunkmanager/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'trunk_id')); $grid->addAction('trunkmanager/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'trunk_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array( 'caption' => ' Ring Groups' ) ); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('ring_group_id', 'ID', array( 'hidden' => true, 'key' => true ) ); $grid->add('name', 'Ring Group Name'); $grid->add('strategy', 'Strategy', array( 'callback' => array($this, '_showStrategy') ) ); $grid->add('members', 'Members', array( 'search' => false, 'callback' => array($this, '_countMembers') ) ); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('ringgroup/edit', 'Edit', array( 'arguments' => 'ring_group_id' ) ); $grid->addAction('ringgroup/delete', 'Delete', array( 'arguments' => 'ring_group_id' ) ); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Voicemail Boxes')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('voicemail_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('name', 'Mailbox Name'); $grid->add('mailbox', 'Mailbox'); $grid->add('email_address', 'Email', array('callback' => array('function' => array($this, '_showEmail'), 'arguments' => array('registry')))); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('voicemail/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'voicemail_id', 'width' => '120')); $grid->addAction('voicemail/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'voicemail_id', 'width' => '20')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
/** * Typically we create a grid, but you can define any entry point you * would like... */ public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Valet Parking Lots')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('vpl_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('vpl_name', 'Name'); $grid->add('vpl_start', 'Start'); $grid->add('vpl_end', 'End'); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('valetparking/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'vpl_id')); $grid->addAction('valetparking/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'vpl_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Feature Codes')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('feature_code_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('name', 'Name'); $grid->add('description', 'Description'); $grid->add('sections', 'Sections', array('align' => 'center', 'search' => FALSE, 'sortable' => FALSE, 'callback' => array('function' => array($this, '_showSections'), 'arguments' => array('registry')))); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('featurecode/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'feature_code_id')); $grid->addAction('featurecode/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'feature_code_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Endpoints')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('mac', 'MAC Address'); //$grid->add('model', 'Model'); $grid->add('description', 'Description'); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('endpointmanager/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'endpoint_device_id')); $grid->addAction('endpointmanager/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'endpoint_device_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Conferences')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('conference_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('name', 'Name'); $grid->add('registry', 'Record?', array('callback' => array($this, '_showRecord'))); $grid->add('pins', 'Has Pin?', array('callback' => array($this, '_hasPin'))); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('conference/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'conference_id')); $grid->addAction('conference/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'conference_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function createSubGrid() { $subview = new View('generic/grid'); $subview->tab = 'main'; $subview->section = 'general'; // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid('User', array('caption' => 'Users')); // If there is a base model that contains an account_id, // then we want to show locations only that relate to this account $base = $this->getBaseModelObject(); if ($base and !empty($base['location_id'])) { // Set a where clause, if we're playing plug-in to someone else $grid->where('location_id = ', $base['location_id']); } else { if ($base and !empty($base['account_id'])) { // Set a where clause, if we're playing plug-in to someone else $grid->where('account_id = ', $base['account_id']); } } // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('user_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => TRUE, 'key' => TRUE)); $grid->add('email_address', 'Email Address'); $grid->add('first_name', 'First Name', array('width' => '100', 'search' => TRUE)); $grid->add('last_name', 'Last Name', array('width' => '100', 'search' => TRUE)); $grid->add('Location/name', 'Location', array('hidden' => empty($base['location_id']) ? TRUE : FALSE, 'width' => '100', 'search' => TRUE, 'sortable' => TRUE)); $grid->add('user_type', 'User Type', array('callback' => array('function' => array($this, 'userType'), 'arguments' => array('user_type')))); $grid->add('logins', 'Logins', array('hidden' => TRUE)); $grid->add('last_login', 'Last Login', array('hidden' => TRUE)); $grid->add('last_logged_ip', 'Last Logged IP', array('hidden' => TRUE)); $grid->add('debug_level', 'Debug Level', array('hidden' => TRUE)); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('usermanager/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'user_id', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm'))); $grid->addAction('usermanager/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'user_id', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm'))); if (users::getAttr('user_type') == User::TYPE_SYSTEM_ADMIN) { $grid->addAction('usermanager/login', 'Login', array('arguments' => 'user_id')); } // Produces the grid markup or JSON $subview->grid = $grid->produce(); $subview->gridMenu = html::anchor('/usermanager/create', '<span>Add New User</span>', array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm')); // Add our view to the main application $this->views[] = $subview; }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'SIP Interfaces')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('sipinterface_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('name', 'Interface Name'); $grid->add('ip_address', 'IP Address', array('callback' => array($this, '_showIp'))); $grid->add('port', 'Port'); $grid->add('auth', 'Authentication', array('callback' => array($this, '_showAuth'))); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('sipinterface/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'sipinterface_id')); $grid->addAction('sipinterface/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'sipinterface_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }
public function index() { $this->template->content = new View('generic/grid'); // Setup the base grid object $grid = jgrid::grid($this->baseModel, array('caption' => 'Numbers')); // Add the base model columns to the grid $grid->add('number_id', 'ID', array('hidden' => true, 'key' => true)); $grid->add('number', 'Number', array('width' => '120', 'callback' => array($this, '_formatNumber'))); $grid->add('number_route', 'Routes to', array('width' => '250', 'search' => false, 'sortable' => false, 'callback' => array('arguments' => 'number_id', 'function' => array($this, '_showRoute')))); $grid->add('pools', 'Pools', array('width' => '42', 'align' => 'center', 'search' => false, 'sortable' => false, 'callback' => array('arguments' => 'number_id', 'function' => array($this, '_showPools')))); $grid->add('context', 'Contexts', array('width' => '70', 'align' => 'center', 'search' => false, 'sortable' => false, 'callback' => array('arguments' => 'number_id', 'function' => array($this, '_showContexts')))); $grid->add('Location/name', 'Location', array('width' => '150', 'search' => false)); // Add the actions to the grid $grid->addAction('numbermanager/edit', 'Edit', array('arguments' => 'number_id')); $grid->addAction('numbermanager/rebuild', 'Rebuild', array('arguments' => 'number_id', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'qtipAjaxForm'))); $grid->addAction('numbermanager/delete', 'Delete', array('arguments' => 'number_id')); // Let plugins populate the grid as well $this->grid = $grid; plugins::views($this); // Produce a grid in the view $this->view->grid = $this->grid->produce(); }