function lockObject() { global $tree, $ilUser, $rbacsystem; if (!$rbacsystem->checkAccess("write", $_GET['item_ref_id'])) { $this->ilErr->raiseError($this->lng->txt('err_no_permission'), $this->ilErr->MESSAGE); } require_once 'Services/WebDAV/classes/class.ilDAVServer.php'; if (ilDAVServer::_isActive() && ilDAVServer::_isActionsVisible()) { require_once 'Services/WebDAV/classes/class.ilDAVLocks.php'; $locks = new ilDAVLocks(); $result = $locks->lockRef($_GET['item_ref_id'], $ilUser->getId(), $ilUser->getLogin(), 'ref_' . $_GET['item_ref_id'] . '_usr_' . $ilUser->getId(), time() + 60, 0, 'exclusive'); ilUtil::sendInfo($this->lng->txt($result === true ? 'object_locked' : $result), true); } $this->renderObject(); }
/** * add standard object section */ function addObjectSections() { global $lng, $ilCtrl, $ilUser, $ilAccess, $tree, $ilSetting, $ilObjDataCache; $this->addSection($lng->txt("additional_info")); $a_obj = $this->gui_object->object; // links to the object if (is_object($a_obj)) { // permanent link $type = $a_obj->getType(); $ref_id = $a_obj->getRefId(); if ($ref_id) { include_once './Services/Link/classes/class.ilLink.php'; $href = ilLink::_getStaticLink($ref_id, $type, true); include_once 'Services/WebServices/ECS/classes/class.ilECSServerSettings.php'; if (ilECSServerSettings::getInstance()->activeServerExists()) { $this->addProperty($lng->txt("object_id"), $a_obj->getId()); } include_once 'Services/PermanentLink/classes/class.ilPermanentLinkGUI.php'; $pm = new ilPermanentLinkGUI($type, $ref_id); $pm->setIncludePermanentLinkText(false); $pm->setAlignCenter(false); $this->addProperty($lng->txt("perma_link"), $pm->getHTML(), ""); // bookmarks $title = $ilObjDataCache->lookupTitle($a_obj->getId()); $bms = ilPermanentLinkGUI::_getBookmarksSelectionList($title, $href); // links to resource if ($ilAccess->checkAccess("write", "", $ref_id) || $ilAccess->checkAccess("edit_permissions", "", $ref_id)) { $obj_id = $a_obj->getId(); $rs = ilObject::_getAllReferences($obj_id); $refs = array(); foreach ($rs as $r) { if ($tree->isInTree($r)) { $refs[] = $r; } } if (count($refs) > 1) { $links = $sep = ""; foreach ($refs as $r) { $cont_loc = new ilLocatorGUI(); $cont_loc->addContextItems($r, true); $links .= $sep . $cont_loc->getHTML(); $sep = "<br />"; } $this->addProperty($lng->txt("res_links"), '<div class="small">' . $links . '</div>'); } } } } // creation date $this->addProperty($lng->txt("create_date"), ilDatePresentation::formatDate(new ilDateTime($a_obj->getCreateDate(), IL_CAL_DATETIME))); // owner if ($ilUser->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID and $a_obj->getOwner()) { include_once './Services/Object/classes/class.ilObjectFactory.php'; include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUser.php'; if (ilObjUser::userExists(array($a_obj->getOwner()))) { $ownerObj = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($a_obj->getOwner(), false); } else { $ownerObj = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId(6, false); } if (!is_object($ownerObj) || $ownerObj->getType() != "usr") { $this->addProperty($lng->txt("owner"), $lng->txt("no_owner")); } else { if ($ownerObj->hasPublicProfile()) { $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilpublicuserprofilegui", "user_id", $ownerObj->getId()); $this->addProperty($lng->txt("owner"), $ownerObj->getPublicName(), $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilpublicuserprofilegui", "getHTML")); } else { $this->addProperty($lng->txt("owner"), $ownerObj->getPublicName()); } } } // disk usage require_once 'Services/WebDAV/classes/class.ilDiskQuotaActivationChecker.php'; if ($ilUser->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID && ilDiskQuotaActivationChecker::_isActive()) { $size = $a_obj->getDiskUsage(); if ($size !== null) { $this->addProperty($lng->txt("disk_usage"), ilFormat::formatSize($size, 'long')); } } // change event require_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilChangeEvent.php'; if (ilChangeEvent::_isActive()) { if ($ilUser->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { $readEvents = ilChangeEvent::_lookupReadEvents($a_obj->getId()); $count_users = 0; $count_members = 0; $count_user_reads = 0; $count_anonymous_reads = 0; foreach ($readEvents as $evt) { if ($evt['usr_id'] == ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { $count_anonymous_reads += $evt['read_count']; } else { $count_user_reads += $evt['read_count']; $count_users++; /* to do: if ($evt['user_id'] is member of $this->getRefId()) { $count_members++; }*/ } } if ($count_anonymous_reads > 0) { $this->addProperty($this->lng->txt("readcount_anonymous_users"), $count_anonymous_reads); } if ($count_user_reads > 0) { $this->addProperty($this->lng->txt("readcount_users"), $count_user_reads); } if ($count_users > 0) { $this->addProperty($this->lng->txt("accesscount_registered_users"), $count_users); } } } // END ChangeEvent: Display change event info // BEGIN WebDAV: Display locking information require_once 'Services/WebDAV/classes/class.ilDAVServer.php'; if (ilDAVServer::_isActive()) { global $ilias, $ilUser; if ($ilUser->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { $davLocks = new ilDAVLocks(); // Show lock info if ($ilias->account->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { $locks =& $davLocks->getLocksOnObjectObj($a_obj->getId()); if (count($locks) > 0) { $lockUser = new ilObjUser($locks[0]['ilias_owner']); $this->addProperty($this->lng->txt("in_use_by"), $lockUser->getPublicName(), "./ilias.php?user=" . $locks[0]['ilias_owner'] . '&cmd=showUserProfile&cmdClass=ilpersonaldesktopgui&cmdNode=1&baseClass=ilPersonalDesktopGUI'); } } } } // END WebDAV: Display locking information }
/** * Get item properties * * Overwrite this method to add properties at * the bottom of the item html * * @return array array of property arrays: * "alert" (boolean) => display as an alert property (usually in red) * "property" (string) => property name * "value" (string) => property value */ public function getProperties($a_item = '') { global $objDefinition; $props = array(); // please list alert properties first // example (use $lng->txt instead of "Status"/"Offline" strings): // $props[] = array("alert" => true, "property" => "Status", "value" => "Offline"); // $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => ..., "value" => ...); // ... // #8280: WebDav is only supported in repository if ($this->context == self::CONTEXT_REPOSITORY) { // BEGIN WebDAV Display locking information require_once 'Services/WebDAV/classes/class.ilDAVActivationChecker.php'; if (ilDAVActivationChecker::_isActive()) { require_once 'Services/WebDAV/classes/class.ilDAVServer.php'; global $ilias, $lng; // Show lock info require_once 'Services/WebDAV/classes/class.ilDAVLocks.php'; $davLocks = new ilDAVLocks(); if ($ilias->account->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { $locks =& $davLocks->getLocksOnObjectObj($this->obj_id); if (count($locks) > 0) { $lockUser = new ilObjUser($locks[0]['ilias_owner']); $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("in_use_by"), "value" => $lockUser->getLogin(), "link" => "./ilias.php?user="******"alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_interoperability"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_special_filename"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } else { if (preg_match('/^\\./', $this->title)) { $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_visibility"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_hidden_unix_file"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } else { if (preg_match('/~$/', $this->title)) { $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_visibility"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_hidden_backup_file"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } else { if (preg_match('/[\\/]/', $this->title)) { $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_interoperability"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_special_characters"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } else { if (preg_match('/[\\\\\\/:*?"<>|]/', $this->title)) { $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_interoperability"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_windows_special_characters"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } else { if (preg_match('/\\.$/', $this->title)) { $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_interoperability"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_windows_empty_extension"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } else { if (preg_match('/^(\\.|\\.\\.)$/', $this->title)) { $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_interoperability"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_special_filename"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } else { if (preg_match('/#/', $this->title)) { $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_interoperability"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_windows_webdav_issue"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } } } } } } } } } // END WebDAV Display warning for invisible files and files with special characters // BEGIN ChangeEvent: display changes. require_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilChangeEvent.php'; if (ilChangeEvent::_isActive()) { global $ilias, $lng, $ilUser; if ($ilias->account->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { // Performance improvement: for container objects // we only display 'changed inside' events, for // leaf objects we only display 'object new/changed' // events $isContainer = in_array($this->type, array('cat', 'fold', 'crs', 'grp')); if ($isContainer) { $state = ilChangeEvent::_lookupInsideChangeState($this->obj_id, $ilUser->getId()); if ($state > 0) { $props[] = array("alert" => true, "value" => $lng->txt('state_changed_inside'), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } } elseif ($this->type == "file") { $state = ilChangeEvent::_lookupChangeState($this->obj_id, $ilUser->getId()); if ($state > 0) { $props[] = array("alert" => true, "value" => $lng->txt($state == 1 ? 'state_unread' : 'state_changed'), 'propertyNameVisible' => false); } } } } // END ChangeEvent: display changes. } return $props; }