public static function read($configFile, $allModuleInfo = false, $isCli = false, $pseudoScriptName = '')
     $tempPath = jApp::tempBasePath();
     $configPath = jApp::configPath();
     if ($tempPath == '/') {
         throw new Exception('Application temp directory doesn\'t exist !', 3);
     if (!is_writable($tempPath)) {
         throw new Exception('Application temp base directory is not writable -- (' . $tempPath . ')', 4);
     if (!is_writable(jApp::logPath())) {
         throw new Exception('Application log directory is not writable -- (' . jApp::logPath() . ')', 4);
     self::$commonConfig = jIniFile::read($configPath . 'defaultconfig.ini.php', true);
     $config = jIniFile::read(JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'defaultconfig.ini.php');
     if (self::$commonConfig) {
         self::_mergeConfig($config, self::$commonConfig);
     if ($configFile != 'defaultconfig.ini.php') {
         if (!file_exists($configPath . $configFile)) {
             throw new Exception("Configuration file is missing -- {$configFile} ", 5);
         if (false === ($userConfig = parse_ini_file($configPath . $configFile, true))) {
             throw new Exception("Syntax error in the configuration file -- {$configFile}", 6);
         self::_mergeConfig($config, $userConfig);
     $config = (object) $config;
     self::prepareConfig($config, $allModuleInfo, $isCli, $pseudoScriptName);
     self::$commonConfig = null;
     return $config;
  * read the given ini file, for the current entry point, or for the entrypoint given
  * in $pseudoScriptName. Merge it with the content of defaultconfig.ini.php
  * It also calculates some options.
  * If you are in a CLI script but you want to load a configuration file for a web entry point
  * or vice-versa, you need to indicate the $pseudoScriptName parameter with the name of the entry point
  * @param string $configFile the config file name
  * @param boolean $allModuleInfo may be true for the installer, which needs all informations
  *                               else should be false, these extra informations are
  *                               not needed to run the application
  * @param boolean $isCli  indicate if the configuration to read is for a CLI script or no
  * @param string $pseudoScriptName the name of the entry point, relative to the base path,
  *              corresponding to the readed configuration
  * @return object an object which contains configuration values
 public static function read($configFile, $allModuleInfo = false, $isCli = false, $pseudoScriptName = '')
     $tempPath = jApp::tempBasePath();
     $configPath = jApp::configPath();
     if ($tempPath == '/') {
         // if it equals to '/', this is because realpath has returned false in the application.init.php
         // so this is because the path doesn't exist.
         throw new Exception('Application temp directory doesn\'t exist !', 3);
     if (!is_writable($tempPath)) {
         throw new Exception('Application temp base directory (' . $tempPath . ') is not writable', 4);
     self::$commonConfig = jIniFile::read($configPath . 'defaultconfig.ini.php', true);
     $config = jelix_read_ini(JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'defaultconfig.ini.php');
     @jelix_read_ini($configPath . 'defaultconfig.ini.php', $config);
     if ($configFile != 'defaultconfig.ini.php') {
         if (!file_exists($configPath . $configFile)) {
             throw new Exception("Config file {$configFile} is missing !", 5);
         if (false === @jelix_read_ini($configPath . $configFile, $config)) {
             throw new Exception("Syntax error in the config file {$configFile} !", 6);
     $config = jIniFile::read(JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'defaultconfig.ini.php');
     if (self::$commonConfig) {
         self::_mergeConfig($config, self::$commonConfig);
     if ($configFile != 'defaultconfig.ini.php') {
         if (!file_exists($configPath . $configFile)) {
             throw new Exception("Config file {$configFile} is missing !", 5);
         if (false === ($userConfig = parse_ini_file($configPath . $configFile, true))) {
             throw new Exception("Syntax error in the config file {$configFile} !", 6);
         self::_mergeConfig($config, $userConfig);
     $config = (object) $config;
     self::prepareConfig($config, $allModuleInfo, $isCli, $pseudoScriptName);
     self::$commonConfig = null;
     return $config;
  * read the given ini file. Merge it with the content of defaultconfig.ini.php
  * It also calculates some options. It stores the result in a temporary file
  * @param string $configFile the config file name
  * @return object an object which contains configuration values
 public static function read($configFile)
     if (JELIX_APP_TEMP_PATH == '/') {
         // if it equals to '/', this is because realpath has returned false in the application.init.php
         // so this is because the path doesn't exist.
         die('Jelix Error: Application temp directory doesn\'t exist !');
     if (!is_writable(JELIX_APP_TEMP_PATH)) {
         die('Jelix Error: Application temp directory is not writable');
     $config = jIniFile::read(JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'defaultconfig.ini.php');
     if ($commonConfig = parse_ini_file(JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH . 'defaultconfig.ini.php', true)) {
         self::_mergeConfig($config, $commonConfig);
     if ($configFile != 'defaultconfig.ini.php') {
         if (!file_exists(JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH . $configFile)) {
             die("Jelix config file {$configFile} is missing !");
         if (false === ($userConfig = parse_ini_file(JELIX_APP_CONFIG_PATH . $configFile, true))) {
             die("Syntax error in the Jelix config file {$configFile} !");
         self::_mergeConfig($config, $userConfig);
     $config = (object) $config;
         $filename = JELIX_APP_TEMP_PATH . str_replace('/', '~', $configFile) . '.conf.php';
         if ($f = @fopen($filename, 'wb')) {
             fwrite($f, '<?php $config = ' . var_export(get_object_vars($config), true) . ";\n?>");
         } else {
             throw new Exception('(24)Error while writing config cache file ' . $filename);
     } else {
         jIniFile::write(get_object_vars($config), JELIX_APP_TEMP_PATH . str_replace('/', '~', $configFile) . '.resultini.php', ";<?php die('');?>\n");
     return $config;
 function jelix_read_ini($fileName, $config = null)
     $conf = jIniFile::read($fileName);
     if ($config !== null) {
         foreach ($conf as $k => $v) {
             if (!isset($config->{$k})) {
                 $config->{$k} = $v;
             if ($k[1] == '_') {
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 $config->{$k} = array_merge($config->{$k}, $v);
             } else {
                 $config->{$k} = $v;
         return $config;
     $conf = (object) $conf;
     return $conf;
Exemple #5
  * private function to handle the database migration
 private function _updateDatabase()
     //1) if the file installer.ini.php does not exist we cant install jelix nor havefnubb;
     // then the application has not been installed with jelix 1.2
     // so we copy the installer.ini.php build for the application havefnubb
     //2) if the file exists, that means jelix 1.2 is "installed"
     // so no need to try to install jelix
     if (!file_exists(jApp::configPath() . 'installer.ini.php')) {
         copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../install/installer.ini.php', jApp::configPath() . 'installer.ini.php');
     //get the dbprofils file
     $dbProfile = jIniFile::read(jApp::configPath() . jApp::config()->dbProfils);
     //get the default profile
     $tools = jDb::getTools($dbProfile['default']);
     // migrate from 1.3.6 to 1.4.0
     $tools->execSQLScript(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../sql/update_to_1.4.0.mysql.sql');
 protected static function _getPrefFile()
     return jIniFile::read(jApp::configPath(self::$_pref_config_file));
Exemple #7
  * @since 1.6.5
 public static function importFromIni($iniFile)
     $ini = jIniFile::read($iniFile);
     if ($ini === false) {
         throw new Exception('Bad ini file: ' . basename($iniFile));
     foreach ($ini as $section => $node) {
         if (strpos($section, 'pref:') === 0) {
             $p = new jPrefItem();
             $p->setFromIniNode($section, $node);
         } elseif (strpos($section, 'group:') === 0) {
             $p = new jPrefItemGroup();
             $p->setFromIniNode($section, $node);
Exemple #8

// check version from 2 files :
// from the defaultconfig.ini.php file
//     and
// from the VERSION file and compare them
$currentVersion = jIniFile::read(jApp::configPath() . 'defaultconfig.ini.php');
$newVersion = jFile::read(jApp::appPath() . 'VERSION');
if (trim($currentVersion['havefnubb']['version']) == trim($newVersion)) {
    $alreadyInstalled = true;
} else {
    $alreadyInstalled = false;
// check if the application is already installed
$appInstalled = file_exists(jApp::configPath() . 'installer.ini.php');
  * Let's see if the current user uses a Browser or is a Bot/Spider/Crawler
  * then return the name of this one or null
 protected function getBots()
     if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] == '') {
         return null;
     $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
     // read the list of bots
     $botsList = jIniFile::read(jApp::configPath() . "botsagent.ini.php");
     if ($botsList) {
         $q_s = array("#\\.#", "#\\*#", "#\\?#");
         $q_r = array("\\.", ".*", ".?");
         foreach ($botsList as $name => $bot) {
             if ($bot['active']) {
                 $pattern = preg_replace($q_s, $q_r, $bot['agent']);
                 if (preg_match('#' . $pattern . '#i', $browser)) {
                     return $name;
     return null;