 public function saveedit()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     $rep->action = 'jpref_admin~prefs:index';
     $id = $this->param('id', 0);
     $field = $this->param('field');
     $form = jForms::fill('jpref_admin~pref', $id);
     if (!$form || !$id || !$field) {
         return $rep;
     if (!$form->check()) {
         $form->setErrorOn($field, 'jpref_admin~admin.field.error');
         $rep->action = 'jpref_admin~prefs:edit';
         $rep->params = array('id' => $id);
         return $rep;
     $data = $form->getData($field);
     if ($field == 'boolean') {
         if ($data == 'false') {
             $data = false;
         } else {
             $data = true;
     } elseif ($field == 'integer') {
         $data = (int) $data;
     } elseif ($field == 'decimal') {
         $data = (double) $data;
     jPref::set($id, $data);
     jMessage::add(jLocale::get('jpref_admin~admin.message.pref.updated'), 'notice');
     return $rep;
 function destroy()
     $rep = $this->getResponse("redirect");
     $rep->action = "sampleform:status";
     return $rep;
 function in()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirectUrl');
     $conf = jApp::coord()->getPlugin('auth')->config;
     $url_return = '/';
     if ($conf['after_login'] == '') {
         throw new jException('jcommunity~login.error.no.auth_login');
     if ($conf['after_logout'] == '') {
         throw new jException('jcommunity~login.error.no.auth_logout');
     $form = jForms::fill('jcommunity~login');
     if (!$form) {
         $rep->url = jUrl::get($conf['after_logout']);
         return $rep;
     if (!jAuth::login($form->getData('auth_login'), $form->getData('auth_password'), $form->getData('auth_remember_me'))) {
         $form->setErrorOn('auth_login', jLocale::get('jcommunity~login.error'));
         //jMessage::add(jLocale::get('jcommunity~login.error'), 'error');
         if ($auth_url_return = $this->param('auth_url_return')) {
             $url_return = jUrl::get('login:index', array('auth_url_return' => $auth_url_return));
         } else {
             $url_return = jUrl::get('login:index');
     } else {
         if (!($conf['enable_after_login_override'] && ($url_return = $this->param('auth_url_return')))) {
             $url_return = jUrl::get($conf['after_login']);
     $rep->url = $url_return;
     return $rep;
 function savecreate()
     $form = $this->_getForm();
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     if ($form == null) {
         $rep->action = $this->_getAction('index');
         return $rep;
     if ($form->check() && $this->_checkData($form, false)) {
         extract($form->prepareDaoFromControls($this->dao, null, $this->dbProfile), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "form");
         $dao = jDao::get('emails');
         if ($dao->get($form->getData('email')) == null) {
             $id = $form_daorec->getPk();
             $rep->action = 'NewsLetter~emails:confirm';
             $this->_afterCreate($form, $id, $rep);
             $rep->params['id'] = $id;
             return $rep;
         } else {
             $rep->action = 'NewsLetter~emails:alreadyIn';
             return $rep;
     } else {
         $rep->action = 'NewsLetter~emails:create';
         return $rep;
 public function getListData()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('json', true);
     try {
         $form = jForms::get($this->param('__form'), $this->param('__formid'));
         if (!$form) {
             throw new Exception('dummy');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception('invalid form selector');
     if ($form->securityLevel == jFormsBase::SECURITY_CSRF) {
         if ($form->getContainer()->token !== $this->param('__JFORMS_TOKEN__')) {
             throw new jException("jelix~formserr.invalid.token");
     $control = $form->getControl($this->param('__ref'));
     if (!$control || !$control instanceof jFormsControlDatasource) {
         throw new Exception('bad control');
     if (!$control->datasource instanceof jFormsDaoDatasource) {
         throw new Exception('not supported datasource type');
     $dependentControls = $control->datasource->getDependentControls();
     if (!$dependentControls) {
         throw new Exception('no dependent controls');
     foreach ($dependentControls as $ctname) {
         $form->setData($ctname, $this->param($ctname));
     $rep->data = array('data' => $control->datasource->getData($form));
     return $rep;
 function images()
     $vidsService = new OnDiskVideosService();
     $albumId = $this->param('albumId');
     $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
     $tpl = new Jtpl();
     $picasaService = new jPicasa();
     $thumbnailSize = 400;
     foreach ($picasaService->images($albumId, $thumbnailSize) as $image) {
         $paint = new Painting($image);
         $paintings[] = $paint;
     $tpl->assign('albumId', $albumId);
     $tpl->assign('images', $paintings);
     if ($this->param('commented')) {
         $tpl->assign('commented', true);
     } else {
         $tpl->assign('commented', false);
     $form = jForms::create('coment');
     $form->setData('albumId', $albumId);
     $tpl->assign('form', $form);
     $vidFile = $vidsService->getVideo($picasaService->getAlbumById($albumId)->name);
     $tpl->assign('video', $vidFile);
     $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('images_html'));
     return $rep;
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $config = new \Jelix\JCommunity\Config();
     $this->_tpl->assign('canRegister', $config->isRegistrationEnabled());
     $this->_tpl->assign('canResetPassword', $config->isResetPasswordEnabled());
     if (jAuth::isConnected()) {
         $this->_tpl->assign('login', jAuth::getUserSession()->login);
     } else {
         $conf = jAuth::loadConfig();
         $this->_tpl->assign('persistance_ok', jAuth::isPersistant());
         $form = jForms::get("jcommunity~login");
         if (!$form) {
             $form = jForms::create("jcommunity~login");
         $this->_tpl->assign('form', $form);
         $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', '');
         if ($conf['enable_after_login_override']) {
             $req = jApp::coord()->request;
             if ($req->getParam('auth_url_return')) {
                 $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', $req->getParam('auth_url_return'));
             } else {
                 if ($this->param('as_main_content')) {
                     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] != jUrl::getCurrentUrl(false, true)) {
                         $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
                 } else {
                     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD') {
                         $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', jUrl::getCurrentUrl(false, true));
  * Main page
 public function index()
     $submit = $this->param('validate');
     if ($submit == jLocale::get('hfnucontact~contact.form.saveBt')) {
         $form = jForms::fill('hfnucontact~admincontact');
         $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
         if (!$form->check()) {
             $rep->action = 'hfnucontact~admin:index';
             return $rep;
         $HfnucontactConfig = new jIniFileModifier(jApp::configPath('defaultconfig.ini.php'));
         $HfnucontactConfig->setValue('email_contact', $this->param('contact'), 'hfnucontact');
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('hfnucontact~contact.admin.form.email.saved'), 'ok');
         $rep->action = 'hfnucontact~admin:index';
         return $rep;
     } else {
         $form = jForms::create('hfnucontact~admincontact');
     $form->setData('contact', jApp::config()->hfnucontact['email_contact']);
     $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
     $tpl = new jTpl();
     $tpl->assign('form', $form);
     $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('hfnucontact~admincontact'));
     $rep->body->assign('selectedMenuItem', 'contact');
     return $rep;
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $form = jForms::get('password');
     if ($form == null) {
         $form = jForms::create('password');
     $this->_tpl->assign('form', $form);
Exemple #10
  * function to manage data before assigning to the template of its zone
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $id_forum = $this->param('id_forum');
     if (!$id_forum) {
     $form = jForms::create('havefnubb~jumpto', $id_forum);
     $this->_tpl->assign('form', $form);
Exemple #11
  * form to ask to reindex
 function index()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
     $form = jForms::create('hfnusearch~indexing');
     $tpl = new jTpl();
     $tpl->assign('form', $form);
     $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('hfnusearch~admin.index'));
     $rep->body->assign('selectedMenuItem', 'searchengine');
     return $rep;
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $form = jForms::get('registration');
     if ($form == null) {
         $form = jForms::create('registration');
     jEvent::notify('jcommunity_registration_init_form', array('form' => $form, 'tpl' => $this->_tpl));
     $this->_tpl->assign('form', $form);
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $id = $this->param('id');
     $form = jForms::create('events');
     $form->initFromDao('events', $id);
     $this->_tpl->assign('id', $id);
     $this->_tpl->assign('form', $form);
     $this->_tpl->assign('record', jDao::get('events')->get($id));
     $this->_tpl->assign('editAction', 'events~events:preupdate');
     $this->_tpl->assign('deleteAction', 'events~events:delete');
     $this->_tpl->assign('listAction', 'events~events:index');
 function savePage()
     $form = jForms::fill("index");
     $srv = new PagesService();
     $page = $srv->getPageOBJ($this->param('name'));
     $page->text = $this->param('text');
     $dao = jDao::get('pages');
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     $rep->action = 'default:viewPage';
     $rep->params['page'] = $this->param('name');
     return $rep;
Exemple #15
 function save()
     $f = jForms::fill('base~formauth');
     if (!$f->check) {
         $vue = $this->getResponse('redirect');
         $vue->action = 'base~identity:index';
         return $vue;
     $vue = $this->common();
     $c = jClasses::getService('UserManager');
     return $vue;
 function savecreate()
     $form = jForms::get('files');
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     $dao = jDao::get('files');
     $record = jDao::createRecord('files');
     $record->name = $form->getData('name');
     $record->url = "http://www.helenekling.com/" . $this->testDir . $this->uploadsDirectory . "/" . $form->getData('file');
     $rep->action = 'files:index';
     return $rep;
Exemple #17
  * web service for XHR request when a control should be filled with a list
  * of values, depending of the value of an other control.
 public function getListData()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('json', true);
     try {
         $form = jForms::get($this->param('__form'), $this->param('__formid'));
         if (!$form) {
             throw new Exception('dummy');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception('invalid form selector');
     // check CSRF
     if ($form->securityLevel == jFormsBase::SECURITY_CSRF) {
         if ($form->getContainer()->token !== $this->param('__JFORMS_TOKEN__')) {
             throw new jException("jelix~formserr.invalid.token");
     // retrieve the control to fill
     $control = $form->getControl($this->param('__ref'));
     if (!$control || !$control instanceof jFormsControlDatasource) {
         throw new Exception('bad control');
     if (!$control->datasource instanceof jIFormsDynamicDatasource) {
         throw new Exception('not supported datasource type');
     $dependentControls = $control->datasource->getCriteriaControls();
     if (!$dependentControls) {
         throw new Exception('no dependent controls');
     foreach ($dependentControls as $ctname) {
         $form->setData($ctname, $this->param($ctname));
     $rep->data = array();
     if ($control->datasource->hasGroupedData()) {
         foreach ($control->datasource->getData($form) as $k => $items) {
             $data = array();
             foreach ($items as $k2 => $v) {
                 $data[] = array('value' => $k2, 'label' => $v);
             $rep->data[] = array('items' => $data, 'label' => $k);
     } else {
         foreach ($control->datasource->getData($form) as $k => $v) {
             $rep->data[] = array('value' => $k, 'label' => $v);
     return $rep;
 function index()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
     $tpl = new jTpl();
     $form = jForms::create('search');
     $tpl->assign('formulaire', $form);
     $vidsServ = new OnDiskVideosService();
     $tpl->assign('video', $vidsServ->randomVideo());
     $picasaSrv = new jPicasa();
     $paintings = array();
     foreach ($picasaSrv->lastImages() as $img) {
         $paintings[$img->name] = new Painting($img);
     $tpl->assign('images', $paintings);
     $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('photogallery_index'));
     return $rep;
 function save()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     $rep->action = 'default:index';
     $form = jForms::fill('config');
     if (!$form) {
         return $rep;
     if (!$form->check()) {
         return $rep;
     $activeusers = jClasses::create('activeusers~connectedusers');
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         jMessage::add('Error: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'error');
     return $rep;
 function answer()
     $resp = $this->precreate();
     if ($id = $this->param("id")) {
         // verify i'm the dest of the message i will answer
         $mail = jDao::get($this->dao)->get($id);
         if ($mail->id_for != jAuth::getUserSession()->id) {
             return $resp;
         $form = jForms::get($this->form);
         if ($form == null) {
             $form = jForms::create($this->form);
         $form->deactivate("id_for", true);
         $form->setData("answer_to", $mail->id_from);
         $resp->params['id'] = $id;
         $form->setData("title", "Re : " . jDao::get($this->dao)->get($id)->title);
     return $resp;
  * function to manage data before assigning to the template of its zone
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $thread_id = (int) $this->param('thread_id');
     $id_post = (int) $this->param('id_post');
     $id_forum = (int) $this->param('id_forum');
     $isConnected = (bool) $this->param('connected');
     if ($id_post < 1) {
     if ($id_forum < 1) {
     $daoUser = jDao::get('havefnubb~member');
     if (jAuth::isConnected()) {
         $user = $daoUser->getByLogin(jAuth::getUserSession()->login);
     } else {
         $user = new StdClass();
         $user->id = 0;
     $post = jClasses::getService('havefnubb~hfnuposts')->getPost($id_post);
     $subject = '';
     if ($post->subject != '') {
         $subject = $post->subject;
     if (jAuth::isConnected()) {
         $form = jForms::create('havefnubb~posts', $thread_id);
     } else {
         $form = jForms::create('havefnubb~posts_anonym', $thread_id);
     $form->setData('id_forum', $id_forum);
     $form->setData('id_user', $user->id);
     $form->setData('id_post', $id_post);
     $form->setData('thread_id', $thread_id);
     $form->setData('subject', $subject);
     $this->_tpl->assign('form', $form);
     $this->_tpl->assign('id_post', $id_post);
     $this->_tpl->assign('thread_id', $thread_id);
Exemple #22
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     if (jAuth::isConnected()) {
         $this->_tpl->assign('login', jAuth::getUserSession()->login);
     } else {
         $conf = jApp::coord()->getPlugin('auth')->config;
         $this->_tpl->assign('persistance_ok', $conf['persistant_enable']);
         $form = jForms::get("jcommunity~login");
         if (!$form) {
             $form = jForms::create("jcommunity~login");
         $this->_tpl->assign('form', $form);
         if ($conf['enable_after_login_override']) {
             $req = jApp::coord()->request;
             if ($req->getParam('auth_url_return')) {
                 $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', $req->getParam('auth_url_return'));
             } else {
                 if ($this->param('as_main_content')) {
                     if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) {
                         $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
                     } else {
                         $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', '');
                 } else {
                     $url = $req->urlScript . $req->urlPathInfo;
                     if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
                         $url .= '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
                     $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', $url);
         } else {
             $this->_tpl->assign('url_return', '');
  * Save the data for one section.
  * @return Redirect to the index.
 function validateSection()
     $repository = $this->param('repository');
     $new = $this->intParam('new');
     // Destroy the form
     if ($form = jForms::get('admin~config_section')) {
     } else {
         // undefined form : redirect
         $rep = $this->getResponse("redirect");
         $rep->action = "admin~config:index";
         return $rep;
     // Redirect to the index
     $rep = $this->getResponse("redirect");
     if ($new) {
         $rep->action = "admin~config:modifySection";
         $rep->params['repository'] = $repository;
     } else {
         $rep->action = "admin~config:index";
     return $rep;
  * save data of a form in a new record
 function saveupdate()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     $id = $this->param('id');
     $page = $this->param($this->offsetParameterName);
     $form = $this->_getForm($id);
     if ($form === null || $id === null) {
         $rep->action = $this->_getAction('index');
         return $rep;
     $rep->params[$this->offsetParameterName] = $page;
     if ($form->check() && $this->_checkData($form, true)) {
         $results = $form->prepareDaoFromControls($this->dao, $id, $this->dbProfile);
         extract($results, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "form");
         //use a temp variable to avoid notices
         $this->_beforeSaveUpdate($form, $form_daorec, $id);
         $rep->action = $this->_getAction('view');
         $rep->params['id'] = $id;
         $this->_afterUpdate($form, $id, $rep);
         if ($this->uploadsDirectory !== false) {
         jForms::destroy($this->form, $id);
     } else {
         $rep->action = $this->_getAction('editupdate');
         $rep->params['id'] = $id;
     return $rep;
 public function getDefaultBottomDockable()
     $dockable = array();
     $configOptions = $this->getOptions();
     $bp = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'];
     if ($this->hasAttributeLayers()) {
         $form = jForms::create('view~attribute_layers_option');
         $assign = array('form' => $form);
         $tpl = new jTpl();
         $dockable[] = new lizmapMapDockItem('attributeLayers', jLocale::get('view~map.attributeLayers.navbar.title'), array('view~map_attributeLayers', $assign), 1, '', $bp . 'js/attributeTable.js');
     return $dockable;
  * activate a new password. the key should be given as a parameter
 function confirm()
     $repError = $this->_check();
     if ($repError) {
         return $repError;
     $rep = $this->getResponse("redirect");
     $rep->action = "password:confirmform";
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') {
         return $rep;
     $form = jForms::fill('confirmation');
     if ($form == null) {
         return $rep;
     if (!$form->check()) {
         return $rep;
     $login = $form->getData('conf_login');
     $user = jAuth::getUser($login);
     if (!$user) {
         $form->setErrorOn('conf_login', jLocale::get('password.form.confirm.login.doesnt.exist'));
         return $rep;
     if ($user->status != JCOMMUNITY_STATUS_PWD_CHANGED) {
         $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
         $tpl = new jTpl();
         $tpl->assign('status', JCOMMUNITY_STATUS_VALID);
         $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('password_ok'));
         return $rep;
     if (strcmp($user->request_date, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 48 * 60 * 60)) < 0) {
         $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
         $tpl = new jTpl();
         $tpl->assign('status', JCOMMUNITY_STATUS_MAIL_CHANGED);
         $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('password_ok'));
         return $rep;
     if ($form->getData('conf_key') != $user->keyactivate) {
         $form->setErrorOn('conf_key', jLocale::get('password.form.confirm.bad.key'));
         return $rep;
     $passwd = $form->getData('conf_password');
     $user->status = JCOMMUNITY_STATUS_VALID;
     jAuth::changePassword($login, $passwd);
     jAuth::login($login, $passwd);
     $rep->action = "password:confirmok";
     return $rep;
  * save data of a form in a new record
 function saveupdate()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     $id = $this->param('id');
     $form = jForms::get($this->form, $id);
     if ($form === null || $id === null) {
         $rep->action = 'master_admin~default:index';
         return $rep;
     $evresp = array();
     if ($form->check() && !jEvent::notify('jauthdbAdminCheckUpdateForm', array('form' => $form))->inResponse('check', false, $evresp)) {
         extract($form->prepareDaoFromControls($this->dao, $id, $this->dbProfile), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "form");
         // we call jAuth instead of using jDao, to allow jAuth to do
         // all process, events...
         $rep->action = 'user:index';
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.update.ok', $id), 'notice');
         jForms::destroy($this->form, $id);
     } else {
         $rep->action = 'user:editupdate';
     $rep->params['id'] = $id;
     return $rep;
  * Send a message to a friend
 public function send_a_message_to_friend()
     $form = jForms::fill('hfnucontact~send_to_friend');
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     if (!$form) {
         $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
         $rep->action = 'jelix~error:403';
         return $rep;
     if (!$form->check()) {
         $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
         $rep->action = 'jelix~error:404';
         return $rep;
     // the sender is  not connected and use contact form to send a message
     // to the contact defined in hfnucontact.ini.php
     if (!jAuth::isConnected()) {
         $gJConfig = jApp::config();
         $email = $gJConfig->mailer['webmasterEmail'];
         $login = $gJConfig->mailer['webmasterName'];
     } else {
         $email = jAuth::getUserSession()->email;
         $login = jAuth::getUserSession()->login;
     $mail = new jMailer();
     $mail->From = $email;
     $mail->FromName = $login;
     $mail->Sender = $email;
     $mail->Subject = $form->getData('subject');
     $mail->ContentType = 'text/html';
     $tpl = new jTpl();
     $tpl->assign('login', $login);
     $tpl->assign('message', $form->getData('message'));
     $mail->Body = $tpl->fetch('hfnucontact~send_an_email', 'text');
     $rep->action = 'hfnucontact~default:contacted';
     return $rep;
  * displays a record
 function view()
     $spk = $this->param($this->spkName);
     $dpk = $this->param($this->dpkName);
     $page = $this->param($this->offsetParameterName);
     if ($dpk === null) {
         $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
         $rep->action = $this->_getAction('index');
         $rep->params[$this->spkName] = $spk;
         return $rep;
     $rep = $this->_getResponse();
     $id = $this->_getPk($spk, $dpk);
     // we're using a form to display a record, to have the portunity to have
     // labels with each values. We need also him to load easily values of some
     // of controls with initControlFromDao (to use in _view method).
     $form = jForms::create($this->form, $id);
     $form->initFromDao($this->dao, $id, $this->dbProfile);
     $tpl = new jTpl();
     $tpl->assign('dpk', $dpk);
     $tpl->assign('dpkName', $this->dpkName);
     $tpl->assign('spkName', $this->spkName);
     $tpl->assign('spk', $spk);
     $tpl->assign('form', $form);
     $tpl->assign('page', $page);
     $tpl->assign('offsetParameterName', $this->offsetParameterName);
     $tpl->assign('editAction', $this->_getAction('preupdate'));
     $tpl->assign('deleteAction', $this->_getAction('delete'));
     $tpl->assign('listAction', $this->_getAction('index'));
     $this->_view($form, $rep, $tpl);
     $rep->body->assign($this->templateAssign, $tpl->fetch($this->viewTemplate));
     return $rep;
  * activate an account. the key should be given as a parameter
 function confirm()
     if (jAuth::isConnected()) {
         return $this->noaccess();
     $rep = $this->getResponse("redirect");
     $rep->action = "registration:confirmform";
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') {
         return $rep;
     $form = jForms::fill('confirmation');
     if ($form == null) {
         return $rep;
     if (!$form->check()) {
         return $rep;
     $login = $form->getData('conf_login');
     $user = jAuth::getUser($login);
     if (!$user) {
         $form->setErrorOn('conf_login', jLocale::get('register.form.confirm.login.doesnt.exist'));
         return $rep;
     if ($user->status != JCOMMUNITY_STATUS_NEW) {
         $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
         $tpl = new jTpl();
         $tpl->assign('already', true);
         $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('registration_ok'));
         return $rep;
     if ($form->getData('conf_key') != $user->keyactivate) {
         $form->setErrorOn('conf_key', jLocale::get('register.form.confirm.bad.key'));
         return $rep;
     $user->status = JCOMMUNITY_STATUS_VALID;
     jEvent::notify('jcommunity_registration_confirm', array('user' => $user));
     jAuth::changePassword($login, $form->getData('conf_password'));
     jAuth::login($login, $form->getData('conf_password'));
     $rep->action = "registration:confirmok";
     return $rep;