function displayhomegallery() { if (strlen($_POST[setposition])) { while (list($key, $val) = each($_POST)) { if (strstr($key, "chk_")) { $key = str_replace("chk_", "", $key); config::query("UPDATE " . $this->tblpfx . "homegallery SET position='" . addslashes($val) . "' WHERE sno='{$key}'"); } } self::filecreation(); echo "<script>alert('Records has been updated successfully');window.location.href='?pg=" . $this->pg . "';</script>"; } if (strlen($this->delid)) { config::query("DELETE FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "homegallery WHERE sno='" . $this->delid . "'"); self::filecreation(); echo "<script>window.location.href='?pg=" . $this->pg . "&success=3';</script>"; } if (strlen($_POST[submit])) { if (strlen($_FILES[filename][name])) { $filename = $_FILES[filename][name]; $additional .= ",imagename='" . addslashes($filename) . "'"; } $CHKQRY = config::fetch_all_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "homegallery WHERE imagename='" . addslashes($filename) . "'", 1); if ($CHKQRY[0] == 0) { if ($_POST[tagdate_Month] < 10) { $_POST[tagdate_Month] = "0" . ($_POST[tagdate_Month] + 1); } if ($_POST[tagdate_Day] < 10) { $_POST[tagdate_Day] = "0" . $_POST[tagdate_Day]; } $additional .= ",tagdate='{$_POST['tagdate_Year']}-{$_POST['tagdate_Month']}-{$_POST['tagdate_Day']}'"; if (intval($this->upd) > 0) { config::insertdb("homegallery", "update", " sno='" . $this->upd . "'", $additional); $success = 2; } else { $this->upd = config::insertdb("homegallery", "insert", "", $additional); $success = 1; } if (strlen($_FILES[filename][name])) { $filename = $this->upd . "-" . $filename; $image = new imageresize(); $image->load($_FILES["filename"]["tmp_name"]); $image->resize(698, 464); $image->save($this->path . $filename); } self::filecreation(); echo "<script>window.location.href='?pg=" . $this->pg . "&success={$success}'</script>"; } else { $errormessage = "<div class='error'>Duplicate Image not allowed</div>"; while (list($key, $val) = each($_POST)) { if (strstr($key, "shall_")) { $key = str_replace("shall_", "", $key); $UPDATEROWS[$key] = $val; } } } } if ($this->upd > 0) { $UPDATEROWS = config::fetch_all_array("SELECT * FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "homegallery WHERE sno='" . $this->upd . "'", 1); //if(strlen($UPDATEROWS[imagename])) //$imagename="<img src='".$this->path.$UPDATEROWS[sno]."-".$UPDATEROWS[imagename]."' height='50'>"; $UPDATEROWS[tagdate] = config::datechange($UPDATEROWS[tagdate], "-", "-", "1"); } if (!strlen($UPDATEROWS[tagdate]) || $UPDATEROWS[tagdate] == "00-00-0000") { $UPDATEROWS[tagdate] = date("d-m-Y"); } if (strlen($this->upd)) { $TAGQUERY = config::fetch_all_array("SELECT * FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "tags a ORDER BY title"); } $messagearray = array("", "Photo Uploaded<br>By default the last updated will appear first. To change the order please use Set Position", "Photo Updated", "Photo Deleted"); $message = $_GET[success]; $message = $messagearray[$message]; $QUERY = config::fetch_all_array("SELECT * FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "homegallery ORDER BY position asc,sno desc"); include "template/homegallery.tpl"; }
function photodisplay() { if (strlen($_POST[setposition])) { while (list($key, $val) = each($_POST)) { if (strstr($key, "chk_")) { $key = str_replace("chk_", "", $key); config::query("UPDATE " . $this->tblpfx . "photogallery SET position='" . addslashes($val) . "' WHERE sno='{$key}'"); } } echo "<script>window.location.href='?pg=" . $this->pg . "&albumid=" . $this->albumid . "&albumtitle=" . $this->albumtitle . "&success=3';</script>"; } if (strlen($this->delid)) { config::query("DELETE FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "photogallery WHERE sno='" . $this->delid . "'"); unlink($this->path . $this->delid . "-" . $_GET[img]); echo "<script>window.location.href='?pg=" . $this->pg . "&albumid=" . $this->albumid . "&albumtitle=" . $this->albumtitle . "&success=3';</script>"; } if (strlen($_POST[submit])) { if (strlen($_FILES[filename][name])) { $filename = $_FILES[filename][name]; $additional .= ",imagename='" . addslashes($filename) . "'"; } $CHKQRY = config::fetch_all_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "photogallery WHERE imagename='" . addslashes($filename) . "'", 1); if ($CHKQRY[0] == 0) { if ($_POST[tagdate_Month] < 10) { $_POST[tagdate_Month] = "0" . ($_POST[tagdate_Month] + 1); } if ($_POST[tagdate_Day] < 10) { $_POST[tagdate_Day] = "0" . $_POST[tagdate_Day]; } $additional .= ",tagdate='{$_POST['tagdate_Year']}-{$_POST['tagdate_Month']}-{$_POST['tagdate_Day']}',albumid='" . addslashes($this->albumid) . "'"; if (intval($this->upd) > 0) { config::insertdb("photogallery", "update", " sno='" . $this->upd . "'", $additional); $success = 2; } else { $this->upd = config::insertdb("photogallery", "insert", "", $additional); $success = 1; } if (strlen($_FILES[filename][name])) { $filename = $this->upd . "-" . $filename; //copy($_FILES[filename][tmp_name],$this->path."large/".$filename); if (!is_dir($this->path)) { mkdir($this->path); chmod($this->path, 0777); mkdir($this->path . "large/"); chmod($this->path . "large/", 0777); } list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES["filename"]["tmp_name"]); $newheight = 145; $newwidth = $width / $height * $newheight; if ($newwidth > 218) { $newwidth = 218; } $image = new imageresize(); $image->load($_FILES["filename"]["tmp_name"]); $image->resize($newwidth, 145); $image->save($this->path . $filename); ///large image if ($height > 470) { $newheight = 470; $newwidth = $width / $height * $newheight; } elseif ($width > 700) { $newwidth = 700; $newheight = $height / $width * $newwidth; } else { $newheight = $height; $newwidth = $width; } $image->load($_FILES["filename"]["tmp_name"]); $image->resize($newwidth, $newheight); $image->save($this->path . "large/" . $filename); } echo "<script>window.location.href='?pg=" . $this->pg . "&albumid=" . $this->albumid . "&albumtitle=" . $this->albumtitle . "&success={$success}'</script>"; } else { $errormessage = "<div class='error'>Duplicate Image not allowed</div>"; while (list($key, $val) = each($_POST)) { if (strstr($key, "shall_")) { $key = str_replace("shall_", "", $key); $UPDATEROWS[$key] = $val; } } } } //if($UPDATEROWS[tagdate]=='' && $UPDATEROWS[city]=='' && $UPDATEROWS[religion]=='' && $UPDATEROWS[film]=='' && $UPDATEROWS[camera]=='' && $UPDATEROWS[lens]=='' && $UPDATEROWS[typeimg]=='') if ($this->upd > 0) { $UPDATEROWS = config::fetch_all_array("SELECT * FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "photogallery WHERE sno='" . $this->upd . "'", 1); $UPDATEROWS[tagdate] = config::datechange($UPDATEROWS[tagdate], "-", "-", "1"); if ($UPDATEROWS[tagdate] == "00-00-0000") { $UPDATEROWS[tagdate] = ""; } if (!strlen($UPDATEROWS[tagdate])) { $UPDATEROWS[tagdate] = date("d-m-Y"); } } elseif (strlen($this->upd)) { $ALBUMROWS = config::fetch_all_array("SELECT tagdate,city,religion,typeimg,lens,film,camera FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "album WHERE sno='" . $this->albumid . "'", 1); $UPDATEROWS[tagdate] = config::datechange($ALBUMROWS[tagdate], "-", "-", "1"); $UPDATEROWS[country] = $ALBUMROWS[country]; $UPDATEROWS[city] = $ALBUMROWS[city]; $UPDATEROWS[religion] = $ALBUMROWS[religion]; $UPDATEROWS[film] = $ALBUMROWS[film]; $UPDATEROWS[camera] = $ALBUMROWS[camera]; $UPDATEROWS[lens] = $ALBUMROWS[lens]; $UPDATEROWS[typeimg] = $ALBUMROWS[typeimg]; if ($UPDATEROWS[tagdate] == "00-00-0000") { $UPDATEROWS[tagdate] = ""; } } $QUERY = config::fetch_all_array("SELECT * FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "photogallery a where albumid='" . $this->albumid . "' ORDER BY position asc, sno desc"); if (strlen($this->upd)) { $TAGQUERY = config::fetch_all_array("SELECT * FROM " . $this->tblpfx . "tags a ORDER BY title"); } $messagearray = array("", "Images uploaded<br>By default the last updated will appear first. To change the order please use Set Position", "Images Updated", "Images Deleted"); $message = $_GET[success]; $message = $messagearray[$message]; if (!strlen($UPDATEROWS[tagdate])) { $UPDATEROWS[tagdate] = date("d-m-Y"); } include "template/photogallery.tpl"; }
$mysqlinsid = mysql_insert_id(); include "class/imageresize.php"; if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path); chmod($path, 0777); mkdir($path . "large/"); chmod($path . "large/", 0777); } list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]); $filename = $mysqlinsid . "-" . $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]; $newheight = 145; $newwidth = $width / $height * $newheight; $image = new imageresize(); $image->load($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]); $image->resize($newwidth, 145); $image->save($path . $filename); ///large image if ($height > 470) { $newheight = 470; $newwidth = $width / $height * $newheight; } elseif ($width > 700) { $newwidth = 700; $newheight = $height / $width * $newwidth; } else { $newheight = $height; $newwidth = $width; } $image->load($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]); $image->resize($newwidth, $newheight); $image->save($path . "large/" . $filename); }