Exemple #1
 function Execute($Params)
     $jChat = new jChat($this->App);
     $Channel = $Params[Channel];
     if (!is_numeric($Channel)) {
         $Channel = 0;
     $Nickname = $Params[Nickname];
     if (strlen($Nickname) < 1) {
         return array("Error" => "Nickname must be at least 3 characters", "Err" => "3");
     $Nickname = htmlspecialchars($Nickname);
     $Result = $jChat->Join($Nickname, $Channel);
     if (!$Result) {
         $out[Result] = "Success";
     } elseif ($Result == -1) {
         $out[Err] = "1";
         $out[Error] = "You are already in channel!";
     } elseif ($Result == -2) {
         $out[Err] = "2";
         $out[Error] = "Nickname already exists in channel!";
     return $out;
 public static function make()
     self::$instance = self::getInstance();
     //run jChat Message
     return self::$instance;
Exemple #3
 function Execute($Params)
     $jChat = new jChat($this->App);
     $Channel = $Params[Channel];
     if (!is_numeric($Channel)) {
         $Channel = 0;
     $Result = $jChat->Leave($Channel);
     if (!$Result) {
         $out[Err] = "1";
         $out[Error] = "You're not in channel! You can't exit!";
     } else {
         $out[Result] = "Success";
     return $out;
Exemple #4
 function Execute($Params)
     $jChat = new jChat($this->App);
     $Channel = $Params[Channel];
     if (!is_numeric($Channel)) {
         $Channel = 0;
     $Result = $jChat->ChannelUsers($Channel);
     if (!$Result) {
         $out[Err] = "1";
         $out[Error] = "No one is in the channel!";
     } else {
         $out = $Result;
     return $out;
Exemple #5
 function Execute($Params)
     $jChat = new jChat($this->App);
     $Channel = $Params[Channel];
     if (!is_numeric($Channel)) {
         $Channel = 0;
     $LastID = null;
     $Result = $jChat->WhoAmI($Channel, $LastID);
     if ($Result) {
         $out[Result] = "Success";
         $out[User] = $Result;
         $out[LastID] = $LastID;
     } else {
         $out[Err] = "1";
         $out[Error] = "You are not in channel!";
     return $out;
 function Execute($Params)
     $jChat = new jChat($this->App);
     $Channel = $Params[Channel];
     if (!is_numeric($Channel)) {
         $Channel = 0;
     $LastID = $Params[LastID];
     if (!is_numeric($LastID)) {
         return array('Error' => "Invalid LastID", "Err" => "2");
     $Result = $jChat->Receive($Channel, $LastID);
     if (!$Result) {
         $out[Err] = "1";
         $out[Error] = "No new messages!";
     } else {
         $out = $Result;
     return $out;
Exemple #7
 function Execute($Params)
     $jChat = new jChat($this->App);
     $Channel = $Params[Channel];
     if (!is_numeric($Channel)) {
         $Channel = 0;
     $Message = $Params[Message];
     if ($Message == "") {
         return array("Error" => "Don't send empty messages", "Err" => "2");
     $Message = htmlspecialchars($Message);
     $Result = $jChat->Send($Message, $Channel);
     if (!$Result) {
         $out[Err] = "1";
         $out[Error] = "You should login to be able to send!";
     } else {
         $out[Result] = $Result;
     return $out;

Plugin Name: J_Chat
Plugin URI: http://come-stay.vn
Description: This plugin J_Chat to display in front-end
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Jackie
License: GPL
Text Domain: j_chat
Domain Path: /languages
if (!function_exists('add_action')) {
    echo 'Hi there!  I\'m just a plugin, not much I can do when called directly.';
//defined constant for plugin
define('J_CHAT_MINIMUM_VERSION', '3.9.2');
define('J_CHAT_VERSION', '1.0.0');
define('J_CHAT_URL', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__));
define('J_CHAT_DIR', plugin_dir_path(__FILE__));
define('J_CHAT_LANGUAGES', J_CHAT_DIR . 'languages/');
require_once J_CHAT_DIR . 'includes/class.jChat.php';
require_once J_CHAT_DIR . 'includes/class.jChatMessage.php';
require_once J_CHAT_DIR . 'includes/class.jChatWidget.php';
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array('jChat', 'plugin_activation'));
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array('jChat', 'plugin_deactivation'));