Exemple #1
 function followup()
     $crud = new grocery_CRUD();
     //verifica daca get este setata sa previn eroarea "undefine index variable" si verifica daca are valoare
     if (isset($_GET["p_id"]) != NULL) {
         // setez o variabila sesiune
         $this->session->set_userdata('patient_id', $_GET['p_id']);
         $pid = $this->session->userdata('patient_id');
         //print_r("ID_pacient: ".$pid);
         //echo $_GET['pacient_id'].' sesiune settata';
     } else {
         $pid = $this->session->userdata('patient_id');
         //echo "hau".$pid."nu are";
         //print_r("ID_pacient: ".$pid);
     //aici fac filtrarea pentru pacient a spitalizarilor dupa variabila sesiune
     $crud->where('patient_id', $pid);
     // Configurez modelul pentru afisare
     $crud->set_subject('PCI Follow-Up');
     //Configurare coloane
     $crud->columns('date', 'survival_status', 'date_of_death', 'status', 'signature');
     $crud->required_fields('signature', 'status');
     // Formatare cod
     $crud->field_type('patient_id', 'hidden', $pid);
     // $crud->field_type('user_id', 'hidden');
     // $crud->field_type('edit_user', 'hidden');
     // $crud->field_type('edit_time', 'hidden');
     $crud->set_relation('signature', 'user', 'user_name');
     // User Level Unset
     $drp = $this->session->userdata('user_type');
     if ($drp == "user") {
     // log- user activities
     $crud->callback_after_insert(array($this, 'log_user_after_insert_followup'));
     $crud->callback_after_update(array($this, 'log_user_after_update_followup'));
     $crud->callback_after_delete(array($this, 'log_user_after_delete_followup'));
     // Afisare nume formular follow-up
     //-- 1. Follow Up (30 days and 12 months)
     $crud->display_as('date', 'Date of follow up');
     $crud->field_tip('date', 'Indicate the date of last follow up alive. This may be the date of follow up or the date the patient is last seen alive by verifiable sources');
     $crud->display_as('survival_status', 'Survival status at folow up');
     $crud->field_tip('survival_status', 'Indicate vital status at follow up');
     $crud->display_as('death_cause', 'Primary cause of death');
     $crud->field_tip('death_cause', 'If the patient died indicate the cause of death');
     $crud->display_as('anginal_status', 'Anginal status');
     $crud->field_tip('anginal_status', 'Indicate the patients anginal status at the time of follow-up');
     $crud->display_as('date_readmission', 'Date of first hospital readmission since discharge');
     $crud->field_tip('date_readmission', 'If the patient is readmitted to hospital for a cardiovascular cause, indicate the date');
     $crud->field_tip('dyspnoea', 'Grade breathing status according to the New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification.');
     $crud->display_as('mi', 'Myocardial infarction [MI]');
     $crud->field_tip('mi', 'Indicate if the patient was diagnosed as having an MI since discharge');
     $crud->display_as('mi_date', 'Myocardial infarction date [MI]');
     $crud->field_tip('mi_date', 'Indicate the date the patient had the myocardial infarction');
     $crud->display_as('stroke', 'Stroke');
     $crud->field_tip('stroke', 'Indicate if the patient was diagnosed as having a stroke since discharge, as evidenced by persistent loss of neurological function caused by an ischaemic event.');
     $crud->field_tip('stroke_date', 'Indicate the date of stroke');
     $crud->display_as('pci', 'Percutaneous coronary intervention date [PCI]');
     $crud->field_tip('pci', 'Indicate if the patient had a percutaneous coronary intervention since the date of discharge');
     $crud->display_as('pci_date', 'Percutaneous coronary intervention date [PCI] date');
     $crud->field_tip('pci_date', 'Indicate the date of PCI');
     $crud->display_as('coronary_bypass', 'Coronary artery bypass graft [CABG]');
     $crud->field_tip('coronary_bypass', 'Indicate if the patient had a coronary artery bypass graft [CABG] since the date of  discharge');
     $crud->display_as('coronary_bypass_date', 'Coronary artery bypass graft [CABG] date');
     $crud->field_tip('coronary_bypass_date', 'Indicate the date of CABG');
     $crud->display_as('cardiac_rehabilitation', 'Cardiac rehabilitation program');
     $crud->field_tip('cardiac_rehabilitation', 'Indicate if the patient attended or is attending a cardiac rehabilitation programme since discharge');
     //-- 1. Follow Up (30 days and 12 months)
     $crud->field_tip('aspirin', 'On follow-up indicate if the patient is  taking aspirin regularly');
     $crud->field_tip('other_antiplatelet', 'On follow-up indicate if the patient is taking antiplatelet medication (other than aspirin) regularly ');
     $crud->field_tip('anticoagulants', 'On follow-up indicate if the patient is  taking anticoagulant medication regularly');
     $crud->field_tip('beta_blockers', 'On follow-up indicate if the patient is taking Beta-blockers regularly');
     $crud->field_tip('ace_inhibitors', 'On follow-up indicate if the patient is taking ACE inhibitors regularly');
     $crud->display_as('angiotensin', 'Angiotensin II receptor blockers');
     $crud->field_tip('angiotensin', 'On follow-up indicate if the patient is  taking angiotensin II receptor blockers regularly');
     $crud->field_tip('diabetic_control', 'On follow-up indicate the main method of diabetic control the patient is regularly receiving');
     $crud->field_tip('statins', 'On follow-up indicate if the patient is taking statins regularly');
     $crud->display_as('non_statin', 'Non statin lipid lowering agents');
     $crud->field_tip('non_statin', 'On follow-up indicate if the patient is non-statin lipid lowering agents regularly');
     $crud->field_tip('status', 'Indicate status of intervention insert data process');
     $crud->field_tip('notes', 'Indicate notes of intervention insert data process');
     // Dropdown menu
     // -- 1. Follow Up (30 days and 12 months)
     $crud->field_type('survival_status', 'dropdown', array('Alive' => 'Alive', 'Dead' => 'Dead', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('death_cause', 'dropdown', array('Cardiovascular' => 'Cardiovascular', 'Non-Cardiovascular' => 'Non-Cardiovascular', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('anginal_status', 'dropdown', array('CCS 0' => 'CCS 0', 'CCS I' => 'CCS I', 'CCS II' => 'CCS II', 'CCS III' => 'CCS III', 'CCS IV' => 'CCS IV', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('dyspnoea', 'dropdown', array('NYHA I' => 'NYHA I', 'NYHA II' => 'NYHA II', 'NYHA III' => 'NYHA III', 'NYHA IV' => 'NYHA IV', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('mi', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('stroke', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('pci', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('coronary_bypass', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('cardiac_rehabilitation', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     // -- 2. Medication at follow Up (30 days and 12 months)
     $crud->field_type('aspirin', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('other_antiplatelet', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Clopidogrel' => 'Clopidogrel', 'Ticagrelor' => 'Ticagrelor', 'Prasugrel' => 'Prasugrel', 'Other antiplatelet agent' => 'Other antiplatelet agent', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('anticoagulants', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Vit. K antagonists' => 'Vit. K antagonists', 'Oral throbin inhibitors' => 'Oral throbin inhibitors', 'Oral factor Xa inhibitors' => 'Oral factor Xa inhibitors', 'Other anticoagulants agents' => 'Other anticoagulant agent', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('beta_blockers', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown '));
     $crud->field_type('ace_inhibitors', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown '));
     $crud->field_type('angiotensin', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown '));
     $crud->field_type('statins', 'dropdown', array('No' => 'No', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown '));
     $crud->field_type('diabetic_control', 'dropdown', array('None' => 'None', 'Insulin and oral agent' => 'Insulin and oral agent', 'Insulin' => 'Insulin', 'Oral agent' => 'Oral Agent', 'Diet only' => 'Diet only', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->field_type('non_statin', 'dropdown', array('None' => 'None', 'Ezetimibe' => 'Ezetimibe', 'Fibrates' => 'Fibrates', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown '));
     $crud->field_type('status', 'dropdown', array('In progress' => 'In progress', 'Finished' => 'Finished', 'Delete' => 'Delete'));
     $output = $crud->render();
     $nume = "";
     $prenume = "";
     // aduc din baza de date prin model tabela pacient
     if (!empty($_GET["p_id"])) {
         $result = $this->patient_model->get(['id' => $pid]);
         $nume = $result[0]['first_name'];
         $prenume = $result[0]['last_name'];
     // extrag din array nume si prenume
     // trimit prin variabila extra din obiect in view
     $output->extra = $nume . " " . $prenume;
Exemple #2
 function patients()
     $drp = $this->session->userdata('user_type');
     //primesc data din calendar
     $day_get = $_GET["day"];
     // setez data din calendar variabila sesiune
     // $this->session->set_userdata('data_cal',$_GET['data']);
     $ids_ui_ses = $this->session->userdata('ids_ui');
     $date_cal = array(96, 95, 89);
     // var_dump($date_cal);
     // echo "<br>";
     // var_dump($ids_ui_ses);
     // print_r($day_get);
     $crud = new grocery_CRUD();
     //nu merge cu asta
     //$id = 95;
     foreach ($ids_ui_ses as $key => $id) {
         $pat_fup = $this->date_followup($id);
         $zi_fup = $this->day($pat_fup);
         // extrag luna si anul din data follow-up-lui pentru cumparare
         $luna_fup = $this->month($pat_fup);
         // formatez ziua pentru afisare in calendar
         $zi_fup = $this->good_day($zi_fup);
         if ($zi_fup == $day_get) {
             $crud->or_where('patients.id', $id);
     //$crud->or_where('patients.id', $id);
     // aici pun filtrele pt admin
     $crud->display_as('fo_nr', 'Medical Record number');
     $crud->field_tip('fo_nr', 'eg: 1234/2016');
     $crud->display_as('city', 'City or Locality');
     $crud->display_as('gp_phone', 'GP Phone');
     $crud->display_as('GP_info', 'Notes');
     // User Level Unset
     if ($drp == "user") {
         // afisare fara statistici  // data 24.01.2017
         $crud->columns('id', 'fo_nr', 'cnp', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'follow_up_date', 'status', 'signature');
     // afisare in admin coloane cu statistici // data 24.01.2017
     $crud->columns('id', 'cnp', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'No_of_PCIs', 'Completed_FU_events', 'follow_up_date', 'status', 'signature', 'admin');
     $crud->field_tip('cnp', 'Personal ID No.');
     $crud->field_tip('gender', 'The gender of the patient');
     $crud->field_tip('height', 'Height in cm');
     $crud->field_tip('weight', 'Weight in kg');
     $crud->required_fields('cnp', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'admin', 'status');
     $crud->field_type('gender', 'dropdown', array('Male' => 'Male', 'Female' => 'Female'));
     $crud->field_type('country', 'dropdown', array('Romania' => 'Romania', 'Other' => 'Other', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown'));
     $crud->set_relation('county', 'county', 'county');
     $crud->set_relation('signature', 'user', 'user_name');
     $crud->set_relation('admin', 'user', 'user_name');
     $crud->add_action('Interventions', '', '', 'ui-icon-heart', array($this, 'go_intervention'));
     $crud->add_action('Follow-Up', '', '', 'ui-icon-calculator', array($this, 'go_followup'));
     $crud->callback_column('follow_up_date', array($this, '_followup'));
     $crud->callback_column('Completed_FU_events', array($this, '_nofollowup'));
     $crud->callback_column('No_of_PCIs', array($this, '_nointerv'));
     /*// log- user activities
       $crud->callback_after_insert(array($this, 'log_user_after_insert_patient'));
       $crud->callback_after_update(array($this, 'log_user_after_update_patient'));
       $crud->callback_after_delete(array($this, 'log_user_after_delete_patient'));
     $crud->field_type('status', 'dropdown', array('New' => 'New', 'In progress' => 'In progress', 'Finished' => 'Finished', 'Delete' => 'Delete'));
     //$extra = "info";
     //$output = $crud->render($extra);
     $output = $crud->render();
     // $output->extra = '<h3>Pacient</h3>'; Adauga valori extra pentru view