// $users['total'] = $usersClass->getUsersCount(" `status` = 'activate' "); abr('users', $users); $topAuthors = $usersClass->getAll(0, 5, " `status` = 'activate' ", "`sales` DESC"); abr('topAuthors', $topAuthors); #LOAD WITHDRAW require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/users/models/deposit.class.php'; $depositClass = new deposit(); $withdraw['no'] = $depositClass->getWithdrawCount(" `paid` = 'false' AND `datetime` > '" . date('Y-m') . "-01 00:00:00' "); $withdraw['paid'] = $depositClass->getWithdrawCount(" `paid` = 'true' AND `paid_datetime` > '" . date('Y-m') . "-01 00:00:00' "); abr('withdraw', $withdraw); #LOAD THEMES require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/items/models/items.class.php'; $itemsClass = new items(); $items = $itemsClass->getAll(0, 10, " `status` = 'queue' "); abr('items', $items); $updated_items = $itemsClass->getAllForUpdate(0, 10); abr('updated_items', $updated_items); #LOAD LAST REQUEST require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/contacts/models/contacts.class.php'; $contactsClass = new contacts(); $lastContact = $contactsClass->getAll(0, 10, " `answer` = '' "); abr('lastContact', $lastContact); #CHECK FOR ATTRIBUTES require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/attributes/models/categories.class.php'; $categoriesClass = new categories(); $attributes = $categoriesClass->getAll(); if (!is_array($attributes)) { abr('notHaveAttributes', 'true'); } require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/reports/models/javascript.class.php'; $referal_sum = $ordersClass->getSalesStatusByDay(" AND `datetime` > '" . date('Y-m') . "-01 00:00:00' ", 'referal');
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ) // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Email author@demila.org // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- //上传队列审核 require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/items/models/items.class.php'; $items = new items(); $queue = $items->getAll(0, 0, " `status` = 'queue' "); $queueCount = 0; if ($queue) { $queueCount = count($queue); } abr('queueCount', $queueCount); //更新队列审核 $update = $items->getAllForUpdate(); $updateCount = 0; if ($update) { $updateCount = count($update); } abr('updateCount', $updateCount); //提现队列审核 require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/users/models/deposit.class.php'; $deposit = new deposit(); $deposit = $deposit->getWithdraws('', '', ' paid = "false"'); $depositCount = 0; if ($deposit) { $depositCount = count($deposit); } abr('depositCount', $depositCount); //联系支持处理
<?php // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Demila [ Beautiful Digital Content Trading System ] // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2015 http://demila.org All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ) // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Email author@demila.org // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- _setView(__FILE__); _setTitle($langArray['queue_update']); $cms = new items(); $data = $cms->getAllForUpdate(START, LIMIT); abr('data', $data); $p = paging("?m=" . $_GET['m'] . "&c=queue_update&p=", "", PAGE, LIMIT, $cms->foundRows); abr('paging', $p); require_once ROOT_PATH . '/apps/lists/leftlist_admin.php';