  * Set the name of the certificate file
  * This method will be called when the certificate will be generated
  * @return string The certificate file name
 public function getCertificateFilename($params = array())
     global $lng;
     $basename = parent::getCertificateFilename($params);
     $user_data = $params["user_data"];
     if (!is_array($user_data)) {
         global $ilSetting;
         $scormSetting = new ilSetting("scorm");
         $short_title = $scormSetting->get("certificate_short_name_" . $this->object->getId());
         return strftime("%y%m%d", time()) . "_" . $lng->txt("certificate_var_user_lastname") . "_" . $short_title . "_" . $basename;
     } else {
         return strftime("%y%m%d", time()) . "_" . $user_data["lastname"] . "_" . $params["short_title"] . "_.{$basename}";
  * Set the name of the certificate file
  * This method will be called when the certificate will be generated
  * @return string The certificate file name
 public function getCertificateFilename($params = array())
     global $lng;
     $basename = parent::getCertificateFilename($params);
     $user_data = $params["user_data"];
     if (!is_array($user_data)) {
         $short_title = $this->skill->getShortTitleForCertificate();
         return strftime("%y%m%d", time()) . "_" . $lng->txt("certificate_var_user_lastname") . "_" . $short_title . "_" . $basename;
     } else {
         return strftime("%y%m%d", time()) . "_" . $user_data["lastname"] . "_" . $params["short_title"] . "_" . $basename;