function stream_save($strdata, $albumid = 0, $fileext = 'jpg', $name = '', $title = '', $delsize = 0, $from = false)
    global $_G, $space;
    if ($albumid < 0) {
        $albumid = 0;
    $setarr = array();
    require_once libfile('class/upload');
    $upload = new discuz_upload();
    $filepath = $upload->get_target_dir('album') . $upload->get_target_filename('album') . '.' . $fileext;
    $newfilename = $_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './album/' . $filepath;
    if ($handle = fopen($newfilename, 'wb')) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $strdata) !== FALSE) {
            $size = filesize($newfilename);
            if (empty($space)) {
                $_G['member'] = $space = getspace($_G['uid']);
                $_G['username'] = addslashes($space['username']);
            $_G['member'] = $space;
            $maxspacesize = checkperm('maxspacesize');
            $maxspacesize = $maxspacesize * 1024 * 1024;
            if ($maxspacesize) {
                space_merge($space, 'common_member_count');
                space_merge($space, 'common_member_field_home');
                if ($space['attachsize'] + $size - $delsize > $maxspacesize + $space['addsize']) {
                    return -1;
            if (!$upload->get_image_info($newfilename)) {
                return -2;
            require_once libfile('class/image');
            $image = new image();
            $result = $image->Thumb($newfilename, NULL, 140, 140, 1);
            $thumb = empty($result) ? 0 : 1;
            $pic_remote = 0;
            $album_picflag = 1;
            if (getglobal('setting/ftp/on')) {
                $ftpresult_thumb = 0;
                $ftpresult = ftpupload('album/' . $filepath);
                if ($ftpresult) {
                    if ($thumb) {
                        ftpupload('album/' . $filepath . '.thumb.jpg');
                    $pic_remote = 1;
                    $album_picflag = 2;
                } else {
                    if (getglobal('setting/ftp/mirror')) {
                        @unlink($newfilename . '.thumb.jpg');
                        return -3;
            $filename = addslashes($name ? $name : substr(strrchr($filepath, '/'), 1));
            $title = getstr($title, 200, 1, 1, 1);
            if ($albumid) {
                $albumid = album_creat_by_id($albumid);
            } else {
                $albumid = 0;
            $setarr = array('albumid' => $albumid, 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'filename' => $filename, 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'title' => $title, 'type' => $fileext, 'size' => $size, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'thumb' => $thumb, 'remote' => $pic_remote);
            $setarr['picid'] = DB::insert('home_pic', $setarr, 1);
            DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member_count') . " SET attachsize=attachsize+{$size} WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'");
            include_once libfile('function/stat');
            return $setarr;
        } else {
    return -3;
Exemple #2
                     $image = new image();
                     $thumb = $image->Thumb($upload->attach['target'], '', $_G['setting']['sourcewidth'], $_G['setting']['sourceheight'], 1, 1) ? 1 : 0;
                     $width = $image->imginfo['width'];
                     $upload->attach['size'] = $image->imginfo['size'];
                 if ($_G['setting']['thumbstatus']) {
                     $image = new image();
                     $thumb = $image->Thumb($upload->attach['target'], '', $_G['setting']['thumbwidth'], $_G['setting']['thumbheight'], $_G['setting']['thumbstatus'], 0) ? 1 : 0;
                     $width = $image->imginfo['width'];
                 if ($_G['setting']['thumbsource'] || !$_G['setting']['thumbstatus']) {
                     list($width) = @getimagesize($upload->attach['target']);
                 if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) {
                     $image = new image();
                     $image->Watermark($attach['target'], '', 'forum');
                     $upload->attach['size'] = $image->imginfo['size'];
             $aids[] = $aid = getattachnewaid();
             $setarr = array('aid' => $aid, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'filename' => $upload->attach['name'], 'filesize' => $upload->attach['size'], 'attachment' => $upload->attach['attachment'], 'isimage' => $upload->attach['isimage'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'thumb' => $thumb, 'remote' => '0', 'width' => $width);
             $attachaids[$hash] = $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = '[attachimg]' . $aid . '[/attachimg]';
         } else {
             $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = $attachaids[$hash];
 if (!empty($aids)) {
     require_once libfile('function/post');
Exemple #3
function updateattach($modnewthreads, $tid, $pid, $attachnew, $attachupdate = array(), $uid = 0)
    global $_G;
    $uid = $uid ? $uid : $_G['uid'];
    $uidadd = $_G['forum']['ismoderator'] ? '' : " AND uid='{$uid}'";
    if ($attachnew) {
        $newaids = array_keys($attachnew);
        $newattach = $newattachfile = $albumattach = array();
        $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment_unused') . " WHERE aid IN (" . dimplode($newaids) . "){$uidadd}");
        while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
            $newattach[$attach['aid']] = daddslashes($attach);
            if ($attach['isimage']) {
                $newattachfile[$attach['aid']] = $attach['attachment'];
        if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) {
            require_once libfile('class/image');
            $image = new image();
        if (!empty($_G['gp_albumaid'])) {
            array_unshift($_G['gp_albumaid'], '');
            $_G['gp_albumaid'] = array_unique($_G['gp_albumaid']);
            foreach ($_G['gp_albumaid'] as $aid) {
                if (isset($newattach[$aid])) {
                    $albumattach[$aid] = $newattach[$aid];
        foreach ($attachnew as $aid => $attach) {
            $update = array();
            $update['readperm'] = $_G['group']['allowsetattachperm'] ? $attach['readperm'] : 0;
            $update['price'] = $_G['group']['maxprice'] ? intval($attach['price']) <= $_G['group']['maxprice'] ? intval($attach['price']) : $_G['group']['maxprice'] : 0;
            $update['tid'] = $tid;
            $update['pid'] = $pid;
            $update['uid'] = $uid;
            $update['description'] = cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars($attach['description']), 100);
            DB::update(getattachtablebytid($tid), $update, "aid='{$aid}'");
            if (!$newattach[$aid]) {
            $update = array_merge($update, $newattach[$aid]);
            if (!empty($newattachfile[$aid])) {
                if ($_G['setting']['thumbstatus'] && $_G['forum']['disablethumb']) {
                    $update['thumb'] = 0;
                    @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . getimgthumbname($newattachfile[$aid]));
                    if (!empty($albumattach[$aid])) {
                        $albumattach[$aid]['thumb'] = 0;
                if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) {
                    $image->Watermark($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $newattachfile[$aid], '', 'forum');
                    $update['filesize'] = $image->imginfo['size'];
            if (!empty($_G['gp_albumaid']) && isset($albumattach[$aid])) {
                $newalbum = 0;
                if (!$_G['gp_uploadalbum']) {
                    require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
                    $_G['gp_uploadalbum'] = album_creat(array('albumname' => $_G['gp_newalbum']));
                    $newalbum = 1;
                $picdata = array('albumid' => $_G['gp_uploadalbum'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $albumattach[$aid]['dateline'], 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'filename' => $albumattach[$aid]['filename'], 'title' => cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars($attach['description']), 100), 'type' => fileext($albumattach[$aid]['attachment']), 'size' => $albumattach[$aid]['filesize'], 'filepath' => $albumattach[$aid]['attachment'], 'thumb' => $albumattach[$aid]['thumb'], 'remote' => $albumattach[$aid]['remote'] + 2);
                $update['picid'] = DB::insert('home_pic', $picdata, 1);
                if ($newalbum) {
                    require_once libfile('function/home');
                    require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
            DB::insert(getattachtablebytid($tid), $update, false, true);
            DB::update('forum_attachment', array('tid' => $tid, 'pid' => $pid, 'tableid' => getattachtableid($tid)), "aid='{$aid}'");
            DB::delete('forum_attachment_unused', "aid='{$aid}'");
        if (!empty($_G['gp_albumaid'])) {
            $albumdata = array('picnum' => DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('home_pic') . " WHERE albumid='{$_G['gp_uploadalbum']}'"), 'updatetime' => $_G['timestamp']);
            DB::update('home_album', $albumdata, "albumid='{$_G['gp_uploadalbum']}'");
        if ($newattach) {
            ftpupload($newaids, $uid);
    if (!$modnewthreads && $newattach && $uid == $_G['uid']) {
        updatecreditbyaction('postattach', $uid, array(), '', count($newattach), 1, $_G['fid']);
    if ($attachupdate) {
        $query = DB::query("SELECT pid, aid, attachment, thumb, remote FROM " . DB::table(getattachtablebytid($tid)) . " WHERE aid IN (" . dimplode(array_keys($attachupdate)) . ")");
        while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
            if (array_key_exists($attach['aid'], $attachupdate) && $attachupdate[$attach['aid']]) {
        $uaids = dimplode($attachupdate);
        $query = DB::query("SELECT aid, width, filename, filesize, attachment, isimage, thumb, remote FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment_unused') . " WHERE aid IN ({$uaids}){$uidadd}");
        DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment_unused') . " WHERE aid IN ({$uaids}){$uidadd}");
        $attachupdate = array_flip($attachupdate);
        while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
            $update = $attach;
            $update['dateline'] = TIMESTAMP;
            $update['remote'] = 0;
            if ($attach['isimage'] && $_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) {
                $image->Watermark($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $attach['attachment'], '', 'forum');
                $update['filesize'] = $image->imginfo['size'];
            DB::update(getattachtablebytid($tid), $update, "aid='" . $attachupdate[$attach['aid']] . "'");
            ftpupload(array($attachupdate[$attach['aid']]), $uid);
    $attachcount = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table(getattachtablebytid($tid)) . " WHERE tid='{$tid}'" . ($pid > 0 ? " AND pid='{$pid}'" : ''));
    $attachment = $attachcount ? DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table(getattachtablebytid($tid)) . " WHERE tid='{$tid}'" . ($pid > 0 ? " AND pid='{$pid}'" : '') . " AND isimage != 0") ? 2 : 1 : 0;
    DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET attachment='{$attachment}' WHERE tid='{$tid}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
    if (!$attachment) {
        DB::delete('forum_threadimage', "tid='{$tid}'");
    $posttable = getposttablebytid($tid);
    DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($posttable) . " SET attachment='{$attachment}' WHERE pid='{$pid}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
    $_G['forum_attachexist'] = $attachment;
Exemple #4
 $upload->init($_FILES['Filedata'], 'portal');
 $attach = $upload->attach;
 if (!$upload->error()) {
 if ($upload->error()) {
     $errorcode = 4;
 if (!$errorcode) {
     if ($attach['isimage'] && empty($_G['setting']['portalarticleimgthumbclosed'])) {
         require_once libfile('class/image');
         $image = new image();
         $thumbimgwidth = $_G['setting']['portalarticleimgthumbwidth'] ? $_G['setting']['portalarticleimgthumbwidth'] : 300;
         $thumbimgheight = $_G['setting']['portalarticleimgthumbheight'] ? $_G['setting']['portalarticleimgthumbheight'] : 300;
         $attach['thumb'] = $image->Thumb($attach['target'], '', $thumbimgwidth, $thumbimgheight, 2);
         $image->Watermark($attach['target'], '', 'portal');
     if (getglobal('setting/ftp/on') && (!$_G['setting']['ftp']['allowedexts'] && !$_G['setting']['ftp']['disallowedexts'] || $_G['setting']['ftp']['allowedexts'] && in_array($attach['ext'], $_G['setting']['ftp']['allowedexts']) || $_G['setting']['ftp']['disallowedexts'] && !in_array($attach['ext'], $_G['setting']['ftp']['disallowedexts'])) && (!$_G['setting']['ftp']['minsize'] || $attach['size'] >= $_G['setting']['ftp']['minsize'] * 1024)) {
         if (ftpcmd('upload', 'portal/' . $attach['attachment']) && (!$attach['thumb'] || ftpcmd('upload', 'portal/' . getimgthumbname($attach['attachment'])))) {
             @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/portal/' . $attach['attachment']);
             @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/portal/' . getimgthumbname($attach['attachment']));
             $attach['remote'] = 1;
         } else {
             if (getglobal('setting/ftp/mirror')) {
                 $errorcode = 5;
     $setarr = array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'filename' => $attach['name'], 'attachment' => $attach['attachment'], 'filesize' => $attach['size'], 'isimage' => $attach['isimage'], 'thumb' => $attach['thumb'], 'remote' => $attach['remote'], 'filetype' => $attach['extension'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'aid' => $aid);
function updateattach($modnewthreads, $tid, $pid, $attachnew, $attachupdate = array(), $uid = 0)
    global $_G;
    $thread = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch($tid);
    $uid = $uid ? $uid : $_G['uid'];
    if ($attachnew) {
        $newaids = array_keys($attachnew);
        $newattach = $newattachfile = $albumattach = array();
        foreach (C::t('forum_attachment_unused')->fetch_all($newaids) as $attach) {
            if ($attach['uid'] != $uid && !$_G['forum']['ismoderator']) {
            $attach['uid'] = $uid;
            $newattach[$attach['aid']] = daddslashes($attach);
            if ($attach['isimage']) {
                $newattachfile[$attach['aid']] = $attach['attachment'];
        if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark']) || !$_G['setting']['thumbdisabledmobile']) {
            require_once libfile('class/image');
            $image = new image();
        if (!empty($_GET['albumaid'])) {
            array_unshift($_GET['albumaid'], '');
            $_GET['albumaid'] = array_unique($_GET['albumaid']);
            foreach ($_GET['albumaid'] as $aid) {
                if (isset($newattach[$aid])) {
                    $albumattach[$aid] = $newattach[$aid];
        foreach ($attachnew as $aid => $attach) {
            $update = array();
            $update['readperm'] = $_G['group']['allowsetattachperm'] ? $attach['readperm'] : 0;
            $update['price'] = $_G['group']['maxprice'] ? intval($attach['price']) <= $_G['group']['maxprice'] ? intval($attach['price']) : $_G['group']['maxprice'] : 0;
            $update['tid'] = $tid;
            $update['pid'] = $pid;
            $update['uid'] = $uid;
            $update['description'] = censor(cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars($attach['description']), 100));
            C::t('forum_attachment_n')->update('tid:' . $tid, $aid, $update);
            if (!$newattach[$aid]) {
            $update = array_merge($update, $newattach[$aid]);
            if (!empty($newattachfile[$aid])) {
                if ($_G['setting']['thumbstatus'] && $_G['forum']['disablethumb']) {
                    $update['thumb'] = 0;
                    @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . getimgthumbname($newattachfile[$aid]));
                    if (!empty($albumattach[$aid])) {
                        $albumattach[$aid]['thumb'] = 0;
                } elseif (!$_G['setting']['thumbdisabledmobile']) {
                    $_daid = sprintf("%09d", $aid);
                    $dir1 = substr($_daid, 0, 3);
                    $dir2 = substr($_daid, 3, 2);
                    $dir3 = substr($_daid, 5, 2);
                    $dw = 320;
                    $dh = 320;
                    $thumbfile = 'image/' . $dir1 . '/' . $dir2 . '/' . $dir3 . '/' . substr($_daid, -2) . '_' . $dw . '_' . $dh . '.jpg';
                    $image->Thumb($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $newattachfile[$aid], $thumbfile, $dw, $dh, 'fixwr');
                    $dw = 720;
                    $dh = 720;
                    $thumbfile = 'image/' . $dir1 . '/' . $dir2 . '/' . $dir3 . '/' . substr($_daid, -2) . '_' . $dw . '_' . $dh . '.jpg';
                    $image->Thumb($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $newattachfile[$aid], $thumbfile, $dw, $dh, 'fixwr');
                if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) {
                    $image->Watermark($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $newattachfile[$aid], '', 'forum');
                    $update['filesize'] = $image->imginfo['size'];
            if (!empty($_GET['albumaid']) && isset($albumattach[$aid])) {
                $newalbum = 0;
                if (!$_GET['uploadalbum']) {
                    require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
                    $_GET['uploadalbum'] = album_creat(array('albumname' => $_GET['newalbum']));
                    $newalbum = 1;
                $picdata = array('albumid' => $_GET['uploadalbum'], 'uid' => $uid, 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $albumattach[$aid]['dateline'], 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'filename' => censor($albumattach[$aid]['filename']), 'title' => censor(cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars($attach['description']), 100)), 'type' => fileext($albumattach[$aid]['attachment']), 'size' => $albumattach[$aid]['filesize'], 'filepath' => $albumattach[$aid]['attachment'], 'thumb' => $albumattach[$aid]['thumb'], 'remote' => $albumattach[$aid]['remote'] + 2);
                $update['picid'] = C::t('home_pic')->insert($picdata, 1);
                if ($newalbum) {
                    require_once libfile('function/home');
                    require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
            C::t('forum_attachment_n')->insert('tid:' . $tid, $update, false, true);
            C::t('forum_attachment')->update($aid, array('tid' => $tid, 'pid' => $pid, 'tableid' => getattachtableid($tid)));
        if (!empty($_GET['albumaid'])) {
            $albumdata = array('picnum' => C::t('home_pic')->check_albumpic($_GET['uploadalbum']), 'updatetime' => $_G['timestamp']);
            C::t('home_album')->update($_GET['uploadalbum'], $albumdata);
            require_once libfile('function/home');
            require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
        if ($newattach) {
            ftpupload($newaids, $uid);
    if (!$modnewthreads && $newattach && $uid == $_G['uid']) {
        updatecreditbyaction('postattach', $uid, array(), '', count($newattach), 1, $_G['fid']);
    if ($attachupdate) {
        $attachs = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch_all_by_id('tid:' . $tid, 'aid', array_keys($attachupdate));
        foreach ($attachs as $attach) {
            if (array_key_exists($attach['aid'], $attachupdate) && $attachupdate[$attach['aid']]) {
        $unusedattachs = C::t('forum_attachment_unused')->fetch_all($attachupdate);
        $attachupdate = array_flip($attachupdate);
        $unusedaids = array();
        foreach ($unusedattachs as $attach) {
            if ($attach['uid'] != $uid && !$_G['forum']['ismoderator']) {
            $unusedaids[] = $attach['aid'];
            $update = $attach;
            $update['dateline'] = TIMESTAMP;
            $update['remote'] = 0;
            if ($attach['isimage'] && $_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) {
                $image->Watermark($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $attach['attachment'], '', 'forum');
                $update['filesize'] = $image->imginfo['size'];
            C::t('forum_attachment_n')->update('tid:' . $tid, $attachupdate[$attach['aid']], $update);
            @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . 'image/' . $attach['aid'] . '_100_100.jpg');
            C::t('forum_attachment_exif')->update($attach['aid'], array('aid' => $attachupdate[$attach['aid']]));
            ftpupload(array($attachupdate[$attach['aid']]), $uid);
        if ($unusedaids) {
    $attachcount = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->count_by_id('tid:' . $tid, $pid ? 'pid' : 'tid', $pid ? $pid : $tid);
    $attachment = 0;
    if ($attachcount) {
        if (C::t('forum_attachment_n')->count_image_by_id('tid:' . $tid, $pid ? 'pid' : 'tid', $pid ? $pid : $tid)) {
            $attachment = 2;
        } else {
            $attachment = 1;
    } else {
        $attachment = 0;
    C::t('forum_thread')->update($tid, array('attachment' => $attachment));
    C::t('forum_post')->update('tid:' . $tid, $pid, array('attachment' => $attachment), true);
    if (!$attachment) {
    $_G['forum_attachexist'] = $attachment;
function stream_save($strdata, $albumid = 0, $fileext = 'jpg', $name = '', $title = '', $delsize = 0, $from = false)
    global $_G, $space;
    if ($albumid < 0) {
        $albumid = 0;
    $allowPicType = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png');
    if (!in_array($fileext, $allowPicType)) {
        return -3;
    $setarr = array();
    $upload = new discuz_upload();
    $filepath = $upload->get_target_dir('album') . $upload->get_target_filename('album') . '.' . $fileext;
    $newfilename = $_G['setting']['attachdir'] . './album/' . $filepath;
    if ($handle = fopen($newfilename, 'wb')) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $strdata) !== FALSE) {
            $size = filesize($newfilename);
            if (empty($space)) {
                $_G['member'] = $space = getuserbyuid($_G['uid']);
                $_G['username'] = $space['username'];
            $_G['member'] = $space;
            loadcache('usergroup_' . $space['groupid']);
            $_G['group'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $space['groupid']];
            $maxspacesize = checkperm('maxspacesize');
            if ($maxspacesize) {
                space_merge($space, 'count');
                space_merge($space, 'field_home');
                if ($space['attachsize'] + $size - $delsize > $maxspacesize + $space['addsize'] * 1024 * 1024) {
                    return -1;
            if (!$upload->get_image_info($newfilename)) {
                return -2;
            require_once libfile('class/image');
            $image = new image();
            $result = $image->Thumb($newfilename, NULL, 140, 140, 1);
            $thumb = empty($result) ? 0 : 1;
            $pic_remote = 0;
            $album_picflag = 1;
            if (getglobal('setting/ftp/on')) {
                $ftpresult_thumb = 0;
                $ftpresult = ftpcmd('upload', 'album/' . $filepath);
                if ($ftpresult) {
                    @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . 'album/' . $filepath);
                    if ($thumb) {
                        $thumbpath = getimgthumbname($filepath);
                        ftpcmd('upload', 'album/' . $thumbpath);
                        @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . 'album/' . $thumbpath);
                    $pic_remote = 1;
                    $album_picflag = 2;
                } else {
                    if (getglobal('setting/ftp/mirror')) {
                        return -3;
            $filename = $name ? $name : substr(strrchr($filepath, '/'), 1);
            $title = getstr($title, 200);
            $title = censor($title);
            if (censormod($title) || $_G['group']['allowuploadmod']) {
                $pic_status = 1;
            } else {
                $pic_status = 0;
            if ($albumid) {
                $albumid = album_creat_by_id($albumid);
            } else {
                $albumid = 0;
            $setarr = array('albumid' => $albumid, 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'filename' => $filename, 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'title' => $title, 'type' => $fileext, 'size' => $size, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'thumb' => $thumb, 'remote' => $pic_remote, 'status' => $pic_status);
            $setarr['picid'] = C::t('home_pic')->insert($setarr, 1);
            C::t('common_member_count')->increase($_G['uid'], array('attachsize' => $size));
            include_once libfile('function/stat');
            return $setarr;
        } else {
    return -3;
            $sizesource = filesize(DISCUZ_ROOT . './static/image/admincp/watermarkpreview.jpg');
            echo '<img src="data/attachment/temp/watermark_temp1.jpg?' . random(5) . '"><br /><br />' . $lang['imagepreview_imagesize_source'] . ' ' . number_format($sizesource) . ' Bytes &nbsp;&nbsp;' . $lang['imagepreview_imagesize_target'] . ' ' . number_format($sizetarget1) . ' Bytes (' . sprintf("%2.1f", $sizetarget1 / $sizesource * 100) . '%)<br /><br />';
            echo '<img src="data/attachment/temp/watermark_temp2.jpg?' . random(5) . '"><br /><br />' . $lang['imagepreview_imagesize_source'] . ' ' . number_format($sizesource) . ' Bytes &nbsp;&nbsp;' . $lang['imagepreview_imagesize_target'] . ' ' . number_format($sizetarget2) . ' Bytes (' . sprintf("%2.1f", $sizetarget2 / $sizesource * 100) . '%)';
        } else {
            cpmsg('imagepreview_errorcode_' . $r, '', 'error');
    } else {
        $type = $_GET['type'];
        if (!$_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'][$type]) {
            cpmsg('watermarkpreview_error', '', 'error');
        require_once libfile('class/image');
        @unlink(DISCUZ_ROOT . './data/attachment/temp/watermark_temp3.jpg');
        $image = new image();
        if (!($r = $image->Watermark(DISCUZ_ROOT . './static/image/admincp/watermarkpreview.jpg', 'temp/watermark_temp3.jpg', $type))) {
            $r = $image->error();
        if ($r > 0) {
            $sizesource = filesize('static/image/admincp/watermarkpreview.jpg');
            $sizetarget = $image->imginfo['size'];
            echo '<img src="data/attachment/temp/watermark_temp3.jpg?' . random(5) . '"><br /><br />' . $lang['imagepreview_imagesize_source'] . ' ' . number_format($sizesource) . ' Bytes &nbsp;&nbsp;' . $lang['imagepreview_imagesize_target'] . ' ' . number_format($sizetarget) . ' Bytes (' . sprintf("%2.1f", $sizetarget / $sizesource * 100) . '%)';
        } else {
            cpmsg('imagepreview_errorcode_' . $r, '', 'error');
} elseif ($operation == 'rewrite') {
    $rule = array();
    $rewritedata = rewritedata();
    $rule['{apache1}'] = $rule['{apache2}'] = $rule['{iis}'] = $rule['{iis7}'] = $rule['{zeus}'] = $rule['{nginx}'] = '';
function threadsort_insertfile($tid, &$files, $sortid, $edit = 0, $modidentifier, $channel)
    global $_G;
    $allowtype = 'jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, png';
    $newfiles = $aid = array();
    if (empty($tid)) {
    if ($files['categoryimg']) {
        foreach ($files['categoryimg']['name'] as $key => $val) {
            $newfiles[$key]['name'] = $val;
            $newfiles[$key]['type'] = $files['categoryimg']['type'][$key];
            $newfiles[$key]['tmp_name'] = $files['categoryimg']['tmp_name'][$key];
            $newfiles[$key]['error'] = $files['categoryimg']['error'][$key];
            $newfiles[$key]['size'] = $files['categoryimg']['size'][$key];
    } else {
    require_once libfile('class/upload');
    $upload = new discuz_upload();
    $uploadtype = 'category';
    if ($channel['imageinfo']['watermarkstatus']) {
        require_once libfile('class/house_image');
        $image = new image($channel);
    foreach ($newfiles as $key => $file) {
        if (!$upload->init($file, $uploadtype)) {
        if (!$upload->save()) {
            if (count($newfiles) == 1) {
        $newattach[$key] = $upload->attach['attachment'];
        if ($channel['imageinfo']['watermarkstatus']) {
        DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('category_' . $modidentifier . '_pic') . " (tid, url, dateline) VALUES ('{$tid}', '" . $upload->attach['attachment'] . "', '" . TIMESTAMP . "')");
        $aid[$key] = DB::insert_id();
    $attachnum = $edit ? intval(DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('category_' . $modidentifier . '_pic') . " WHERE tid='{$tid}'")) : intval(count($aid));
    if (substr($_G['gp_coverpic'], 0, 4) == 'old_') {
        $newaid = substr($_G['gp_coverpic'], 4);
    } else {
        $_G['gp_coverpic'] = intval($_G['gp_coverpic']);
        if ($aid[$_G['gp_coverpic']]) {
            $newaid = $aid[$_G['gp_coverpic']];
        } else {
            $aid = array_slice($aid, 0, 1);
            $newaid = $aid[0];
    if (!empty($newaid)) {
        DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('category_sortvalue') . "{$sortid} SET attachid='{$newaid}', attachnum='{$attachnum}' WHERE tid='{$tid}'");
 function forum_upload()
     global $_G;
     $this->uid = intval($_G['gp_uid']);
     $swfhash = md5(substr(md5($_G['config']['security']['authkey']), 8) . $this->uid);
     if (!$_FILES['Filedata']['error'] && $_G['gp_hash'] == $swfhash) {
         $this->aid = 0;
         $this->simple = !empty($_G['gp_simple']) ? $_G['gp_simple'] : 0;
         $_G['groupid'] = intval(DB::result_first("SELECT groupid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='" . $this->uid . "'"));
         loadcache('usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']);
         $_G['group'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']];
         require_once libfile('class/upload');
         $upload = new discuz_upload();
         $upload->init($_FILES['Filedata'], 'forum');
         $this->attach =& $upload->attach;
         if ($upload->error()) {
         $allowupload = !$_G['group']['maxattachnum'] || $_G['group']['maxattachnum'] && $_G['group']['maxattachnum'] > DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND dateline>'{$_G['timestamp']}'-86400");
         if (!$allowupload) {
         if ($_G['group']['attachextensions'] && (!preg_match("/(^|\\s|,)" . preg_quote($upload->attach['ext'], '/') . "(\$|\\s|,)/i", $_G['group']['attachextensions']) || !$upload->attach['ext'])) {
         if (empty($upload->attach['size'])) {
         if ($_G['group']['maxattachsize'] && $upload->attach['size'] > $_G['group']['maxattachsize']) {
         if ($type = DB::fetch_first("SELECT maxsize FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachtype') . " WHERE extension='" . addslashes($upload->attach['ext']) . "'")) {
             if ($type['maxsize'] == 0) {
             } elseif ($upload->attach['size'] > $type['maxsize']) {
         if ($upload->attach['size'] && $_G['group']['maxsizeperday']) {
             $todaysize = intval(DB::result_first("SELECT SUM(filesize) FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND dateline>'{$_G['timestamp']}'-86400"));
             $todaysize += $upload->attach['size'];
             if ($todaysize >= $_G['group']['maxsizeperday']) {
         if ($upload->error() == -103) {
         } elseif ($upload->error()) {
         $thumb = $remote = $width = 0;
         if ($upload->attach['isimage']) {
             require_once libfile('class/image');
             $image = new image();
             $thumb = $image->Thumb($upload->attach['target'], '', $_G['setting']['thumbwidth'], $_G['setting']['thumbheight'], $_G['setting']['thumbstatus'], $_G['setting']['thumbsource']) ? 1 : 0;
             $width = $image->imginfo['width'];
         if (!$this->simple) {
             $upload->attach['name'] = diconv($upload->attach['name'], 'utf-8');
         if ($_G['gp_type'] != 'image' && $upload->attach['isimage']) {
             $upload->attach['isimage'] = -1;
         DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " (tid, pid, dateline, readperm, price, filename, filetype, filesize, attachment, downloads, isimage, uid, thumb, remote, width)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES ('0', '0', '{$_G['timestamp']}', '0', '0', '" . $upload->attach['name'] . "', '" . $upload->attach['type'] . "', '" . $upload->attach['size'] . "', '" . $upload->attach['attachment'] . "', '0', '" . $upload->attach['isimage'] . "', '" . $this->uid . "', '{$thumb}', '{$remote}', '{$width}')");
         $this->aid = DB::insert_id();
Exemple #10
function updateattach($postattachcredits, $tid, $pid, $attachnew, $attachdel, $attachupdate = array(), $uid = 0)
    global $_G;
    $uid = $uid ? $uid : $_G['uid'];
    $uidadd = $_G['forum']['ismoderator'] ? '' : " AND uid='{$uid}'";
    $attachnum = $_G['group']['allowpostattach'];
    if ($attachnew) {
        $newaids = array_keys($attachnew);
        $newattach = $newattachfile = $albumattach = array();
        $query = DB::query("SELECT aid, tid, attachment FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE aid IN (" . dimplode($newaids) . "){$uidadd}");
        while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
            if ($_G['group']['maxattachnum']) {
                if ($attachnum <= 0) {
                } else {
            if (!$attach['tid']) {
                $newattach[$attach['aid']] = $attach['aid'];
                $newattachfile[$attach['aid']] = $attach['attachment'];
        if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) {
            require_once libfile('class/image');
            $image = new image();
        if (!empty($_G['gp_albumaid'])) {
            array_unshift($_G['gp_albumaid'], '');
            $_G['gp_albumaid'] = array_unique($_G['gp_albumaid']);
            $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE aid IN (" . dimplode($_G['gp_albumaid']) . ")");
            while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
                $albumattach[$attach['aid']] = $attach;
        foreach ($attachnew as $aid => $attach) {
            $update = array('readperm' => $_G['group']['allowsetattachperm'] ? $attach['readperm'] : 0, 'price' => $_G['group']['maxprice'] ? intval($attach['price']) <= $_G['group']['maxprice'] ? intval($attach['price']) : $_G['group']['maxprice'] : 0, 'tid' => $tid, 'pid' => $pid, 'uid' => $uid);
            if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark']) && !empty($newattachfile[$aid])) {
                $image->Watermark($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $newattachfile[$aid], '', 'forum');
            if (!empty($_G['gp_albumaid']) && isset($albumattach[$aid])) {
                $newalbum = 0;
                if (!$_G['gp_uploadalbum']) {
                    require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
                    $_G['gp_uploadalbum'] = album_creat(array('albumname' => $_G['gp_newalbum']));
                    $newalbum = 1;
                $picdata = array('albumid' => $_G['gp_uploadalbum'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $albumattach[$aid]['dateline'], 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'filename' => $albumattach[$aid]['filename'], 'title' => $albumattach[$aid]['description'], 'type' => fileext($albumattach[$aid]['attachment']), 'size' => $albumattach[$aid]['filesize'], 'filepath' => $albumattach[$aid]['attachment'], 'thumb' => $albumattach[$aid]['thumb'], 'remote' => $albumattach[$aid]['remote'] + 2);
                $update['picid'] = DB::insert('home_pic', $picdata, 1);
                if ($newalbum) {
                    require_once libfile('function/home');
                    require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
            DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . DB::table('forum_attachmentfield') . " (aid, tid, pid, uid, description) VALUES ('{$aid}', '{$tid}', '{$pid}', '{$uid}', '" . cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars($attach['description']), 100) . "')");
            DB::update('forum_attachment', $update, "aid='{$aid}'{$uidadd}");
        if (!empty($_G['gp_albumaid'])) {
            $albumdata = array('picnum' => DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('home_pic') . " WHERE albumid='{$_G['gp_uploadalbum']}'"), 'updatetime' => $_G['timestamp']);
            DB::update('home_album', $albumdata, "albumid='{$_G['gp_uploadalbum']}'");
        if ($newattach) {
            ftpupload($newaids, $uid);
    $query = DB::query("SELECT aid, attachment, thumb, remote FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}'");
    $delaids = array();
    while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $aids[] = $attach['aid'];
        if ($attachdel && in_array($attach['aid'], $attachdel)) {
            $delaids[] = $attach['aid'];
        if ($attachupdate && array_key_exists($attach['aid'], $attachupdate) && $attachupdate[$attach['aid']]) {
    if ($newattach && $uid == $_G['uid']) {
        updatecreditbyaction('postattach', $uid, array(), '', count($newattach));
    if ($attachupdate) {
        $uaids = dimplode($attachupdate);
        $query = DB::query("SELECT aid, width, filename, filetype, filesize, attachment, isimage, thumb, remote FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE aid IN ({$uaids}){$uidadd}");
        DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE aid IN ({$uaids}){$uidadd}");
        $attachupdate = array_flip($attachupdate);
        while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
            $update = $attach;
            $update['dateline'] = TIMESTAMP;
            $update['remote'] = 0;
            DB::update('forum_attachment', $update, "aid='" . $attachupdate[$attach['aid']] . "'{$uidadd}");
            if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) {
                $image->Watermark($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $attach['attachment'], '', 'forum');
            ftpupload(array($attachupdate[$attach['aid']]), $uid);
    if ($delaids) {
        DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE aid IN (" . dimplode($delaids) . ")", 'UNBUFFERED');
        DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachmentfield') . " WHERE aid IN (" . dimplode($delaids) . ")", 'UNBUFFERED');
    $attachcount = DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE tid='{$tid}'" . ($pid > 0 ? " AND pid='{$pid}'" : ''));
    $attachment = $attachcount ? DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE tid='{$tid}'" . ($pid > 0 ? " AND pid='{$pid}'" : '') . " AND isimage != 0") ? 2 : 1 : 0;
    DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET attachment='{$attachment}' WHERE tid='{$tid}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
    $posttable = getposttablebytid($tid);
    DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($posttable) . " SET attachment='{$attachment}' WHERE pid='{$pid}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
    $_G['forum_attachexist'] = $attachment;
    $attach = $upload->attach;
    if (!$upload->error()) {
    if ($upload->error()) {
    $attachs[] = $attach;
if ($attachs) {
    foreach ($attachs as $attach) {
        if ($attach['isimage']) {
            require_once libfile('class/image');
            $image = new image();
            $attach['thumb'] = $image->Thumb($attach['target'], '', '300', '300', 2);
        if (getglobal('setting/ftp/on')) {
            if (ftpcmd('upload', 'portal/' . $attach['attachment'])) {
                if ($attach['thumb']) {
                    ftpcmd('upload', 'portal/' . $attach['attachment'] . '.thumb.jpg');
                $attach['remote'] = 1;
            } else {
                if (getglobal('setting/ftp/mirror')) {
                    @unlink($attach['target'] . '.thumb.jpg');
                    portal_upload_error(lang('portalcp', 'upload_remote_failed'));
Exemple #12
function forum_downremotefile($arr, $old_arr)
    global $_G;
    $evo_img_no = $_G['cache']['evn_milu_pick']['evo_img_no'];
    $config = get_pick_set();
    $get_file_ext_arr = $config['get_file_ext'] ? explode('|', $config['get_file_ext']) : array();
    $arr['is_download_file'] = $arr['is_download_file'] ? $arr['is_download_file'] : $arr['p_arr']['is_download_file'];
    $arr['message'] = dstripslashes($arr['content']);
    //$arr['message'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array($_GET['wysiwyg'] ? '<br />' : '', "\\n"), $arr['message']);
    preg_match_all("/\\[img\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/img\\]|\\[img=\\d{1,4}[x|\\,]\\d{1,4}\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/img\\]/is", $arr['message'], $image1, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    //preg_match_all("/\<img.+src=('|\"|)?(.*)(\\1)([\s].*)?\>/ismUe", $arr['message'], $image2, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    preg_match_all("/\\<img.+src=('|\"|)?(.*)(\\1)(.*)?\\>/isU", $arr['message'], $image2, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    $temp = $aids = $existentimg = $attach_arr = array();
    if (is_array($image1) && !empty($image1)) {
        foreach ($image1 as $value) {
            $v = trim(!empty($value[1]) ? $value[1] : $value[2]);
            $no_remote = 0;
            if (!filter_something($v, $evo_img_no)) {
                $no_remote = 1;
            if ($no_remote == 0) {
                $temp[] = array('0' => $value[0], '1' => $v);
    if (is_array($image2) && !empty($image2)) {
        foreach ($image2 as $v) {
            $no_remote = 0;
            $v[2] = trim(strip_tags($v[2]));
            if (!filter_something($v[2], $evo_img_no)) {
                $no_remote = 1;
            if ($no_remote == 0) {
                $temp[] = array('0' => $v[0], '1' => $v[2]);
    if ($arr['is_download_file'] == 1) {
        $attach_arr = get_attach_data($arr['page_url'], $arr['message']);
    $attach_arr = $attach_arr ? $attach_arr : array();
    $temp = $temp ? $temp : array();
    $temp = array_merge($temp, $attach_arr);
    //if(VIP) $arr['message'] = post($arr['message'], array('cookie' => $arr['cookie'], 'page_url' => $arr['page_url'], 'cid' => $arr['cid']));
    $del_a = 0;
    if ($arr['content_filter_html'][0] == 0 && $arr['content_filter_html']) {
        $del_a = 1;
    require_once libfile('class/image');
    if (is_array($temp) && !empty($temp)) {
        if (file_exists(libfile('class/upload'))) {
            require_once libfile('class/upload');
        } else {
            require_once libfile('discuz/upload', 'class');
        $upload = new discuz_upload();
        $attachaids = array();
        $threadimage_flag = 0;
        $content_md5_arr = array();
        foreach ($temp as $key => $value) {
            $snoopy_args['cookie'] = $arr['cookie'];
            $snoop_obj = get_snoopy_obj($snoopy_args);
            $imageurl = $value[1];
            $hash = md5($imageurl);
            if (strlen($imageurl)) {
                $imagereplace['oldimageurl'][] = $value[0];
                if (!isset($existentimg[$hash])) {
                    $existentimg[$hash] = $imageurl;
                    $attach['ext'] = $upload->fileext($imageurl);
                    if ($upload->is_image_ext($attach['ext']) == 1 && $arr['is_download_img'] != 1) {
                        $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = $value[0];
                    if (!$upload->is_image_ext($attach['ext'])) {
                        $ext = 'no_get';
                    if (preg_match('/^(http:\\/\\/|\\.)/i', $imageurl)) {
                        if ($imageurl && snoop_obj) {
                            $content_re = get_img_content($imageurl, $snoop_obj, $ext);
                        if (is_array($content_re)) {
                            $content = $content_re['content'];
                            $file_name = $attach['name'] = $content_re['file_name'] ? $content_re['file_name'] : ($value[2] ? _striptext($value[2]) : time() . '.' . $content_re['file_ext']);
                            $attach['ext'] = $content_re['file_ext'] ? $content_re['file_ext'] : trim($upload->fileext($file_name));
                            $file_name = $attach['name'] = $file_name;
                        } else {
                            $content = $content_re;
                        if (in_array(md5($content), $content_md5_arr)) {
                            $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = '';
                        $content_md5_arr[] = md5($content);
                    } elseif (preg_match('/^(' . preg_quote(getglobal('setting/attachurl'), '/') . ')/i', $imageurl)) {
                        $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = $value[0];
                    if (empty($content)) {
                        if ($value[4] == 1) {
                            if ($del_a == 1) {
                                $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = $value[2];
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = '';
                    if (!$attach['name']) {
                        $patharr = explode('/', $imageurl);
                        $attach['name'] = trim($patharr[count($patharr) - 1]);
                    $patharr = explode('/', $imageurl);
                    if (!$attach['name']) {
                        $attach['name'] = trim($patharr[count($patharr) - 1]);
                    $attach['thumb'] = '';
                    $attach['ext'] = trim($attach['ext']);
                    $attach['isimage'] = $upload->is_image_ext($attach['ext']);
                    if ($attach['isimage'] == 1 && $arr['is_download_img'] != 1) {
                        $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = $value[0];
                    $attach['extension'] = $upload->get_target_extension($attach['ext']);
                    $attach['attachdir'] = $upload->get_target_dir('forum');
                    $attach['attachment'] = $attach['attachdir'] . $upload->get_target_filename('forum') . '.' . $attach['extension'];
                    $attach['target'] = getglobal('setting/attachdir') . './forum/' . $attach['attachment'];
                    if (!in_array($attach['ext'], $get_file_ext_arr) && $get_file_ext_arr && $attach['isimage'] == 0) {
                        if ($value[4] == 1) {
                            if ($del_a == 1) {
                                $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = $value[2];
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = '';
                    if (!@($fp = fopen($attach['target'], 'wb'))) {
                    } else {
                        flock($fp, 2);
                        fwrite($fp, $content);
                    if (!$upload->get_image_info($attach['target']) && $attach['isimage'] == 1) {
                    $attach['size'] = filesize($attach['target']);
                    $upload->attach = $attach;
                    $thumb = $width = 0;
                    if ($upload->attach['isimage']) {
                        if ($_G['setting']['thumbstatus']) {
                            $image = new image();
                            $thumb = $image->Thumb($upload->attach['target'], '', $_G['setting']['thumbwidth'], $_G['setting']['thumbheight'], $_G['setting']['thumbstatus'], $_G['setting']['thumbsource']) ? 1 : 0;
                            $width = $image->imginfo['width'];
                        if ($_G['setting']['thumbsource'] || !$_G['setting']['thumbstatus']) {
                            list($width) = @getimagesize($upload->attach['target']);
                        if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark']) && $arr['is_water_img'] == 1) {
                            $image = new image();
                            $image->Watermark($attach['target'], '', 'forum');
                    $desc = $value[3];
                    $arr['public_time'] = $arr['public_time'] ? $arr['public_time'] : $arr['dateline'];
                    $arr['public_time'] = $arr['public_time'] ? $arr['public_time'] : $_G['timestamp'];
                    $remote = 0;
                    $setarr = array('uid' => $arr['uid'], 'tid' => $arr['tid'], 'pid' => $arr['pid'], 'filename' => daddslashes($upload->attach['name']), 'attachment' => $upload->attach['attachment'], 'filesize' => $upload->attach['size'], 'thumb' => $thumb, 'remote' => $remote, 'picid' => $picid, 'isimage' => $attach['isimage'], 'description' => $desc, 'readperm' => 0, 'price' => 0, 'width' => $width, 'dateline' => $arr['public_time']);
                    $setimg_arr = array('tid' => $arr['tid'], 'attachment' => $upload->attach['attachment'], 'remote' => $remote);
                    $set_att = array('downloads' => rand(1, 15), 'tableid' => getattachtableid($arr['tid']), 'uid' => $arr['uid'], 'pid' => $arr['pid'], 'tid' => $arr['tid']);
                    if ($threadimage_flag == 0 && !$arr['is_post'] && $attach['isimage'] == 1) {
                        DB::insert('forum_threadimage', $setimg_arr, true);
                        $threadimage_flag = 1;
                    $setarr['aid'] = $newaids[] = DB::insert('forum_attachment', $set_att, true);
                    $at[] = $setarr['aid'];
                    $attachnew_arr[$setarr['aid']] = array('description' => $setarr['description']);
                    DB::insert(getattachtablebytid($arr['tid']), $setarr, true);
                    $attachaids[$hash] = $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = '[attach]' . $setarr['aid'] . '[/attach]';
                } else {
                    $imagereplace['newimageurl'][] = $attachaids[$hash];
        if ($_G['setting']['ftp']['on'] == 1) {
            require_once libfile('function/post');
            ftpupload($newaids, $arr['uid']);
        if (count($at) > 0) {
            $arr['attachment'] = 2;
        $arr['message'] = str_replace($imagereplace['oldimageurl'], $imagereplace['newimageurl'], $arr['message']);
        if ($del_a == 1) {
            $arr['message'] = clear_html_script($arr['message'], array(0));