public function priv_findquote($line, $args) { $channel = $line['to']; if ($channel == $this->ircClass->getNick()) { return; } $cqDB = $this->openDatabase($channel); if (!$cqDB) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Error attempting to access quotes database!"); return; } if ($args['nargs'] == 0) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Usage: " . $args['cmd'] . " <search>"); } else { if (strlen($args['query']) <= 2) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Query must be more than 2 characters."); return; } $type = "author"; if ($args['cmd'] == "!findquote") { $type = "quote"; } $results = $cqDB->searchSectionsByVar($type, $args['query'], CONTAINS_MATCH); $count = count($results); if ($count > 0) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "There are " . $count . " quotes matching your query:"); sort($results); $resultArray = irc::multiLine(implode(" ", $results)); foreach ($resultArray as $quoteLine) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], $quoteLine); } $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "End of results."); } else { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "No quotes matching your query."); } } }
public function search_response($line, $args, $result, $site) { if ($result == QUERY_ERROR) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Error: " . $site); return; } $site = str_replace(" ", ";", $site); $site = str_replace("\r", "", $site); $site = html_entity_decode($site); preg_match_all("/<li>\\s*<a href=\"\\/title\\/(.+?)\\/.+?>(.+?)<\\/a>\\s*(\\(.+?\\)){1}?(\\s)?(.+?)*?<\\/li>/i", $site, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $topTen = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { if ($matches[4][$i] == " ") { continue; } $link = trim($matches[1][$i]); $title = trim($matches[2][$i]); $date = trim($matches[3][$i]); $lTitle = strtolower($title); if (!isset($this->cache[$lTitle])) { $this->cache[$lTitle] = array(); $this->cache[$lTitle][$date] = $link; } else { if (!isset($this->cache[$lTitle][$date])) { $this->cache[$lTitle][$date] = $link; krsort($this->cache[$lTitle]); } } $topTen[] = $title . " " . $date; } $tkey = strtolower($args["query"]); $lArgs = explode(chr(32), $tkey); $tCount = count($lArgs); if ($tCount > 0) { $date = $lArgs[count($lArgs) - 1]; $title = trim(str_replace($date, "", $tkey)); } if (isset($this->cache[$tkey])) { foreach ($this->cache[$tkey] as $date => $link) { break; } $line["link"] = $link; $line["title"] = $tkey; $line["date"] = $date; $search = socket::generateGetQuery("", "", "/title/" . $link . "/", "1.0"); $this->ircClass->addQuery("", 80, $search, $line, $this, "title_response"); } else { if ($tCount > 0 && isset($this->cache[$title]) && isset($this->cache[$title][$date])) { $link = $this->cache[$title][$date]; $line["link"] = $link; $line["title"] = $title; $line["date"] = $date; $search = socket::generateGetQuery("", "", "/title/" . $link . "/", "1.0"); $this->ircClass->addQuery("", 80, $search, $line, $this, "title_response"); } else { $total = count($topTen); $total = $total > 10 ? 10 : $total; if ($total <= 0) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "No responses from server. Try broadening your search. If you included a date, remove it and try again."); return; } $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Top " . $total . " responses from"); $resp = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $resp .= DARK . "[" . BRIGHT . $topTen[$i] . DARK . "] - "; } $multi = irc::multiLine($resp); foreach ($multi as $mult) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], $mult); } } } }