/** * run - display template and edit data * * @access public */ public function run() { $tpl = new template(); $helper = new helper(); $values = array('description' => '', 'dateFrom' => '', 'dateTo' => '', 'allDay' => ''); if (isset($_POST['save']) === true) { if (isset($_POST['allDay']) === true) { $allDay = 'true'; } else { $allDay = 'false'; } if (isset($_POST['dateFrom']) === true && isset($_POST['timeFrom']) === true) { $dateFrom = $helper->date2timestamp($_POST['dateFrom'], $_POST['timeFrom']); } if (isset($_POST['dateTo']) === true && isset($_POST['timeTo']) === true) { $dateTo = $helper->date2timestamp($_POST['dateTo'], $_POST['timeTo']); } $values = array('description' => $_POST['description'], 'dateFrom' => $dateFrom, 'dateTo' => $dateTo, 'allDay' => $allDay); if ($values['description'] !== '') { if ($helper->validateTime($_POST['timeFrom']) === true) { $this->addEvent($values); $msgKey = $tpl->setNotification('SAVE_SUCCESS', 'success'); } else { $tpl->setNotification('WRONG_TIME_FORMAT', 'error'); } } else { $tpl->setNotification('NO_DESCRIPTION', 'error'); } $tpl->assign('values', $values); } $tpl->assign('helper', $helper); $tpl->display('calendar.addEvent'); }
/** * View an article. * * @param int $articleID * @param int $currentCategory * @access public * @return void */ public function view($articleID, $currentCategory = 0) { $article = $this->loadModel('article')->getByID($articleID); if (!$article) { die($this->fetch('error', 'index')); } if ($article->link) { helper::header301($article->link); } /* fetch category for display. */ $category = array_slice($article->categories, 0, 1); $category = $category[0]->id; $currentCategory = $this->session->articleCategory; if ($currentCategory > 0 && isset($article->categories[$currentCategory])) { $category = $currentCategory; } $category = $this->loadModel('tree')->getByID($category); $title = $article->title . ' - ' . $category->name; $keywords = $article->keywords . ' ' . $category->keywords . ' ' . $this->config->site->keywords; $desc = strip_tags($article->summary); $this->view->title = $title; $this->view->keywords = $keywords; $this->view->desc = $desc; $this->view->article = $article; $this->view->prevAndNext = $this->loadModel('article')->getPrevAndNext($article->id, $category->id); $this->view->category = $category; $this->view->contact = $this->loadModel('company')->getContact(); $this->dao->update(TABLE_ARTICLE)->set('views = views + 1')->where('id')->eq($articleID)->exec(false); $this->display(); }
/** * Browse product in front. * * @param int $categoryID the category id * @param int $pageID current page id * @access public * @return void */ public function browse($categoryID = 0, $pageID = 1) { $category = $this->loadModel('tree')->getByID($categoryID, 'product'); if ($category && $category->link) { helper::header301($category->link); } $this->app->loadClass('pager', $static = true); $pager = new pager(0, $this->config->product->recPerPage, $pageID); $categoryID = is_numeric($categoryID) ? $categoryID : $category->id; $products = $this->product->getList($this->tree->getFamily($categoryID), '`order` desc', $pager); if (!$category and $categoryID != 0) { die($this->fetch('error', 'index')); } if ($categoryID == 0) { $category = new stdclass(); $category->id = 0; $category->name = $this->lang->product->home; $category->alias = ''; $category->keywords = ''; $category->desc = ''; } $title = $category->name; $keywords = trim($category->keywords . ' ' . $this->config->site->keywords); $desc = strip_tags($category->desc) . ' '; $this->session->set('productCategory', $category->id); $this->view->title = $title; $this->view->keywords = $keywords; $this->view->desc = $desc; $this->view->category = $category; $this->view->products = $products; $this->view->pager = $pager; $this->view->contact = $this->loadModel('company')->getContact(); $this->display(); }
/** * Browse surveys. * * @param string $status * @access public * @return void */ public function browse($status = 'installed') { $packages = $this->survey->getLocalPackages($status); $versions = array(); if ($packages and $status == 'installed') { /* Get latest release from remote. */ $extCodes = helper::safe64Encode(join(',', array_keys($packages))); $results = $this->survey->getPackagesByAPI('bycode', $extCodes, $recTotal = 0, $recPerPage = 1000, $pageID = 1); if (isset($results->extensions)) { $remoteReleases = $results->extensions; foreach ($remoteReleases as $release) { if (!isset($packages[$release->code])) { continue; } $package = $packages[$release->code]; $package->viewLink = $release->viewLink; if (isset($release->latestRelease) and $package->version != $release->latestRelease->releaseVersion and $this->package->checkVersion($release->latestRelease->chanzhiCompatible)) { $upgradeLink = inlink('upgrade', "package={$release->code}&downLink=" . helper::safe64Encode($release->latestRelease->downLink) . "&md5={$release->latestRelease->md5}&type={$release->type}"); $upgradeLink = ($release->latestRelease->charge or !$release->latestRelease->public) ? $release->latestRelease->downLink : $upgradeLink; $package->upgradeLink = $upgradeLink; } } } } $this->view->title = $this->lang->survey->browse; $this->view->position[] = $this->lang->survey->browse; $this->view->tab = $status; $this->view->packages = $packages; $this->view->versions = $versions; $this->view->status = $status; $this->display(); }
/** * The error page. * * @access public * @return void */ public function index($type, $locate = '') { $this->view->title = $this->lang->error->common; $this->view->message = isset($this->lang->error->typeList[$type]) ? $this->lang->error->typeList[$type] : $this->lang->error->typeList['notFound']; $this->view->locate = helper::safe64Decode($locate); $this->display(); }
/** * Get efforts. * * @param string $account * @param int $date * @param string $project * @access public * @return void */ public function getEfforts($account = 'all', $date, $project = '', $begin = '', $end = '') { $this->loadModel('todo'); $efforts = array(); if ($date == 'today') { $begin = $this->todo->today(); $end = $begin; } elseif ($date == 'thisweek') { extract($this->todo->getThisWeek()); } elseif ($date == 'lastweek') { extract($this->todo->getLastWeek()); } elseif ($date == 'thismonth') { extract($this->todo->getThisMonth()); } elseif ($date == 'lastmonth') { extract($this->todo->getLastMonth()); } elseif ($date == 'select') { if ($begin == '') { $begin = helper::today(); } if ($end == '') { $end = helper::today(); } } elseif ($date == 'all') { $begin = '1970-01-01'; $end = '2109-01-01'; } else { $begin = $end = $date; } $efforts = $this->dao->select('*')->from(TABLE_SUNEFFORTEVERYDAY)->where('account')->eq($this->app->user->account)->andWhere("date >= '{$begin}'")->andWhere("date <= '{$end}'")->beginIF($project != '')->andWhere('project')->eq($project)->fi()->beginIF($account != 'all')->andWhere('account')->eq($account)->fi()->fetchAll('id'); return $efforts; }
public function add($userId, $reason = "") { $result = array("error" => true, "error_code" => ERROR_UNKNOWN); $currentTime = time(); $ip_addr = helper::ip_addr(); $u_agent = helper::u_agent(); $stmt = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO profile_blacklist (blockedByUserId, blockedUserId, reason, createAt, ip_addr, u_agent) value (:blockedByUserId, :blockedUserId, :reason, :createAt, :ip_addr, :u_agent)"); $stmt->bindParam(":blockedByUserId", $this->requestFrom, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":blockedUserId", $userId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":reason", $reason, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":createAt", $currentTime, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":ip_addr", $ip_addr, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":u_agent", $u_agent, PDO::PARAM_STR); if ($stmt->execute()) { $result = array("error" => false, "error_code" => ERROR_SUCCESS); $my_profile = new profile($this->db, $this->requestFrom); if ($my_profile->is_friend_exists($userId)) { $friends = new friends($this->db, $this->requestFrom); $friends->remove($userId); unset($friends); } else { if ($my_profile->is_follower_exists($userId)) { // Unfollow $my_profile->addFollower($userId); } $profile = new profile($this->db, $userId); if ($profile->is_follower_exists($this->requestFrom)) { $profile->addFollower($this->requestFrom); } unset($profile); } unset($my_profile); } return $result; }
function m__set_level() { global $dbm; $_POST = helper::sqlxss($_POST); $aid = isset($_POST['aid']) ? intval($_POST['aid']) : 0; $gid = isset($_POST['gid']) ? intval($_POST['gid']) : 0; $_POST['level'] = isset($_POST['level']) ? $_POST['level'] : array(); if ($aid < 0 && $gid < 0) { die('{"code":"1","msg":"请选择权限设置对象,无法设置"}'); } if ($gid > 0) { if ($gid == 1) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"超级管理组权限无需设置"}'); } check_level("B0301"); $fields['g_urank'] = implode(',', $_POST['level']); $rs = $dbm->single_update(TB_PREFIX . 'admin_group', $fields, "group_id='{$gid}'"); logs("设置组权限成功:" . $fields['g_urank']); die('{"code":"0","msg":"设置用户组权限成功"}'); } if ($aid > 0) { check_level("B0302"); //die(print_r($_POST)); $fields['alevel'] = implode(',', $_POST['level']); $rs = $dbm->single_update(TB_PREFIX . 'admin_list', $fields, "admin_id='{$aid}'"); logs("设置组权限成功:" . $fields['alevel']); die('{"code":"0","msg":"设置用户权限成功"}'); } }
public function __construct() { global $table; $this->table = $table; $this->cdb = helper::getDB('phpcms'); $this->wdb = helper::getDB('cmsware'); }
function m__edit() { global $l_obj, $t_obj; check_level("H0701"); $post = $_POST; //处理数据隐藏安全 foreach ($post as $k => $n) { $post[$k] = urldecode(helper::escape($n)); } //验证数据合法性 if (!is_numeric($post['keyword_id'])) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"标签ID必须是数字"}'); } if (empty($post['keyword'])) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"标签不能为空"}'); } if ($post['keyword_id'] > 0) { // 编辑 $res = $t_obj->update($post, $post['keyword_id']); if ($res['state'] == 0) { $l_obj->insert("编辑成功:" . $post['keyword']); die('{"code":"0","msg":"编辑成功","kid":"' . $post['keyword_id'] . '"}'); } die('{"code":"240","msg":"编辑失败"}'); } else { // 添加 $res = $t_obj->insert($post); if ($res['state'] == 0) { $l_obj->insert("添加成功:" . $post['keyword']); die('{"code":"0","msg":"添加成功","kid":"' . $res['msg'] . '"}'); } die('{"code":"100","msg":"添加失败,"' . $res['msg'] . '}'); } }
function m__list() { //判断操作权限 check_level("E08"); global $dbm, $resource_list; // 查询 mcms_resource_list 表 $params['where'] = " 1=1"; $params['table_name'] = TB_PREFIX . "resource_list"; $params['count'] = 1; $params['suffix'] = " order by id DESC "; $params['pagesize'] = PAGESIZE; $params['suffix'] .= $dbm->get_limit_sql(PAGESIZE, $_GET['p']); $resource_list = $dbm->single_query($params); //开始循环 进行比对数据 找出关联的资源 $i = 0; //数组排序时用到 foreach ($resource_list['list'] as $k => $v) { //调用函数对数据进行比对 $result = check_resource($v['id'], $v['info_id'], $v['resource_url']); //添加排序元素 if ($result['info']['table_name'] == 'undefined' && 'undefined' == $result['info']['qita']) { $resource_list['list'][$k]['paixu'] = ++$i; } else { $resource_list['list'][$k]['paixu'] = 0; } $resource_list['list'][$k]['info'] = $result['info']; } $resource_list['list'] = helper::array_sort($resource_list['list'], 'paixu', 'desc'); //将无效资源排在前面 //print_r($resource_list);exit; }
/** * Obtain web app. * * @param string $type * @param string $param * @param int $recTotal * @param int $recPerPage * @param int $pageID * @access public * @return void */ public function obtain($type = 'byUpdatedTime', $param = '', $recTotal = 0, $recPerPage = 20, $pageID = 1) { $this->lang->webapp->menu = $this->lang->entry->menu; $this->lang->menuGroups->webapp = 'entry'; /* Init vars. */ $type = strtolower($type); $moduleID = $type == 'bymodule' ? (int) $param : 0; $webapps = array(); $pager = null; /* Set the key. */ if ($type == 'bysearch') { $param = helper::safe64Encode($this->post->key); } /* Get results from the api. */ $recPerPage = $this->cookie->pagerWebappObtain ? $this->cookie->pagerWebappObtain : $recPerPage; $results = $this->webapp->getAppsByAPI($type, $param, $recTotal, $recPerPage, $pageID); if ($results) { $this->app->loadClass('pager', $static = true); $pager = new pager($results->dbPager->recTotal, $results->dbPager->recPerPage, $results->dbPager->pageID); $webapps = $results->webapps; } $this->view->title = $this->lang->webapp->common . $this->lang->colon . $this->lang->webapp->obtain; $this->view->position[] = $this->lang->webapp->obtain; $this->view->moduleTree = $this->webapp->getModulesByAPI(); $this->view->webapps = $webapps; $this->view->installeds = $this->webapp->getLocalApps(); $this->view->pager = $pager; $this->view->tab = 'obtain'; $this->view->type = $type; $this->view->moduleID = $moduleID; $this->display(); }
/** * show notify in msgBox. * * @access public * @return string */ public function notify() { $messages = $this->dao->select('COUNT(*) as count')->from(TABLE_MESSAGE)->where('`to`')->eq($this->app->user->account)->andWhere('readed')->eq(0)->fetch('count'); if ($messages) { echo html::a(helper::createLink('user', 'message'), sprintf($this->lang->user->message->mine, $messages)); } }
/** * Request the api. * * @param string $moduleName * @param string $methodName * @param string $action * @access public * @return void */ public function request($moduleName, $methodName, $action) { $host = common::getSysURL() . $this->config->webRoot; $param = ''; if ($action == 'extendModel') { if (!isset($_POST['noparam'])) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $param .= ',' . $key . '=' . $value; } $param = ltrim($param, ','); } $url = rtrim($host, '/') . inlink('getModel', "moduleName={$moduleName}&methodName={$methodName}¶ms={$param}", 'json'); $url .= $this->config->requestType == "PATH_INFO" ? '?' : '&'; $url .= $this->config->sessionVar . '=' . session_id(); } else { if (!isset($_POST['noparam'])) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $param .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value; } $param = ltrim($param, '&'); } $url = rtrim($host, '/') . helper::createLink($moduleName, $methodName, $param, 'json'); $url .= $this->config->requestType == "PATH_INFO" ? '?' : '&'; $url .= $this->config->sessionVar . '=' . session_id(); } /* Unlock session. After new request, restart session. */ session_write_close(); $content = file_get_contents($url); session_start(); return array('url' => $url, 'content' => $content); }
/** * AJAX: the api to recive the file posted through ajax. * * @param string $uid * @access public * @return array */ public function ajaxUpload($uid) { if (RUN_MODE == 'front' and !commonModel::isAvailable('forum')) { exit; } if (!$this->loadModel('file')->canUpload()) { $this->send(array('error' => 1, 'message' => $this->lang->file->uploadForbidden)); } $file = $this->file->getUpload('imgFile'); $file = $file[0]; if ($file) { if (!$this->file->checkSavePath()) { $this->send(array('error' => 1, 'message' => $this->lang->file->errorUnwritable)); } if (!in_array(strtolower($file['extension']), $this->config->file->imageExtensions)) { $this->send(array('error' => 1, 'message' => $this->lang->fail)); } move_uploaded_file($file['tmpname'], $this->file->savePath . $file['pathname']); if (in_array(strtolower($file['extension']), $this->config->file->imageExtensions) !== false) { $this->file->compressImage($this->file->savePath . $file['pathname']); $imageSize = $this->file->getImageSize($this->file->savePath . $file['pathname']); $file['width'] = $imageSize['width']; $file['height'] = $imageSize['height']; } $url = $this->file->webPath . $file['pathname']; $file['addedBy'] = $this->app->user->account; $file['addedDate'] = helper::now(); $file['editor'] = 1; unset($file['tmpname']); $this->dao->insert(TABLE_FILE)->data($file)->exec(); $_SESSION['album'][$uid][] = $this->dao->lastInsertID(); die(json_encode(array('error' => 0, 'url' => $url))); } }
/** * 应用程序入口 * 负责调用其他类库和调用应用程序类库 */ public function run() { try { //载入其他配置文件 $this->loadConfig(); //取uri并解析 $this->get_req_url()->prase_uri(); //导入控制器 $class_file = $this->getClassFile($_REQUEST['controller']); //虽然可以用include,不过防止多次载入,还是用Include_once加以限制 include_once $class_file; //设置类名和方法名 $class_name = $_REQUEST['controller'] . "Action"; $Act_name = $_REQUEST['action']; //初始化运行 $Act = new $class_name($Act_name); //检查是否存在该方法 $class_methods = get_class_methods($class_name); //如果方法不存在,并且不存在魔术重载,那么就提示访问的页面不存在 if (!in_array($Act_name, $class_methods) && !in_array("__call", $class_methods)) { throw new Exception("您访问的页面不存在"); } //调用方法 $Act->{$Act_name}(); //flush buffer ob_end_flush(); } catch (Exception $e) { helper::traceOut($e); } }
/** * The index page of whole site. * * @access public * @return void */ public function index($categoryID = 0, $pageID = 1) { if (isset($this->config->site->type) and $this->config->site->type == 'blog') { $param = ($categoryID == 0 and $pageID == 1) ? '' : "categoryID={$categoryID}&pageID={$pageID}"; $this->locate($this->createLink('blog', 'index', $param)); } //SMART 产品分类信息 $product = $this->dao->select('*')->from('es_category')->where('type')->eq('product')->andWhere('parent')->eq(1)->andWhere('lang')->eq('zh-cn')->fetchAll(); foreach ($product as &$top) { $top->child = $this->dao->select('*')->from('es_category')->where('type')->eq('product')->andWhere('parent')->eq($top->id)->andWhere('lang')->eq('zh-cn')->fetchAll(); } //变更通知部分 $field = $this->dao->select('t1.*, t2.*')->from('es_article')->alias('t1')->leftJoin('es_relation')->alias('t2')->on('t1.id = t2.id')->where('t2.category')->eq(19)->limit(5)->fetchAll(); //公司新闻 $company = $this->dao->select('*')->from('es_article')->alias('t1')->leftJoin('es_relation')->alias('t2')->on('t1.id = t2.id')->where('t2.category')->eq(20)->limit(3)->fetchAll(); //应用与解决方案 $solution = $this->dao->select('*')->from('es_category')->where('type')->eq('article')->andWhere('parent')->eq(2)->andWhere('lang')->eq('zh-cn')->fetchAll(); $this->view->title = $this->config->site->indexKeywords; $this->view->mobileURL = helper::createLink('index', 'index', '', '', 'mhtml'); $this->view->desktopURL = helper::createLink('index', 'index', '', '', 'html'); $this->view->product = $product; $this->view->field = $field; $this->view->company = $company; $this->view->solution = $solution; $this->display(); }
public function add($mode, $comment, $originImgUrl = "", $previewImgUrl = "", $imgUrl = "", $photoArea = "", $photoCountry = "", $photoCity = "", $photoLat = "", $photoLng = "") { $result = array("error" => true, "error_code" => ERROR_UNKNOWN); if (strlen($originImgUrl) == 0 && strlen($previewImgUrl) == 0 && strlen($imgUrl) == 0) { return $result; } if (strlen($comment) != 0) { $comment = $comment . " "; } $currentTime = time(); $ip_addr = helper::ip_addr(); $u_agent = helper::u_agent(); $stmt = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO photos (fromUserId, accessMode, comment, originImgUrl, previewImgUrl, imgUrl, area, country, city, lat, lng, createAt, ip_addr, u_agent) value (:fromUserId, :accessMode, :comment, :originImgUrl, :previewImgUrl, :imgUrl, :area, :country, :city, :lat, :lng, :createAt, :ip_addr, :u_agent)"); $stmt->bindParam(":fromUserId", $this->requestFrom, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":accessMode", $mode, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":comment", $comment, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":originImgUrl", $originImgUrl, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":previewImgUrl", $previewImgUrl, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":imgUrl", $imgUrl, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":area", $photoArea, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":country", $photoCountry, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":city", $photoCity, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":lat", $photoLat, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":lng", $photoLng, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":createAt", $currentTime, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":ip_addr", $ip_addr, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":u_agent", $u_agent, PDO::PARAM_STR); if ($stmt->execute()) { $result = array("error" => false, "error_code" => ERROR_SUCCESS, "photoId" => $this->db->lastInsertId(), "photo" => $this->info($this->db->lastInsertId())); $account = new account($this->db, $this->requestFrom); $account->updateCounters(); unset($account); } return $result; }
public function getArticle($type, $id) { $model = \ServiceFaq::find($id); if ($model === null) { return \Redirect::back(); } else { $parent = \ServiceFaq::find($model->_parent); } // Views if (\helper::views_cookie('service_faq', $id)) { $model->views = $model->views + 1; $model->save(); } $model->date = substr($model->created_at, 0, 10); // decode label and tab $lblIds = json_decode($model->labels, true); $labels = array(); if (!empty($lblIds)) { $labels = \ServiceFaq::orderBy('id', 'asc')->find($lblIds, array('id', 'title')); } $tabs = json_decode($model->tabs); if (empty($tabs)) { $tabs = array(); } $view = sprintf('aesthetics.%s.view_article', $type); return \View::make('aesthetics.serviceFaq.view_article', array('model' => &$model, 'parent' => &$parent, 'images' => \ServiceFaqImage::where('sid', '=', $model->id)->orderBy('sort', 'asc')->get(), 'labels' => &$labels, 'tabs' => &$tabs, 'navs' => $this->getNavigation($type), 'type' => $type)); }
public function createModuleMenu($method) { if (!isset($this->lang->my->{$method}->menu)) { return false; } $string = "<nav id='menu'><ul class='nav'>\n"; /* Get menus of current module and current method. */ $moduleMenus = $this->lang->my->{$method}->menu; $currentMethod = $this->app->getMethodName(); /* Cycling to print every menus of current module. */ foreach ($moduleMenus as $methodName => $methodMenu) { /* Split the methodMenu to label, module, method, vars. */ list($label, $module, $method, $vars) = explode('|', $methodMenu); $class = ''; if ($method == $currentMethod) { $class = "class='active'"; } $hasPriv = commonModel::hasPriv($module, $method); if ($module == 'my' and $method == 'order') { $hasPriv = commonModel::hasPriv('order', 'browse'); } if ($module == 'my' and $method == 'contract') { $hasPriv = commonModel::hasPriv('contract', 'browse'); } if ($hasPriv) { $string .= "<li {$class}>" . html::a(helper::createLink($module, $method, $vars), $label) . "</li>\n"; } } $string .= "</ul></nav>\n"; return $string; }
/** * The board page. * * @param int $boardID the board id * @param int $pageID the current page id * @access public * @return void */ public function board($boardID = 0, $pageID = 1) { $board = $this->loadModel('tree')->getByID($boardID, 'forum'); if (!$board) { die(js::locate('back')); } if ($board->link) { helper::header301($board->link); } /* Get common threads. */ $recPerPage = !empty($this->config->site->forumRec) ? $this->config->site->forumRec : $this->config->forum->recPerPage; $this->app->loadClass('pager', $static = true); $pager = new pager(0, $recPerPage, $pageID); $threads = $this->loadModel('thread')->getList($board->id, $orderBy = 'repliedDate_desc', $pager); $this->view->title = $board->name; $this->view->keywords = $board->keywords . '' . $this->config->site->keywords; $this->view->desc = strip_tags($board->desc); $this->view->board = $board; $this->view->sticks = $this->thread->getSticks($board->id); $this->view->threads = $threads; $this->view->pager = $pager; $this->view->mobileURL = helper::createLink('forum', 'board', "borderID={$boardID}&pageID={$pageID}", "category={$board->alias}", 'mhtml'); $this->view->desktopURL = helper::createLink('forum', 'board', "borderID={$boardID}&pageID={$pageID}", "category={$board->alias}", 'html'); $this->display(); }
/** * links profile. * * @access public * @return void */ public function index() { $this->view->links = $this->config->links; $this->view->mobileURL = helper::createLink('links', 'index', '', '', 'mhtml'); $this->view->desktopURL = helper::createLink('links', 'index', '', '', 'html'); $this->display(); }
function m__edit() { global $u_obj, $l_obj; //验证权限 check_level("B0201"); $post = $_POST; foreach ($post as $key => $val) { $post[$key] = trim(urldecode($val)); } if (empty($post['uname'])) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"用户不能为空"}'); } if ($post['group_id'] <= 0) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"请选择分组"}'); } if (!is_numeric($post['discount'])) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"折扣必须是数字"}'); } if ($post['discount'] > 10 || $post['discount'] < 0) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"折扣不合理,请重新填写"}'); } if ($post['user_id'] <= 0) { if (empty($post['upass']) || empty($post['reupass'])) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"密码不能为空"}'); } if ($post['upass'] != $post['reupass']) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"输入的密码不一致"}'); } unset($post['reupass']); //不需要重复验证的密码 //给密码加密 $post['upass'] = helper::password_encrypt($post['upass']); //判断是否重复 $where = ' where uname = "' . $post['uname'] . '"'; $group = $u_obj->get_all($where); if (!empty($group['list']) && count($group['list']) > 0) { die('{"code":"100","msg":"用户组名称不能重复"}'); } //添加 $res = $u_obj->insert($post); if ($res['state'] == 0) { $l_obj->insert("添加用户【{$post['uname']}】"); die('{"code":"0","msg":"添加用户组成功","uid":"' . $res['msg'] . '"}'); } die('{"code":"100","msg":"添加用户组失败"}'); } else { //编辑 if (empty($post['upass'])) { unset($post['upass']); } unset($post['reupass']); //不需要重复验证的密码 $res = $u_obj->update($post, $post['user_id']); if ($res['state'] == 0) { $l_obj->insert("更新用户【{$post['uname']}】"); die('{"code":"0","msg":"更新用户成功","uid":"' . $post['user_id'] . '"}'); } die('{"code":"100","msg":"编辑用户失败"}'); } }
/** * Responds to requests to POST create */ public function postCreate(Request $request) { $howMany = $request->Input('howMany'); $user = helper::generateuser($howMany); //dd($user); return view('pages.randomuser')->with('user', $user); }
/** * Cat a file. * * @param string $path * @param int $revision * @access public * @return void */ public function cat($path, $revision) { $path = helper::safe64Decode($path); $this->view->path = $path; $this->view->revision = $revision; $this->view->code = $this->git->cat($path, $revision); $this->display(); }
/** MODULE : Redirection */ public function index() { // Redirection vers l'URL saisie $url = $this->getData([$this->getUrl(0), 'url']); if ($url) { helper::redirect($url, false); } }
/** * Cat a file. * * @param string $url * @param int $revision * @access public * @return void */ public function cat($url, $revision) { $url = helper::safe64Decode($url); $this->view->url = $url; $this->view->revision = $revision; $this->view->code = $this->svn->cat($url, $revision); $this->display(); }
/** * Test converting formatted time to seconds */ public function testSecondsFromFormattedTime() { // validate $this->assertsame(100.5279, helper::secondsfromformattedtime('01:40.5279')); $this->assertsame(5516.5879, helper::secondsfromformattedtime('01:31:56.5879')); $this->assertsame(123.506, helper::secondsfromformattedtime('02:03:506', true)); $this->assertsame(3723.506, helper::secondsfromformattedtime('01:02:03:506', true)); }
/** * Check current version is latest or not. * * @access public * @return void */ public function checkUpdate() { $note = isset($_GET['note']) ? $_GET['note'] : ''; $browser = isset($_GET['browser']) ? $_GET['browser'] : ''; $this->view->note = urldecode(helper::safe64Decode($note)); $this->view->browser = $browser; $this->display(); }
public function uploadExcel($filename = '', $productID, $planID, $sprintID) { if ($_FILES['excelFile']['size'] == 0) { return; } // uploadFile $filePath = $this->getSavePath(); $fname = $this->setPathName(0, $file['extension']); $uploadfile = $filePath . $fname; $tmp_name = $_FILES['excelFile']["tmp_name"]; require_once 'PHPExcel.php'; require_once 'PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; require_once 'PHPExcel/Reader/Excel2007.php'; $result = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['excelFile']["tmp_name"], $this->getSavePath() . $fname); if ($result) { $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007'); $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($uploadfile); $sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0); $highestRow = $sheet->getHighestRow(); $highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); for ($j = 2; $j <= $highestRow; $j++) { $str = ""; for ($k = 'A'; $k <= $highestColumn; $k++) { // $str .= iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("$k$j")->getValue())."|";//读取单元格 $str .= $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("{$k}{$j}")->getValue() . "|"; //读取单元格 } $strs = explode("|", $str); $bug = new stdclass(); $bug->product = $productID; $bug->plan = $planID; if ($sprintID) { $bug->project = $sprintID; } $bug->title = $strs[0]; $bug->stage = $this->lang->importbugs->stageMap[$strs[1]]; $bug->type = $this->lang->importbugs->typeMap[$strs[2]]; $bug->severity = $strs[3]; $bug->steps = $strs[4]; $bug->openedBy = $this->app->user->account; $this->dao->insert(TABLE_BUG)->data($bug)->exec(); $bugID = $this->dao->lastInsertID(); $action = new stdclass(); $action->objectType = 'bug'; $action->objectID = $bugID; $action->product = $productID; $action->project = $sprintID; $action->actor = $this->app->user->account; $action->action = 'opened'; $action->date = helper::now(); $action->read = 0; $this->dao->insert(TABLE_ACTION)->data($action)->exec(); } unlink($uploadfile); $msg = $this->lang->importbugs->success; } else { $msg = $this->lang->importbugs->fail; } return $msg; }