public static function check($a, $p) { if (empty($a) && empty($p)) { self::LoginPage(); } self::$data = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__members` WHERE `username`='{$a}' AND `password`='{$p}' AND `status`='1' LIMIT 1;"); self::$data or self::LoginPage(); unset(self::$data->password); self::$data->info && (self::$data->info = unserialize(self::$data->info)); self::$userid = self::$data->uid; self::$nickname = self::$data->nickname ? self::$data->nickname : self::$data->username; self::$group = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__group` WHERE `gid`='" . self::$data->gid . "' LIMIT 1;"); self::$mpower = (array) self::use_power(self::$group->power, self::$data->power); self::$cpower = (array) self::use_power(self::$group->cpower, self::$data->cpower); return self::$data; }
public static function CP($p, $act = '', $ret = '') { if (self::is_superadmin()) { return true; } if ($p === '__CID__') { foreach ((array) iMember::$cpower as $key => $_cid) { if (!strstr($value, ':')) { self::CP($_cid, $act) && ($cids[] = $_cid); } } return $cids; } $act && ($p = $p . ':' . $act); $rt = iMember::check_power((string) $p, iMember::$cpower); $rt or self::permission_msg($p, $ret); return $rt; }
function do_logout() { iMember::logout(); iACP::destroy_seccode(); iPHP::success('注销成功!', 'url:' . __SELF__); }