  * Overwritten for qpl
  * @param string $a_obj_type
  * @param int $a_obj_id
  * @param string $a_export_type 
 public static function lookupExportDirectory($a_obj_type, $a_obj_id, $a_export_type = 'xml', $a_entity = "")
     if ($a_export_type == 'xml') {
         return ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/qpl_data" . "/qpl_" . $a_obj_id . "/export_zip";
     return ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/qpl_data" . "/qpl_" . $a_obj_id . "/export_" . $a_export_type;
  * export directory lookup
  * @return string export directory
 public static function lookupExportDirectory($a_obj_type, $a_obj_id, $a_export_type = 'xml', $a_entity = "")
     $ent = $a_entity == "" ? "" : "_" . $a_entity;
     if ($a_export_type == 'xml') {
         return ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/" . $a_obj_type . $ent . "_data" . "/" . $a_obj_type . "_" . $a_obj_id . "/export";
     return ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/" . $a_obj_type . $ent . "_data" . "/" . $a_obj_type . "_" . $a_obj_id . "/export_" . $a_export_type;
 public function getRelativePathExMailDirectory()
     switch ($this->getStorageType()) {
         case self::STORAGE_DATA:
             $path = ilUtil::getDataDir();
         case self::STORAGE_WEB:
             $path = ilUtil::getWebspaceDir();
     $path = ilUtil::removeTrailingPathSeparators($path);
     $path .= '/';
     // Append path prefix
     $path .= $this->getPathPrefix() . '/';
     return str_replace($path, '', $this->getAbsolutePath());
     $this->lng =& $lng;
     $this->ctrl =& $ilCtrl;
     $this->ctrl->saveParameter($this, "ref_id");
     $this->offlineMode = new ilSCORMOfflineMode();
     $this->online_icon = 'icon_slm_b.png';
     $this->offline_icon = 'icon_slm_b_offline.png';
     $this->icon = $this->online_icon;
 function executeCommand()
     global $tpl, $ilCtrl;
     $this->lmId = ilObject::_lookupObjectId($_GET["ref_id"]);
     $this->clientIdSop = $this->offlineMode->getClientIdSop();
     $cmd = $ilCtrl->getCmd();
     switch ($cmd) {
         case 'offlineMode_il2sopContent':
             ilUtil::deliverFile(ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data/lm_" . $this->lmId . ".zip", "lm_" . $this->lmId . ".zip");
         case 'offlineMode_il2sop':
         case 'offlineMode_il2sopStop':
             $this->view($this->offlineMode->getOfflineMode(), "msg_export_failure");
         case 'offlineMode_il2sopOk':
             $this->view($this->offlineMode->getOfflineMode(), "msg_export_ok");
         case 'offlineMode_sop2il':
         case 'offlineMode_sop2ilStop':
             $this->view($this->offlineMode->getOfflineMode(), "msg_push_tracking_failure");
         case 'offlineMode_sop2ilOk':
             $this->view($this->offlineMode->getOfflineMode(), "msg_push_tracking_ok");
 function createExportDirectory()
     $lm_data_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data";
     if (!is_writable($lm_data_dir)) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError("Content object Data Directory (" . $lm_data_dir . ") not writeable.", $this->ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     // create learning module directory (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>)
     $lm_dir = $lm_data_dir . "/lm_" . $this->module_id;
     if (!@is_dir($lm_dir)) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError("Creation of Learning Module Directory failed.", $this->ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     //$export_dir = $lm_dir."/export_".$this->mode;
     if (!@is_dir($this->export_dir)) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError("Creation of Export Directory failed.", $this->ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
  * get export directory of lm
 function getExportDirectory($a_type = "xml")
     switch ($a_type) {
         case "html":
             $export_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data" . "/lm_" . $this->getId() . "/export_html";
         case "scorm":
             $export_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data" . "/lm_" . $this->getId() . "/export_scorm";
             // = xml
             $export_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data" . "/lm_" . $this->getId() . "/export";
     return $export_dir;
 public function zipLmForOfflineMode()
     $lmDir = ilUtil::getWebspaceDir("filesystem") . "/lm_data/lm_" . $this->getId();
     $zipFile = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data/lm_" . $this->getId();
     return ilUtil::zip($lmDir, $zipFile, true);
  * Checks if external chatroom directory exists or can be created.
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 protected function checkDirectory()
     $srv_prp_path = ilUtil::getDataDir() . '/chatroom/';
     if (!file_exists($srv_prp_path)) {
         if (!ilUtil::makeDir($srv_prp_path)) {
             throw new Exception('Directory cannot be created');
     return $srv_prp_path;
 public function initConsumer()
     include_once "Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php";
     include_once "Auth/OpenID/FileStore.php";
     include_once 'Auth/OpenID/DumbStore.php';
     if (is_object($this->consumer)) {
         return true;
     $store = new Auth_OpenID_FileStore(ilUtil::getDataDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp');
     return $this->consumer = new Auth_OpenID_Consumer($store);
  * try to rebuild files		
 protected function rebuildUploadedFiles()
     global $ilUser;
     if ($_POST["ilfilehash"]) {
         $user_id = $ilUser->getId();
         $temp_path = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/temp";
         if (is_dir($temp_path) && $user_id && $user_id != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) {
             $reload = array();
             $temp_files = glob($temp_path . "/" . $ilUser->getId() . "~~" . $_POST["ilfilehash"] . "~~*");
             if (is_array($temp_files)) {
                 foreach ($temp_files as $full_file) {
                     $file = explode("~~", basename($full_file));
                     $field = $file[2];
                     $idx = $file[3];
                     $idx2 = $file[4];
                     $type = $file[5] . "/" . $file[6];
                     $name = $file[7];
                     if ($idx2 != "") {
                         if (!$_FILES[$field]["tmp_name"][$idx][$idx2]) {
                             $reload[$field]["tmp_name"][$idx][$idx2] = $full_file;
                             $reload[$field]["name"][$idx][$idx2] = $name;
                             $reload[$field]["type"][$idx][$idx2] = $type;
                             $reload[$field]["error"][$idx][$idx2] = 0;
                             $reload[$field]["size"][$idx][$idx2] = filesize($full_file);
                     } else {
                         if ($idx != "") {
                             if (!$_FILES[$field]["tmp_name"][$idx]) {
                                 $reload[$field]["tmp_name"][$idx] = $full_file;
                                 $reload[$field]["name"][$idx] = $name;
                                 $reload[$field]["type"][$idx] = $type;
                                 $reload[$field]["error"][$idx] = 0;
                                 $reload[$field]["size"][$idx] = filesize($full_file);
                         } else {
                             if (!$_FILES[$field]["tmp_name"]) {
                                 $reload[$field]["tmp_name"] = $full_file;
                                 $reload[$field]["name"] = $name;
                                 $reload[$field]["type"] = $type;
                                 $reload[$field]["error"] = 0;
                                 $reload[$field]["size"] = filesize($full_file);
             $this->reloaded_files = $reload;
  * creates data directory for import files
  * (data_dir/qpl_data/qpl_<id>/import, depending on data
  * directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
 static function _createImportDirectory()
     global $ilias;
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     $qpl_data_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/qpl_data";
     if (!is_writable($qpl_data_dir)) {
         $ilias->raiseError("Questionpool Data Directory (" . $qpl_data_dir . ") not writeable.", $ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     // create questionpool directory (data_dir/qpl_data/qpl_import)
     $qpl_dir = $qpl_data_dir . "/qpl_import";
     if (!@is_dir($qpl_dir)) {
         $ilias->raiseError("Creation of Questionpool Directory failed.", $ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     return $qpl_dir;
  * creates data directory for export files
  * (data_dir/usrf_data/export, depending on data
  * directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
 function createExportDirectory()
     if (!@is_dir($this->getExportDirectory())) {
         $usrf_data_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/usrf_data";
         if (!is_writable($usrf_data_dir)) {
             $this->ilias->raiseError("Userfolder data directory (" . $usrf_data_dir . ") not writeable.", $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
         // create Export subdirectory (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>/Export)
         $export_dir = $usrf_data_dir . "/export";
         if (!@is_dir($export_dir)) {
             $this->ilias->raiseError("Creation of Userfolder Export Directory failed.", $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
  * get user import directory name
 function getImportDir()
     // For each user session a different directory must be used to prevent
     // that one user session overwrites the import data that another session
     // is currently importing.
     global $ilUser;
     $importDir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . '/user_import/usr_' . $ilUser->getId() . '_' . session_id();
     return $importDir;
  * get import directory of glossary
 function getImportDirectory()
     $export_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/glo_data" . "/glo_" . $this->getId() . "/import";
     return $export_dir;
  * get user import directory name
 function _getImportDir()
     return ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/cat_import";
Exemple #16
function quotaHandleVerification($a_type, $a_obj_id, $a_owner_id)
    global $ilDB;
    // see ilFileSystemStorage::_createPathFromId()
    $tpath = array();
    $tfound = false;
    $tnum = $a_obj_id;
    for ($i = 3; $i > 0; $i--) {
        $factor = pow(100, $i);
        if ($tmp = (int) ($tnum / $factor) or $tfound) {
            $tpath[] = $tmp;
            $tnum = $tnum % $factor;
            $tfound = true;
    $file_path = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/ilVerification/";
    if (count($tpath)) {
        $file_path .= implode('/', $tpath) . '/';
    $file_path .= "vrfc_" . $a_obj_id;
    if (file_exists($file_path)) {
        $file_size = (int) ilUtil::dirsize($file_path);
        if ($file_size > 0) {
            $ilDB->manipulate("INSERT INTO il_disk_quota" . " (owner_id, src_type, src_obj_id, src_size)" . " VALUES (" . $ilDB->quote($a_owner_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_type, "text") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($a_obj_id, "integer") . ", " . $ilDB->quote($file_size, "integer") . ")");
$ilDB->addTableColumn("sahs_lm", "entry_page", array("type" => "integer", "notnull" => true, "default" => 0, "length" => 4));
// convert old qpl export files
$qpl_export_base = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/qpl_data/";
// quit if import dir not available
if (@is_dir($qpl_export_base) && is_writeable($qpl_export_base)) {
    // open directory
    $h_dir = dir($qpl_export_base);
    // get files and save the in the array
    while ($entry = $h_dir->read()) {
        if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
            if (@is_dir($qpl_export_base . $entry)) {
                $q_dir = dir($qpl_export_base . $entry);
                while ($q_entry = $q_dir->read()) {
                    if ($q_entry != "." and $q_entry != "..") {
                        if (@is_dir($qpl_export_base . $entry . '/' . $q_entry) && strcmp($q_entry, 'export') == 0) {
                            $exp_dir = dir($qpl_export_base . $entry . '/' . $q_entry);
                            while ($exp_entry = $exp_dir->read()) {
                                if (@is_file($qpl_export_base . $entry . '/' . $q_entry . '/' . $exp_entry)) {
  * get export directory of lm
 function getExportDirectory($a_type = "xml")
     switch ($a_type) {
         case "scorm":
             $export_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data" . "/lm_" . $this->getId() . "/export_scorm";
             // = xml
             if (substr($a_type, 0, 4) == "html") {
                 $export_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data" . "/lm_" . $this->getId() . "/export_" . $a_type;
             } else {
                 $export_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/lm_data" . "/lm_" . $this->getId() . "/export";
     return $export_dir;
foreach ($questionPoints as $questionId => $points) {
    $ilDB->execute($updateQuestionPoints, array($points, $questionId));
// ensure that ID 1 is not used
$base_path = ilUtil::getDataDir();
$set = $ilDB->query("SELECT at.*,ea.exc_id" . " FROM exc_assignment ea" . " JOIN il_exc_team at ON (at.ass_id = ea.id)" . " WHERE ea.type = " . $ilDB->quote(4, "integer"));
while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set)) {
    // see ilFileSystemStorage::_createPathFromId()
    $tpath = array();
    $tfound = false;
    $tnum = $row["exc_id"];
    for ($i = 3; $i > 0; $i--) {
        $factor = pow(100, $i);
        if ($tmp = (int) ($tnum / $factor) or $tfound) {
            $tpath[] = $tmp;
            $tnum = $tnum % $factor;
            $tfound = true;
    $ass_path = $base_path . "/ilExercise/";
Exemple #20
  * creates data directory for import files
  * (data_dir/tst_data/tst_<id>/import, depending on data
  * directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
 function _createImportDirectory()
     global $ilias;
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     $tst_data_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/tst_data";
     if (!is_writable($tst_data_dir)) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError("Test Data Directory (" . $tst_data_dir . ") not writeable.", $this->ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     // create test directory (data_dir/tst_data/tst_import)
     $tst_dir = $tst_data_dir . "/tst_import";
     if (!@is_dir($tst_dir)) {
         $ilias->raiseError("Creation of test import directory failed.", $ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     return $tst_dir;
  * @return string
 public function getClientSaltLocation()
     return ilUtil::getDataDir() . '/' . self::SALT_STORAGE_FILENAME;
  * @param ilImportMapping $a_mapping
 public function importLibraryFile($a_mapping)
     $import_path = $this->getImportDirectory() . "/Modules/Bibliographic/set_1/expDir_1/" . $this->import_bib_object->getFilename();
     $new_id = $this->import_bib_object->getId();
     $new_path = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/bibl/" . $new_id;
     copy($import_path, $new_path . "/" . $this->import_bib_object->getFilename());
  * Create import directory
 function createImportDirectory()
     $sty_data_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/sty";
     if (!is_writable($sty_data_dir)) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError("Style data directory (" . $sty_data_dir . ") not writeable.", $this->ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     $style_dir = $sty_data_dir . "/sty_" . $this->getId();
     if (!@is_dir($style_dir)) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError("Creation of style directory failed (" . $style_dir . ").", $this->ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     // create import subdirectory
     $im_dir = $style_dir . "/import";
     if (!@is_dir($im_dir)) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError("Creation of Import Directory failed (" . $im_dir . ").", $this->ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     return $im_dir;
  * Returns the number of bytes used on the harddisk for mail attachments,
  * by the user with the specified user id.
  * @param int user id.
  * @return array{'count'=>integer,'size'=>integer}
  *                            // an associative array with the disk
  *                            // usage in bytes and the count of attachments.
 function _lookupDiskUsageOfUser($user_id)
     // XXX - This method is extremely slow. We should
     // use a cache to speed it up, for example, we should
     // store the disk space used in table mail_attachment.
     global $ilDB, $lng;
     $mail_data_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir('filesystem') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "mail";
     $q = "SELECT path " . "FROM mail_attachment ma " . "JOIN mail m ON ma.mail_id=m.mail_id " . "WHERE m.user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($user_id);
     $result_set = $ilDB->query($q);
     $size = 0;
     $count = 0;
     while ($row = $result_set->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         $attachment_path = $mail_data_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $row['path'];
         $attachment_size = ilUtil::dirsize($attachment_path);
         if ($attachment_size != -1) {
             $size += $attachment_size;
     return array('count' => $count, 'size' => $size);
  * Constructor
  * @access public
 public function __construct()
     $this->import_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . '/ilAdvancedMetaData/import';
  * Create a temporary file in an ILIAS writable directory
  * @return	string File name of the temporary file
  * @static
 public static function ilTempnam()
     $temp_path = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/temp";
     if (!is_dir($temp_path)) {
     $temp_name = tempnam($temp_path, "tmp");
     // --->
     // added the following line because tempnam creates a backslash on some
     // Windows systems which leads to problems, because the "...\tmp..." can be
     // interpreted as "...{TAB-CHARACTER}...". The normal slash works fine
     // even under windows (Helmut Schottmüller, 2005-08-31)
     $temp_name = str_replace("\\", "/", $temp_name);
     // --->
     return $temp_name;
  * Returns upload path
  * @return string
 public function getUploadPath()
     $path = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/chatroom/" . $this->gui->object->getId() . "/uploads/";
     return $path;
  * @return string the folder is: $ILIAS-data-folder/bibl/$id
 public function getFileDirectory()
     return ilUtil::getDataDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getType() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getId();
  * get import directory of survey
 function getImportDirectory()
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     $import_dir = ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/spl_data" . "/spl_" . $this->getId() . "/import";
     if (@is_dir($import_dir)) {
         return $import_dir;
     } else {
         return false;
  * create work directory for image map editing
 function createWorkDirectory()
     if (!@is_dir(ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/map_workfiles")) {
         ilUtil::createDirectory(ilUtil::getDataDir() . "/map_workfiles");
     $work_dir = $this->getWorkDirectory();
     if (!@is_dir($work_dir)) {