/** * Build export file * * @param * @return */ function buildExportFile() { global $ilias; // create export file include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; ilExport::_createExportDirectory($this->wiki->getId(), "html", "wiki"); $exp_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->wiki->getId(), "html", "wiki"); $this->subdir = $this->wiki->getType() . "_" . $this->wiki->getId(); $this->export_dir = $exp_dir . "/" . $this->subdir; // initialize temporary target directory ilUtil::delDir($this->export_dir); ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir); // system style html exporter include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilSystemStyleHTMLExport.php"; $this->sys_style_html_export = new ilSystemStyleHTMLExport($this->export_dir); $this->sys_style_html_export->addImage("icon_wiki.svg"); $this->sys_style_html_export->export(); // init co page html exporter include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilCOPageHTMLExport.php"; $this->co_page_html_export = new ilCOPageHTMLExport($this->export_dir); $this->co_page_html_export->setContentStyleId($this->wiki->getStyleSheetId()); $this->co_page_html_export->createDirectories(); $this->co_page_html_export->exportStyles(); $this->co_page_html_export->exportSupportScripts(); // export pages $this->exportHTMLPages(); // zip everything if (true) { // zip it all $date = time(); $zip_file = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->wiki->getId(), "html", "wiki") . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->wiki->getType() . "_" . $this->wiki->getId() . ".zip"; ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir, $zip_file); ilUtil::delDir($this->export_dir); } }
public function sendAndCreateSimpleExportFile() { $orgu_id = ilObjOrgUnit::getRootOrgId(); $orgu_ref_id = ilObjOrgUnit::getRootOrgRefId(); ilExport::_createExportDirectory($orgu_id, "xml", "orgu"); $export_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($orgu_id, "xml", "orgu"); $ts = time(); // Workaround for test assessment $sub_dir = $ts . '__' . IL_INST_ID . '__' . "orgu" . '_' . $orgu_id . ""; $new_file = $sub_dir . '.zip'; $export_run_dir = $export_dir . "/" . $sub_dir; ilUtil::makeDirParents($export_run_dir); $writer = $this->simpleExport($orgu_ref_id); $writer->xmlDumpFile($export_run_dir . "/manifest.xml", false); // zip the file ilUtil::zip($export_run_dir, $export_dir . "/" . $new_file); ilUtil::delDir($export_run_dir); // Store info about export include_once './Services/Export/classes/class.ilExportFileInfo.php'; $exp = new ilExportFileInfo($orgu_id); $exp->setVersion(ILIAS_VERSION_NUMERIC); $exp->setCreationDate(new ilDateTime($ts, IL_CAL_UNIX)); $exp->setExportType('xml'); $exp->setFilename($new_file); $exp->create(); ilUtil::deliverFile($export_dir . "/" . $new_file, $new_file); return array("success" => true, "file" => $new_file, "directory" => $export_dir); }
/** * Build export file * * @param * @return */ function buildExportFile() { global $ilias; // create export file include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; ilExport::_createExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf"); $exp_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf"); $this->subdir = $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId(); $this->export_dir = $exp_dir . "/" . $this->subdir; // initialize temporary target directory ilUtil::delDir($this->export_dir); ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir); // system style html exporter include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilSystemStyleHTMLExport.php"; $this->sys_style_html_export = new ilSystemStyleHTMLExport($this->export_dir); // $this->sys_style_html_export->addImage("icon_prtf_b.png"); $this->sys_style_html_export->export(); // init co page html exporter include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilCOPageHTMLExport.php"; $this->co_page_html_export = new ilCOPageHTMLExport($this->export_dir); /* $this->co_page_html_export->setContentStyleId( $this->object->getStyleSheetId()); */ $this->co_page_html_export->createDirectories(); $this->co_page_html_export->exportStyles(); $this->co_page_html_export->exportSupportScripts(); // banner / profile picture $prfa_set = new ilSetting("prfa"); if ($prfa_set->get("banner")) { $banner = $this->object->getImageFullPath(); copy($banner, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($banner)); } $ppic = ilObjUser::_getPersonalPicturePath($this->object->getOwner(), "big"); if ($ppic) { $ppic = array_shift(explode("?", $ppic)); copy($ppic, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($ppic)); } // export pages $this->exportHTMLPages(); // zip everything if (true) { // zip it all $date = time(); $zip_file = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf") . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId() . ".zip"; ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir, $zip_file); ilUtil::delDir($this->export_dir); } return $zip_file; }
/** * Download file */ function download() { global $ilCtrl, $lng; if (!isset($_POST["file"])) { ilUtil::sendFailure($lng->txt("no_checkbox"), true); $ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listExportFiles"); } if (count($_POST["file"]) > 1) { ilUtil::sendFailure($lng->txt("exp_select_max_one_item"), true); $ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listExportFiles"); } $file = explode(":", $_POST["file"][0]); include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; $export_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->obj->getId(), str_replace("..", "", $file[0]), $this->obj->getType()); ilUtil::deliverFile($export_dir . "/" . $file[1], $file[1]); }
/** * create html package */ function exportHTML() { $inst_id = IL_INST_ID; include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; ilExport::_createExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", $this->object->getType()); $export_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", $this->object->getType()); $subdir = $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId(); $filename = $this->subdir . ".zip"; $target_dir = $export_dir . "/" . $subdir; ilUtil::delDir($target_dir); ilUtil::makeDir($target_dir); $source_dir = $this->object->getDataDirectory(); ilUtil::rCopy($source_dir, $target_dir); // zip it all $date = time(); $zip_file = $export_dir . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId() . ".zip"; ilUtil::zip($target_dir, $zip_file); ilUtil::delDir($target_dir); }
/** * Get export directory of glossary */ function getExportDirectory($a_type = "xml") { include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; return ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->getId(), $a_type, $this->getType()); }
/** * Send personal data file * * @param * @return */ function sendPersonalDataFile() { include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; $file = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->getId(), "xml", "usr", "personal_data") . "/" . $this->getPersonalDataExportFile(); if (is_file($file)) { ilUtil::deliverFile($file, $this->getPersonalDataExportFile()); } }
/** * Add zip files to folder * * @param array selection array: key is ref_id, value is "last_file", "omit" or "create" */ function __addZipFiles($a_parent_id, $a_selection = "") { $this->course_obj->initCourseItemObject(); $this->course_obj->items_obj->setParentId($a_parent_id); foreach ($this->course_obj->items_obj->getAllItems() as $item) { if (!($tmp_obj =& ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByRefId($item['child'], false))) { continue; } $action = $a_selection[$item['child']]; if ($a_selection == "") { $action = "create"; } if ($action == "omit") { continue; } if ($action == "create") { $abs_file_name = $tmp_obj->getXMLZip(); } else { include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; $info = ilExport::_getLastExportFileInformation($item['obj_id'], "xml", $item['type']); $abs_file_name = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($item['obj_id'], "xml", $item['type']) . "/" . $info["file"]; if (!@is_file($abs_file_name)) { $abs_file_name = ""; } } // must return absolute path to zip file if ($abs_file_name != "") { //$new_name = 'il_'.$this->ilias->getSetting('inst_id').'_'.$tmp_obj->getType().'_'.$item['obj_id'].'.zip'; $new_name = basename($abs_file_name); $this->course_files_obj->copyFile($abs_file_name, $this->course_files_obj->getArchiveDirectory() . '/' . $this->getName() . '/' . $new_name); if (is_file($this->course_files_obj->getArchiveDirectory() . '/' . $this->getName() . '/' . $new_name)) { $this->copied_files[] = array("title" => $item['title'], "file" => $new_name, "type" => $item['type']); } } $this->__addZipFiles($item['child']); unset($tmp_obj); } return true; }
/** * Build export file * * @param * @return */ function buildExportFile() { global $ilias; // create export file include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; ilExport::_createExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf"); $exp_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf"); $this->subdir = $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId(); $this->export_dir = $exp_dir . "/" . $this->subdir; // initialize temporary target directory ilUtil::delDir($this->export_dir); ilUtil::makeDir($this->export_dir); // system style html exporter include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilSystemStyleHTMLExport.php"; $this->sys_style_html_export = new ilSystemStyleHTMLExport($this->export_dir); // $this->sys_style_html_export->addImage("icon_prtf.svg"); $this->sys_style_html_export->export(); // init co page html exporter include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilCOPageHTMLExport.php"; $this->co_page_html_export = new ilCOPageHTMLExport($this->export_dir); $this->co_page_html_export->setContentStyleId($this->object->getStyleSheetId()); $this->co_page_html_export->createDirectories(); $this->co_page_html_export->exportStyles(); $this->co_page_html_export->exportSupportScripts(); // banner $prfa_set = new ilSetting("prfa"); if ($prfa_set->get("banner")) { $banner = $this->object->getImageFullPath(); if ($banner) { copy($banner, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($banner)); } } // page element: profile picture $ppic = ilObjUser::_getPersonalPicturePath($this->object->getOwner(), "big", true, true); if ($ppic) { $ppic = array_shift(explode("?", $ppic)); copy($ppic, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($ppic)); } // header image: profile picture $ppic = ilObjUser::_getPersonalPicturePath($this->object->getOwner(), "xsmall", true, true); if ($ppic) { $ppic = array_shift(explode("?", $ppic)); copy($ppic, $this->export_dir . "/" . basename($ppic)); } // export pages $this->exportHTMLPages(); // add js/images/file to zip $images = $files = $js_files = array(); foreach ($this->export_material as $items) { $images = array_merge($images, $items["images"]); $files = array_merge($files, $items["files"]); $js_files = array_merge($js_files, $items["js"]); } foreach (array_unique($images) as $image) { if (is_file($image)) { copy($image, $this->export_dir . "/images/" . basename($image)); } } foreach (array_unique($js_files) as $js_file) { if (is_file($js_file)) { copy($js_file, $this->export_dir . "/js/" . basename($js_file)); } } foreach (array_unique($files) as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { copy($file, $this->export_dir . "/files/" . basename($file)); } } // zip everything if (true) { // zip it all $date = time(); $zip_file = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->object->getId(), "html", "prtf") . "/" . $date . "__" . IL_INST_ID . "__" . $this->object->getType() . "_" . $this->object->getId() . ".zip"; ilUtil::zip($this->export_dir, $zip_file); ilUtil::delDir($this->export_dir); } return $zip_file; }
/** * Add subitems * @param object $a_id * @param object $a_type * @return */ protected function addSubitems($a_id, $a_type, $a_target_release) { $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__); $set_number = 1; foreach ($this->eo->getSubitemsForExport() as $ref_id) { // get last export file $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($ref_id); $expi = ilExportFileInfo::lookupLastExport($obj_id, 'xml', $a_target_release); if (!$expi instanceof ilExportFileInfo) { $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': Cannot find export file for refId ' . $ref_id . ', type ' . ilObject::_lookupType($a_id)); continue; } $exp_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($obj_id, 'xml', ilObject::_lookupType($obj_id)); $exp_full = $exp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $expi->getFilename(); $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': zip path ' . $exp_full); // Unzip ilUtil::unzip($exp_full, true, false); // create set directory ilUtil::makeDirParents($this->cont_export_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'set_' . $set_number); // cut .zip $new_path_rel = 'set_' . $set_number . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $expi->getBasename(); $new_path_abs = $this->cont_export_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_path_rel; $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $new_path_rel . ' ' . $new_path_abs); // Move export rename($exp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $expi->getBasename(), $new_path_abs); $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write($exp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $expi->getBasename() . ' -> ' . $new_path_abs); // Delete latest container xml of source if ($a_id == $obj_id) { $expi->delete(); if (file_exists($exp_full)) { $GLOBALS['ilLog']->write(__METHOD__ . ': Deleting' . $exp_full); unlink($exp_full); } } $this->cont_manifest_writer->xmlElement('ExportSet', array('Path' => $new_path_rel, 'Type' => ilObject::_lookupType($obj_id))); ++$set_number; } }
/** * Export an ILIAS object (the object type must be known by objDefinition) * * @param string $a_type repository object type * @param int $a_id id of object or entity that shoudl be exported * @param string $a_target_release target release * * @return array success and info array */ function exportObject($a_type, $a_id, $a_target_release) { global $objDefinition, $tpl; $comp = $objDefinition->getComponentForType($a_type); $c = explode("/", $comp); $class = "il" . $c[1] . "Exporter"; // manifest writer include_once "./Services/Xml/classes/class.ilXmlWriter.php"; $this->manifest_writer = new ilXmlWriter(); $this->manifest_writer->xmlHeader(); $this->manifest_writer->xmlStartTag('Manifest', array("MainEntity" => $a_type, "Title" => ilObject::_lookupTitle($a_id), "TargetRelease" => $a_target_release, "InstallationId" => IL_INST_ID, "InstallationUrl" => ILIAS_HTTP_PATH)); // get export class ilExport::_createExportDirectory($a_id, "xml", $a_type); $export_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($a_id, "xml", $a_type); $ts = time(); // Workaround for test assessment $sub_dir = $ts . '__' . IL_INST_ID . '__' . $a_type . '_' . $a_id; $new_file = $sub_dir . '.zip'; $this->export_run_dir = $export_dir . "/" . $sub_dir; ilUtil::makeDirParents($this->export_run_dir); $this->cnt = array(); $success = $this->processExporter($comp, $class, $a_type, $a_target_release, $a_id); $this->manifest_writer->xmlEndTag('Manifest'); $this->manifest_writer->xmlDumpFile($this->export_run_dir . "/manifest.xml", false); // zip the file ilUtil::zip($this->export_run_dir, $export_dir . "/" . $new_file); ilUtil::delDir($this->export_run_dir); // Store info about export if ($success) { include_once './Services/Export/classes/class.ilExportFileInfo.php'; $exp = new ilExportFileInfo($a_id); $exp->setVersion($a_target_release); $exp->setCreationDate(new ilDateTime($ts, IL_CAL_UNIX)); $exp->setExportType('xml'); $exp->setFilename($new_file); $exp->create(); } return array("success" => $success, "file" => $new_file, "directory" => $export_dir); }
/** * Download file */ public function download() { global $ilCtrl, $lng; if (!isset($_GET["file"]) || is_array($_GET["file"])) { $ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listExportFiles"); } $file = explode(":", trim($_GET["file"])); include_once "./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExport.php"; $export_dir = ilExport::_getExportDirectory($this->obj->getId(), str_replace("..", "", $file[0]), $this->obj->getType()); $file[1] = basename($file[1]); ilUtil::deliverFile($export_dir . "/" . $file[1], $file[1]); }