Exemple #1
  * Output a dump of a variable
  * This takes the place of icms_debug_vardump()
  * @param string $var
 public static function vardump($var)
     if (class_exists('icms_core_Textsanitizer')) {
         self::message(icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar(var_export($var, true), 'text', 'output'));
     } else {
         $var = var_export($var, true);
         $var = preg_replace("/(\r\n)|(\r)|(\n)/", "<br />", $var);
Exemple #2
  * Build a link to the page represented by the symlink, if available
  * @return	string
 public function getViewItemLink()
     $url = substr($this->getVar('page_url', 'e'), 0, 7) == 'http://' ? $this->getVar('page_url', 'e') : ICMS_URL . '/' . $this->getVar('page_url', 'e');
     $url = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($url, 'url', 'host');
     if (!$url) {
         $ret = '';
     } else {
         $ret = '<a href="' . $url . '" alt="' . _PREVIEW . '" title="' . _PREVIEW . '" rel="external"><img src="' . ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL . '/actions/viewmag.png" /></a>';
     return $ret;
  * Overridding IcmsPersistable::toArray() method to add a few info
  * @global array $icmsConfigUser user configuration
  * @return array of tribetopic info
 public function toArray()
     global $icmsConfigUser;
     $ret = parent::toArray();
     $ret['post_time'] = formatTimestamp($this->getVar('post_time', 'e'), 'm');
     $ret['poster_uname'] = icms_member_user_Handler::getUserLink($this->getVar('poster_uid'));
     $ret['userCanEditAndDelete'] = $this->userCanEditAndDelete();
     $thisUser = icms::handler('icms_member')->getUser($this->getVar('poster_uid'));
     if (is_object($thisUser)) {
         // get poster avatar
         $avatar = $thisUser->gravatar();
         if ($icmsConfigUser['avatar_allow_gravatar'] || strpos($avatar, 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/') === false) {
             $ret['poster_avatar'] = '<img src="' . $thisUser->gravatar() . '" />';
         // get poster signature
         if (trim($thisUser->getVar('user_sig')) && $this->getVar('attachsig')) {
             $ret['poster_signature'] = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($thisUser->getVar('user_sig', 'N'), 'html', 'output');
     // rewrite edit and delete item links to work with tribes.php
     $ret['editItemLink'] = str_replace($this->handler->_itemname . '.php?op=mod', 'tribes.php?tribes_id=' . $this->getVar('tribes_id') . '&amp;topic_id=' . $this->getVar('topic_id') . '&amp;op=edittribepost', $this->getEditItemLink(false, true, true));
     $ret['deleteItemLink'] = str_replace($this->handler->_itemname . '.php?op=del', 'tribes.php?tribes_id=' . $this->getVar('tribes_id') . '&amp;topic_id=' . $this->getVar('topic_id') . '&amp;op=deltribepost', $this->getDeleteItemLink(false, true, true));
     return $ret;
Exemple #4
             $icmsTpl->assign('profile_tribe_topic', $tribetopicObj->toArray());
             $icmsTpl->assign('profile_tribe_posts', $profile_tribepost_handler->getPosts($clean_start, icms::$module->config['tribepostsperpage'], false, $clean_topic_id));
             // make page navigation
             $pagenav = new icms_view_PageNav($total_posts_count, icms::$module->config['tribepostsperpage'], $clean_start, 'start', 'tribes_id=' . $clean_tribes_id . '&topic_id=' . $clean_topic_id);
             $icmsTpl->assign('profile_tribe_posts_pagenav', $pagenav->renderNav());
             // make form
             if (!$tribetopicObj->getVar('closed')) {
                 edittribepost($clean_topic_id, 0, $tribesObj, true);
             icms_makeSmarty(array('lang_closed' => _MD_PROFILE_TRIBETOPIC_CLOSED));
     } else {
         $icmsTpl->assign('lang_joinfirst', _MD_PROFILE_TRIBES_JOINFIRST);
 } elseif (isset($_POST['search_title'])) {
     $clean_tribes_title = trim(icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['search_title'], 'str'));
     $tribes = array();
     $tribes['search'] = $profile_tribes_handler->searchTribes($clean_tribes_title);
     $icmsTpl->assign('profile_tribes', $tribes);
     $icmsTpl->assign('lang_tribes_search_title', sprintf(_MD_PROFILE_TRIBES_SEARCH_TITLE, $clean_tribes_title));
     if (count($tribes['search']) == 0) {
         $icmsTpl->assign('lang_search_noresults', sprintf(_MD_PROFILE_TRIBES_SEARCH_NORESULTS, $clean_tribes_title));
     $icmsTpl->assign('profile_tribes_search', true);
 } elseif ($clean_uid > 0 || $real_uid > 0) {
     $uid = $clean_uid > 0 ? $clean_uid : $real_uid;
     $tribes = array();
     $tribes['own'] = $profile_tribes_handler->getTribes(false, false, $uid);
     $tribes['member'] = $profile_tribes_handler->getMembershipTribes($uid);
     if (count($tribes['own']) + count($tribes['member']) == 0) {
         $icmsTpl->assign('lang_nocontent', _MD_PROFILE_TRIBES_NOCONTENT);
Exemple #5
				$inactive_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_inactive", @$_POST['mail_inactive']);
				$lastlog_min_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_lastlog_min", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_lastlog_min'], 'text'));
				$lastlog_max_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_lastlog_max", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_lastlog_max'], 'text'));
				$regd_min_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_regd_min", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_regd_min'], 'text'));
				$regd_max_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_regd_max", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_regd_max'], 'text'));
				$idle_more_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_idle_more", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_idle_more'], 'text'));
				$idle_less_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_idle_less", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_idle_less'], 'text'));
				$fname_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_fromname", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_fromname'], 'text'));
				$femail_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_fromemail", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_fromemail'], 'text'));
				$subject_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_subject", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_subject'], 'text'));
				$body_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_body", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['mail_body'], 'text'));
				$start_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_start", (int) $_POST['mail_start'] + $limit);
				$mail_mailok_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("mail_mailok", icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar(@$_POST['mail_mailok']));
				$op_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden("op", "send");
				$submit_button = new icms_form_elements_Button("", "mail_submit", _AM_SENDNEXT, "submit");
				$sent_label = new icms_form_elements_Label(_AM_SENT, sprintf(_AM_SENTNUM, (int) $_POST['mail_start'] + 1, (int) $_POST['mail_start'] + $limit, $count_criteria + $added_count - $limit));
Exemple #6
  * clean values of all variables of the object for storage.
  * also add slashes whereever needed
  * We had to put this method in the icms_ipf_Object because the XOBJ_DTYPE_ARRAY does not work properly
  * at least on PHP 5.1. So we have created a new type XOBJ_DTYPE_SIMPLE_ARRAY to handle 1 level array
  * as a string separated by |
  * @return bool true if successful
  * @access public
 public function cleanVars()
     $existing_errors = $this->getErrors();
     $this->_errors = array();
     foreach ($this->vars as $k => $v) {
         $cleanv = $v['value'];
         if (!$v['changed'] || $this->_isNewConfig) {
         } else {
             $cleanv = is_string($cleanv) ? trim($cleanv) : $cleanv;
             switch ($v['data_type']) {
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX:
                     if ($v['required'] && $cleanv != '0' && $cleanv == '') {
                         $this->setErrors(sprintf(_XOBJ_ERR_REQUIRED, $k));
                     if (isset($v['maxlength']) && strlen($cleanv) > (int) $v['maxlength']) {
                         $this->setErrors(sprintf(_XOBJ_ERR_SHORTERTHAN, $k, (int) $v['maxlength']));
                     if (!$v['not_gpc']) {
                         $cleanv = icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC(icms_core_DataFilter::censorString($cleanv));
                     } else {
                         $cleanv = icms_core_DataFilter::censorString($cleanv);
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTAREA:
                     if ($v['required'] && $cleanv != '0' && $cleanv == '') {
                         $this->setErrors(sprintf(_XOBJ_ERR_REQUIRED, $k));
                     if (!$v['not_gpc']) {
                         $cleanv = icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($cleanv);
                         $cleanv = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($cleanv, 'html', 'input');
                     } else {
                         //$cleanv = icms_core_DataFilter::censorString($cleanv);
                         $cleanv = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($cleanv, 'html', 'input');
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_SOURCE:
                     if (!$v['not_gpc']) {
                         $cleanv = icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($cleanv);
                     } else {
                         $cleanv = $cleanv;
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_INT:
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_TIME_ONLY:
                     $cleanv = (int) $cleanv;
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_CURRENCY:
                     $cleanv = icms_currency($cleanv);
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_FLOAT:
                     $cleanv = icms_float($cleanv);
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_EMAIL:
                     if ($v['required'] && $cleanv == '') {
                         $this->setErrors(sprintf(_XOBJ_ERR_REQUIRED, $k));
                     if ($cleanv != '' && !icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($cleanv, 'email')) {
                     if (!$v['not_gpc']) {
                         $cleanv = icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($cleanv);
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_URL:
                     if ($v['required'] && $cleanv == '') {
                         $this->setErrors(sprintf(_XOBJ_ERR_REQUIRED, $k));
                     if ($cleanv != '' && !preg_match("/^http[s]*:\\/\\//i", $cleanv)) {
                         $cleanv = 'http://' . $cleanv;
                     if (!$v['not_gpc']) {
                         $cleanv = icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($cleanv);
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_SIMPLE_ARRAY:
                     $cleanv = implode('|', $cleanv);
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_ARRAY:
                     $cleanv = is_array($cleanv) ? serialize($cleanv) : $cleanv;
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_STIME:
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_MTIME:
                 case XOBJ_DTYPE_LTIME:
                     $cleanv = !is_string($cleanv) ? (int) $cleanv : strtotime($cleanv);
                     if (!($cleanv > 0)) {
                         $cleanv = strtotime($cleanv);
         $this->cleanVars[$k] =& $cleanv;
     if (count($this->_errors) > 0) {
         $this->_errors = array_merge($existing_errors, $this->_errors);
         return false;
     $this->_errors = array_merge($existing_errors, $this->_errors);
     return true;
Exemple #7
  *  Validates username, email address and password entries during registration
  *  Username is validated for uniqueness and length
  *  password is validated for length and strictness
  *  email is validated as a proper email address pattern
  *  @param string $uname User display name entered by the user
  *  @param string $login_name Username entered by the user
  *  @param string $email Email address entered by the user
  *  @param string $pass Password entered by the user
  *  @param string $vpass Password verification entered by the user
  *  @param int $uid user id (only applicable if the user already exists)
  *  @global array $icmsConfigUser user configuration
  *  @return string of errors encountered while validating the user information, will be blank if successful
 public function userCheck($login_name, $uname, $email, $pass, $vpass, $uid = 0)
     global $icmsConfigUser;
     // initializations
     $member_handler = icms::handler('icms_member');
     $thisUser = $uid > 0 ? $thisUser = $member_handler->getUser($uid) : FALSE;
     $icmsStopSpammers = new icms_core_StopSpammer();
     $stop = '';
     switch ($icmsConfigUser['uname_test_level']) {
         case 0:
             // strict
             $restriction = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]/';
         case 1:
             // medium
             $restriction = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\<\\>\\,\\.\\$\\%\\#\\@\\!\\\'\\"]/';
         case 2:
             // loose
             $restriction = '/[\\000-\\040]/';
     // check email
     if (is_object($thisUser) && $thisUser->getVar('email', 'e') != $email && $email !== FALSE || !is_object($thisUser)) {
         if (!icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($email, 'email', 0, 1)) {
             $stop .= _US_INVALIDMAIL . '<br />';
         $count = $this->getCount(icms_buildCriteria(array('email' => addslashes($email))));
         if ($count > 0) {
             $stop .= _US_EMAILTAKEN . '<br />';
     // check login_name
     $login_name = icms_core_DataFilter::icms_trim($login_name);
     if (is_object($thisUser) && $thisUser->getVar('login_name', 'e') != $login_name && $login_name !== FALSE || !is_object($thisUser)) {
         if (empty($login_name) || preg_match($restriction, $login_name)) {
             $stop .= _US_INVALIDNICKNAME . '<br />';
         if (strlen($login_name) > $icmsConfigUser['maxuname']) {
             $stop .= sprintf(_US_NICKNAMETOOLONG, $icmsConfigUser['maxuname']) . '<br />';
         if (strlen($login_name) < $icmsConfigUser['minuname']) {
             $stop .= sprintf(_US_NICKNAMETOOSHORT, $icmsConfigUser['minuname']) . '<br />';
         foreach ($icmsConfigUser['bad_unames'] as $bu) {
             if (!empty($bu) && preg_match('/' . $bu . '/i', $login_name)) {
                 $stop .= _US_NAMERESERVED . '<br />';
         if (strrpos($login_name, ' ') > 0) {
             $stop .= _US_NICKNAMENOSPACES . '<br />';
         $count = $this->getCount(icms_buildCriteria(array('login_name' => addslashes($login_name))));
         if ($count > 0) {
             $stop .= _US_LOGINNAMETAKEN . '<br />';
     // check uname
     if (is_object($thisUser) && $thisUser->getVar('uname', 'e') != $uname && $uname !== FALSE || !is_object($thisUser)) {
         $count = $this->getCount(icms_buildCriteria(array('uname' => addslashes($uname))));
         if ($count > 0) {
             $stop .= _US_NICKNAMETAKEN . '<br />';
     // check password
     if ($pass !== FALSE) {
         if (!isset($pass) || $pass == '' || !isset($vpass) || $vpass == '') {
             $stop .= _US_ENTERPWD . '<br />';
         if (isset($pass) && $pass != $vpass) {
             $stop .= _US_PASSNOTSAME . '<br />';
         } elseif ($pass != '' && strlen($pass) < $icmsConfigUser['minpass']) {
             $stop .= sprintf(_US_PWDTOOSHORT, $icmsConfigUser['minpass']) . '<br />';
         if (isset($pass) && isset($login_name) && ($pass == $login_name || $pass == icms_core_DataFilter::utf8_strrev($login_name, TRUE) || strripos($pass, $login_name) === TRUE)) {
             $stop .= _US_BADPWD . '<br />';
     // check other things
     if ($icmsStopSpammers->badIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
         $stop .= _US_INVALIDIP . '<br />';
     return $stop;
Exemple #8
  * Set a config value
  * @param	mixed   &$value Value
  * @param	bool    $force_slash
 public function setConfValueForInput($value, $force_slash = false)
     if ($this->getVar('conf_formtype') == 'textarea' && $this->getVar('conf_valuetype') !== 'array') {
         $value = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($value, 'html', 'input');
     } elseif ($this->getVar('conf_formtype') == 'textsarea' && $this->getVar('conf_valuetype') !== 'array') {
         $value = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($value, 'text', 'input');
     } elseif ($this->getVar('conf_formtype') == 'password') {
         $value = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
     } else {
         $value = StopXSS($value);
     switch ($this->getVar('conf_valuetype')) {
         case 'array':
             if (!is_array($value)) {
                 $value = explode('|', trim($value));
             $this->setVar('conf_value', serialize($value), $force_slash);
         case 'text':
             $this->setVar('conf_value', trim($value), $force_slash);
             $this->setVar('conf_value', $value, $force_slash);
Exemple #9
  * returns a specific variable for the object in a proper format
  * We had to put this method in the icms_ipf_Object because the XOBJ_DTYPE_ARRAY does not work properly
  * at least on PHP 5.1. So we have created a new type XOBJ_DTYPE_SIMPLE_ARRAY to handle 1 level array
  * as a string separated by |
  * @access public
  * @param string $key key of the object's variable to be returned
  * @param string $format format to use for the output
  * @return mixed formatted value of the variable
 public function getVar($key, $format = 's')
     global $myts;
     $ret = $this->vars[$key]['value'];
     switch ($this->vars[$key]['data_type']) {
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX:
             switch (strtolower($format)) {
                 case 's':
                 case 'show':
                     // ML Hack by marcan
                     $ret = icms_core_DataFilter::htmlSpecialChars($ret);
                     if (method_exists($myts, 'formatForML')) {
                         return $ts->formatForML($ret);
                     } else {
                         return $ret;
                     break 1;
                     // End of ML Hack by marcan
                 // End of ML Hack by marcan
                 case 'clean':
                     $ret = icms_html2text($ret);
                     $ret = icms_purifyText($ret);
                     return $ret;
                     break 1;
                     // End of ML Hack by marcan
                 // End of ML Hack by marcan
                 case 'e':
                 case 'edit':
                     return icms_core_DataFilter::htmlSpecialChars($ret);
                     break 1;
                 case 'p':
                 case 'preview':
                 case 'f':
                 case 'formpreview':
                     return icms_core_DataFilter::htmlSpecialChars(icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($ret));
                     break 1;
                 case 'n':
                 case 'none':
                     break 1;
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_LTIME:
             switch (strtolower($format)) {
                 case 's':
                 case 'show':
                 case 'p':
                 case 'preview':
                 case 'f':
                 case 'formpreview':
                     $ret = formatTimestamp($ret, _DATESTRING);
                     return $ret;
                     break 1;
                 case 'n':
                 case 'none':
                 case 'e':
                 case 'edit':
                     break 1;
                     break 1;
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_STIME:
             switch (strtolower($format)) {
                 case 's':
                 case 'show':
                 case 'p':
                 case 'preview':
                 case 'f':
                 case 'formpreview':
                     $ret = formatTimestamp($ret, _SHORTDATESTRING);
                     return $ret;
                     break 1;
                 case 'n':
                 case 'none':
                 case 'e':
                 case 'edit':
                     break 1;
                     break 1;
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_TIME_ONLY:
             switch (strtolower($format)) {
                 case 's':
                 case 'show':
                 case 'p':
                 case 'preview':
                 case 'f':
                 case 'formpreview':
                     $ret = formatTimestamp($ret, 'G:i');
                     return $ret;
                     break 1;
                 case 'n':
                 case 'none':
                 case 'e':
                 case 'edit':
                     break 1;
                     break 1;
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_CURRENCY:
             $decimal_section_original = strstr($ret, '.');
             $decimal_section = $decimal_section_original;
             if ($decimal_section) {
                 if (strlen($decimal_section) == 1) {
                     $decimal_section = '.00';
                 } elseif (strlen($decimal_section) == 2) {
                     $decimal_section = $decimal_section . '0';
                 $ret = str_replace($decimal_section_original, $decimal_section, $ret);
             } else {
                 $ret = $ret . '.00';
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTAREA:
             switch (strtolower($format)) {
                 case 's':
                 case 'show':
                     $ts = icms_core_Textsanitizer::getInstance();
                     $html = !empty($this->vars['dohtml']['value']) ? 1 : 0;
                     $xcode = !isset($this->vars['doxcode']['value']) || $this->vars['doxcode']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $smiley = !isset($this->vars['dosmiley']['value']) || $this->vars['dosmiley']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $image = !isset($this->vars['doimage']['value']) || $this->vars['doimage']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $br = !isset($this->vars['dobr']['value']) || $this->vars['dobr']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     if (defined('XOOPS_EDITOR_IS_HTML')) {
                         $br = false;
                     if ($html) {
                         return $ts->displayTarea($ret, $html, $smiley, $xcode, $image, $br);
                     } else {
                         return icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($ret, 'text', 'output');
                     break 1;
                 case 'e':
                 case 'edit':
                     return htmlspecialchars($ret, ENT_QUOTES);
                     break 1;
                 case 'p':
                 case 'preview':
                     $ts = icms_core_Textsanitizer::getInstance();
                     $html = !empty($this->vars['dohtml']['value']) ? 1 : 0;
                     $xcode = !isset($this->vars['doxcode']['value']) || $this->vars['doxcode']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $smiley = !isset($this->vars['dosmiley']['value']) || $this->vars['dosmiley']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $image = !isset($this->vars['doimage']['value']) || $this->vars['doimage']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $br = !isset($this->vars['dobr']['value']) || $this->vars['dobr']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     if ($html) {
                         return $ts->previewTarea($ret, $html, $smiley, $xcode, $image, $br);
                     } else {
                         return icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($ret, 'text', 'output');
                     break 1;
                 case 'f':
                 case 'formpreview':
                     return htmlspecialchars(icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($ret), ENT_QUOTES);
                     break 1;
                 case 'n':
                 case 'none':
                     break 1;
             $ret =& explode('|', $ret);
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_ARRAY:
             $ret =& unserialize($ret);
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_SOURCE:
             switch (strtolower($format)) {
                 case 's':
                 case 'show':
                     break 1;
                 case 'e':
                 case 'edit':
                     return htmlspecialchars($ret, ENT_QUOTES);
                     break 1;
                 case 'p':
                 case 'preview':
                     return icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($ret);
                     break 1;
                 case 'f':
                 case 'formpreview':
                     return htmlspecialchars(icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($ret), ENT_QUOTES);
                     break 1;
                 case 'n':
                 case 'none':
                     break 1;
             if ($this->vars[$key]['options'] != '' && $ret != '') {
                 switch (strtolower($format)) {
                     case 's':
                     case 'show':
                         $selected = explode('|', $ret);
                         $options = explode('|', $this->vars[$key]['options']);
                         $i = 1;
                         $ret = array();
                         foreach ($options as $op) {
                             if (in_array($i, $selected)) {
                                 $ret[] = $op;
                         return implode(', ', $ret);
                     case 'e':
                     case 'edit':
                         $ret = explode('|', $ret);
                         break 1;
                         break 1;
     return $ret;
Exemple #10
	 * Deletes a client
	 * @param int $cid client id
	function BannerClientDelete($cid) {
		global $icmsConfig, $icmsModule;
		$result = icms::$xoopsDB->query("SELECT cid, name FROM " . icms::$xoopsDB->prefix("bannerclient") . " WHERE cid='". (int) $cid . "'");
		list($cid, $name) = icms::$xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);
		$name = icms_core_DataFilter::htmlSpecialChars($name);
		echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' class='outer'><tr><td class=\"odd\">";
		echo "<h4>" . _AM_DELEADC . "</h4>" . sprintf(_AM_SUREDELCLI, $name) . "<br /><br />";
		$result2 = icms::$xoopsDB->query("SELECT imageurl, clickurl, htmlbanner, htmlcode FROM " . icms::$xoopsDB->prefix("banner") . " WHERE cid='". (int) $cid . "'");
		$numrows = icms::$xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result2);
		if ($numrows == 0) {
			echo "" . _AM_NOBNRRUN . "<br /><br />";
		} else {
			echo "<font color='#ff0000'><strong>" . _AM_WARNING . "</strong></font><br />" . _AM_ACTBNRRUN . "<br /><br />";
		while (list($imageurl, $clickurl, $htmlbanner, $htmlcode) = icms::$xoopsDB->fetchRow($result2)) {
			$imageurl = htmlspecialchars($imageurl, ENT_QUOTES);
			$clickurl = htmlspecialchars($clickurl, ENT_QUOTES);
			$bannerobject = "";
			if ($htmlbanner) {
				$bannerobject = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($htmlcode, 'html', 'output');
			} else {
				$bannerobject = '<div><a href="' . $clickurl . '" rel="external">';
				if (strtolower(substr($imageurl, strrpos($imageurl, ".")))==".swf") {
					$bannerobject = $bannerobject;
					echo '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . $imageurl . '" width="468" height="60">';
					echo '<param name="movie" value="' . $imageurl . '" />';
					echo '<param name="quality" value="high" />';
					echo '</object>';
				} else {
					$bannerobject = $bannerobject . '<img src="' . $imageurl . '" alt="" />';
				$bannerobject = $bannerobject . '</a></div>';
			echo $bannerobject . "<a href='" . $clickurl . "'>" . $clickurl . "</a><br /><br />";
		icms_core_Message::confirm(array('fct' => 'banners', 'op' => 'BannerClientDelete2', 'cid' => $cid), 'admin.php', _AM_SUREDELBNR);
		echo "</td></tr></table>";
if (!icms::$user || !$icmsConfigUser['allow_chgmail']) {
    redirect_header(ICMS_URL . '/modules/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)), 3, _NOPERM);
$profile_template = 'profile_changemail.html';
include 'header.php';
if (!isset($_POST['submit']) && !isset($_REQUEST['oldmail'])) {
    //show change password form
    $form = new icms_form_Theme(_MD_PROFILE_CHANGEMAIL, 'form', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'post', true);
    $form->addElement(new icms_form_elements_Text(_MD_PROFILE_NEWMAIL, 'newmail', 15, 50), true);
    $form->addElement(new icms_form_elements_Button('', 'submit', _SUBMIT, 'submit'));
} else {
    //compute unique key
    $key = md5(substr(icms::$user->getVar('pass'), 0, 5));
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['oldmail'])) {
        if (!icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['newmail'], 'email', 0, 1)) {
            redirect_header(ICMS_URL . '/modules/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . 'changemail.php', 2, _MD_PROFILE_INVALIDMAIL);
        //send email to new email address with key
        $icmsMailer = new icms_messaging_Handler();
        $icmsMailer->setTemplateDir(ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/language/' . $icmsConfig['language'] . '/mail_template');
        $icmsMailer->assign('SITENAME', $icmsConfig['sitename']);
        $icmsMailer->assign('X_UNAME', icms::$user->getVar('uname'));
        $icmsMailer->assign('ADMINMAIL', $icmsConfig['adminmail']);
        $icmsMailer->assign('SITEURL', ICMS_URL);
        $icmsMailer->assign('IP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
        $icmsMailer->assign('NEWEMAIL_LINK', ICMS_URL . '/modules/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/changemail.php?code=' . $key . '&oldmail=' . icms::$user->getVar('email'));
        $icmsMailer->assign('NEWEMAIL', $_POST['newmail']);
Exemple #12
  * returns a specific variable for the object in a proper format
  * @access public
  * @param string $key key of the object's variable to be returned
  * @param string $format format to use for the output
  * @return mixed formatted value of the variable
 public function getVar($key, $format = 's')
     $ret = $this->vars[$key]['value'];
     switch ($this->vars[$key]['data_type']) {
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX:
             switch (strtolower($format)) {
                 case 's':
                 case 'show':
                 case 'e':
                 case 'edit':
                     return icms_core_DataFilter::htmlSpecialchars($ret);
                     break 1;
                 case 'p':
                 case 'preview':
                 case 'f':
                 case 'formpreview':
                     return icms_core_DataFilter::htmlSpecialchars(icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($ret));
                     break 1;
                 case 'n':
                 case 'none':
                     break 1;
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTAREA:
             switch (strtolower($format)) {
                 case 's':
                 case 'show':
                     $ts =& icms_core_Textsanitizer::getInstance();
                     $html = !empty($this->vars['dohtml']['value']) ? 1 : 0;
                     $xcode = !isset($this->vars['doxcode']['value']) || $this->vars['doxcode']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $smiley = !isset($this->vars['dosmiley']['value']) || $this->vars['dosmiley']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $image = !isset($this->vars['doimage']['value']) || $this->vars['doimage']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $br = !isset($this->vars['dobr']['value']) || $this->vars['dobr']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     if ($html) {
                         return $ts->displayTarea($ret, $html, $smiley, $xcode, $image, $br);
                     } else {
                         return icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($ret, 'text', 'output');
                     break 1;
                 case 'e':
                 case 'edit':
                     return htmlspecialchars($ret, ENT_QUOTES);
                     break 1;
                 case 'p':
                 case 'preview':
                     $ts =& icms_core_Textsanitizer::getInstance();
                     $html = !empty($this->vars['dohtml']['value']) ? 1 : 0;
                     $xcode = !isset($this->vars['doxcode']['value']) || $this->vars['doxcode']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $smiley = !isset($this->vars['dosmiley']['value']) || $this->vars['dosmiley']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $image = !isset($this->vars['doimage']['value']) || $this->vars['doimage']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     $br = !isset($this->vars['dobr']['value']) || $this->vars['dobr']['value'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                     if ($html) {
                         return $ts->previewTarea($ret, $html, $smiley, $xcode, $image, $br);
                     } else {
                         return icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($ret, 'text', 'output');
                     break 1;
                 case 'f':
                 case 'formpreview':
                     return htmlspecialchars(icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($ret), ENT_QUOTES);
                     break 1;
                 case 'n':
                 case 'none':
                     break 1;
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_ARRAY:
             $ret =& unserialize($ret);
         case XOBJ_DTYPE_SOURCE:
             switch (strtolower($format)) {
                 case 's':
                 case 'show':
                     break 1;
                 case 'e':
                 case 'edit':
                     return htmlspecialchars($ret, ENT_QUOTES);
                     break 1;
                 case 'p':
                 case 'preview':
                     return icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($ret);
                     break 1;
                 case 'f':
                 case 'formpreview':
                     return htmlspecialchars(icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($ret), ENT_QUOTES);
                     break 1;
                 case 'n':
                 case 'none':
                     break 1;
             if ($this->vars[$key]['options'] != '' && $ret != '') {
                 switch (strtolower($format)) {
                     case 's':
                     case 'show':
                         $selected = explode('|', $ret);
                         $options = explode('|', $this->vars[$key]['options']);
                         $i = 1;
                         $ret = array();
                         foreach ($options as $op) {
                             if (in_array($i, $selected)) {
                                 $ret[] = $op;
                         return implode(', ', $ret);
                     case 'e':
                     case 'edit':
                         $ret = explode('|', $ret);
                         break 1;
                         break 1;
     return $ret;
Exemple #13
         echo "<img src='uploads/" . $poster->getVar("user_avatar") . "' alt='' /><br />\n";
     if ($poster->getVar("user_from") != "") {
         echo _PM_FROMC . "" . $poster->getVar("user_from") . "<br /><br />\n";
     if ($poster->isOnline()) {
         echo "<span style='color:#ee0000;font-weight:bold;'>" . _PM_ONLINE . "</span><br /><br />\n";
 } else {
     echo $icmsConfig['anonymous'];
     // we need to do this for deleted users
 echo "</td><td><img src='images/subject/" . $pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_image", "E") . "' alt='' />&nbsp;\r\n\t\t\t" . _PM_SENTC . "" . formatTimestamp($pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_time"));
 echo "<hr /><b>" . $pm_arr[0]->getVar("subject") . "</b><br /><br />\n";
 $var = $pm_arr[0]->getVar('msg_text', 'N');
 echo icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($var, 'html', 'output') . "<br /><br /></td></tr>\r\n\t\t\t<tr class='foot'><td width='20%' colspan='2' align='" . _GLOBAL_LEFT . "'>";
 // we dont want to reply to a deleted user!
 if ($poster != false) {
     echo "<a href='#' onclick='javascript:openWithSelfMain(\"" . ICMS_URL . "/pmlite.php?reply=1&amp;msg_id=" . $pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_id") . "\",\"pmlite\",800,680);'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<img src='" . ICMS_URL . "/images/icons/" . $GLOBALS["icmsConfig"]["language"] . "/reply.gif' alt='" . _PM_REPLY . "' /></a>\n";
 echo "<input type='hidden' name='delete' value='1' />";
 echo icms::$security->getTokenHTML();
 echo "<input type='hidden' name='msg_id' value='" . $pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_id") . "' />";
 echo "<a href='#" . $pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_id") . "' onclick='javascript:document.delete" . $pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_id") . ".submit();'>\r\n\t\t\t<img src='" . ICMS_URL . "/images/icons/" . $GLOBALS["icmsConfig"]["language"] . "/delete.gif' alt='" . _PM_DELETE . "' /></a>";
 echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' align='" . _GLOBAL_RIGHT . "'>";
 $previous = $start - 1;
 $next = $start + 1;
 if ($previous >= 0) {
     echo "<a href='readpmsg.php?start=" . (int) $previous . "&amp;total_messages=" . (int) $total_messages . "'>" . _PM_PREVIOUS . "</a> | ";
 } else {
     echo _PM_PREVIOUS . " | ";
Exemple #14
    $thisUser = icms::handler('icms_member')->getUser($uid);
    if (!is_object($thisUser) || !$thisUser->isActive()) {
        redirect_header('index.php', 3, _US_SELECTNG);
    $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'system_userinfo.html';
    include ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php';
    $icmsTpl->assign('user_ownpage', FALSE);
if (is_object(icms::$user) && $isAdmin) {
    icms_makeSmarty(array('lang_editprofile' => _US_EDITPROFILE, 'lang_deleteaccount' => _US_DELACCOUNT, 'user_uid' => (int) $thisUser->getVar('uid')));
$userrank = $thisUser->rank();
$date = $thisUser->getVar('last_login');
icms_makeSmarty(array('user_avatarurl' => $icmsConfigUser['avatar_allow_gravatar'] == TRUE ? $thisUser->gravatar('G', $icmsConfigUser['avatar_width']) : ICMS_UPLOAD_URL . '/' . $thisUser->getVar('user_avatar'), 'user_websiteurl' => $thisUser->getVar('url', 'E') == '' ? '' : '<a href="' . $thisUser->getVar('url', 'E') . '" rel="external">' . $thisUser->getVar('url') . '</a>', 'lang_website' => _US_WEBSITE, 'user_realname' => $thisUser->getVar('name'), 'lang_realname' => _US_REALNAME, 'lang_avatar' => _US_AVATAR, 'lang_allaboutuser' => sprintf(_US_ALLABOUT, $thisUser->getVar('uname')), 'user_alwopenid' => $icmsConfigAuth['auth_openid'], 'lang_openid', $icmsConfigAuth['auth_openid'] == TRUE ? _US_OPENID_FORM_CAPTION : '', 'lang_email' => _US_EMAIL, 'lang_privmsg' => _US_PM, 'lang_icq' => _US_ICQ, 'user_icq' => $thisUser->getVar('user_icq'), 'lang_aim' => _US_AIM, 'user_aim' => $thisUser->getVar('user_aim'), 'lang_yim' => _US_YIM, 'user_yim' => $thisUser->getVar('user_yim'), 'lang_msnm' => _US_MSNM, 'user_msnm' => $thisUser->getVar('user_msnm'), 'lang_location' => _US_LOCATION, 'user_location' => $thisUser->getVar('user_from'), 'lang_occupation' => _US_OCCUPATION, 'user_occupation' => $thisUser->getVar('user_occ'), 'lang_interest' => _US_INTEREST, 'user_interest' => $thisUser->getVar('user_intrest'), 'lang_extrainfo' => _US_EXTRAINFO, 'user_extrainfo' => icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($thisUser->getVar('bio', 'N'), 'text', 'output'), 'lang_statistics' => _US_STATISTICS, 'lang_membersince' => _US_MEMBERSINCE, 'user_joindate' => formatTimestamp($thisUser->getVar('user_regdate'), 's'), 'lang_rank' => _US_RANK, 'lang_posts' => _US_POSTS, 'lang_basicInfo' => _US_BASICINFO, 'lang_more' => _US_MOREABOUT, 'lang_myinfo' => _US_MYINFO, 'user_posts' => icms_conv_nr2local($thisUser->getVar('posts')), 'lang_lastlogin' => _US_LASTLOGIN, 'lang_notregistered' => _US_NOTREGISTERED, 'user_pmlink' => is_object(icms::$user) ? "<a href=\"javascript:openWithSelfMain('" . ICMS_URL . "/pmlite.php?send2=1&amp;to_userid=" . (int) $thisUser->getVar('uid') . "', 'pmlite', 800,680);\"><img src=\"" . ICMS_URL . "/images/icons/" . $icmsConfig['language'] . "/pm.gif\" alt=\"" . sprintf(_SENDPMTO, $thisUser->getVar('uname')) . "\" /></a>" : '', 'user_rankimage' => $userrank['image'] ? '<img src="' . $userrank['image'] . '" alt="' . $userrank['title'] . '" />' : '', 'user_ranktitle' => $userrank['title'], 'user_lastlogin' => !empty($date) ? formatTimestamp($thisUser->getVar('last_login'), 'm') : '', 'icms_pagetitle' => sprintf(_US_ALLABOUT, $thisUser->getVar('uname')), 'user_email' => $thisUser->getVar('user_viewemail') == TRUE || is_object(icms::$user) && (icms::$user->isAdmin() || icms::$user->getVar('uid') == $thisUser->getVar('uid')) ? $thisUser->getVar('email', 'E') : '&nbsp;', 'user_openid' => $icmsConfigAuth['auth_openid'] == TRUE && ($thisUser->getVar('user_viewoid') == TRUE || is_object(icms::$user) && (icms::$user->isAdmin() || icms::$user->getVar('uid') == $thisUser->getVar('uid'))) ? $thisUser->getVar('openid', 'E') : '&nbsp;'));
if ($icmsConfigUser['allwshow_sig'] == TRUE && strlen(trim($thisUser->getVar('user_sig', 'N'))) > 0) {
    icms_makeSmarty(array('user_showsignature' => TRUE, 'lang_signature' => _US_SIGNATURE, 'user_signature' => icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($thisUser->getVar('user_sig', 'N'), 'html', 'output')));
$module_handler = icms::handler('icms_module');
$criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('hassearch', 1));
$criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('isactive', 1));
$mids = array_keys($module_handler->getList($criteria));
foreach ($mids as $mid) {
    if ($gperm_handler->checkRight('module_read', $mid, $groups)) {
        $module = $module_handler->get($mid);
        $results = $module->search('', '', 5, 0, (int) $thisUser->getVar('uid'));
        $count = count($results);
        if (is_array($results) && $count > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                if (isset($results[$i]['image']) && $results[$i]['image'] != '') {
                    $results[$i]['image'] = 'modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $results[$i]['image'];
                } else {
Exemple #15
* Get {@link icms_form_Theme} for registering new users
* @param object $user {@link icms_member_user_Object} to register
* @param int $step Which step we are at
* @param ProfileRegstep $next_step
* @return object
function &getRegisterForm(&$user, $profile, $next_step = 0, $step)
    $action = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    global $icmsConfigUser;
    $reg_form = new icms_form_Theme($step->getVar('step_name'), "regform", $action, "post");
    if ($step->getVar('step_intro') != "") {
        $reg_form->addElement(new icms_form_elements_Label('', $step->getVar('step_intro')));
    if ($next_step == 0) {
        icms_loadLanguageFile('core', 'user');
        $uname_size = $icmsConfigUser['maxuname'] < 75 ? $icmsConfigUser['maxuname'] : 75;
        $elements[0][] = array('element' => new icms_form_elements_Text(_US_LOGIN_NAME, "login_name", $uname_size, 75, $user->getVar('login_name', 'e')), 'required' => true);
        $weights[0][] = 0;
        $elements[0][] = array('element' => new icms_form_elements_Text(_US_NICKNAME, "uname", $uname_size, 75, $user->getVar('uname', 'e')), 'required' => true);
        $weights[0][] = 0;
        $elements[0][] = array('element' => new icms_form_elements_Password(_MD_PROFILE_PASSWORD, "pass", 10, 32, "", false, $icmsConfigUser['pass_level'] ? 'password_adv' : ''), 'required' => true);
        $weights[0][] = 0;
        $elements[0][] = array('element' => new icms_form_elements_Password(_MD_PROFILE_VERIFYPASS, "vpass", 10, 32, ""), 'required' => true);
        $weights[0][] = 0;
    // Dynamic fields
    $profile_handler = icms_getmodulehandler('profile', basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))), 'profile');
    // Get fields
    $fields = $profile_handler->loadFields();
    foreach (array_keys($fields) as $i) {
        // Set field persistance - load profile with session vars
        $fieldname = $fields[$i]->getVar('field_name');
        if (!empty($_SESSION['profile'][$fieldname]) && ($value = $_SESSION['profile'][$fieldname])) {
            $profile->setVar($fieldname, $value);
        if ($fields[$i]->getVar('step_id') == $step->getVar('step_id')) {
            $fieldinfo['element'] = $fields[$i]->getEditElement($user, $profile);
            $fieldinfo['required'] = $fields[$i]->getVar('field_required');
            $key = $fields[$i]->getVar('catid');
            $elements[$key][] = $fieldinfo;
            $weights[$key][] = $fields[$i]->getVar('field_weight');
    // Get categories
    $cat_handler = icms_getmodulehandler('category', basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))), 'profile');
    $categories = $cat_handler->getObjects(null, true, false);
    foreach (array_keys($elements) as $k) {
        array_multisort($weights[$k], SORT_ASC, array_keys($elements[$k]), SORT_ASC, $elements[$k]);
        $title = isset($categories[$k]) ? $categories[$k]['cat_title'] : _MD_PROFILE_DEFAULT;
        $desc = isset($categories[$k]) ? $categories[$k]['cat_description'] : "";
        $reg_form->addElement(new icms_form_elements_Label($title, $desc), false);
        foreach (array_keys($elements[$k]) as $i) {
            $reg_form->addElement($elements[$k][$i]['element'], $elements[$k][$i]['required']);
    //end of Dynamic User fields
    if ($next_step == 0 && $icmsConfigUser['reg_dispdsclmr'] != 0 && $icmsConfigUser['reg_disclaimer'] != '') {
        $disc_tray = new icms_form_elements_Tray(_MD_PROFILE_DISCLAIMER, '<br />');
        $disc_text = new icms_form_elements_Label("", "<div id=\"disclaimer\">" . icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($icmsConfigUser['reg_disclaimer'], 'html', 'output') . "</div>");
        $session_agreement = empty($_SESSION['profile']['agree_disc']) ? '' : $_SESSION['profile']['agree_disc'];
        $agree_chk = new icms_form_elements_Checkbox('', 'agree_disc', $session_agreement);
        $agree_chk->addOption(1, _MD_PROFILE_IAGREE);
    if ($next_step == 0 && $icmsConfigUser['use_captcha'] == 1) {
        $reg_form->addElement(new icms_form_elements_Captcha(_SECURITYIMAGE_GETCODE, "scode"));
    $reg_form->addElement(new icms_form_elements_Hidden("op", "step"));
    $reg_form->addElement(new icms_form_elements_Hidden("step", $next_step));
    $reg_form->addElement(new icms_form_elements_Button("", "submit", _MD_PROFILE_SUBMIT, "submit"));
    return $reg_form;
Exemple #16
 * Function to display the banners stats for
 * each client
function bannerstats()
    global $icmsConfig, $icmsConfigMetaFooter, $icmsConfigPlugins;
    if ($_SESSION['banner_login'] == '' || $_SESSION['banner_pass'] == '') {
        redirect_header('banners.php', 2);
    $result = icms::$xoopsDB->query(sprintf("SELECT cid, name, passwd FROM %s WHERE login=%s", icms::$xoopsDB->prefix('bannerclient'), icms::$xoopsDB->quoteString($_SESSION['banner_login'])));
    list($cid, $name, $passwd) = icms::$xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);
    if ($_SESSION['banner_pass'] == $passwd) {
        include 'header.php';
        echo "<div id='bannerstats'>" . "<h4 class='content_title'>" . sprintf(_BANNERS_TITLE, $name) . "</h4><hr />" . "<table summary=''>" . "<caption>" . sprintf(_BANNERS_TITLE, $name) . "</caption>" . "<thead><tr>" . "<td>ID</td>" . "<td>" . _BANNERS_IMP_MADE . "</td>" . "<td>" . _BANNERS_IMP_TOTAL . "</td>" . "<td>" . _BANNERS_IMP_LEFT . "</td>" . "<td>" . _BANNERS_CLICKS . "</td>" . "<td>" . _BANNERS_PER_CLICKS . "</td>" . "<td>" . _BANNERS_FUNCTIONS . "</td></tr></thead>" . "<tfoot><tr><td colspan='7'></td></tr></tfoot>";
        $result = icms::$xoopsDB->query("select bid, imptotal, impmade, clicks, date from \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . icms::$xoopsDB->prefix('banner') . " where cid='" . (int) $cid . "'");
        $i = 0;
        while (list($bid, $imptotal, $impmade, $clicks, $date) = icms::$xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) {
            if ($impmade == 0) {
                $percent = 0;
            } else {
                $percent = substr(100 * $clicks / $impmade, 0, 5);
            if ($imptotal == 0) {
                $left = _BANNERS_UNLIMITED;
            } else {
                $left = $imptotal - $impmade;
            $class = $i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
            echo "<tbody><tr class='{$class}'>" . "<td>{$bid}</td>" . "<td>{$impmade}</td>" . "<td>{$imptotal}</td>" . "<td>{$left}</td>" . "<td>{$clicks}</td>" . "<td>{$percent}%</td>" . "<td><a href='banners.php?op=EmailStats&amp;cid={$cid}&amp;bid={$bid}' title='" . _BANNERS_STATS . "'>" . _BANNERS_STATS . "</a></td></tr></tbody>";
        echo "</table><br /><br /><h4 class='content_title'>" . _BANNERS_FOW_IN . htmlspecialchars($icmsConfig['sitename']) . "</h4><hr />";
        $result = icms::$xoopsDB->query("select bid, imageurl, clickurl, htmlbanner, htmlcode from \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . icms::$xoopsDB->prefix('banner') . " where cid='" . (int) $cid . "'");
        while (list($bid, $imageurl, $clickurl, $htmlbanner, $htmlcode) = icms::$xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) {
            $numrows = icms::$xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);
            if ($numrows > 1) {
                echo "<br />";
            if (!empty($htmlbanner) && !empty($htmlcode)) {
                echo icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($htmlcode, 'text', 'output');
            } else {
                if (strtolower(substr($imageurl, strrpos($imageurl, "."))) == ".swf") {
                    echo '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . $imageurl . '" width="468" height="60">' . '<param name=movie value="' . $imageurl . '" />' . '<param name="quality" value="high" />' . '</object>';
                } else {
                    echo '<img src="' . $imageurl . '" alt="" />';
            echo "<br /><strong>" . _BANNERS_ID . $bid . "</strong><br />" . sprintf(_BANNERS_SEND_STATS, 'banners.php?op=EmailStats&amp;cid=' . $cid . '&amp;bid=' . $bid) . "<br />";
            if (!$htmlbanner) {
                $clickurl = htmlspecialchars($clickurl, ENT_QUOTES);
                echo sprintf(_BANNERS_POINTS, $clickurl) . "<br /><form action='banners.php' method='post'>" . _BANNERS_URL . "<input type='text' name='url' size='50' maxlength='200' value='{$clickurl}' />" . "<input type='hidden' name='bid' value='{$bid}' />" . "<input type='hidden' name='cid' value='{$cid}' />" . "<input type='submit' name='op' value='" . _BANNERS_CHANGE . "' />" . icms::$security->getTokenHTML("BANNER_EDIT") . "</form>";
        /* Finished Banners */
        echo "<br />";
        if ($result = icms::$xoopsDB->query("select bid, impressions, clicks, datestart, dateend from\r\n\t\t\t" . icms::$xoopsDB->prefix('bannerfinish') . " where cid='" . (int) $cid . "'")) {
            echo "<h4 class='content_title'>" . sprintf(_BANNERS_FINISHED, $name) . "</h4><hr /><table summary=''><caption>" . sprintf(_BANNERS_FINISHED, $name) . "</caption><thead><tr><td>ID</td><td>" . _BANNERS_IMP_MADE . "</td><td>" . _BANNERS_CLICKS . "</td><td>" . _BANNERS_PER_CLICKS . "</td><td>" . _BANNERS_STARTED . "</td><td>" . _BANNERS_ENDED . "</td></tr></thead>" . "<tfoot><tr><td colspan='6'></td></tr></tfoot>";
            $i = 0;
            while (list($bid, $impressions, $clicks, $datestart, $dateend) = icms::$xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) {
                $percent = substr(100 * $clicks / $impressions, 0, 5);
                $class = $i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
                echo "<tbody><tr class='{$class}'>" . "<td>{$bid}</td>" . "<td>{$impressions}</td>" . "<td>{$clicks}</td>" . "<td>{$percent}%</td>" . "<td>" . formatTimestamp($datestart) . "</td>" . "<td>" . formatTimestamp($dateend) . "</td></tr></tbody>";
            echo "</table></div>";
        include 'footer.php';
    } else {
        redirect_header('banners.php', 2);
Exemple #17
    foreach ($mids as $mid) {
        if (icms::handler('icms_member_groupperm')->checkRight('module_read', $mid, $groups)) {
            $module = $module_handler->get($mid);
            $results = $module->search('', '', 5, 0, $thisUser->getVar('uid'));
            $count = count($results);
            if (is_array($results) && $count > 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                    if (isset($results[$i]['image']) && $results[$i]['image'] != '') {
                        $results[$i]['image'] = 'modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $results[$i]['image'];
                    } else {
                        $results[$i]['image'] = 'images/icons/posticon2.gif';
                    if (!preg_match("/^http[s]*:\\/\\//i", $results[$i]['link'])) {
                        $results[$i]['link'] = ICMS_URL . "/modules/" . $module->getVar('dirname') . "/" . $results[$i]['link'];
                    $results[$i]['title'] = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($results[$i]['title'], 'text', 'output');
                    $results[$i]['time'] = $results[$i]['time'] ? formatTimestamp($results[$i]['time'], 'm') : '';
                if ($count == 5) {
                    $showall_link = '<a href="' . ICMS_URL . '/search.php?action=showallbyuser&amp;mid=' . $mid . '&amp;uid=' . $thisUser->getVar('uid') . '">' . _US_SHOWALL . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $showall_link = '';
                $icmsTpl->append('modules', array('name' => $module->getVar('name'), 'results' => $results, 'showall_link' => $showall_link));
// getting social content
// pictures
 case "preview":
     $doimage = 1;
     $com_title = icms_core_DataFilter::htmlSpecialChars(icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($_POST['com_title']));
     if ($dohtml != 0) {
         if (is_object(icms::$user)) {
             if (!icms::$user->isAdmin($com_modid)) {
                 $sysperm_handler = icms::handler('icms_member_groupperm');
                 if (!$sysperm_handler->checkRight('system_admin', XOOPS_SYSTEM_COMMENT, icms::$user->getGroups())) {
                     $dohtml = 0;
         } else {
             $dohtml = 0;
     $p_comment =& icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($_POST['com_text'], 'html', 'input');
     $noname = isset($noname) ? (int) $noname : 0;
     $com_text = icms_core_DataFilter::htmlSpecialChars(icms_core_DataFilter::stripSlashesGPC($_POST['com_text']));
     if ($icmsModule->getVar('dirname') != 'system') {
         include ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php';
         themecenterposts($com_title, $p_comment);
         include ICMS_INCLUDE_PATH . '/comment_form.php';
         include ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php';
     } else {
         themecenterposts($com_title, $p_comment);
         include ICMS_INCLUDE_PATH . '/comment_form.php';
 case "post":
Exemple #19
  * Render the whole About page of a module
 public function render()
     global $icmsModule, $icmsConfig;
     $module_handler = icms::handler('icms_module');
     $versioninfo =& $module_handler->get($icmsModule->getVar('mid'));
     $icmsModule->displayAdminMenu(-1, $this->_aboutTitle . " " . $versioninfo->getInfo('name'));
     $this->_tpl = new icms_view_Tpl();
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_url', ICMS_URL . "/modules/" . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . "/");
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_image', $versioninfo->getInfo('image'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_name', $versioninfo->getInfo('name'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_version', $versioninfo->getInfo('version'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_status_version', $versioninfo->getInfo('status_version'));
     // Left headings...
     if ($versioninfo->getInfo('author_realname') != '') {
         $author_name = $versioninfo->getInfo('author') . " (" . $versioninfo->getInfo('author_realname') . ")";
     } else {
         $author_name = $versioninfo->getInfo('author');
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_author_name', $author_name);
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_license', $versioninfo->getInfo('license'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_credits', $versioninfo->getInfo('credits'));
     // Developers Information
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_developer_lead', $versioninfo->getInfo('developer_lead'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_developer_contributor', $versioninfo->getInfo('developer_contributor'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_developer_website_url', $versioninfo->getInfo('developer_website_url'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_developer_website_name', $versioninfo->getInfo('developer_website_name'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_developer_email', $versioninfo->getInfo('developer_email'));
     $people = $versioninfo->getInfo('people');
     if ($people) {
         $this->_tpl->assign('module_people_developers', isset($people['developers']) ? array_map(array($this, 'sanitize'), $people['developers']) : false);
         $this->_tpl->assign('module_people_testers', isset($people['testers']) ? array_map(array($this, 'sanitize'), $people['testers']) : false);
         $this->_tpl->assign('module_people_translators', isset($people['translators']) ? array_map(array($this, 'sanitize'), $people['translators']) : false);
         $this->_tpl->assign('module_people_documenters', isset($people['documenters']) ? array_map(array($this, 'sanitize'), $people['documenters']) : false);
         $this->_tpl->assign('module_people_other', isset($people['other']) ? array_map(array($this, 'sanitize'), $people['other']) : false);
     //$this->_tpl->assign('module_developers', $versioninfo->getInfo('developer_email'));
     // Module Development information
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_date', $versioninfo->getInfo('date'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_status', $versioninfo->getInfo('status'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_demo_site_url', $versioninfo->getInfo('demo_site_url'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_demo_site_name', $versioninfo->getInfo('demo_site_name'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_support_site_url', $versioninfo->getInfo('support_site_url'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_support_site_name', $versioninfo->getInfo('support_site_name'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_submit_bug', $versioninfo->getInfo('submit_bug'));
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_submit_feature', $versioninfo->getInfo('submit_feature'));
     // Manual
     $manual = $versioninfo->getInfo('manual');
     if ($manual) {
         $this->_tpl->assign('module_manual', isset($manual['wiki']) ? array_map(array($this, 'sanitize'), $manual['wiki']) : false);
     // Warning
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_warning', icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($versioninfo->getInfo('warning'), 'html', 'input'));
     // Author's note
     $this->_tpl->assign('module_author_word', $versioninfo->getInfo('author_word'));
     // For changelog thanks to 3Dev
     //global $icmsModule;
     $filename = ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/changelog.txt';
     if (is_file($filename)) {
         $filesize = filesize($filename);
         $handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
         $this->_tpl->assign('module_version_history', icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar(fread($handle, $filesize), 'text', 'output'));
     $filename = ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/docs/changelog.txt';
     if (is_file($filename)) {
         $filesize = filesize($filename);
         $handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
         $this->_tpl->assign('module_version_history', icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar(fread($handle, $filesize), 'text', 'output'));
     // For license thanks to 3Dev
     if (file_exists(ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/docs/license.txt')) {
         $filename = ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/docs/license.txt';
     } elseif (file_exists(ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/docs/' . $icmsConfig['language'] . '_license.txt')) {
         $filename = ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/docs/' . $icmsConfig['language'] . '_license.txt';
     } elseif (file_exists(ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/license.txt')) {
         $filename = ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/license.txt';
     } elseif (file_exists(ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/license/' . $icmsConfig['language'] . '_license.txt')) {
         $filename = ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/license/' . $icmsConfig['language'] . '_license.txt';
     } elseif (file_exists(ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/license.txt')) {
         $filename = ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $icmsModule->getVar('dirname') . '/license.txt';
     if (is_file($filename)) {
         $filesize = filesize($filename);
         $handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
         $this->_tpl->assign('module_license_txt', icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar(fread($handle, $filesize), 'text', 'output'));
     $this->_tpl->display(ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/system/templates/admin/system_adm_moduleabout.html');
Exemple #20
				echo "<img src='uploads/".$poster->getVar("user_avatar")."' alt='' /><br />\n";
			if ($poster->getVar("user_from") != "") {
				echo _PM_FROMC."".$poster->getVar("user_from")."<br /><br />\n";
			if ($poster->isOnline()) {
				echo "<span style='color:#ee0000;font-weight:bold;'>"._PM_ONLINE."</span><br /><br />\n";
		} else {
			echo $icmsConfig['anonymous']; // we need to do this for deleted users
		echo "</td><td><img src='images/subject/".$pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_image", "E")."' alt='' />&nbsp;
		echo "<hr /><b>".$pm_arr[0]->getVar("subject")."</b><br /><br />\n";
		$var = $pm_arr[0]->getVar('msg_text', 'N');
		echo icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($var, 'html', 'output') . "<br /><br /></td></tr>
			<tr class='foot'><td width='20%' colspan='2' align='"._GLOBAL_LEFT."'>";
		// we dont want to reply to a deleted user!
		if ($poster != false) {
			echo "<a href='#' onclick='javascript:openWithSelfMain(\"".ICMS_URL."/pmlite.php?reply=1&amp;msg_id="
				. $pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_id")."\",\"pmlite\",800,680);'>
				<img src='".ICMS_URL."/images/icons/".$GLOBALS["icmsConfig"]["language"]."/reply.gif' alt='"._PM_REPLY."' /></a>\n";
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='delete' value='1' />";
		echo icms::$security->getTokenHTML();
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='msg_id' value='".$pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_id")."' />";
		echo "<a href='#".$pm_arr[0]->getVar("msg_id")."' onclick='javascript:document.delete"
			<img src='".ICMS_URL."/images/icons/".$GLOBALS["icmsConfig"]["language"]."/delete.gif' alt='"._PM_DELETE."' /></a>";
		echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' align='"._GLOBAL_RIGHT."'>";
		$previous = $start - 1;
Exemple #21
 include_once ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/notification_constants.php';
 $notify_method_select = new icms_form_elements_Select(_NOT_NOTIFYMETHOD, 'notify_method', icms::$user->getVar('notify_method'));
 $notify_mode_select = new icms_form_elements_Select(_NOT_NOTIFYMODE, 'notify_mode', icms::$user->getVar('notify_mode'));
 $bio_tarea = new icms_form_elements_Textarea(_US_EXTRAINFO, 'bio', icms::$user->getVar('bio', 'E'));
 $cookie_radio_value = empty($_COOKIE[$icmsConfig['usercookie']]) ? 0 : 1;
 $cookie_radio = new icms_form_elements_Radioyn(_US_USECOOKIE, 'usecookie', $cookie_radio_value, _YES, _NO);
 $pwd_text = new icms_form_elements_Password('', 'password', 10, 255, "", FALSE, $icmsConfigUser['pass_level'] ? 'password_adv' : '');
 $pwd_text2 = new icms_form_elements_Password('', 'vpass', 10, 255);
 $pwd_tray = new icms_form_elements_Tray(_US_PASSWORD . '<br />' . _US_TYPEPASSTWICE);
 $pwd_text_old = new icms_form_elements_Password(_US_OLD_PASSWORD, 'old_password', 10, 255);
 $mailok_radio = new icms_form_elements_Radioyn(_US_MAILOK, 'user_mailok', (int) icms::$user->getVar('user_mailok'));
 $salt_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden('salt', icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar(icms::$user->getVar('salt'), 'str'));
 $uid_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden('uid', (int) icms::$user->getVar('uid'));
 $op_hidden = new icms_form_elements_Hidden('op', 'saveuser');
 $submit_button = new icms_form_elements_Button('', 'submit', _US_SAVECHANGES, 'submit');
 if (count($icmsConfig['theme_set_allowed']) > 1) {
Exemple #22
 public function getContent($format = 'S', $c_type = 'T')
     switch ($format) {
         case 'S':
             if ($c_type == 'H') {
                 $content = $this->getVar('content', 'n');
                 $content = str_replace('{X_SITEURL}', ICMS_URL . '/', $content);
                 $content = str_replace(XOOPS_DB_SALT, '', $content);
                 return $content;
             } elseif ($c_type == 'P') {
                 echo eval(icms_core_DataFilter::undoHtmlSpecialChars($this->getVar('content', 'e')));
                 $content = ob_get_contents();
                 $content = str_replace('{X_SITEURL}', ICMS_URL . '/', $content);
                 $content = str_replace(XOOPS_DB_SALT, '', $content);
                 return $content;
             } elseif ($c_type == 'S') {
                 $myts =& icms_core_Textsanitizer::getInstance();
                 $content = str_replace('{X_SITEURL}', ICMS_URL . '/', $this->getVar('content', 'n'));
                 return $myts->displayTarea($content, 1, 1);
             } else {
                 $content = str_replace('{X_SITEURL}', ICMS_URL . '/', $this->getVar('content', 'n'));
                 return icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($content, 'text', 'output');
         case 'E':
             return $this->getVar('content', 'e');
             return $this->getVar('content', 'n');
Exemple #23
  * Read a session from the database
  * @param	string  &sess_id    ID of the session
  * @return	array   Session data
 private function readSession($sess_id)
     $sql = sprintf('SELECT sess_data, sess_ip FROM %s WHERE sess_id = %s', icms::$xoopsDB->prefix('session'), icms::$xoopsDB->quoteString($sess_id));
     if (false != ($result = icms::$xoopsDB->query($sql))) {
         if (list($sess_data, $sess_ip) = icms::$xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) {
             if ($this->ipv6securityLevel > 1 && icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($sess_ip, 'ip', 'ipv6')) {
                  * also cover IPv6 localhost string
                 if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == "::1") {
                     $pos = 3;
                 } else {
                     $pos = strpos($sess_ip, ":", $this->ipv6securityLevel - 1);
                 if (strncmp($sess_ip, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $pos)) {
                     $sess_data = '';
             } elseif ($this->securityLevel > 1 && icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($sess_ip, 'ip', 'ipv4')) {
                 $pos = strpos($sess_ip, ".", $this->securityLevel - 1);
                 if (strncmp($sess_ip, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $pos)) {
                     $sess_data = '';
             return $sess_data;
     return '';
Exemple #24
  * Retrieve a list of objects as arrays - DON'T USE WITH JOINT KEYS
  * @param object $criteria {@link icms_db_criteria_Element} conditions to be met
  * @param int   $limit      Max number of objects to fetch
  * @param int   $start      Which record to start at
  * @return array
 public function getList($criteria = null, $limit = 0, $start = 0, $debug = false)
     $ret = array();
     if ($criteria == null) {
         $criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo();
     if ($criteria->getSort() == '') {
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . (is_array($this->keyName) ? implode(', ', $this->keyName) : $this->keyName);
     if (!empty($this->identifierName)) {
         $sql .= ', ' . $this->getIdentifierName();
     $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->table . " AS " . $this->_itemname;
     if (isset($criteria) && is_subclass_of($criteria, 'icms_db_criteria_Element')) {
         $sql .= ' ' . $criteria->renderWhere();
         if ($criteria->getSort() != '') {
             $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $criteria->getSort() . ' ' . $criteria->getOrder();
         $limit = $criteria->getLimit();
         $start = $criteria->getStart();
     if ($debug) {
     $result = $this->db->query($sql, $limit, $start);
     if (!$result) {
         return $ret;
     while ($myrow = $this->db->fetchArray($result)) {
         //identifiers should be textboxes, so sanitize them like that
         $ret[$myrow[$this->keyName]] = empty($this->identifierName) ? 1 : icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($myrow[$this->identifierName], 'text', 'output');
     return $ret;
Exemple #25
 * Updates the member profile, saving the changes to the database
 * @param $uid
 * @param $uname
 * @param $login_name
 * @param $name
 * @param $url
 * @param $email
 * @param $user_icq
 * @param $user_aim
 * @param $user_yim
 * @param $user_msnm
 * @param $user_from
 * @param $user_occ
 * @param $user_intrest
 * @param $user_viewemail
 * @param $user_avatar
 * @param $user_sig
 * @param $attachsig
 * @param $theme
 * @param $pass
 * @param $pass2
 * @param $rank
 * @param $bio
 * @param $uorder
 * @param $umode
 * @param $notify_method
 * @param $notify_mode
 * @param $timezone_offset
 * @param $user_mailok
 * @param $language
 * @param $openid
 * @param $user_viewoid
 * @param $pass_expired
 * @param $groups
function updateUser($uid, $uname, $login_name, $name, $url, $email, $user_icq, $user_aim, $user_yim,
					$user_msnm, $user_from, $user_occ, $user_intrest, $user_viewemail, $user_avatar,
					$user_sig, $attachsig, $theme, $pass, $pass2, $rank, $bio, $uorder, $umode, $notify_method,
					$notify_mode, $timezone_offset, $user_mailok, $language, $openid, $user_viewoid,
					$pass_expired, $groups = array()
					) {
	global $icmsConfig, $icmsModule, $icmsConfigUser;
	$member_handler = icms::handler('icms_member');
	$edituser =& $member_handler->getUser($uid);
	if ($edituser->getVar('uname') != $uname && $member_handler->getUserCount(new icms_db_criteria_Item('uname', $uname)) > 0 || $edituser->getVar('login_name') != $login_name && $member_handler->getUserCount(new icms_db_criteria_Item('login_name', $login_name)) > 0) {
		echo '<div class="CPbigTitle" style="background-image: url(' . ICMS_MODULES_URL . '/system/admin/users/images/users_big.png)">' . _MD_AM_USER . '</div><br />';
		echo _AM_UNAME . ' ' . $uname . ' ' . _AM_ALREADY_EXISTS;
	} else {
		$edituser->setVar('name', $name);
		$edituser->setVar('uname', $uname);
		$edituser->setVar('login_name', $login_name);
		$edituser->setVar('email', $email);
		$edituser->setVar('openid', $openid);
		$user_viewoid = (isset($user_viewoid) && $user_viewoid == 1) ? 1 : 0;
		$edituser->setVar('user_viewoid', $user_viewoid);
		$url = isset($url) ? formatURL($url) : '';
		$edituser->setVar('url', $url);
		$edituser->setVar('user_icq', $user_icq);
		$edituser->setVar('user_from', $user_from);
		if ($icmsConfigUser['allow_htsig'] == 0) {
			$signature = strip_tags(icms_core_DataFilter::codeDecode($user_sig, 1));
			$edituser->setVar('user_sig', icms_core_DataFilter::icms_substr($signature, 0, (int) $icmsConfigUser['sig_max_length']));
		} else {
			$signature = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($user_sig, 'html', 'input');
			$edituser->setVar('user_sig', $signature);
		$user_viewemail = (isset($user_viewemail) && $user_viewemail == 1) ? 1 : 0;
		$edituser->setVar('user_viewemail', $user_viewemail);
		$edituser->setVar('user_aim', $user_aim);
		$edituser->setVar('user_yim', $user_yim);
		$edituser->setVar('user_msnm', $user_msnm);
		$attachsig = (isset($attachsig) && $attachsig == 1) ? 1 : 0;
		$edituser->setVar('attachsig', $attachsig);
		$edituser->setVar('timezone_offset', $timezone_offset);
		$edituser->setVar('uorder', $uorder);
		$edituser->setVar('umode', $umode);
		$edituser->setVar('notify_method', $notify_method);
		$edituser->setVar('notify_mode', $notify_mode);
		$edituser->setVar('bio', $bio);
		$edituser->setVar('rank', $rank);
		$edituser->setVar('user_occ', $user_occ);
		$edituser->setVar('user_intrest', $user_intrest);
		$edituser->setVar('user_mailok', $user_mailok);
		$edituser->setVar('language', $language);
		if ($pass2 != '') {
			if ($pass != $pass2) {
				echo "<strong>" . _AM_STNPDNM . "</strong>";

			$icmspass = new icms_core_Password();
			$edituser->setVar('pass_expired', $pass_expired);
			$pass = $icmspass->encryptPass($pass);
			$edituser->setVar('pass', $pass);
		if (!$member_handler->insertUser($edituser)) {
			echo $edituser->getHtmlErrors();
		} else {
			if ($groups != array()) {
				$oldgroups = $edituser->getGroups();
				//If the edited user is the current user and the current user WAS in the webmaster's group and is NOT in the new groups array
				if ($edituser->getVar('uid') == icms::$user->getVar('uid') && (in_array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, $oldgroups)) && !(in_array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, $groups))) {
					//Add the webmaster's group to the groups array to prevent accidentally removing oneself from the webmaster's group
					$groups[] = XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN;
				$member_handler = icms::handler('icms_member');
				foreach ($oldgroups as $groupid) {
					$member_handler->removeUsersFromGroup($groupid, array($edituser->getVar('uid')));
				foreach (
					$groups as $groupid) {$member_handler->addUserToGroup($groupid, $edituser->getVar('uid'));
			redirect_header('admin.php?fct=users', 1, _AM_DBUPDATED);
Exemple #26
 * Privacy policy display page
 * This page displays the privacy policy of the site
 * @copyright	The ImpressCMS Project http://www.impresscms.org/
 * @license		http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public License (GPL)
 * @package		core
 * @since		1.0
 * @author		m0nty_
 * @version		$Id: privpolicy.php 11072 2011-03-14 15:52:14Z m0nty_ $

$xoopsOption['pagetype'] = 'privpolicy';
include 'mainfile.php';
if ($icmsConfigUser['priv_dpolicy'] == false) {
	redirect_header('index.php', 2, _US_NOPERMISS);

$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'system_privpolicy.html';
include ICMS_ROOT_PATH.'/header.php';

$xoopsTpl->assign('priv_poltype', 'page');
$priv = str_replace('{X_SITEURL}', ICMS_URL.'/', $icmsConfigUser['priv_policy']);
$priv = str_replace('{X_SITENAME}', $icmsConfig['sitename'], $priv);
$priv = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($priv, 'html', 'output');
$xoopsTpl->assign('priv_policy', $priv);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_privacy_policy', _PRV_PRIVACY_POLICY);

include ICMS_ROOT_PATH.'/footer.php';
Exemple #27
 if ($icmsConfigUser['allow_chgmail'] == 1) {
     $edituser->setVar('email', $email, TRUE);
 if ($icmsConfigUser['allow_chguname'] == 1) {
     $edituser->setVar('uname', $uname, TRUE);
 $edituser->setVar('url', formatURL($url));
 $edituser->setVar('user_icq', $user_icq);
 $edituser->setVar('user_from', $user_from);
 $edituser->setVar('openid', isset($openid) ? trim($openid) : '');
 if ($icmsConfigUser['allwshow_sig'] == 1) {
     if ($icmsConfigUser['allow_htsig'] == 0) {
         $signature = strip_tags(icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($user_sig, 'text', 'input'));
         $edituser->setVar('user_sig', icms_core_DataFilter::icms_substr($signature, 0, (int) $icmsConfigUser['sig_max_length']));
     } else {
         $signature = icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($user_sig, 'html', 'input');
         $edituser->setVar('user_sig', $signature);
 $user_viewemail = !empty($user_viewemail) ? 1 : 0;
 $edituser->setVar('user_viewemail', $user_viewemail);
 $user_viewoid = !empty($user_viewoid) ? 1 : 0;
 $edituser->setVar('user_viewoid', $user_viewoid);
 $edituser->setVar('user_aim', $user_aim);
 $edituser->setVar('user_yim', $user_yim);
 $edituser->setVar('user_msnm', $user_msnm);
 if ($password != '') {
     $icmspass = new icms_core_Password();
     $pass = $icmspass->encryptPass($password);
     $edituser->setVar('pass', $pass, TRUE);
Exemple #28
 * Checks if email is of correct formatting
 * @param string     $email      The email address
 * @param string     $antispam   Generate an email address that is protected from spammers
 * @return string    $email      The generated email address
 * @todo Move to a static class method - text validation/formatting
 * new filter can use icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($email, 'email', $antispam, $blacklist)
function checkEmail($email, $antispam = 0, $blacklist = 0)
    icms_core_Debug::setDeprecated('icms_core_DataFilter->checkVar - type = email, $options1 = true/false ($antispam),
		$options2 = true/false ($blacklist)', sprintf(_CORE_REMOVE_IN_VERSION, '1.4'));
    return icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($email, 'email', $antispam, $blacklist);
Exemple #29
		? $thisUser->getVar('email', 'E') 
		: '&nbsp;',
	'user_openid' => ($icmsConfigAuth['auth_openid'] == TRUE
			&& ($thisUser->getVar('user_viewoid') == TRUE 
			|| (is_object(icms::$user) 
			&& (icms::$user->isAdmin()
			|| (icms::$user->getVar('uid') == $thisUser->getVar('uid')))))) 
		? $thisUser->getVar('openid', 'E') 
		: '&nbsp;'

if ($icmsConfigUser['allwshow_sig'] == TRUE && strlen(trim($thisUser->getVar('user_sig', 'N'))) > 0) {
		'user_showsignature' => TRUE,
		'lang_signature' => _US_SIGNATURE,
		'user_signature' => icms_core_DataFilter::checkVar($thisUser->getVar('user_sig', 'N'), 'html', 'output')

$module_handler = icms::handler('icms_module');
$criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('hassearch', 1));
$criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('isactive', 1));
$mids = array_keys($module_handler->getList($criteria));

foreach ($mids as $mid) {
   	if ($gperm_handler->checkRight('module_read', $mid, $groups)) {
   		$module = $module_handler->get($mid);
   		$results = $module->search('', '', 5, 0, (int) $thisUser->getVar('uid'));
   		$count = count($results);
   		if (is_array($results) && $count > 0) {
   			for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {