Exemple #1
  * Auth and email related methods
  * @group IL_Init
 public function testAuthAndEmailMethods()
     include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUser.php";
     $value = "";
     // creation
     $user = new ilObjUser();
     $d = array("login" => "aatestuser2", "passwd_type" => IL_PASSWD_PLAIN, "passwd" => "password", "gender" => "f", "firstname" => "Heidi", "lastname" => "Kabel", "email" => "*****@*****.**", "ext_account" => "ext_");
     $id = $user->getId();
     ilObjUser::_writeExternalAccount($id, "ext_kabel");
     ilObjUser::_writeAuthMode($id, "cas");
     $ids = ilObjUser::_getUserIdsByEmail("*****@*****.**");
     if (is_array($ids) && count($ids) == 1 && $ids[0] == "aatestuser2") {
         $value .= "email1-";
     $uid = ilObjUser::getUserIdByEmail("*****@*****.**");
     if ($uid == $id) {
         $value .= "email2-";
     $acc = ilObjUser::_getExternalAccountsByAuthMode("cas");
     foreach ($acc as $k => $v) {
         if ($k == $id && $v == "ext_kabel") {
             $value .= "auth1-";
     if (ilObjUser::_lookupAuthMode($id) == "cas") {
         $value .= "auth2-";
     if (ilObjUser::_checkExternalAuthAccount("cas", "ext_kabel") == "aatestuser2") {
         $value .= "auth3-";
     if (ilObjUser::_externalAccountExists("ext_kabel", "cas")) {
         $value .= "auth4-";
     $la = ilObjUser::_getLocalAccountsForEmail("*****@*****.**");
     // deletion
     $this->assertEquals("email1-email2-auth1-auth2-auth3-auth4-", $value);
  * Called after successful login
  * @return 
  * @param array $a_username
  * @param object $a_auth
 protected function loginObserver($a_username, $a_auth)
     global $ilLog, $ilAppEventHandler, $ilSetting;
     if ($this->getContainer()->loginObserver($a_username, $a_auth)) {
         // validate user
         include_once "Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUser.php";
         $user_id = ilObjUser::_loginExists($a_auth->getUsername());
         if ($user_id != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) {
             $user = new ilObjUser($user_id);
             // check if profile is complete
             include_once "Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
             if (ilUserProfile::isProfileIncomplete($user) and ilAuthFactory::getContext() != ilAuthFactory::CONTEXT_ECS) {
             // --- extended user validation
             // we only have a single status, so abort after each one
             // order from highest priority to lowest
             // active?
             if (!$user->getActive()) {
                 $this->status = AUTH_USER_INACTIVE;
             // time limit
             if (!$user->checkTimeLimit()) {
                 $this->status = AUTH_USER_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
                 // #16327
                 $this->exceeded_user_name = $this->getUserName();
             // check client ip
             $clientip = $user->getClientIP();
             if (trim($clientip) != "") {
                 $clientip = preg_replace("/[^0-9.?*,:]+/", "", $clientip);
                 $clientip = str_replace(".", "\\.", $clientip);
                 $clientip = str_replace(array("?", "*", ","), array("[0-9]", "[0-9]*", "|"), $clientip);
                 if (!preg_match("/^" . $clientip . "\$/", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) {
                     $this->status = AUTH_USER_WRONG_IP;
             // simultaneous login
             if ($ilSetting->get('ps_prevent_simultaneous_logins') && ilObjUser::hasActiveSession($user_id)) {
                 $this->status = AUTH_USER_SIMULTANEOUS_LOGIN;
             include_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilOnlineTracking.php';
             include_once 'Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilObjForum.php';
             require_once 'Services/PrivacySecurity/classes/class.ilSecuritySettings.php';
             $security_settings = ilSecuritySettings::_getInstance();
             // determine first login of user for setting an indicator
             // which still is available in PersonalDesktop, Repository, ...
             // (last login date is set to current date in next step)
             if ($security_settings->isPasswordChangeOnFirstLoginEnabled() && $user->getLastLogin() == null) {
             // reset counter for failed logins
         // --- anonymous/registered user
         $ilLog->write(__METHOD__ . ': logged in as ' . $a_auth->getUsername() . ', remote:' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ':' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'] . ', server:' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']);
         ilSessionControl::handleLoginEvent($a_auth->getUsername(), $a_auth);
         $ilAppEventHandler->raise('Services/Authentication', 'afterLogin', array('username' => $a_auth->getUsername()));
 function initIlias($context = "web")
     global $ilDB, $ilUser, $ilLog, $ilErr, $ilClientIniFile, $ilIliasIniFile, $ilSetting, $ilias, $https, $ilObjDataCache, $ilLog, $objDefinition, $lng, $ilCtrl, $ilBrowser, $ilHelp, $ilTabs, $ilMainMenu, $rbacsystem, $ilNavigationHistory;
     // remove unsafe characters
     // error reporting
     // remove notices from error reporting
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) {
         error_reporting(ini_get("error_reporting") & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);
     } else {
         error_reporting(ini_get('error_reporting') & ~E_NOTICE);
     // include common code files
     global $ilBench;
     // set error handler (to do: check preconditions for error handler to work)
     $ilBench->start("Core", "HeaderInclude_GetErrorHandler");
     $ilErr = new ilErrorHandling();
     $GLOBALS['ilErr'] =& $ilErr;
     $ilErr->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($ilErr, 'errorHandler'));
     $ilBench->stop("Core", "HeaderInclude_GetErrorHandler");
     // prepare file access to work with safe mode (has been done in class ilias before)
     // set cookie params
     // $ilIliasIniFile initialisation
     // CLIENT_ID determination
     // $ilAppEventHandler initialisation
     // $ilClientIniFile initialisation
     // removed redirection madness the service should respond with SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
     // $ilDB initialisation
     // init plugin admin class
     include_once "Services/Component/classes/class.ilPluginAdmin.php";
     $ilPluginAdmin = new ilPluginAdmin();
     $GLOBALS['ilPluginAdmin'] = $ilPluginAdmin;
     // set session handler
     // $ilSetting initialisation
     // $ilLog initialisation
     // $https initialisation
     require_once 'classes/class.ilHTTPS.php';
     $https = new ilHTTPS();
     $GLOBALS['https'] =& $https;
     if ($this->returnBeforeAuth()) {
     $ilCtrl = new ilCtrl2();
     $GLOBALS['ilCtrl'] =& $ilCtrl;
     // $ilAuth initialisation
     include_once "Services/Authentication/classes/class.ilAuthUtils.php";
     global $ilAuth;
     // Do not accept external session ids
     if (!ilSession::_exists(session_id())) {
         // $_GET["PHPSESSID"] = "";
     // $ilias initialisation
     global $ilias, $ilBench;
     $ilBench->start("Core", "HeaderInclude_GetILIASObject");
     $ilias = new ILIAS();
     $GLOBALS['ilias'] =& $ilias;
     $ilBench->stop("Core", "HeaderInclude_GetILIASObject");
     // $ilObjDataCache initialisation
     $ilObjDataCache = new ilObjectDataCache();
     $GLOBALS['ilObjDataCache'] =& $ilObjDataCache;
     // workaround: load old post variables if error handler 'message' was called
     if (isset($_SESSION["message"]) && $_SESSION["message"]) {
         $_POST = $_SESSION["post_vars"];
     // put debugging functions here
     require_once "include/inc.debug.php";
     // $objDefinition initialisation
     $ilBench->start("Core", "HeaderInclude_getObjectDefinitions");
     $objDefinition = new ilObjectDefinition();
     $GLOBALS['objDefinition'] =& $objDefinition;
     // $objDefinition->startParsing();
     $ilBench->stop("Core", "HeaderInclude_getObjectDefinitions");
     // init tree
     $tree = new ilTree(ROOT_FOLDER_ID);
     $GLOBALS['tree'] =& $tree;
     // $ilAccess and $rbac... initialisation
     // authenticate & start session
     PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($ilErr, "errorHandler"));
     $ilBench->start("Core", "HeaderInclude_Authentication");
     ////$ilAuth->logger = Log::singleton('error_log',PEAR_LOG_TYPE_SYSTEM,'TEST');
     ////$ilAuth->enableLogging = true;
     if (!defined("IL_PHPUNIT_TEST")) {
         $oldSid = session_id();
         $newSid = session_id();
         include_once 'Services/Payment/classes/class.ilPaymentShoppingCart.php';
         ilPaymentShoppingCart::_migrateShoppingCart($oldSid, $newSid);
     $ilBench->stop("Core", "HeaderInclude_Authentication");
     // workaround: force login
     if (!empty($_GET["cmd"]) && $_GET["cmd"] == "force_login" || $this->script == "login.php") {
         if (!isset($_GET['forceShoppingCartRedirect'])) {
             $_SESSION = array();
         $_SESSION["AccountId"] = "";
     // check correct setup
     if (!$ilias->getSetting("setup_ok")) {
         die("Setup is not completed. Please run setup routine again.");
     // $ilUser initialisation (1)
     $ilBench->start("Core", "HeaderInclude_getCurrentUser");
     $ilUser = new ilObjUser();
     $ilias->account =& $ilUser;
     $GLOBALS['ilUser'] =& $ilUser;
     $ilBench->stop("Core", "HeaderInclude_getCurrentUser");
     // $ilCtrl initialisation
     //$ilCtrl = new ilCtrl();
     // determin current script and up-path to main directory
     // (sets $this->script and $this->updir)
     // $styleDefinition initialisation and style handling for login and co.
     if (in_array($this->script, array("login.php", "register.php", "view_usr_agreement.php")) || $_GET["baseClass"] == "ilStartUpGUI") {
     // init locale
     // handle ILIAS 2 imported users:
     // check ilias 2 password, if authentication failed
     // only if AUTH_LOCAL
     //echo "A";
     if (AUTH_CURRENT == AUTH_LOCAL && !$ilAuth->getAuth() && $this->script == "login.php" && $_POST["username"] != "") {
         if (ilObjUser::_lookupHasIlias2Password(ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST["username"]))) {
             if (ilObjUser::_switchToIlias3Password(ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST["username"]), ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST["password"]))) {
     if ($ilAuth->getStatus() == '' && $ilias->account->isCurrentUserActive() || defined("IL_PHPUNIT_TEST") && DEVMODE) {
         //echo "C"; exit;
         $ilBench->start("Core", "HeaderInclude_getCurrentUserAccountData");
         // get user data
         // differentiate account security mode
         require_once 'Services/PrivacySecurity/classes/class.ilSecuritySettings.php';
         $security_settings = ilSecuritySettings::_getInstance();
         if ($security_settings->getAccountSecurityMode() == ilSecuritySettings::ACCOUNT_SECURITY_MODE_CUSTOMIZED) {
             // reset counter for failed logins
         $ilBench->stop("Core", "HeaderInclude_getCurrentUserAccountData");
     } else {
         if (!$ilAuth->getAuth()) {
             require_once 'Services/PrivacySecurity/classes/class.ilSecuritySettings.php';
             // differentiate account security mode
             $security = ilSecuritySettings::_getInstance();
             if ($security->getAccountSecurityMode() == ilSecuritySettings::ACCOUNT_SECURITY_MODE_CUSTOMIZED) {
                 if (isset($_POST['username']) && $_POST['username'] && $ilUser->getId() == 0) {
                     $username = ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST['username']);
                     $usr_id = ilObjUser::_lookupId($username);
                     if ($usr_id != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) {
                         $login_attempts = ilObjUser::_getLoginAttempts($usr_id);
                         $max_attempts = $security->getLoginMaxAttempts();
                         if ($login_attempts >= $max_attempts && $usr_id != SYSTEM_USER_ID && $max_attempts > 0) {
     // SUCCESSFUL AUTHENTICATED or NON-AUTH-AREA (Login, Registration, ...)
     // $lng initialisation
     // store user language in tree
     // ### AA 03.10.29 added new LocatorGUI class ###
     // when locator data array does not exist, initialise
     if (!isset($_SESSION["locator_level"])) {
         $_SESSION["locator_data"] = array();
         $_SESSION["locator_level"] = -1;
     // initialise global ilias_locator object
     // ECS Tasks
     include_once 'Services/WebServices/ECS/classes/class.ilECSTaskScheduler.php';
     $scheduler = ilECSTaskScheduler::start();
     $ilBench->stop("Core", "HeaderInclude");
  * Update user
 public function updateObject()
     global $tpl, $rbacsystem, $ilias, $ilUser, $ilSetting;
     // User folder
     if ($this->usrf_ref_id == USER_FOLDER_ID and !$rbacsystem->checkAccess('visible,read,write', $this->usrf_ref_id)) {
         $this->ilias->raiseError($this->lng->txt("msg_no_perm_modify_user"), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
     // if called from local administration $this->usrf_ref_id is category id
     // Todo: this has to be fixed. Do not mix user folder id and category id
     if ($this->usrf_ref_id != USER_FOLDER_ID) {
         // check if user is assigned to category
         if (!$rbacsystem->checkAccess('cat_administrate_users', $this->object->getTimeLimitOwner())) {
             $this->ilias->raiseError($this->lng->txt("msg_no_perm_modify_user"), $this->ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
     // we do not want to store this dates, they are only printed out
     $_POST['agree_date'] = $this->object->getAgreeDate();
     // Manipulate form so ignore required fields are no more required. This has to be done before ilPropertyFormGUI::checkInput() is called.
     $profileMaybeIncomplete = false;
     if ($this->form_gui->getInput('ignore_rf', false)) {
         $profileMaybeIncomplete = $this->handleIgnoredRequiredFields();
     if ($this->form_gui->checkInput()) {
         // @todo: external account; time limit
         // if not allowed or empty -> do no change password
         if (ilAuthUtils::_allowPasswordModificationByAuthMode(ilAuthUtils::_getAuthMode($_POST['auth_mode'])) && trim($_POST['passwd']) != "") {
             $this->object->setPasswd($_POST['passwd'], IL_PASSWD_PLAIN);
          * reset counter for failed logins
          * if $_POST['active'] is set to 1
         if ($_POST['active'] == 1) {
         $udf = array();
         foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
             if (substr($k, 0, 4) == "udf_") {
                 $udf[substr($k, 4)] = $v;
         try {
         } catch (ilUserException $e) {
             return $tpl->setContent($this->form_gui->getHtml());
         if ($this->isSettingChangeable('language')) {
         require_once 'Services/WebDAV/classes/class.ilDiskQuotaActivationChecker.php';
         if (ilDiskQuotaActivationChecker::_isActive()) {
             // set disk quota
             $this->object->setPref("disk_quota", $_POST["disk_quota"] * ilFormat::_getSizeMagnitude() * ilFormat::_getSizeMagnitude());
         if (ilDiskQuotaActivationChecker::_isPersonalWorkspaceActive()) {
             // set personal workspace disk quota
             $this->object->setPref("wsp_disk_quota", $_POST["wsp_disk_quota"] * ilFormat::_getSizeMagnitude() * ilFormat::_getSizeMagnitude());
         if ($this->isSettingChangeable('skin_style')) {
             //set user skin and style
             $sknst = explode(":", $_POST["skin_style"]);
             if ($this->object->getPref("style") != $sknst[1] || $this->object->getPref("skin") != $sknst[0]) {
                 $this->object->setPref("skin", $sknst[0]);
                 $this->object->setPref("style", $sknst[1]);
         if ($this->isSettingChangeable('hits_per_page')) {
             $this->object->setPref("hits_per_page", $_POST["hits_per_page"]);
         if ($this->isSettingChangeable('show_users_online')) {
             $this->object->setPref("show_users_online", $_POST["show_users_online"]);
         if ($this->isSettingChangeable('hide_own_online_status')) {
             $this->object->setPref("hide_own_online_status", $_POST["hide_own_online_status"] ? 'y' : 'n');
         // set a timestamp for last_password_change
         // this ts is needed by ilSecuritySettings
         global $ilSetting;
         if ((int) $ilSetting->get('session_reminder_enabled')) {
             $this->object->setPref('session_reminder_enabled', (int) $_POST['session_reminder_enabled']);
         // #10054 - profile may have been completed, check below is only for incomplete
         $this->update = $this->object->update();
         // If the current user is editing its own user account,
         // we update his preferences.
         if ($ilUser->getId() == $this->object->getId()) {
         $ilUser->setPref('send_info_mails', $_POST['send_mail'] == 'y' ? 'y' : 'n');
         $mail_message = $this->__sendProfileMail();
         $msg = $this->lng->txt('saved_successfully') . $mail_message;
         // same personal image
         if ($this->isSettingChangeable('upload')) {
         if ($profileMaybeIncomplete) {
             include_once 'Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php';
             if (ilUserProfile::isProfileIncomplete($this->object)) {
         // feedback
         ilUtil::sendSuccess($msg, true);
         if (strtolower($_GET["baseClass"]) == 'iladministrationgui') {
             $this->ctrl->redirectByClass("ilobjuserfoldergui", "view");
         } else {
             $this->ctrl->redirectByClass('ilobjcategorygui', 'listUsers');
     } else {