public function Analyze()
     $getid3 = $this->getid3;
     $getid3->info['riff']['raw'] = array();
     $info_riff =& $getid3->info['riff'];
     $info_riff_raw =& $info_riff['raw'];
     $info_audio =& $getid3->info['audio'];
     $info_video =& $getid3->info['video'];
     $info_avdataoffset =& $getid3->info['avdataoffset'];
     $info_avdataend =& $getid3->info['avdataend'];
     $info_audio_dataformat =& $info_audio['dataformat'];
     $info_riff_audio =& $info_riff['audio'];
     $info_riff_video =& $info_riff['video'];
     $original['avdataend'] = $info_avdataend;
     $this->fseek($info_avdataoffset, SEEK_SET);
     $riff_header = $this->fread(12);
     $riff_sub_type = substr($riff_header, 8, 4);
     switch (substr($riff_header, 0, 4)) {
         case 'FORM':
             $getid3->info['fileformat'] = 'aiff';
             $this->endian_function = 'BigEndian2Int';
             $riff_header_size = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($riff_header, 4, 4));
             $info_riff[$riff_sub_type] = $this->ParseRIFF($info_avdataoffset + 12, $info_avdataoffset + $riff_header_size);
             $info_riff['header_size'] = $riff_header_size;
         case 'RIFF':
         case 'SDSS':
             // SDSS is identical to RIFF, just renamed. Used by SmartSound QuickTracks (
         // SDSS is identical to RIFF, just renamed. Used by SmartSound QuickTracks (
         case 'RMP3':
             // RMP3 is identical to RIFF, just renamed. Used by [unknown program] when creating RIFF-MP3s
             if ($riff_sub_type == 'RMP3') {
                 $riff_sub_type = 'WAVE';
             $getid3->info['fileformat'] = 'riff';
             $this->endian_function = 'LittleEndian2Int';
             $riff_header_size = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($riff_header, 4, 4));
             $info_riff[$riff_sub_type] = $this->ParseRIFF($info_avdataoffset + 12, $info_avdataoffset + $riff_header_size);
             $info_riff['header_size'] = $riff_header_size;
             if ($riff_sub_type == 'WAVE') {
                 $info_riff_wave =& $info_riff['WAVE'];
             throw new getid3_exception('Cannot parse RIFF (this is maybe not a RIFF / WAV / AVI file?) - expecting "FORM|RIFF|SDSS|RMP3" found "' . $riff_sub_type . '" instead');
     $endian_function = $this->endian_function;
     $stream_index = 0;
     switch ($riff_sub_type) {
         case 'WAVE':
             if (empty($info_audio['bitrate_mode'])) {
                 $info_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
             if (empty($info_audio_dataformat)) {
                 $info_audio_dataformat = 'wav';
             if (isset($info_riff_wave['data'][0]['offset'])) {
                 $info_avdataoffset = $info_riff_wave['data'][0]['offset'] + 8;
                 $info_avdataend = $info_avdataoffset + $info_riff_wave['data'][0]['size'];
             if (isset($info_riff_wave['fmt '][0]['data'])) {
                 $info_riff_audio[$stream_index] = getid3_riff::RIFFparseWAVEFORMATex($info_riff_wave['fmt '][0]['data']);
                 $info_audio['wformattag'] = $info_riff_audio[$stream_index]['raw']['wFormatTag'];
                 $info_riff_raw['fmt '] = $info_riff_audio[$stream_index]['raw'];
                 $info_audio['streams'][$stream_index] = $info_riff_audio[$stream_index];
                 $info_audio = getid3_riff::array_merge_noclobber($info_audio, $info_riff_audio[$stream_index]);
                 if (substr($info_audio['codec'], 0, strlen('unknown: 0x')) == 'unknown: 0x') {
                     $getid3->warning('Audio codec = ' . $info_audio['codec']);
                 $info_audio['bitrate'] = $info_riff_audio[$stream_index]['bitrate'];
                 $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = (double) (($info_avdataend - $info_avdataoffset) * 8 / $info_audio['bitrate']);
                 $info_audio['lossless'] = false;
                 if (isset($info_riff_wave['data'][0]['offset']) && isset($info_riff_raw['fmt ']['wFormatTag'])) {
                     switch ($info_riff_raw['fmt ']['wFormatTag']) {
                         case 0x1:
                             // PCM
                             $info_audio['lossless'] = true;
                         case 0x2000:
                             // AC-3
                             $info_audio_dataformat = 'ac3';
                             // do nothing
                 $info_audio['streams'][$stream_index]['wformattag'] = $info_audio['wformattag'];
                 $info_audio['streams'][$stream_index]['bitrate_mode'] = $info_audio['bitrate_mode'];
                 $info_audio['streams'][$stream_index]['lossless'] = $info_audio['lossless'];
                 $info_audio['streams'][$stream_index]['dataformat'] = $info_audio_dataformat;
             if (isset($info_riff_wave['rgad'][0]['data'])) {
                 // shortcuts
                 $rgadData =& $info_riff_wave['rgad'][0]['data'];
                 $info_riff_raw['rgad'] = array('track' => array(), 'album' => array());
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad =& $info_riff_raw['rgad'];
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_track =& $info_riff_raw_rgad['track'];
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_album =& $info_riff_raw_rgad['album'];
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad['fPeakAmplitude'] = getid3_riff::BigEndian2Float(strrev(substr($rgadData, 0, 4)));
                 // LittleEndian2Float()
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad['nRadioRgAdjust'] = getid3_lib::$endian_function(substr($rgadData, 4, 2));
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad['nAudiophileRgAdjust'] = getid3_lib::$endian_function(substr($rgadData, 6, 2));
                 $n_track_rg_adjust_bit_string = str_pad(decbin($info_riff_raw_rgad['nRadioRgAdjust']), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                 $n_album_rg_adjust_bit_string = str_pad(decbin($info_riff_raw_rgad['nAudiophileRgAdjust']), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_track['name'] = bindec(substr($n_track_rg_adjust_bit_string, 0, 3));
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_track['originator'] = bindec(substr($n_track_rg_adjust_bit_string, 3, 3));
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_track['signbit'] = bindec($n_track_rg_adjust_bit_string[6]);
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_track['adjustment'] = bindec(substr($n_track_rg_adjust_bit_string, 7, 9));
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_album['name'] = bindec(substr($n_album_rg_adjust_bit_string, 0, 3));
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_album['originator'] = bindec(substr($n_album_rg_adjust_bit_string, 3, 3));
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_album['signbit'] = bindec($n_album_rg_adjust_bit_string[6]);
                 $info_riff_raw_rgad_album['adjustment'] = bindec(substr($n_album_rg_adjust_bit_string, 7, 9));
                 $info_riff['rgad']['peakamplitude'] = $info_riff_raw_rgad['fPeakAmplitude'];
                 if ($info_riff_raw_rgad_track['name'] != 0 && $info_riff_raw_rgad_track['originator'] != 0) {
                     $info_riff['rgad']['track']['name'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::NameLookup($info_riff_raw_rgad_track['name']);
                     $info_riff['rgad']['track']['originator'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::OriginatorLookup($info_riff_raw_rgad_track['originator']);
                     $info_riff['rgad']['track']['adjustment'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::AdjustmentLookup($info_riff_raw_rgad_track['adjustment'], $info_riff_raw_rgad_track['signbit']);
                 if ($info_riff_raw_rgad_album['name'] != 0 && $info_riff_raw_rgad_album['originator'] != 0) {
                     $info_riff['rgad']['album']['name'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::NameLookup($info_riff_raw_rgad_album['name']);
                     $info_riff['rgad']['album']['originator'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::OriginatorLookup($info_riff_raw_rgad_album['originator']);
                     $info_riff['rgad']['album']['adjustment'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::AdjustmentLookup($info_riff_raw_rgad_album['adjustment'], $info_riff_raw_rgad_album['signbit']);
             if (isset($info_riff_wave['fact'][0]['data'])) {
                 $info_riff_raw['fact']['NumberOfSamples'] = getid3_lib::$endian_function(substr($info_riff_wave['fact'][0]['data'], 0, 4));
                 // This should be a good way of calculating exact playtime, but some sample files have had incorrect number of samples, so cannot use this method
                 // if (!empty($info_riff_raw['fmt ']['nSamplesPerSec'])) {
                 //     $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = (float)$info_riff_raw['fact']['NumberOfSamples'] / $info_riff_raw['fmt ']['nSamplesPerSec'];
                 // }
             if (!empty($info_riff_raw['fmt ']['nAvgBytesPerSec'])) {
                 $info_audio['bitrate'] = (int) $info_riff_raw['fmt ']['nAvgBytesPerSec'] * 8;
             if (isset($info_riff_wave['bext'][0]['data'])) {
                 $info_riff_wave_bext_0 =& $info_riff_wave['bext'][0];
                 getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $info_riff_wave_bext_0, $info_riff_wave_bext_0['data'], 0, array('title' => -256, 'author' => -32, 'reference' => -32, 'origin_date' => -10, 'origin_time' => -8, 'time_reference' => 8, 'bwf_version' => 1, 'reserved' => 254));
                 foreach (array('title', 'author', 'reference') as $key) {
                     $info_riff_wave_bext_0[$key] = trim($info_riff_wave_bext_0[$key]);
                 $info_riff_wave_bext_0['coding_history'] = explode("\r\n", trim(substr($info_riff_wave_bext_0['data'], 601)));
                 $info_riff_wave_bext_0['origin_date_unix'] = gmmktime(substr($info_riff_wave_bext_0['origin_time'], 0, 2), substr($info_riff_wave_bext_0['origin_time'], 3, 2), substr($info_riff_wave_bext_0['origin_time'], 6, 2), substr($info_riff_wave_bext_0['origin_date'], 5, 2), substr($info_riff_wave_bext_0['origin_date'], 8, 2), substr($info_riff_wave_bext_0['origin_date'], 0, 4));
                 $info_riff['comments']['author'][] = $info_riff_wave_bext_0['author'];
                 $info_riff['comments']['title'][] = $info_riff_wave_bext_0['title'];
             if (isset($info_riff_wave['MEXT'][0]['data'])) {
                 $info_riff_wave_mext_0 =& $info_riff_wave['MEXT'][0];
                 $info_riff_wave_mext_0['raw']['sound_information'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($info_riff_wave_mext_0['data'], 0, 2));
                 $info_riff_wave_mext_0['flags']['homogenous'] = (bool) ($info_riff_wave_mext_0['raw']['sound_information'] & 0x1);
                 if ($info_riff_wave_mext_0['flags']['homogenous']) {
                     $info_riff_wave_mext_0['flags']['padding'] = $info_riff_wave_mext_0['raw']['sound_information'] & 0x2 ? false : true;
                     $info_riff_wave_mext_0['flags']['22_or_44'] = (bool) ($info_riff_wave_mext_0['raw']['sound_information'] & 0x4);
                     $info_riff_wave_mext_0['flags']['free_format'] = (bool) ($info_riff_wave_mext_0['raw']['sound_information'] & 0x8);
                     $info_riff_wave_mext_0['nominal_frame_size'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($info_riff_wave_mext_0['data'], 2, 2));
                 $info_riff_wave_mext_0['anciliary_data_length'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($info_riff_wave_mext_0['data'], 6, 2));
                 $info_riff_wave_mext_0['raw']['anciliary_data_def'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($info_riff_wave_mext_0['data'], 8, 2));
                 $info_riff_wave_mext_0['flags']['anciliary_data_left'] = (bool) ($info_riff_wave_mext_0['raw']['anciliary_data_def'] & 0x1);
                 $info_riff_wave_mext_0['flags']['anciliary_data_free'] = (bool) ($info_riff_wave_mext_0['raw']['anciliary_data_def'] & 0x2);
                 $info_riff_wave_mext_0['flags']['anciliary_data_right'] = (bool) ($info_riff_wave_mext_0['raw']['anciliary_data_def'] & 0x4);
             if (isset($info_riff_wave['cart'][0]['data'])) {
                 $info_riff_wave_cart_0 =& $info_riff_wave['cart'][0];
                 getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $info_riff_wave_cart_0, $info_riff_wave_cart_0['data'], 0, array('version' => -4, 'title' => -64, 'artist' => -64, 'cut_id' => -64, 'client_id' => -64, 'category' => -64, 'classification' => -64, 'out_cue' => -64, 'start_date' => -10, 'start_time' => -8, 'end_date' => -10, 'end_time' => -8, 'producer_app_id' => -64, 'producer_app_version' => -64, 'user_defined_text' => -64));
                 foreach (array('artist', 'cut_id', 'client_id', 'category', 'classification', 'out_cue', 'start_date', 'start_time', 'end_date', 'end_time', 'producer_app_id', 'producer_app_version', 'user_defined_text') as $key) {
                     $info_riff_wave_cart_0[$key] = trim($info_riff_wave_cart_0[$key]);
                 $info_riff_wave_cart_0['zero_db_reference'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($info_riff_wave_cart_0['data'], 680, 4), true);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
                     $info_riff_wave_cart_0['post_time'][$i]['usage_fourcc'] = substr($info_riff_wave_cart_0['data'], 684 + $i * 8, 4);
                     $info_riff_wave_cart_0['post_time'][$i]['timer_value'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($info_riff_wave_cart_0['data'], 684 + $i * 8 + 4, 4));
                 $info_riff_wave_cart_0['url'] = trim(substr($info_riff_wave_cart_0['data'], 748, 1024));
                 $info_riff_wave_cart_0['tag_text'] = explode("\r\n", trim(substr($info_riff_wave_cart_0['data'], 1772)));
                 $info_riff['comments']['artist'][] = $info_riff_wave_cart_0['artist'];
                 $info_riff['comments']['title'][] = $info_riff_wave_cart_0['title'];
             if (!isset($info_audio['bitrate']) && isset($info_riff_audio[$stream_index]['bitrate'])) {
                 $info_audio['bitrate'] = $info_riff_audio[$stream_index]['bitrate'];
                 $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = (double) (($info_avdataend - $info_avdataoffset) * 8 / $info_audio['bitrate']);
             if (@$getid3->info['wavpack']) {
                 if (!$this->data_string_flag) {
                     $info_audio_dataformat = 'wavpack';
                     $info_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'vbr';
                     $info_audio['encoder'] = 'WavPack v' . $getid3->info['wavpack']['version'];
                     // Reset to the way it was - RIFF parsing will have messed this up
                     $info_avdataend = $original['avdataend'];
                     $info_audio['bitrate'] = ($info_avdataend - $info_avdataoffset) * 8 / $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'];
                     $this->fseek($info_avdataoffset - 44, SEEK_SET);
                     $riff_data = $this->fread(44);
                     $orignal_riff_header_size = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($riff_data, 4, 4)) + 8;
                     $orignal_riff_data_size = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Int(substr($riff_data, 40, 4)) + 44;
                     if ($orignal_riff_header_size > $orignal_riff_data_size) {
                         $info_avdataend -= $orignal_riff_header_size - $orignal_riff_data_size;
                         $this->fseek($info_avdataend, SEEK_SET);
                         $riff_data .= $this->fread($orignal_riff_header_size - $orignal_riff_data_size);
                     // move the data chunk after all other chunks (if any)
                     // so that the RIFF parser doesn't see EOF when trying
                     // to skip over the data chunk
                     $riff_data = substr($riff_data, 0, 36) . substr($riff_data, 44) . substr($riff_data, 36, 8);
                     // Save audio info key
                     $saved_info_audio = $info_audio;
                     // Analyze riff_data
                     // Restore info key
                     $info_audio = $saved_info_audio;
             if (isset($info_riff_raw['fmt ']['wFormatTag'])) {
                 switch ($info_riff_raw['fmt ']['wFormatTag']) {
                     case 0x8ae:
                         // ClearJump LiteWave
                         $info_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'vbr';
                         $info_audio_dataformat = 'litewave';
                         //typedef struct tagSLwFormat {
                         //  WORD    m_wCompFormat;     // low byte defines compression method, high byte is compression flags
                         //  DWORD   m_dwScale;         // scale factor for lossy compression
                         //  DWORD   m_dwBlockSize;     // number of samples in encoded blocks
                         //  WORD    m_wQuality;        // alias for the scale factor
                         //  WORD    m_wMarkDistance;   // distance between marks in bytes
                         //  WORD    m_wReserved;
                         //  //following paramters are ignored if CF_FILESRC is not set
                         //  DWORD   m_dwOrgSize;       // original file size in bytes
                         //  WORD    m_bFactExists;     // indicates if 'fact' chunk exists in the original file
                         //  DWORD   m_dwRiffChunkSize; // riff chunk size in the original file
                         //  PCMWAVEFORMAT m_OrgWf;     // original wave format
                         // }SLwFormat, *PSLwFormat;
                         $info_riff['litewave']['raw'] = array();
                         $info_riff_litewave =& $info_riff['litewave'];
                         $info_riff_litewave_raw =& $info_riff_litewave['raw'];
                         getid3_lib::ReadSequence('LittleEndian2Int', $info_riff_litewave_raw, $info_riff_wave['fmt '][0]['data'], 18, array('compression_method' => 1, 'compression_flags' => 1, 'm_dwScale' => 4, 'm_dwBlockSize' => 4, 'm_wQuality' => 2, 'm_wMarkDistance' => 2, 'm_wReserved' => 2, 'm_dwOrgSize' => 4, 'm_bFactExists' => 2, 'm_dwRiffChunkSize' => 4));
                         //$info_riff_litewave['quality_factor'] = intval(round((2000 - $info_riff_litewave_raw['m_dwScale']) / 20));
                         $info_riff_litewave['quality_factor'] = $info_riff_litewave_raw['m_wQuality'];
                         $info_riff_litewave['flags']['raw_source'] = $info_riff_litewave_raw['compression_flags'] & 0x1 ? false : true;
                         $info_riff_litewave['flags']['vbr_blocksize'] = $info_riff_litewave_raw['compression_flags'] & 0x2 ? false : true;
                         $info_riff_litewave['flags']['seekpoints'] = (bool) ($info_riff_litewave_raw['compression_flags'] & 0x4);
                         $info_audio['lossless'] = $info_riff_litewave_raw['m_wQuality'] == 100 ? true : false;
                         $info_audio['encoder_options'] = '-q' . $info_riff_litewave['quality_factor'];
             if ($info_avdataend > $getid3->info['filesize']) {
                 switch (@$info_audio_dataformat) {
                     case 'wavpack':
                         // WavPack
                     // WavPack
                     case 'lpac':
                         // LPAC
                     // LPAC
                     case 'ofr':
                         // OptimFROG
                     // OptimFROG
                     case 'ofs':
                         // OptimFROG DualStream
                         // lossless compressed audio formats that keep original RIFF headers - skip warning
                     case 'litewave':
                         if ($info_avdataend - $getid3->info['filesize'] == 1) {
                             // LiteWave appears to incorrectly *not* pad actual output file
                             // to nearest WORD boundary so may appear to be short by one
                             // byte, in which case - skip warning
                         } else {
                             // Short by more than one byte, throw warning
                             $getid3->warning('Probably truncated file - expecting ' . $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['data'][0]['size'] . ' bytes of data, only found ' . ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset) . ' (short by ' . ($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['data'][0]['size'] - ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset)) . ' bytes)');
                         if ($info_avdataend - $getid3->info['filesize'] == 1 && $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['data'][0]['size'] % 2 == 0 && ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset) % 2 == 1) {
                             // output file appears to be incorrectly *not* padded to nearest WORD boundary
                             // Output less severe warning
                             $getid3->warning('File should probably be padded to nearest WORD boundary, but it is not (expecting ' . $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['data'][0]['size'] . ' bytes of data, only found ' . ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset) . ' therefore short by ' . ($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['data'][0]['size'] - ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset)) . ' bytes)');
                             $info_avdataend = $getid3->info['filesize'];
                         // Short by more than one byte, throw warning
                         $getid3->warning('Probably truncated file - expecting ' . $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['data'][0]['size'] . ' bytes of data, only found ' . ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset) . ' (short by ' . ($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['data'][0]['size'] - ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset)) . ' bytes)');
                         $info_avdataend = $getid3->info['filesize'];
             if (!empty($getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['audio_bytes'])) {
                 if ($info_avdataend - $info_avdataoffset - $getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['audio_bytes'] == 1) {
                     $getid3->warning('Extra null byte at end of MP3 data assumed to be RIFF padding and therefore ignored');
             if (@$info_audio_dataformat == 'ac3') {
                 if (!empty($getid3->info['ac3']['bitrate']) && $getid3->info['ac3']['bitrate'] != $info_audio['bitrate']) {
                     $info_audio['bitrate'] = $getid3->info['ac3']['bitrate'];
         case 'AVI ':
             $info_video['bitrate_mode'] = 'vbr';
             // maybe not, but probably
             $info_video['dataformat'] = 'avi';
             $getid3->info['mime_type'] = 'video/avi';
             if (isset($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['movi']['offset'])) {
                 $info_avdataoffset = $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['movi']['offset'] + 8;
                 $info_avdataend = $info_avdataoffset + $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['movi']['size'];
                 if ($info_avdataend > $getid3->info['filesize']) {
                     $getid3->warning('Probably truncated file - expecting ' . $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['movi']['size'] . ' bytes of data, only found ' . ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset) . ' (short by ' . ($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['movi']['size'] - ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset)) . ' bytes)');
                     $info_avdataend = $getid3->info['filesize'];
             if (isset($info_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['avih'][$stream_index]['data'])) {
                 $avihData = $info_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['avih'][$stream_index]['data'];
                 $info_riff_raw['avih'] = array();
                 $info_riff_raw_avih =& $info_riff_raw['avih'];
                 getid3_lib::ReadSequence($this->endian_function, $info_riff_raw_avih, $avihData, 0, array('dwMicroSecPerFrame' => 4, 'dwMaxBytesPerSec' => 4, 'dwPaddingGranularity' => 4, 'dwFlags' => 4, 'dwTotalFrames' => 4, 'dwInitialFrames' => 4, 'dwStreams' => 4, 'dwSuggestedBufferSize' => 4, 'dwWidth' => 4, 'dwHeight' => 4, 'dwScale' => 4, 'dwRate' => 4, 'dwStart' => 4, 'dwLength' => 4));
                 $info_riff_raw_avih['flags']['hasindex'] = (bool) ($info_riff_raw_avih['dwFlags'] & 0x10);
                 $info_riff_raw_avih['flags']['mustuseindex'] = (bool) ($info_riff_raw_avih['dwFlags'] & 0x20);
                 $info_riff_raw_avih['flags']['interleaved'] = (bool) ($info_riff_raw_avih['dwFlags'] & 0x100);
                 $info_riff_raw_avih['flags']['trustcktype'] = (bool) ($info_riff_raw_avih['dwFlags'] & 0x800);
                 $info_riff_raw_avih['flags']['capturedfile'] = (bool) ($info_riff_raw_avih['dwFlags'] & 0x10000);
                 $info_riff_raw_avih['flags']['copyrighted'] = (bool) ($info_riff_raw_avih['dwFlags'] & 0x20010);
                 $info_riff_video[$stream_index] = array();
                 $info_riff_video_current =& $info_riff_video[$stream_index];
                 if ($info_riff_raw_avih['dwWidth'] > 0) {
                     $info_riff_video_current['frame_width'] = $info_riff_raw_avih['dwWidth'];
                     $info_video['resolution_x'] = $info_riff_video_current['frame_width'];
                 if ($info_riff_raw_avih['dwHeight'] > 0) {
                     $info_riff_video_current['frame_height'] = $info_riff_raw_avih['dwHeight'];
                     $info_video['resolution_y'] = $info_riff_video_current['frame_height'];
                 if ($info_riff_raw_avih['dwTotalFrames'] > 0) {
                     $info_riff_video_current['total_frames'] = $info_riff_raw_avih['dwTotalFrames'];
                     $info_video['total_frames'] = $info_riff_video_current['total_frames'];
                 $info_riff_video_current['frame_rate'] = round(1000000 / $info_riff_raw_avih['dwMicroSecPerFrame'], 3);
                 $info_video['frame_rate'] = $info_riff_video_current['frame_rate'];
             if (isset($info_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['strl']['strh'][0]['data'])) {
                 if (is_array($info_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['strl']['strh'])) {
                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($info_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['strl']['strh']); $i++) {
                         if (isset($info_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['strl']['strh'][$i]['data'])) {
                             $strh_data = $info_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['strl']['strh'][$i]['data'];
                             $strh_fcc_type = substr($strh_data, 0, 4);
                             if (isset($info_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['strl']['strf'][$i]['data'])) {
                                 $strf_data = $info_riff['AVI ']['hdrl']['strl']['strf'][$i]['data'];
                                 // shortcut
                                 $info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index =& $info_riff_raw['strf'][$strh_fcc_type][$stream_index];
                                 switch ($strh_fcc_type) {
                                     case 'auds':
                                         $info_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
                                         $info_audio_dataformat = 'wav';
                                         if (isset($info_riff_audio) && is_array($info_riff_audio)) {
                                             $stream_index = count($info_riff_audio);
                                         $info_riff_audio[$stream_index] = getid3_riff::RIFFparseWAVEFORMATex($strf_data);
                                         $info_audio['wformattag'] = $info_riff_audio[$stream_index]['raw']['wFormatTag'];
                                         // shortcut
                                         $info_audio['streams'][$stream_index] = $info_riff_audio[$stream_index];
                                         $info_audio_streams_currentstream =& $info_audio['streams'][$stream_index];
                                         if (@$info_audio_streams_currentstream['bits_per_sample'] === 0) {
                                         $info_audio_streams_currentstream['wformattag'] = $info_audio_streams_currentstream['raw']['wFormatTag'];
                                         // shortcut
                                         $info_riff_raw['strf'][$strh_fcc_type][$stream_index] = $info_riff_audio[$stream_index]['raw'];
                                         $info_audio = getid3_riff::array_merge_noclobber($info_audio, $info_riff_audio[$stream_index]);
                                         $info_audio['lossless'] = false;
                                         switch ($info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['wFormatTag']) {
                                             case 0x1:
                                                 // PCM
                                                 $info_audio_dataformat = 'wav';
                                                 $info_audio['lossless'] = true;
                                             case 0x50:
                                                 // MPEG Layer 2 or Layer 1
                                                 $info_audio_dataformat = 'mp2';
                                                 // Assume Layer-2
                                             case 0x55:
                                                 // MPEG Layer 3
                                                 $info_audio_dataformat = 'mp3';
                                             case 0xff:
                                                 // AAC
                                                 $info_audio_dataformat = 'aac';
                                             case 0x161:
                                                 // Windows Media v7 / v8 / v9
                                             // Windows Media v7 / v8 / v9
                                             case 0x162:
                                                 // Windows Media Professional v9
                                             // Windows Media Professional v9
                                             case 0x163:
                                                 // Windows Media Lossess v9
                                                 $info_audio_dataformat = 'wma';
                                             case 0x2000:
                                                 // AC-3
                                                 $info_audio_dataformat = 'ac3';
                                             case 0x2001:
                                                 // DTS
                                                 $info_audio_dataformat = 'dts';
                                                 $info_audio_dataformat = 'wav';
                                         $info_audio_streams_currentstream['dataformat'] = $info_audio_dataformat;
                                         $info_audio_streams_currentstream['lossless'] = $info_audio['lossless'];
                                         $info_audio_streams_currentstream['bitrate_mode'] = $info_audio['bitrate_mode'];
                                     case 'iavs':
                                     case 'vids':
                                         // shortcut
                                         $info_riff_raw['strh'][$i] = array();
                                         $info_riff_raw_strh_current =& $info_riff_raw['strh'][$i];
                                         getid3_lib::ReadSequence($this->endian_function, $info_riff_raw_strh_current, $strh_data, 0, array('fccType' => -4, 'fccHandler' => -4, 'dwFlags' => 4, 'wPriority' => 2, 'wLanguage' => 2, 'dwInitialFrames' => 4, 'dwScale' => 4, 'dwRate' => 4, 'dwStart' => 4, 'dwLength' => 4, 'dwSuggestedBufferSize' => 4, 'dwQuality' => 4, 'dwSampleSize' => 4, 'rcFrame' => 4));
                                         $info_riff_video_current['codec'] = getid3_riff::RIFFfourccLookup($info_riff_raw_strh_current['fccHandler']);
                                         $info_video['fourcc'] = $info_riff_raw_strh_current['fccHandler'];
                                         if (!$info_riff_video_current['codec'] && isset($info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['fourcc']) && getid3_riff::RIFFfourccLookup($info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['fourcc'])) {
                                             $info_riff_video_current['codec'] = getid3_riff::RIFFfourccLookup($info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['fourcc']);
                                             $info_video['fourcc'] = $info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['fourcc'];
                                         $info_video['codec'] = $info_riff_video_current['codec'];
                                         $info_video['pixel_aspect_ratio'] = (double) 1;
                                         switch ($info_riff_raw_strh_current['fccHandler']) {
                                             case 'HFYU':
                                                 // Huffman Lossless Codec
                                             // Huffman Lossless Codec
                                             case 'IRAW':
                                                 // Intel YUV Uncompressed
                                             // Intel YUV Uncompressed
                                             case 'YUY2':
                                                 // Uncompressed YUV 4:2:2
                                                 $info_video['lossless'] = true;
                                                 $info_video['lossless'] = false;
                                         switch ($strh_fcc_type) {
                                             case 'vids':
                                                 getid3_lib::ReadSequence($this->endian_function, $info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index, $strf_data, 0, array('biSize' => 4, 'biWidth' => 4, 'biHeight' => 4, 'biPlanes' => 2, 'biBitCount' => 2, 'fourcc' => -4, 'biSizeImage' => 4, 'biXPelsPerMeter' => 4, 'biYPelsPerMeter' => 4, 'biClrUsed' => 4, 'biClrImportant' => 4));
                                                 $info_video['bits_per_sample'] = $info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['biBitCount'];
                                                 if ($info_riff_video_current['codec'] == 'DV') {
                                                     $info_riff_video_current['dv_type'] = 2;
                                             case 'iavs':
                                                 $info_riff_video_current['dv_type'] = 1;
                                         $getid3->warning('Unhandled fccType for stream (' . $i . '): "' . $strh_fcc_type . '"');
                         if (isset($info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['fourcc']) && getid3_riff::RIFFfourccLookup($info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['fourcc'])) {
                             $info_riff_video_current['codec'] = getid3_riff::RIFFfourccLookup($info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['fourcc']);
                             $info_video['codec'] = $info_riff_video_current['codec'];
                             $info_video['fourcc'] = $info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['fourcc'];
                             switch ($info_riff_raw_strf_strh_fcc_type_stream_index['fourcc']) {
                                 case 'HFYU':
                                     // Huffman Lossless Codec
                                 // Huffman Lossless Codec
                                 case 'IRAW':
                                     // Intel YUV Uncompressed
                                 // Intel YUV Uncompressed
                                 case 'YUY2':
                                     // Uncompressed YUV 4:2:2
                                     $info_video['lossless'] = true;
                                     $info_video['bits_per_sample'] = 24;
                                     $info_video['lossless'] = false;
                                     $info_video['bits_per_sample'] = 24;
         case 'CDDA':
             $info_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
             $info_audio_dataformat = 'cda';
             $info_audio['lossless'] = true;
             $info_avdataoffset = 44;
             if (isset($info_riff['CDDA']['fmt '][0]['data'])) {
                 $info_riff_cdda_fmt_0 =& $info_riff['CDDA']['fmt '][0];
                 getid3_lib::ReadSequence($this->endian_function, $info_riff_cdda_fmt_0, $info_riff_cdda_fmt_0['data'], 0, array('unknown1' => 2, 'track_num' => 2, 'disc_id' => 4, 'start_offset_frame' => 4, 'playtime_frames' => 4, 'unknown6' => 4, 'unknown7' => 4));
                 $info_riff_cdda_fmt_0['start_offset_seconds'] = (double) $info_riff_cdda_fmt_0['start_offset_frame'] / 75;
                 $info_riff_cdda_fmt_0['playtime_seconds'] = (double) $info_riff_cdda_fmt_0['playtime_frames'] / 75;
                 $getid3->info['comments']['track'] = $info_riff_cdda_fmt_0['track_num'];
                 $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = $info_riff_cdda_fmt_0['playtime_seconds'];
                 // hardcoded data for CD-audio
                 $info_audio['sample_rate'] = 44100;
                 $info_audio['channels'] = 2;
                 $info_audio['bits_per_sample'] = 16;
                 $info_audio['bitrate'] = $info_audio['sample_rate'] * $info_audio['channels'] * $info_audio['bits_per_sample'];
                 $info_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
         case 'AIFF':
         case 'AIFC':
             $info_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
             $info_audio_dataformat = 'aiff';
             $info_audio['lossless'] = true;
             $getid3->info['mime_type'] = 'audio/x-aiff';
             if (isset($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['SSND'][0]['offset'])) {
                 $info_avdataoffset = $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['SSND'][0]['offset'] + 8;
                 $info_avdataend = $info_avdataoffset + $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['SSND'][0]['size'];
                 if ($info_avdataend > $getid3->info['filesize']) {
                     if ($info_avdataend == $getid3->info['filesize'] + 1 && $getid3->info['filesize'] % 2 == 1) {
                         // structures rounded to 2-byte boundary, but dumb encoders
                         // forget to pad end of file to make this actually work
                     } else {
                         $getid3->warning('Probable truncated AIFF file: expecting ' . $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['SSND'][0]['size'] . ' bytes of audio data, only ' . ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset) . ' bytes found');
                     $info_avdataend = $getid3->info['filesize'];
             if (isset($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['COMM'][0]['data'])) {
                 // shortcut
                 $info_riff_RIFFsubtype_COMM_0_data =& $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['COMM'][0]['data'];
                 $info_riff_audio['channels'] = getid3_lib::BigEndianSyncSafe2Int(substr($info_riff_RIFFsubtype_COMM_0_data, 0, 2));
                 $info_riff_audio['total_samples'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($info_riff_RIFFsubtype_COMM_0_data, 2, 4));
                 $info_riff_audio['bits_per_sample'] = getid3_lib::BigEndianSyncSafe2Int(substr($info_riff_RIFFsubtype_COMM_0_data, 6, 2));
                 $info_riff_audio['sample_rate'] = (int) getid3_riff::BigEndian2Float(substr($info_riff_RIFFsubtype_COMM_0_data, 8, 10));
                 if ($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['COMM'][0]['size'] > 18) {
                     $info_riff_audio['codec_fourcc'] = substr($info_riff_RIFFsubtype_COMM_0_data, 18, 4);
                     $codec_name_size = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($info_riff_RIFFsubtype_COMM_0_data, 22, 1));
                     $info_riff_audio['codec_name'] = substr($info_riff_RIFFsubtype_COMM_0_data, 23, $codec_name_size);
                     switch ($info_riff_audio['codec_name']) {
                         case 'NONE':
                             $info_audio['codec'] = 'Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)';
                             $info_audio['lossless'] = true;
                         case '':
                             switch ($info_riff_audio['codec_fourcc']) {
                                 case 'sowt':
                                     $info_riff_audio['codec_name'] = 'Two\'s Compliment Little-Endian PCM';
                                     $info_audio['lossless'] = true;
                                 case 'twos':
                                     $info_riff_audio['codec_name'] = 'Two\'s Compliment Big-Endian PCM';
                                     $info_audio['lossless'] = true;
                             $info_audio['codec'] = $info_riff_audio['codec_name'];
                             $info_audio['lossless'] = false;
                 $info_audio['channels'] = $info_riff_audio['channels'];
                 if ($info_riff_audio['bits_per_sample'] > 0) {
                     $info_audio['bits_per_sample'] = $info_riff_audio['bits_per_sample'];
                 $info_audio['sample_rate'] = $info_riff_audio['sample_rate'];
                 $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = $info_riff_audio['total_samples'] / $info_audio['sample_rate'];
             if (isset($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['COMT'])) {
                 $comment_count = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['COMT'][0]['data'], 0, 2));
                 $offset = 2;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $comment_count; $i++) {
                     $getid3->info['comments_raw'][$i]['timestamp'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['COMT'][0]['data'], $offset, 4));
                     $offset += 4;
                     $getid3->info['comments_raw'][$i]['marker_id'] = getid3_lib::BigEndianSyncSafe2Int(substr($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['COMT'][0]['data'], $offset, 2));
                     $offset += 2;
                     $comment_length = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['COMT'][0]['data'], $offset, 2));
                     $offset += 2;
                     $getid3->info['comments_raw'][$i]['comment'] = substr($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['COMT'][0]['data'], $offset, $comment_length);
                     $offset += $comment_length;
                     $getid3->info['comments_raw'][$i]['timestamp_unix'] = getid3_riff::DateMac2Unix($getid3->info['comments_raw'][$i]['timestamp']);
                     $info_riff['comments']['comment'][] = $getid3->info['comments_raw'][$i]['comment'];
             foreach (array('NAME' => 'title', 'author' => 'artist', '(c) ' => 'copyright', 'ANNO' => 'comment') as $key => $value) {
                 if (isset($info_riff[$riff_sub_type][$key][0]['data'])) {
                     $info_riff['comments'][$value][] = $info_riff[$riff_sub_type][$key][0]['data'];
         case '8SVX':
             $info_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
             $info_audio_dataformat = '8svx';
             $info_audio['bits_per_sample'] = 8;
             $info_audio['channels'] = 1;
             // overridden below, if need be
             $getid3->info['mime_type'] = 'audio/x-aiff';
             if (isset($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['BODY'][0]['offset'])) {
                 $info_avdataoffset = $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['BODY'][0]['offset'] + 8;
                 $info_avdataend = $info_avdataoffset + $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['BODY'][0]['size'];
                 if ($info_avdataend > $getid3->info['filesize']) {
                     $getid3->warning('Probable truncated AIFF file: expecting ' . $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['BODY'][0]['size'] . ' bytes of audio data, only ' . ($getid3->info['filesize'] - $info_avdataoffset) . ' bytes found');
             if (isset($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['VHDR'][0]['offset'])) {
                 // shortcut
                 $info_riff_riff_sub_type_vhdr_0 =& $info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['VHDR'][0];
                 getid3_lib::ReadSequence('BigEndian2Int', $info_riff_riff_sub_type_vhdr_0, $info_riff_riff_sub_type_vhdr_0['data'], 0, array('oneShotHiSamples' => 4, 'repeatHiSamples' => 4, 'samplesPerHiCycle' => 4, 'samplesPerSec' => 2, 'ctOctave' => 1, 'sCompression' => 1, 'Volume' => -4));
                 $info_riff_riff_sub_type_vhdr_0['Volume'] = getid3_riff::FixedPoint16_16($info_riff_riff_sub_type_vhdr_0['Volume']);
                 $info_audio['sample_rate'] = $info_riff_riff_sub_type_vhdr_0['samplesPerSec'];
                 switch ($info_riff_riff_sub_type_vhdr_0['sCompression']) {
                     case 0:
                         $info_audio['codec'] = 'Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)';
                         $info_audio['lossless'] = true;
                         $actual_bits_per_sample = 8;
                     case 1:
                         $info_audio['codec'] = 'Fibonacci-delta encoding';
                         $info_audio['lossless'] = false;
                         $actual_bits_per_sample = 4;
                         $getid3->warning('Unexpected sCompression value in 8SVX.VHDR chunk - expecting 0 or 1, found "' . sCompression . '"');
             if (isset($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['CHAN'][0]['data'])) {
                 $ChannelsIndex = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($info_riff[$riff_sub_type]['CHAN'][0]['data'], 0, 4));
                 switch ($ChannelsIndex) {
                     case 6:
                         // Stereo
                         $info_audio['channels'] = 2;
                     case 2:
                         // Left channel only
                     // Left channel only
                     case 4:
                         // Right channel only
                         $info_audio['channels'] = 1;
                         $getid3->warning('Unexpected value in 8SVX.CHAN chunk - expecting 2 or 4 or 6, found "' . $ChannelsIndex . '"');
             foreach (array('NAME' => 'title', 'author' => 'artist', '(c) ' => 'copyright', 'ANNO' => 'comment') as $key => $value) {
                 if (isset($info_riff[$riff_sub_type][$key][0]['data'])) {
                     $info_riff['comments'][$value][] = $info_riff[$riff_sub_type][$key][0]['data'];
             $info_audio['bitrate'] = $info_audio['sample_rate'] * $actual_bits_per_sample * $info_audio['channels'];
             if (!empty($info_audio['bitrate'])) {
                 $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = ($info_avdataend - $info_avdataoffset) / ($info_audio['bitrate'] / 8);
         case 'CDXA':
             $getid3->info['mime_type'] = 'video/mpeg';
             if (!empty($info_riff['CDXA']['data'][0]['size'])) {
                 $GETID3_ERRORARRAY =& $getid3->info['warning'];
                 if (!$getid3->include_module_optional('audio-video.mpeg')) {
                     $getid3->warning('MPEG skipped because mpeg module is missing.');
                 } else {
                     // Clone getid3 - messing with offsets - better safe than sorry
                     $clone = clone $getid3;
                     // Analyse
                     $mpeg = new getid3_mpeg($clone);
                     // Import from clone and destroy
                     $getid3->info['audio'] = $clone->info['audio'];
                     $getid3->info['video'] = $clone->info['video'];
                     $getid3->info['mpeg'] = $clone->info['mpeg'];
                     $getid3->info['warning'] = $clone->info['warning'];
             throw new getid3_exception('Unknown RIFF type: expecting one of (WAVE|RMP3|AVI |CDDA|AIFF|AIFC|8SVX|CDXA), found "' . $riff_sub_type . '" instead');
     if (@$info_riff_raw['fmt ']['wFormatTag'] == 1) {
         $this->fseek($getid3->info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET);
         $bytes4 = $this->fread(4);
         // DTSWAV
         if (preg_match('/^\\xFF\\x1F\\x00\\xE8/s', $bytes4)) {
             $info_audio_dataformat = 'dts';
         } elseif (preg_match('/^\\x7F\\xFF\\x80\\x01/s', $bytes4)) {
             $info_audio_dataformat = 'dts';
     if (@is_array($info_riff_wave['DISP'])) {
         $info_riff['comments']['title'][] = trim(substr($info_riff_wave['DISP'][count($info_riff_wave['DISP']) - 1]['data'], 4));
     if (@is_array($info_riff_wave['INFO'])) {
         getid3_riff::RIFFCommentsParse($info_riff_wave['INFO'], $info_riff['comments']);
     if (isset($info_riff_wave['INFO']) && is_array($info_riff_wave['INFO'])) {
         foreach (array('IARL' => 'archivallocation', 'IART' => 'artist', 'ICDS' => 'costumedesigner', 'ICMS' => 'commissionedby', 'ICMT' => 'comment', 'ICNT' => 'country', 'ICOP' => 'copyright', 'ICRD' => 'creationdate', 'IDIM' => 'dimensions', 'IDIT' => 'digitizationdate', 'IDPI' => 'resolution', 'IDST' => 'distributor', 'IEDT' => 'editor', 'IENG' => 'engineers', 'IFRM' => 'accountofparts', 'IGNR' => 'genre', 'IKEY' => 'keywords', 'ILGT' => 'lightness', 'ILNG' => 'language', 'IMED' => 'orignalmedium', 'IMUS' => 'composer', 'INAM' => 'title', 'IPDS' => 'productiondesigner', 'IPLT' => 'palette', 'IPRD' => 'product', 'IPRO' => 'producer', 'IPRT' => 'part', 'IRTD' => 'rating', 'ISBJ' => 'subject', 'ISFT' => 'software', 'ISGN' => 'secondarygenre', 'ISHP' => 'sharpness', 'ISRC' => 'sourcesupplier', 'ISRF' => 'digitizationsource', 'ISTD' => 'productionstudio', 'ISTR' => 'starring', 'ITCH' => 'encoded_by', 'IWEB' => 'url', 'IWRI' => 'writer') as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($info_riff_wave['INFO'][$key])) {
                 foreach ($info_riff_wave['INFO'][$key] as $comment_id => $comment_data) {
                     if (trim($comment_data['data']) != '') {
                         $info_riff['comments'][$value][] = trim($comment_data['data']);
     if (empty($info_audio['encoder']) && !empty($getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['short_version'])) {
         $info_audio['encoder'] = $getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['short_version'];
     if (!isset($getid3->info['playtime_seconds'])) {
         $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = 0;
     if (isset($info_riff_raw['avih']['dwTotalFrames']) && isset($info_riff_raw['avih']['dwMicroSecPerFrame'])) {
         $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] = $info_riff_raw['avih']['dwTotalFrames'] * ($info_riff_raw['avih']['dwMicroSecPerFrame'] / 1000000);
     if ($getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] > 0) {
         if (isset($info_riff_audio) && isset($info_riff_video)) {
             if (!isset($getid3->info['bitrate'])) {
                 $getid3->info['bitrate'] = ($info_avdataend - $info_avdataoffset) / $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] * 8;
         } elseif (isset($info_riff_audio) && !isset($info_riff_video)) {
             if (!isset($info_audio['bitrate'])) {
                 $info_audio['bitrate'] = ($info_avdataend - $info_avdataoffset) / $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] * 8;
         } elseif (!isset($info_riff_audio) && isset($info_riff_video)) {
             if (!isset($info_video['bitrate'])) {
                 $info_video['bitrate'] = ($info_avdataend - $info_avdataoffset) / $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] * 8;
     if (isset($info_riff_video) && isset($info_audio['bitrate']) && $info_audio['bitrate'] > 0 && $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] > 0) {
         $getid3->info['bitrate'] = ($info_avdataend - $info_avdataoffset) / $getid3->info['playtime_seconds'] * 8;
         $info_audio['bitrate'] = 0;
         $info_video['bitrate'] = $getid3->info['bitrate'];
         foreach ($info_riff_audio as $channelnumber => $audioinfoarray) {
             $info_video['bitrate'] -= $audioinfoarray['bitrate'];
             $info_audio['bitrate'] += $audioinfoarray['bitrate'];
         if ($info_video['bitrate'] <= 0) {
         if ($info_audio['bitrate'] <= 0) {
     if (isset($getid3->info['mpeg']['audio'])) {
         $info_audio_dataformat = 'mp' . $getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['layer'];
         $info_audio['sample_rate'] = $getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['sample_rate'];
         $info_audio['channels'] = $getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['channels'];
         $info_audio['bitrate'] = $getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['bitrate'];
         $info_audio['bitrate_mode'] = strtolower($getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['bitrate_mode']);
         if (!empty($getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['codec'])) {
             $info_audio['codec'] = $getid3->info['mpeg']['audio']['codec'] . ' ' . $info_audio['codec'];
         if (!empty($info_audio['streams'])) {
             foreach ($info_audio['streams'] as $streamnumber => $streamdata) {
                 if ($streamdata['dataformat'] == $info_audio_dataformat) {
                     $info_audio['streams'][$streamnumber]['sample_rate'] = $info_audio['sample_rate'];
                     $info_audio['streams'][$streamnumber]['channels'] = $info_audio['channels'];
                     $info_audio['streams'][$streamnumber]['bitrate'] = $info_audio['bitrate'];
                     $info_audio['streams'][$streamnumber]['bitrate_mode'] = $info_audio['bitrate_mode'];
                     $info_audio['streams'][$streamnumber]['codec'] = $info_audio['codec'];
         $info_audio['encoder_options'] = getid3_mp3::GuessEncoderOptions($getid3->info);
     if (!empty($info_riff_raw['fmt ']['wBitsPerSample']) && $info_riff_raw['fmt ']['wBitsPerSample'] > 0) {
         switch ($info_audio_dataformat) {
             case 'ac3':
                 // ignore bits_per_sample
                 $info_audio['bits_per_sample'] = $info_riff_raw['fmt ']['wBitsPerSample'];
     if (empty($info_riff_raw)) {
     if (empty($info_riff_audio)) {
     if (empty($info_riff_video)) {
     if (empty($info_audio_dataformat)) {
     if (empty($getid3->info['audio'])) {
     if (empty($info_video)) {
     return true;
 private function ParseID3v2Frame(&$parsed_frame)
     $getid3 = $this->getid3;
     $id3v2_major_version = $getid3->info['id3v2']['majorversion'];
     $frame_name_long = getid3_id3v2::FrameNameLongLookup($parsed_frame['frame_name']);
     if ($frame_name_long) {
         $parsed_frame['framenamelong'] = $frame_name_long;
     $frame_name_short = getid3_id3v2::FrameNameShortLookup($parsed_frame['frame_name']);
     if ($frame_name_short) {
         $parsed_frame['framenameshort'] = $frame_name_short;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3) {
         // frame flags are not part of the ID3v2.2 standard
         if ($id3v2_major_version == 3) {
             //    Frame Header Flags
             //    %abc00000 %ijk00000
             $parsed_frame['flags']['TagAlterPreservation'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x8000);
             // a - Tag alter preservation
             $parsed_frame['flags']['FileAlterPreservation'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x4000);
             // b - File alter preservation
             $parsed_frame['flags']['ReadOnly'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x2000);
             // c - Read only
             $parsed_frame['flags']['compression'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x80);
             // i - Compression
             $parsed_frame['flags']['Encryption'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x40);
             // j - Encryption
             $parsed_frame['flags']['GroupingIdentity'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x20);
             // k - Grouping identity
         } elseif ($id3v2_major_version == 4) {
             //    Frame Header Flags
             //    %0abc0000 %0h00kmnp
             $parsed_frame['flags']['TagAlterPreservation'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x4000);
             // a - Tag alter preservation
             $parsed_frame['flags']['FileAlterPreservation'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x2000);
             // b - File alter preservation
             $parsed_frame['flags']['ReadOnly'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x1000);
             // c - Read only
             $parsed_frame['flags']['GroupingIdentity'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x40);
             // h - Grouping identity
             $parsed_frame['flags']['compression'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x8);
             // k - Compression
             $parsed_frame['flags']['Encryption'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x4);
             // m - Encryption
             $parsed_frame['flags']['Unsynchronisation'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x2);
             // n - Unsynchronisation
             $parsed_frame['flags']['DataLengthIndicator'] = (bool) ($parsed_frame['frame_flags_raw'] & 0x1);
             // p - Data length indicator
             // Frame-level de-unsynchronisation - ID3v2.4
             if ($parsed_frame['flags']['Unsynchronisation']) {
                 $parsed_frame['data'] = str_replace("ÿ", "ÿ", $parsed_frame['data']);
         //    Frame-level de-compression
         if ($parsed_frame['flags']['compression']) {
             $parsed_frame['decompressed_size'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], 0, 4));
             if (!function_exists('gzuncompress')) {
                 $getid3->warning('gzuncompress() support required to decompress ID3v2 frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '"');
             } elseif ($decompressed_data = @gzuncompress(substr($parsed_frame['data'], 4))) {
                 $parsed_frame['data'] = $decompressed_data;
             } else {
                 $getid3->warning('gzuncompress() failed on compressed contents of ID3v2 frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '"');
     if (isset($parsed_frame['datalength']) && $parsed_frame['datalength'] == 0) {
         $warning = 'Frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" at offset ' . $parsed_frame['dataoffset'] . ' has no data portion';
         switch ($parsed_frame['frame_name']) {
             case 'WCOM':
                 $warning .= ' (this is known to happen with files tagged by RioPort)';
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'UFID' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'UFI') {
         // 4.1   UFI  Unique file identifier
         //   There may be more than one 'UFID' frame in a tag,
         //   but only one with the same 'Owner identifier'.
         // <Header for 'Unique file identifier', ID: 'UFID'>
         // Owner identifier        <text string> $00
         // Identifier              <up to 64 bytes binary data>
         $frame_terminator_pos = strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "");
         $frame_id_string = substr($parsed_frame['data'], 0, $frame_terminator_pos);
         $parsed_frame['ownerid'] = $frame_id_string;
         $parsed_frame['data'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(""));
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'TXXX' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'TXX') {
         // 4.2.2 TXX  User defined text information frame
         //   There may be more than one 'TXXX' frame in each tag,
         //   but only one with the same description.
         // <Header for 'User defined text information frame', ID: 'TXXX'>
         // Text encoding     $xx
         // Description       <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         // Value             <text string according to encoding>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding), $frame_offset);
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // @strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         $frame_description = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_description) === 0) {
             $frame_description = '';
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_description;
         $parsed_frame['data'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)));
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && !empty($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = trim($getid3->iconv($parsed_frame['encoding'], 'UTF-8', $parsed_frame['data']));
         return true;
     if ($parsed_frame['frame_name'][0] == 'T') {
         // 4.2. T??[?] Text information frame
         //   There may only be one text information frame of its kind in an tag.
         // <Header for 'Text information frame', ID: 'T000' - 'TZZZ',
         // excluding 'TXXX' described in 4.2.6.>
         // Text encoding                $xx
         // Information                  <text string(s) according to encoding>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $parsed_frame['data'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && !empty($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             // remove possible terminating \x00 (put by encoding id or software bug)
             $string = $getid3->iconv($parsed_frame['encoding'], 'UTF-8', $parsed_frame['data']);
             if ($string[strlen($string) - 1] = "") {
                 $string = substr($string, 0, strlen($string) - 1);
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = $string;
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'WXXX' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'WXX') {
         // 4.3.2 WXX  User defined URL link frame
         //   There may be more than one 'WXXX' frame in each tag,
         //   but only one with the same description
         // <Header for 'User defined URL link frame', ID: 'WXXX'>
         // Text encoding     $xx
         // Description       <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         // URL               <text string>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding), $frame_offset);
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // @strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         $frame_description = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_description) === 0) {
             $frame_description = '';
         $parsed_frame['data'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)));
         $frame_terminator_pos = strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding));
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         if ($frame_terminator_pos) {
             // there are null bytes after the data - this is not according to spec
             // only use data up to first null byte
             $frame_urldata = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], 0, $frame_terminator_pos);
         } else {
             // no null bytes following data, just use all data
             $frame_urldata = (string) $parsed_frame['data'];
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         $parsed_frame['url'] = $frame_urldata;
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_description;
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && $parsed_frame['url']) {
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = $getid3->iconv($parsed_frame['encoding'], 'UTF-8', $parsed_frame['url']);
         return true;
     if ($parsed_frame['frame_name'][0] == 'W') {
         // 4.3. W??? URL link frames
         //   There may only be one URL link frame of its kind in a tag,
         //   except when stated otherwise in the frame description
         // <Header for 'URL link frame', ID: 'W000' - 'WZZZ', excluding 'WXXX'
         // described in 4.3.2.>
         // URL              <text string>
         $parsed_frame['url'] = trim($parsed_frame['data']);
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && $parsed_frame['url']) {
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = $parsed_frame['url'];
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version == 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'IPLS' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'IPL') {
         // 4.4  IPL  Involved people list (ID3v2.2 only)
         //   There may only be one 'IPL' frame in each tag
         // <Header for 'User defined URL link frame', ID: 'IPL'>
         // Text encoding     $xx
         // People list strings    <textstrings>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($parsed_frame['encodingid']);
         $parsed_frame['data'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && !empty($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = $getid3->iconv($parsed_frame['encoding'], 'UTF-8', $parsed_frame['data']);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'MCDI' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'MCI') {
         // 4.5   MCI  Music CD identifier
         //   There may only be one 'MCDI' frame in each tag
         // <Header for 'Music CD identifier', ID: 'MCDI'>
         // CD TOC                <binary data>
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && !empty($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = $parsed_frame['data'];
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'ETCO' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'ETC') {
         // 4.6   ETC  Event timing codes
         //   There may only be one 'ETCO' frame in each tag
         // <Header for 'Event timing codes', ID: 'ETCO'>
         // Time stamp format    $xx
         //   Where time stamp format is:
         // $01  (32-bit value) MPEG frames from beginning of file
         // $02  (32-bit value) milliseconds from beginning of file
         //   Followed by a list of key events in the following format:
         // Type of event   $xx
         // Time stamp      $xx (xx ...)
         //   The 'Time stamp' is set to zero if directly at the beginning of the sound
         //   or after the previous event. All events MUST be sorted in chronological order.
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['timestampformat'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         while ($frame_offset < strlen($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $parsed_frame['typeid'] = $parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++];
             $parsed_frame['type'] = getid3_id3v2::ETCOEventLookup($parsed_frame['typeid']);
             $parsed_frame['timestamp'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 4));
             $frame_offset += 4;
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'MLLT' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'MLL') {
         // 4.7   MLL MPEG location lookup table
         //   There may only be one 'MLLT' frame in each tag
         // <Header for 'Location lookup table', ID: 'MLLT'>
         // MPEG frames between reference  $xx xx
         // Bytes between reference        $xx xx xx
         // Milliseconds between reference $xx xx xx
         // Bits for bytes deviation       $xx
         // Bits for milliseconds dev.     $xx
         //   Then for every reference the following data is included;
         // Deviation in bytes         %xxx....
         // Deviation in milliseconds  %xxx....
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['framesbetweenreferences'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], 0, 2));
         $parsed_frame['bytesbetweenreferences'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], 2, 3));
         $parsed_frame['msbetweenreferences'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], 5, 3));
         $parsed_frame['bitsforbytesdeviation'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int($parsed_frame['data'][8]);
         $parsed_frame['bitsformsdeviation'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int($parsed_frame['data'][9]);
         $parsed_frame['data'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], 10);
         while ($frame_offset < strlen($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $deviation_bitstream .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2Bin($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $reference_counter = 0;
         while (strlen($deviation_bitstream) > 0) {
             $parsed_frame[$reference_counter]['bytedeviation'] = bindec(substr($deviation_bitstream, 0, $parsed_frame['bitsforbytesdeviation']));
             $parsed_frame[$reference_counter]['msdeviation'] = bindec(substr($deviation_bitstream, $parsed_frame['bitsforbytesdeviation'], $parsed_frame['bitsformsdeviation']));
             $deviation_bitstream = substr($deviation_bitstream, $parsed_frame['bitsforbytesdeviation'] + $parsed_frame['bitsformsdeviation']);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'SYTC' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'STC') {
         // 4.8   STC  Synchronised tempo codes
         //   There may only be one 'SYTC' frame in each tag
         // <Header for 'Synchronised tempo codes', ID: 'SYTC'>
         // Time stamp format   $xx
         // Tempo data          <binary data>
         //   Where time stamp format is:
         // $01  (32-bit value) MPEG frames from beginning of file
         // $02  (32-bit value) milliseconds from beginning of file
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['timestampformat'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $timestamp_counter = 0;
         while ($frame_offset < strlen($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $parsed_frame[$timestamp_counter]['tempo'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
             if ($parsed_frame[$timestamp_counter]['tempo'] == 255) {
                 $parsed_frame[$timestamp_counter]['tempo'] += ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
             $parsed_frame[$timestamp_counter]['timestamp'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 4));
             $frame_offset += 4;
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'USLT' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'ULT') {
         // 4.9   ULT  Unsynchronised lyric/text transcription
         //   There may be more than one 'Unsynchronised lyrics/text transcription' frame
         //   in each tag, but only one with the same language and content descriptor.
         // <Header for 'Unsynchronised lyrics/text transcription', ID: 'USLT'>
         // Text encoding        $xx
         // Language             $xx xx xx
         // Content descriptor   <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         // Lyrics/text          <full text string according to encoding>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $frame_language = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 3);
         $frame_offset += 3;
         if ($frame_offset > strlen($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $frame_offset = strlen($parsed_frame['data']) - 1;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding), $frame_offset);
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // @strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         $frame_description = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_description) === 0) {
             $frame_description = '';
         $parsed_frame['data'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)));
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         $parsed_frame['data'] = $parsed_frame['data'];
         $parsed_frame['language'] = $frame_language;
         $parsed_frame['languagename'] = getid3_id3v2::LanguageLookup($frame_language, false);
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_description;
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && !empty($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = $getid3->iconv($parsed_frame['encoding'], 'UTF-8', $parsed_frame['data']);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'SYLT' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'SLT') {
         // 4.10  SLT  Synchronised lyric/text
         //   There may be more than one 'SYLT' frame in each tag,
         //   but only one with the same language and content descriptor.
         // <Header for 'Synchronised lyrics/text', ID: 'SYLT'>
         // Text encoding        $xx
         // Language             $xx xx xx
         // Time stamp format    $xx
         //   $01  (32-bit value) MPEG frames from beginning of file
         //   $02  (32-bit value) milliseconds from beginning of file
         // Content type         $xx
         // Content descriptor   <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         //   Terminated text to be synced (typically a syllable)
         //   Sync identifier (terminator to above string)   $00 (00)
         //   Time stamp                                     $xx (xx ...)
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $frame_language = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 3);
         $frame_offset += 3;
         $parsed_frame['timestampformat'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['contenttypeid'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['contenttype'] = getid3_id3v2::SYTLContentTypeLookup($parsed_frame['contenttypeid']);
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         $parsed_frame['language'] = $frame_language;
         $parsed_frame['languagename'] = getid3_id3v2::LanguageLookup($frame_language, false);
         $timestamp_index = 0;
         $frame_remaining_data = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         while (strlen($frame_remaining_data)) {
             $frame_offset = 0;
             $frame_terminator_pos = strpos($frame_remaining_data, getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding));
             if ($frame_terminator_pos === false) {
                 $frame_remaining_data = '';
             } else {
                 if (ord(substr($frame_remaining_data, $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
                     // strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
                 $parsed_frame['lyrics'][$timestamp_index]['data'] = substr($frame_remaining_data, $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
                 $frame_remaining_data = substr($frame_remaining_data, $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)));
                 if ($timestamp_index == 0 && ord($frame_remaining_data[0]) != 0) {
                     // timestamp probably omitted for first data item
                 } else {
                     $parsed_frame['lyrics'][$timestamp_index]['timestamp'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($frame_remaining_data, 0, 4));
                     $frame_remaining_data = substr($frame_remaining_data, 4);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'COMM' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'COM') {
         // 4.11  COM  Comments
         //   There may be more than one comment frame in each tag,
         //   but only one with the same language and content descriptor.
         // <Header for 'Comment', ID: 'COMM'>
         // Text encoding          $xx
         // Language               $xx xx xx
         // Short content descrip. <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         // The actual text        <full text string according to encoding>
         if (strlen($parsed_frame['data']) < 5) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid data (too short) for "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" frame at offset ' . $parsed_frame['dataoffset']);
             return true;
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $frame_language = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 3);
         $frame_offset += 3;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding), $frame_offset);
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // @strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         $frame_description = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_description) === 0) {
             $frame_description = '';
         $frame_text = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)));
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         $parsed_frame['language'] = $frame_language;
         $parsed_frame['languagename'] = getid3_id3v2::LanguageLookup($frame_language, false);
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_description;
         $parsed_frame['data'] = $frame_text;
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && !empty($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = $getid3->iconv($parsed_frame['encoding'], 'UTF-8', $parsed_frame['data']);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 4 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'RVA2') {
         // 4.11  RVA2 Relative volume adjustment (2) (ID3v2.4+ only)
         //   There may be more than one 'RVA2' frame in each tag,
         //   but only one with the same identification string
         // <Header for 'Relative volume adjustment (2)', ID: 'RVA2'>
         // Identification          <text string> $00
         //   The 'identification' string is used to identify the situation and/or
         //   device where this adjustment should apply. The following is then
         //   repeated for every channel:
         // Type of channel         $xx
         // Volume adjustment       $xx xx
         // Bits representing peak  $xx
         // Peak volume             $xx (xx ...)
         $frame_terminator_pos = strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "");
         $frame_id_string = substr($parsed_frame['data'], 0, $frame_terminator_pos);
         if (ord($frame_id_string) === 0) {
             $frame_id_string = '';
         $frame_remaining_data = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(""));
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_id_string;
         while (strlen($frame_remaining_data)) {
             $frame_offset = 0;
             $frame_channeltypeid = ord(substr($frame_remaining_data, $frame_offset++, 1));
             $parsed_frame[$frame_channeltypeid]['channeltypeid'] = $frame_channeltypeid;
             $parsed_frame[$frame_channeltypeid]['channeltype'] = getid3_id3v2::RVA2ChannelTypeLookup($frame_channeltypeid);
             $parsed_frame[$frame_channeltypeid]['volumeadjust'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($frame_remaining_data, $frame_offset, 2), true);
             // 16-bit signed
             $frame_offset += 2;
             $parsed_frame[$frame_channeltypeid]['bitspeakvolume'] = ord(substr($frame_remaining_data, $frame_offset++, 1));
             $frame_bytespeakvolume = ceil($parsed_frame[$frame_channeltypeid]['bitspeakvolume'] / 8);
             $parsed_frame[$frame_channeltypeid]['peakvolume'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($frame_remaining_data, $frame_offset, $frame_bytespeakvolume));
             $frame_remaining_data = substr($frame_remaining_data, $frame_offset + $frame_bytespeakvolume);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version == 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'RVAD' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'RVA') {
         // 4.12  RVA  Relative volume adjustment (ID3v2.2 only)
         //   There may only be one 'RVA' frame in each tag
         // <Header for 'Relative volume adjustment', ID: 'RVA'>
         // ID3v2.2 => Increment/decrement     %000000ba
         // ID3v2.3 => Increment/decrement     %00fedcba
         // Bits used for volume descr.        $xx
         // Relative volume change, right      $xx xx (xx ...) // a
         // Relative volume change, left       $xx xx (xx ...) // b
         // Peak volume right                  $xx xx (xx ...)
         // Peak volume left                   $xx xx (xx ...)
         //   ID3v2.3 only, optional (not present in ID3v2.2):
         // Relative volume change, right back $xx xx (xx ...) // c
         // Relative volume change, left back  $xx xx (xx ...) // d
         // Peak volume right back             $xx xx (xx ...)
         // Peak volume left back              $xx xx (xx ...)
         //   ID3v2.3 only, optional (not present in ID3v2.2):
         // Relative volume change, center     $xx xx (xx ...) // e
         // Peak volume center                 $xx xx (xx ...)
         //   ID3v2.3 only, optional (not present in ID3v2.2):
         // Relative volume change, bass       $xx xx (xx ...) // f
         // Peak volume bass                   $xx xx (xx ...)
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_incrdecrflags = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Bin($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['incdec']['right'] = (bool) substr($frame_incrdecrflags, 6, 1);
         $parsed_frame['incdec']['left'] = (bool) substr($frame_incrdecrflags, 7, 1);
         $parsed_frame['bitsvolume'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $frame_bytesvolume = ceil($parsed_frame['bitsvolume'] / 8);
         $parsed_frame['volumechange']['right'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
         if ($parsed_frame['incdec']['right'] === false) {
             $parsed_frame['volumechange']['right'] *= -1;
         $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
         $parsed_frame['volumechange']['left'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
         if ($parsed_frame['incdec']['left'] === false) {
             $parsed_frame['volumechange']['left'] *= -1;
         $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
         $parsed_frame['peakvolume']['right'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
         $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
         $parsed_frame['peakvolume']['left'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
         $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
         if ($id3v2_major_version == 3) {
             $parsed_frame['data'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
             if (strlen($parsed_frame['data']) > 0) {
                 $parsed_frame['incdec']['rightrear'] = (bool) substr($frame_incrdecrflags, 4, 1);
                 $parsed_frame['incdec']['leftrear'] = (bool) substr($frame_incrdecrflags, 5, 1);
                 $parsed_frame['volumechange']['rightrear'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
                 if ($parsed_frame['incdec']['rightrear'] === false) {
                     $parsed_frame['volumechange']['rightrear'] *= -1;
                 $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
                 $parsed_frame['volumechange']['leftrear'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
                 if ($parsed_frame['incdec']['leftrear'] === false) {
                     $parsed_frame['volumechange']['leftrear'] *= -1;
                 $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
                 $parsed_frame['peakvolume']['rightrear'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
                 $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
                 $parsed_frame['peakvolume']['leftrear'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
                 $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
             $parsed_frame['data'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
             if (strlen($parsed_frame['data']) > 0) {
                 $parsed_frame['incdec']['center'] = (bool) substr($frame_incrdecrflags, 3, 1);
                 $parsed_frame['volumechange']['center'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
                 if ($parsed_frame['incdec']['center'] === false) {
                     $parsed_frame['volumechange']['center'] *= -1;
                 $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
                 $parsed_frame['peakvolume']['center'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
                 $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
             $parsed_frame['data'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
             if (strlen($parsed_frame['data']) > 0) {
                 $parsed_frame['incdec']['bass'] = (bool) substr($frame_incrdecrflags, 2, 1);
                 $parsed_frame['volumechange']['bass'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
                 if ($parsed_frame['incdec']['bass'] === false) {
                     $parsed_frame['volumechange']['bass'] *= -1;
                 $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
                 $parsed_frame['peakvolume']['bass'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesvolume));
                 $frame_offset += $frame_bytesvolume;
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 4 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'EQU2') {
         // 4.12  EQU2 Equalisation (2) (ID3v2.4+ only)
         //   There may be more than one 'EQU2' frame in each tag,
         //   but only one with the same identification string
         // <Header of 'Equalisation (2)', ID: 'EQU2'>
         // Interpolation method  $xx
         //   $00  Band
         //   $01  Linear
         // Identification        <text string> $00
         //   The following is then repeated for every adjustment point
         // Frequency          $xx xx
         // Volume adjustment  $xx xx
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_interpolationmethod = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_id_string = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_id_string) === 0) {
             $frame_id_string = '';
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_id_string;
         $frame_remaining_data = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(""));
         while (strlen($frame_remaining_data)) {
             $frame_frequency = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($frame_remaining_data, 0, 2)) / 2;
             $parsed_frame['data'][$frame_frequency] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($frame_remaining_data, 2, 2), true);
             $frame_remaining_data = substr($frame_remaining_data, 4);
         $parsed_frame['interpolationmethod'] = $frame_interpolationmethod;
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version == 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'EQUA' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'EQU') {
         // 4.13  EQU  Equalisation (ID3v2.2 only)
         //   There may only be one 'EQUA' frame in each tag
         // <Header for 'Relative volume adjustment', ID: 'EQU'>
         // Adjustment bits    $xx
         //   This is followed by 2 bytes + ('adjustment bits' rounded up to the
         //   nearest byte) for every equalisation band in the following format,
         //   giving a frequency range of 0 - 32767Hz:
         // Increment/decrement   %x (MSB of the Frequency)
         // Frequency             (lower 15 bits)
         // Adjustment            $xx (xx ...)
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['adjustmentbits'] = $parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++];
         $frame_adjustment_bytes = ceil($parsed_frame['adjustmentbits'] / 8);
         $frame_remaining_data = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         while (strlen($frame_remaining_data) > 0) {
             $frame_frequencystr = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Bin(substr($frame_remaining_data, 0, 2));
             $frame_incdec = (bool) substr($frame_frequencystr, 0, 1);
             $frame_frequency = bindec(substr($frame_frequencystr, 1, 15));
             $parsed_frame[$frame_frequency]['incdec'] = $frame_incdec;
             $parsed_frame[$frame_frequency]['adjustment'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($frame_remaining_data, 2, $frame_adjustment_bytes));
             if ($parsed_frame[$frame_frequency]['incdec'] === false) {
                 $parsed_frame[$frame_frequency]['adjustment'] *= -1;
             $frame_remaining_data = substr($frame_remaining_data, 2 + $frame_adjustment_bytes);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'RVRB' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'REV') {
         // 4.14  REV  Reverb
         //   There may only be one 'RVRB' frame in each tag.
         // <Header for 'Reverb', ID: 'RVRB'>
         // Reverb left (ms)                 $xx xx
         // Reverb right (ms)                $xx xx
         // Reverb bounces, left             $xx
         // Reverb bounces, right            $xx
         // Reverb feedback, left to left    $xx
         // Reverb feedback, left to right   $xx
         // Reverb feedback, right to right  $xx
         // Reverb feedback, right to left   $xx
         // Premix left to right             $xx
         // Premix right to left             $xx
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['left'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 2));
         $frame_offset += 2;
         $parsed_frame['right'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 2));
         $frame_offset += 2;
         $parsed_frame['bouncesL'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['bouncesR'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['feedbackLL'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['feedbackLR'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['feedbackRR'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['feedbackRL'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['premixLR'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['premixRL'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'APIC' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'PIC') {
         // 4.15  PIC  Attached picture
         //   There may be several pictures attached to one file,
         //   each in their individual 'APIC' frame, but only one
         //   with the same content descriptor
         // <Header for 'Attached picture', ID: 'APIC'>
         // Text encoding      $xx
         // ID3v2.3+ => MIME type          <text string> $00
         // ID3v2.2  => Image format       $xx xx xx
         // Picture type       $xx
         // Description        <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         // Picture data       <binary data>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         if ($id3v2_major_version == 2 && strlen($parsed_frame['data']) > $frame_offset) {
             $frame_imagetype = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 3);
             if (strtolower($frame_imagetype) == 'ima') {
                 // complete hack for mp3Rage ( that puts ID3v2.3-formatted
                 // MIME type instead of 3-char ID3v2.2-format image type  (thanks xbhoffØpacbell*net)
                 $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
                 $frame_mimetype = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
                 if (ord($frame_mimetype) === 0) {
                     $frame_mimetype = '';
                 $frame_imagetype = strtoupper(str_replace('image/', '', strtolower($frame_mimetype)));
                 if ($frame_imagetype == 'JPEG') {
                     $frame_imagetype = 'JPG';
                 $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
             } else {
                 $frame_offset += 3;
         if ($id3v2_major_version > 2 && strlen($parsed_frame['data']) > $frame_offset) {
             $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
             $frame_mimetype = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
             if (ord($frame_mimetype) === 0) {
                 $frame_mimetype = '';
             $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $frame_picturetype = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding), $frame_offset);
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // @strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         $frame_description = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_description) === 0) {
             $frame_description = '';
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         if ($id3v2_major_version == 2) {
             $parsed_frame['imagetype'] = $frame_imagetype;
         } else {
             $parsed_frame['mime'] = $frame_mimetype;
         $parsed_frame['picturetypeid'] = $frame_picturetype;
         $parsed_frame['picturetype'] = getid3_id3v2::APICPictureTypeLookup($frame_picturetype);
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_description;
         $parsed_frame['data'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)));
         if ($getid3->option_tags_images) {
             $image_chunk_check = getid3_lib_image_size::get($parsed_frame['data']);
             if ($image_chunk_check[2] >= 1 && $image_chunk_check[2] <= 3) {
                 $parsed_frame['image_mime'] = image_type_to_mime_type($image_chunk_check[2]);
                 if ($image_chunk_check[0]) {
                     $parsed_frame['image_width'] = $image_chunk_check[0];
                 if ($image_chunk_check[1]) {
                     $parsed_frame['image_height'] = $image_chunk_check[1];
                 $parsed_frame['image_bytes'] = strlen($parsed_frame['data']);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'GEOB' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'GEO') {
         // 4.16  GEO  General encapsulated object
         //   There may be more than one 'GEOB' frame in each tag,
         //   but only one with the same content descriptor
         // <Header for 'General encapsulated object', ID: 'GEOB'>
         // Text encoding          $xx
         // MIME type              <text string> $00
         // Filename               <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         // Content description    <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         // Encapsulated object    <binary data>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_mimetype = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_mimetype) === 0) {
             $frame_mimetype = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding), $frame_offset);
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // @strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         $frame_filename = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_filename) === 0) {
             $frame_filename = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding));
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding), $frame_offset);
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // @strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         $frame_description = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_description) === 0) {
             $frame_description = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding));
         $parsed_frame['objectdata'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         $parsed_frame['mime'] = $frame_mimetype;
         $parsed_frame['filename'] = $frame_filename;
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_description;
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'PCNT' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'CNT') {
         // 4.17  CNT  Play counter
         //   There may only be one 'PCNT' frame in each tag.
         //   When the counter reaches all one's, one byte is inserted in
         //   front of the counter thus making the counter eight bits bigger
         // <Header for 'Play counter', ID: 'PCNT'>
         // Counter        $xx xx xx xx (xx ...)
         $parsed_frame['data'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int($parsed_frame['data']);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'POPM' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'POP') {
         // 4.18  POP  Popularimeter
         //   There may be more than one 'POPM' frame in each tag,
         //   but only one with the same email address
         // <Header for 'Popularimeter', ID: 'POPM'>
         // Email to user   <text string> $00
         // Rating          $xx
         // Counter         $xx xx xx xx (xx ...)
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_email_address = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_email_address) === 0) {
             $frame_email_address = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $frame_rating = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['data'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset));
         $parsed_frame['email'] = $frame_email_address;
         $parsed_frame['rating'] = $frame_rating;
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'RBUF' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'BUF') {
         // 4.19  BUF  Recommended buffer size
         //   There may only be one 'RBUF' frame in each tag
         // <Header for 'Recommended buffer size', ID: 'RBUF'>
         // Buffer size               $xx xx xx
         // Embedded info flag        %0000000x
         // Offset to next tag        $xx xx xx xx
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['buffersize'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 3));
         $frame_offset += 3;
         $frame_embeddedinfoflags = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Bin($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['flags']['embededinfo'] = (bool) substr($frame_embeddedinfoflags, 7, 1);
         $parsed_frame['nexttagoffset'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 4));
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'CRM') {
         // 4.20  Encrypted meta frame (ID3v2.2 only)
         //   There may be more than one 'CRM' frame in a tag,
         //   but only one with the same 'owner identifier'
         // <Header for 'Encrypted meta frame', ID: 'CRM'>
         // Owner identifier      <textstring> $00 (00)
         // Content/explanation   <textstring> $00 (00)
         // Encrypted datablock   <binary data>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_owner_id = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_description = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_description) === 0) {
             $frame_description = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $parsed_frame['ownerid'] = $frame_owner_id;
         $parsed_frame['data'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_description;
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'AENC' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'CRA') {
         // 4.21  CRA  Audio encryption
         //   There may be more than one 'AENC' frames in a tag,
         //   but only one with the same 'Owner identifier'
         // <Header for 'Audio encryption', ID: 'AENC'>
         // Owner identifier   <text string> $00
         // Preview start      $xx xx
         // Preview length     $xx xx
         // Encryption info    <binary data>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_owner_id = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_owner_id) === 0) {
             $frame_owner_id == '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $parsed_frame['ownerid'] = $frame_owner_id;
         $parsed_frame['previewstart'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 2));
         $frame_offset += 2;
         $parsed_frame['previewlength'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 2));
         $frame_offset += 2;
         $parsed_frame['encryptioninfo'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'LINK' || $id3v2_major_version == 2 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'LNK') {
         // 4.22  LNK  Linked information
         //   There may be more than one 'LINK' frame in a tag,
         //   but only one with the same contents
         // <Header for 'Linked information', ID: 'LINK'>
         // ID3v2.3+ => Frame identifier   $xx xx xx xx
         // ID3v2.2  => Frame identifier   $xx xx xx
         // URL                            <text string> $00
         // ID and additional data         <text string(s)>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         if ($id3v2_major_version == 2) {
             $parsed_frame['frameid'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 3);
             $frame_offset += 3;
         } else {
             $parsed_frame['frameid'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 4);
             $frame_offset += 4;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_url = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_url) === 0) {
             $frame_url = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $parsed_frame['url'] = $frame_url;
         $parsed_frame['additionaldata'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && $parsed_frame['url']) {
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = utf8_encode($parsed_frame['url']);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'POSS') {
         // 4.21  POSS Position synchronisation frame (ID3v2.3+ only)
         //   There may only be one 'POSS' frame in each tag
         // <Head for 'Position synchronisation', ID: 'POSS'>
         // Time stamp format         $xx
         // Position                  $xx (xx ...)
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['timestampformat'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['position'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset));
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'USER') {
         // 4.22  USER Terms of use (ID3v2.3+ only)
         //   There may be more than one 'Terms of use' frame in a tag,
         //   but only one with the same 'Language'
         // <Header for 'Terms of use frame', ID: 'USER'>
         // Text encoding        $xx
         // Language             $xx xx xx
         // The actual text      <text string according to encoding>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $frame_language = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 3);
         $frame_offset += 3;
         $parsed_frame['language'] = $frame_language;
         $parsed_frame['languagename'] = getid3_id3v2::LanguageLookup($frame_language, false);
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         $parsed_frame['data'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         if (!empty($parsed_frame['framenameshort']) && !empty($parsed_frame['data'])) {
             $getid3->info['id3v2']['comments'][$parsed_frame['framenameshort']][] = $getid3->iconv($parsed_frame['encoding'], 'UTF-8', $parsed_frame['data']);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'OWNE') {
         // 4.23  OWNE Ownership frame (ID3v2.3+ only)
         //   There may only be one 'OWNE' frame in a tag
         // <Header for 'Ownership frame', ID: 'OWNE'>
         // Text encoding     $xx
         // Price paid        <text string> $00
         // Date of purch.    <text string>
         // Seller            <text string according to encoding>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_pricepaid = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $parsed_frame['pricepaid']['currencyid'] = substr($frame_pricepaid, 0, 3);
         $parsed_frame['pricepaid']['currency'] = getid3_id3v2::LookupCurrencyUnits($parsed_frame['pricepaid']['currencyid']);
         $parsed_frame['pricepaid']['value'] = substr($frame_pricepaid, 3);
         $parsed_frame['purchasedate'] = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 8);
         if (!getid3_id3v2::IsValidDateStampString($parsed_frame['purchasedate'])) {
             $parsed_frame['purchasedateunix'] = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, substr($parsed_frame['purchasedate'], 4, 2), substr($parsed_frame['purchasedate'], 6, 2), substr($parsed_frame['purchasedate'], 0, 4));
         $frame_offset += 8;
         $parsed_frame['seller'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'COMR') {
         // 4.24  COMR Commercial frame (ID3v2.3+ only)
         //   There may be more than one 'commercial frame' in a tag,
         //   but no two may be identical
         // <Header for 'Commercial frame', ID: 'COMR'>
         // Text encoding      $xx
         // Price string       <text string> $00
         // Valid until        <text string>
         // Contact URL        <text string> $00
         // Received as        $xx
         // Name of seller     <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         // Description        <text string according to encoding> $00 (00)
         // Picture MIME type  <string> $00
         // Seller logo        <binary data>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_text_encoding = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         if ($id3v2_major_version <= 3 && $frame_text_encoding > 1 || $id3v2_major_version == 4 && $frame_text_encoding > 3) {
             $getid3->warning('Invalid text encoding byte (' . $frame_text_encoding . ') in frame "' . $parsed_frame['frame_name'] . '" - defaulting to ISO-8859-1 encoding');
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_price_string = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $frame_rawpricearray = explode('/', $frame_price_string);
         foreach ($frame_rawpricearray as $key => $val) {
             $frame_currencyid = substr($val, 0, 3);
             $parsed_frame['price'][$frame_currencyid]['currency'] = getid3_id3v2::LookupCurrencyUnits($frame_currencyid);
             $parsed_frame['price'][$frame_currencyid]['value'] = substr($val, 3);
         $frame_date_string = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 8);
         $frame_offset += 8;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_contacturl = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $frame_received_as_id = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding), $frame_offset);
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // @strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         $frame_sellername = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_sellername) === 0) {
             $frame_sellername = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding));
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding), $frame_offset);
         if (ord(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding)), 1)) === 0) {
             // @strpos() fooled because 2nd byte of Unicode chars are often 0x00
         $frame_description = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_description) === 0) {
             $frame_description = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen(getid3_id3v2::TextEncodingTerminatorLookup($frame_text_encoding));
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_mimetype = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $frame_sellerlogo = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         $parsed_frame['encodingid'] = $frame_text_encoding;
         $parsed_frame['encoding'] = $this->TextEncodingNameLookup($frame_text_encoding);
         $parsed_frame['pricevaliduntil'] = $frame_date_string;
         $parsed_frame['contacturl'] = $frame_contacturl;
         $parsed_frame['receivedasid'] = $frame_received_as_id;
         $parsed_frame['receivedas'] = getid3_id3v2::COMRReceivedAsLookup($frame_received_as_id);
         $parsed_frame['sellername'] = $frame_sellername;
         $parsed_frame['description'] = $frame_description;
         $parsed_frame['mime'] = $frame_mimetype;
         $parsed_frame['logo'] = $frame_sellerlogo;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'ENCR') {
         // 4.25  ENCR Encryption method registration (ID3v2.3+ only)
         //   There may be several 'ENCR' frames in a tag,
         //   but only one containing the same symbol
         //   and only one containing the same owner identifier
         // <Header for 'Encryption method registration', ID: 'ENCR'>
         // Owner identifier    <text string> $00
         // Method symbol       $xx
         // Encryption data     <binary data>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_owner_id = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_owner_id) === 0) {
             $frame_owner_id = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $parsed_frame['ownerid'] = $frame_owner_id;
         $parsed_frame['methodsymbol'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['data'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'GRID') {
         // 4.26  GRID Group identification registration (ID3v2.3+ only)
         //   There may be several 'GRID' frames in a tag,
         //   but only one containing the same symbol
         //   and only one containing the same owner identifier
         // <Header for 'Group ID registration', ID: 'GRID'>
         // Owner identifier      <text string> $00
         // Group symbol          $xx
         // Group dependent data  <binary data>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_owner_id = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_owner_id) === 0) {
             $frame_owner_id = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $parsed_frame['ownerid'] = $frame_owner_id;
         $parsed_frame['groupsymbol'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['data'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'PRIV') {
         // 4.27  PRIV Private frame (ID3v2.3+ only)
         //   The tag may contain more than one 'PRIV' frame
         //   but only with different contents
         // <Header for 'Private frame', ID: 'PRIV'>
         // Owner identifier      <text string> $00
         // The private data      <binary data>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $frame_terminator_pos = @strpos($parsed_frame['data'], "", $frame_offset);
         $frame_owner_id = substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_terminator_pos - $frame_offset);
         if (ord($frame_owner_id) === 0) {
             $frame_owner_id = '';
         $frame_offset = $frame_terminator_pos + strlen("");
         $parsed_frame['ownerid'] = $frame_owner_id;
         $parsed_frame['data'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 4 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'SIGN') {
         // 4.28  SIGN Signature frame (ID3v2.4+ only)
         //   There may be more than one 'signature frame' in a tag,
         //   but no two may be identical
         // <Header for 'Signature frame', ID: 'SIGN'>
         // Group symbol      $xx
         // Signature         <binary data>
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['groupsymbol'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $parsed_frame['data'] = (string) substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset);
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 4 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'SEEK') {
         // 4.29  SEEK Seek frame (ID3v2.4+ only)
         //   There may only be one 'seek frame' in a tag
         // <Header for 'Seek frame', ID: 'SEEK'>
         // Minimum offset to next tag       $xx xx xx xx
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['data'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 4));
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 4 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'ASPI') {
         // 4.30  ASPI Audio seek point index (ID3v2.4+ only)
         //   There may only be one 'audio seek point index' frame in a tag
         // <Header for 'Seek Point Index', ID: 'ASPI'>
         // Indexed data start (S)         $xx xx xx xx
         // Indexed data length (L)        $xx xx xx xx
         // Number of index points (N)     $xx xx
         // Bits per index point (b)       $xx
         //   Then for every index point the following data is included:
         // Fraction at index (Fi)          $xx (xx)
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['datastart'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 4));
         $frame_offset += 4;
         $parsed_frame['indexeddatalength'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 4));
         $frame_offset += 4;
         $parsed_frame['indexpoints'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 2));
         $frame_offset += 2;
         $parsed_frame['bitsperpoint'] = ord($parsed_frame['data'][$frame_offset++]);
         $frame_bytesperpoint = ceil($parsed_frame['bitsperpoint'] / 8);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $frame_indexpoints; $i++) {
             $parsed_frame['indexes'][$i] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, $frame_bytesperpoint));
             $frame_offset += $frame_bytesperpoint;
         return true;
     if ($id3v2_major_version >= 3 && $parsed_frame['frame_name'] == 'RGAD') {
         // Replay Gain Adjustment
         //   There may only be one 'RGAD' frame in a tag
         // <Header for 'Replay Gain Adjustment', ID: 'RGAD'>
         // Peak Amplitude                      $xx $xx $xx $xx
         // Radio Replay Gain Adjustment        %aaabbbcd %dddddddd
         // Audiophile Replay Gain Adjustment   %aaabbbcd %dddddddd
         //   a - name code
         //   b - originator code
         //   c - sign bit
         //   d - replay gain adjustment
         $frame_offset = 0;
         $parsed_frame['peakamplitude'] = (double) getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 4));
         $frame_offset += 4;
         $rg_track_adjustment = decbin(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 2));
         $frame_offset += 2;
         $rg_album_adjustment = decbin(substr($parsed_frame['data'], $frame_offset, 2));
         $frame_offset += 2;
         $parsed_frame['raw']['track']['name'] = bindec(substr($rg_track_adjustment, 0, 3));
         $parsed_frame['raw']['track']['originator'] = bindec(substr($rg_track_adjustment, 3, 3));
         $parsed_frame['raw']['track']['signbit'] = bindec($rg_track_adjustment[6]);
         $parsed_frame['raw']['track']['adjustment'] = bindec(substr($rg_track_adjustment, 7, 9));
         $parsed_frame['raw']['album']['name'] = bindec(substr($rg_album_adjustment, 0, 3));
         $parsed_frame['raw']['album']['originator'] = bindec(substr($rg_album_adjustment, 3, 3));
         $parsed_frame['raw']['album']['signbit'] = bindec($rg_album_adjustment[6]);
         $parsed_frame['raw']['album']['adjustment'] = bindec(substr($rg_album_adjustment, 7, 9));
         $parsed_frame['track']['name'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::NameLookup($parsed_frame['raw']['track']['name']);
         $parsed_frame['track']['originator'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::OriginatorLookup($parsed_frame['raw']['track']['originator']);
         $parsed_frame['track']['adjustment'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::AdjustmentLookup($parsed_frame['raw']['track']['adjustment'], $parsed_frame['raw']['track']['signbit']);
         $parsed_frame['album']['name'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::NameLookup($parsed_frame['raw']['album']['name']);
         $parsed_frame['album']['originator'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::OriginatorLookup($parsed_frame['raw']['album']['originator']);
         $parsed_frame['album']['adjustment'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::AdjustmentLookup($parsed_frame['raw']['album']['adjustment'], $parsed_frame['raw']['album']['signbit']);
         $getid3->info['replay_gain']['track']['peak'] = $parsed_frame['peakamplitude'];
         $getid3->info['replay_gain']['track']['originator'] = $parsed_frame['track']['originator'];
         $getid3->info['replay_gain']['track']['adjustment'] = $parsed_frame['track']['adjustment'];
         $getid3->info['replay_gain']['album']['originator'] = $parsed_frame['album']['originator'];
         $getid3->info['replay_gain']['album']['adjustment'] = $parsed_frame['album']['adjustment'];
         return true;
     return true;
 public function decodeMPEGaudioHeader($fd, $offset, &$info, $recursive_search = true, $scan_as_cbr = false, $fast_mpeg_header_scan = false)
     static $mpeg_audio_version_lookup;
     static $mpeg_audio_layer_lookup;
     static $mpeg_audio_bitrate_lookup;
     static $mpeg_audio_frequency_lookup;
     static $mpeg_audio_channel_mode_lookup;
     static $mpeg_audio_mode_extension_lookup;
     static $mpeg_audio_emphasis_lookup;
     if (empty($mpeg_audio_version_lookup)) {
         $mpeg_audio_version_lookup = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioVersionarray();
         $mpeg_audio_layer_lookup = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioLayerarray();
         $mpeg_audio_bitrate_lookup = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioBitratearray();
         $mpeg_audio_frequency_lookup = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioFrequencyarray();
         $mpeg_audio_channel_mode_lookup = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioChannelModearray();
         $mpeg_audio_mode_extension_lookup = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioModeExtensionarray();
         $mpeg_audio_emphasis_lookup = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioEmphasisarray();
     if ($offset >= $info['avdataend']) {
         // non-fatal error: 'end of file encounter looking for MPEG synch'
     fseek($fd, $offset, SEEK_SET);
     $header_string = fread($fd, 226);
     // LAME header at offset 36 + 190 bytes of Xing/LAME data
     // MP3 audio frame structure:
     // $aa $aa $aa $aa [$bb $bb] $cc...
     // where $aa..$aa is the four-byte mpeg-audio header (below)
     // $bb $bb is the optional 2-byte CRC
     // and $cc... is the audio data
     $head4 = substr($header_string, 0, 4);
     if (isset($mpeg_audio_header_decode_cache[$head4])) {
         $mpeg_header_raw_array = $mpeg_audio_header_decode_cache[$head4];
     } else {
         $mpeg_header_raw_array = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioHeaderDecode($head4);
         $mpeg_audio_header_decode_cache[$head4] = $mpeg_header_raw_array;
     // Not in cache
     if (!isset($mpeg_audio_header_valid_cache[$head4])) {
         $mpeg_audio_header_valid_cache[$head4] = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioHeaderValid($mpeg_header_raw_array, false, false);
     // shortcut
     if (!isset($info['mpeg']['audio'])) {
         $info['mpeg']['audio'] = array();
     $thisfile_mpeg_audio =& $info['mpeg']['audio'];
     if ($mpeg_audio_header_valid_cache[$head4]) {
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw'] = $mpeg_header_raw_array;
     } else {
         // non-fatal error: Invalid MPEG audio header at offset $offset
     if (!$fast_mpeg_header_scan) {
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['version'] = $mpeg_audio_version_lookup[$thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['version']];
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['layer'] = $mpeg_audio_layer_lookup[$thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['layer']];
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['channelmode'] = $mpeg_audio_channel_mode_lookup[$thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['channelmode']];
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['channels'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio['channelmode'] == 'mono' ? 1 : 2;
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['sample_rate'] = $mpeg_audio_frequency_lookup[$thisfile_mpeg_audio['version']][$thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['sample_rate']];
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['protection'] = !$thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['protection'];
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['private'] = (bool) $thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['private'];
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['modeextension'] = $mpeg_audio_mode_extension_lookup[$thisfile_mpeg_audio['layer']][$thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['modeextension']];
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['copyright'] = (bool) $thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['copyright'];
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['original'] = (bool) $thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['original'];
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['emphasis'] = $mpeg_audio_emphasis_lookup[$thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['emphasis']];
         $info['audio']['channels'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio['channels'];
         $info['audio']['sample_rate'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio['sample_rate'];
         if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['protection']) {
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['crc'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, 4, 2));
     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['bitrate'] == 15) {
         $this->getid3->warning('Invalid bitrate index (15), this is a known bug in free-format MP3s encoded by LAME v3.90 - 3.93.1');
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['bitrate'] = 0;
     $thisfile_mpeg_audio['padding'] = (bool) $thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['padding'];
     $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] = $mpeg_audio_bitrate_lookup[$thisfile_mpeg_audio['version']][$thisfile_mpeg_audio['layer']][$thisfile_mpeg_audio['raw']['bitrate']];
     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] == 'free' && $offset == $info['avdataoffset']) {
         // only skip multiple frame check if free-format bitstream found at beginning of file
         // otherwise is quite possibly simply corrupted data
         $recursive_search = false;
     // For Layer 2 there are some combinations of bitrate and mode which are not allowed.
     if (!$fast_mpeg_header_scan && $thisfile_mpeg_audio['layer'] == '2') {
         $info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'mp2';
         switch ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['channelmode']) {
             case 'mono':
                 if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] == 'free' || $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] <= 192000) {
                     // these are ok
                 } else {
                     // non-fatal error: bitrate not allowed in Layer 2/mono
             case 'stereo':
             case 'joint stereo':
             case 'dual channel':
                 if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] == 'free' || $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] == 64000 || $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] >= 96000) {
                     // these are ok
                 } else {
                     // non-fatal error: bitrate not allowed in Layer 2/stereo/joint stereo/dual channel
     if ($info['audio']['sample_rate'] > 0) {
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['framelength'] = getid3_mp3::MPEGaudioFrameLength($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'], $thisfile_mpeg_audio['version'], $thisfile_mpeg_audio['layer'], (int) $thisfile_mpeg_audio['padding'], $info['audio']['sample_rate']);
     $next_frame_test_offset = $offset + 1;
     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] != 'free') {
         $info['audio']['bitrate'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'];
         if (isset($thisfile_mpeg_audio['framelength'])) {
             $next_frame_test_offset = $offset + $thisfile_mpeg_audio['framelength'];
         } else {
             // non-fatal error: Frame at offset('.$offset.') is has an invalid frame length.
     $expected_number_of_audio_bytes = 0;
     // Variable-bitrate headers
     if (substr($header_string, 4 + 32, 4) == 'VBRI') {
         // Fraunhofer VBR header is hardcoded 'VBRI' at offset 0x24 (36)
         // specs taken from
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'vbr';
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_method'] = 'Fraunhofer';
         $info['audio']['codec'] = 'Fraunhofer';
         $side_info_data = substr($header_string, 4 + 2, 32);
         $fraunhofer_vbr_offset = 36;
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_encoder_version'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset + 4, 2));
         // VbriVersion
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_encoder_delay'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset + 6, 2));
         // VbriDelay
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_quality'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset + 8, 2));
         // VbriQuality
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bytes'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset + 10, 4));
         // VbriStreamBytes
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_frames'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset + 14, 4));
         // VbriStreamFrames
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_seek_offsets'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset + 18, 2));
         // VbriTableSize
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_seek_scale'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset + 20, 2));
         // VbriTableScale
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_entry_bytes'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset + 22, 2));
         // VbriEntryBytes
         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_entry_frames'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset + 24, 2));
         // VbriEntryFrames
         $expected_number_of_audio_bytes = $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bytes'];
         $previous_byte_offset = $offset;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_seek_offsets']; $i++) {
             $fraunhofer_offset_n = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $fraunhofer_vbr_offset, $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_entry_bytes']));
             $fraunhofer_vbr_offset += $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_entry_bytes'];
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_offsets_relative'][$i] = $fraunhofer_offset_n * $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_seek_scale'];
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_offsets_absolute'][$i] = $fraunhofer_offset_n * $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_seek_scale'] + $previous_byte_offset;
             $previous_byte_offset += $fraunhofer_offset_n;
     } else {
         // Xing VBR header is hardcoded 'Xing' at a offset 0x0D (13), 0x15 (21) or 0x24 (36)
         // depending on MPEG layer and number of channels
         $vbr_id_offset = getid3_mp3::XingVBRidOffset($thisfile_mpeg_audio['version'], $thisfile_mpeg_audio['channelmode']);
         $side_info_data = substr($header_string, 4 + 2, $vbr_id_offset - 4);
         if (substr($header_string, $vbr_id_offset, strlen('Xing')) == 'Xing' || substr($header_string, $vbr_id_offset, strlen('Info')) == 'Info') {
             // 'Xing' is traditional Xing VBR frame
             // 'Info' is LAME-encoded CBR (This was done to avoid CBR files to be recognized as traditional Xing VBR files by some decoders.)
             // 'Info' *can* legally be used to specify a VBR file as well, however.
             //00..03 = "Xing" or "Info"
             //04..07 = Flags:
             //  0x01  Frames Flag     set if value for number of frames in file is stored
             //  0x02  Bytes Flag      set if value for filesize in bytes is stored
             //  0x04  TOC Flag        set if values for TOC are stored
             //  0x08  VBR Scale Flag  set if values for VBR scale is stored
             //08..11  Frames: Number of frames in file (including the first Xing/Info one)
             //12..15  Bytes:  File length in Bytes
             //16..115  TOC (Table of Contents):
             //  Contains of 100 indexes (one Byte length) for easier lookup in file. Approximately solves problem with moving inside file.
             //  Each Byte has a value according this formula:
             //  (TOC[i] / 256) * fileLenInBytes
             //  So if song lasts eg. 240 sec. and you want to jump to 60. sec. (and file is 5 000 000 Bytes length) you can use:
             //  TOC[(60/240)*100] = TOC[25]
             //  and corresponding Byte in file is then approximately at:
             //  (TOC[25]/256) * 5000000
             //116..119  VBR Scale
             // should be safe to leave this at 'vbr' and let it be overriden to 'cbr' if a CBR preset/mode is used by LAME
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'vbr';
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_method'] = 'Xing';
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags_raw'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $vbr_id_offset + 4, 4));
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags']['frames'] = (bool) ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags_raw'] & 0x1);
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags']['bytes'] = (bool) ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags_raw'] & 0x2);
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags']['toc'] = (bool) ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags_raw'] & 0x4);
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags']['vbr_scale'] = (bool) ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags_raw'] & 0x8);
             if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags']['frames']) {
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_frames'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $vbr_id_offset + 8, 4));
             if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags']['bytes']) {
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bytes'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $vbr_id_offset + 12, 4));
             if (!empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_frames']) && !empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bytes'])) {
                 $frame_lengthfloat = $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bytes'] / $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_frames'];
                 if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['layer'] == '1') {
                     // BitRate = (((FrameLengthInBytes / 4) - Padding) * SampleRate) / 12
                     $info['audio']['bitrate'] = $frame_lengthfloat / 4 * $thisfile_mpeg_audio['sample_rate'] * (2 / $info['audio']['channels']) / 12;
                 } else {
                     // Bitrate = ((FrameLengthInBytes - Padding) * SampleRate) / 144
                     $info['audio']['bitrate'] = $frame_lengthfloat * $thisfile_mpeg_audio['sample_rate'] * (2 / $info['audio']['channels']) / 144;
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio['framelength'] = floor($frame_lengthfloat);
             if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags']['toc']) {
                 $lame_toc_data = substr($header_string, $vbr_id_offset + 16, 100);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio['toc'][$i] = ord($lame_toc_data[$i]);
             if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['xing_flags']['vbr_scale']) {
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_scale'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $vbr_id_offset + 116, 4));
             if (substr($header_string, $vbr_id_offset + 120, 4) == 'LAME') {
                 // shortcut
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio['LAME'] = array();
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame =& $thisfile_mpeg_audio['LAME'];
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['long_version'] = substr($header_string, $vbr_id_offset + 120, 20);
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['short_version'] = substr($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['long_version'], 0, 9);
                 if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['short_version'] >= 'LAME3.90') {
                     // extra 11 chars are not part of version string when LAMEtag present
                     // It the LAME tag was only introduced in LAME v3.90
                     // Offsets of various bytes in
                     // are assuming a 'Xing' identifier offset of 0x24, which is the case for
                     // MPEG-1 non-mono, but not for other combinations
                     $lame_tag_offset_contant = $vbr_id_offset - 0x24;
                     // shortcuts
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['RGAD'] = array('track' => array(), 'album' => array());
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad =& $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['RGAD'];
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track =& $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['track'];
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album =& $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['album'];
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['raw'] = array();
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw =& $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['raw'];
                     // byte $9B  VBR Quality
                     // This field is there to indicate a quality level, although the scale was not precised in the original Xing specifications.
                     // Actually overwrites original Xing bytes
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['vbr_quality'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0x9b, 1));
                     // bytes $9C-$A4  Encoder short VersionString
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['short_version'] = substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0x9c, 9);
                     // byte $A5  Info Tag revision + VBR method
                     $lame_tagRevisionVBRmethod = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xa5, 1));
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['tag_revision'] = ($lame_tagRevisionVBRmethod & 0xf0) >> 4;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['vbr_method'] = $lame_tagRevisionVBRmethod & 0xf;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['vbr_method'] = getid3_mp3::LAMEvbrMethodLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['vbr_method']);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode'] = substr($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['vbr_method'], 0, 3);
                     // usually either 'cbr' or 'vbr', but truncates 'vbr-old / vbr-rh' to 'vbr'
                     // byte $A6  Lowpass filter value
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['lowpass_frequency'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xa6, 1)) * 100;
                     // bytes $A7-$AE  Replay Gain
                     // bytes $A7-$AA : 32 bit floating point "Peak signal amplitude"
                     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['short_version'] >= 'LAME3.94b') {
                         // LAME 3.94a16 and later - 9.23 fixed point
                         // ie 0x0059E2EE / (2^23) = 5890798 / 8388608 = 0.7022378444671630859375
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['peak_amplitude'] = (double) (getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xa7, 4)) / 8388608);
                     } else {
                         // LAME 3.94a15 and earlier - 32-bit floating point
                         // Actually 3.94a16 will fall in here too and be WRONG, but is hard to detect 3.94a16 vs 3.94a15
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['peak_amplitude'] = getid3_lib::LittleEndian2Float(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xa7, 4));
                     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['peak_amplitude'] == 0) {
                     } else {
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['peak_db'] = 20 * log10($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['peak_amplitude']);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_track'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xab, 2));
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_album'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xad, 2));
                     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_track'] != 0) {
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['raw']['name'] = ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_track'] & 0xe000) >> 13;
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['raw']['originator'] = ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_track'] & 0x1c00) >> 10;
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['raw']['sign_bit'] = ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_track'] & 0x200) >> 9;
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['raw']['gain_adjust'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_track'] & 0x1ff;
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['name'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::NameLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['raw']['name']);
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['originator'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::OriginatorLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['raw']['originator']);
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['gain_db'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::AdjustmentLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['raw']['gain_adjust'], $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['raw']['sign_bit']);
                         if (!empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['peak_amplitude'])) {
                             $info['replay_gain']['track']['peak'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['peak_amplitude'];
                         $info['replay_gain']['track']['originator'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['originator'];
                         $info['replay_gain']['track']['adjustment'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_track['gain_db'];
                     } else {
                     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_album'] != 0) {
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['raw']['name'] = ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_album'] & 0xe000) >> 13;
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['raw']['originator'] = ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_album'] & 0x1c00) >> 10;
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['raw']['sign_bit'] = ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_album'] & 0x200) >> 9;
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['raw']['gain_adjust'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['RGAD_album'] & 0x1ff;
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['name'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::NameLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['raw']['name']);
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['originator'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::OriginatorLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['raw']['originator']);
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['gain_db'] = getid3_lib_replaygain::AdjustmentLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['raw']['gain_adjust'], $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['raw']['sign_bit']);
                         if (!empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['peak_amplitude'])) {
                             $info['replay_gain']['album']['peak'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad['peak_amplitude'];
                         $info['replay_gain']['album']['originator'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['originator'];
                         $info['replay_gain']['album']['adjustment'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad_album['gain_db'];
                     } else {
                     if (empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_rgad)) {
                     // byte $AF  Encoding flags + ATH Type
                     $encoding_flags_ath_type = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xaf, 1));
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['encoding_flags']['nspsytune'] = (bool) ($encoding_flags_ath_type & 0x10);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['encoding_flags']['nssafejoint'] = (bool) ($encoding_flags_ath_type & 0x20);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['encoding_flags']['nogap_next'] = (bool) ($encoding_flags_ath_type & 0x40);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['encoding_flags']['nogap_prev'] = (bool) ($encoding_flags_ath_type & 0x80);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['ath_type'] = $encoding_flags_ath_type & 0xf;
                     // byte $B0  if ABR {specified bitrate} else {minimal bitrate}
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['raw']['abrbitrate_minbitrate'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xb0, 1));
                     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['vbr_method'] == 2) {
                         // Average BitRate (ABR)
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['bitrate_abr'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['raw']['abrbitrate_minbitrate'];
                     } elseif ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['vbr_method'] == 1) {
                         // Constant BitRate (CBR)
                         // ignore
                     } elseif ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['raw']['abrbitrate_minbitrate'] > 0) {
                         // Variable BitRate (VBR) - minimum bitrate
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['bitrate_min'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['raw']['abrbitrate_minbitrate'];
                     // bytes $B1-$B3  Encoder delays
                     $encoder_delays = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xb1, 3));
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['encoder_delay'] = ($encoder_delays & 0xfff000) >> 12;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['end_padding'] = $encoder_delays & 0xfff;
                     // byte $B4  Misc
                     $misc_byte = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xb4, 1));
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['noise_shaping'] = $misc_byte & 0x3;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['stereo_mode'] = ($misc_byte & 0x1c) >> 2;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['not_optimal_quality'] = ($misc_byte & 0x20) >> 5;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['source_sample_freq'] = ($misc_byte & 0xc0) >> 6;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['noise_shaping'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['noise_shaping'];
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['stereo_mode'] = getid3_mp3::LAMEmiscStereoModeLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['stereo_mode']);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['not_optimal_quality'] = (bool) $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['not_optimal_quality'];
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['source_sample_freq'] = getid3_mp3::LAMEmiscSourceSampleFrequencyLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['source_sample_freq']);
                     // byte $B5  MP3 Gain
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['mp3_gain'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xb5, 1), false, true);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['mp3_gain_db'] = 20 * log10(2) / 4 * $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['mp3_gain'];
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['mp3_gain_factor'] = pow(2, $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['mp3_gain_db'] / 6);
                     // bytes $B6-$B7  Preset and surround info
                     $PresetSurroundBytes = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xb6, 2));
                     // Reserved                                                    = ($PresetSurroundBytes & 0xC000);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['surround_info'] = $PresetSurroundBytes & 0x3800;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['surround_info'] = getid3_mp3::LAMEsurroundInfoLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['surround_info']);
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['preset_used_id'] = $PresetSurroundBytes & 0x7ff;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['preset_used'] = getid3_mp3::LAMEpresetUsedLookup($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame);
                     if (!empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['preset_used_id']) && empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['preset_used'])) {
                         $this->getid3->warning('Unknown LAME preset used (' . $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['preset_used_id'] . ') - please report to');
                     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['short_version'] == 'LAME3.90.' && !empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['preset_used_id'])) {
                         // this may change if 3.90.4 ever comes out
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['short_version'] = 'LAME3.90.3';
                     // bytes $B8-$BB  MusicLength
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['audio_bytes'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xb8, 4));
                     $expected_number_of_audio_bytes = $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['audio_bytes'] > 0 ? $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['audio_bytes'] : $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bytes'];
                     // bytes $BC-$BD  MusicCRC
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['music_crc'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xbc, 2));
                     // bytes $BE-$BF  CRC-16 of Info Tag
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame['lame_tag_crc'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header_string, $lame_tag_offset_contant + 0xbe, 2));
                     // LAME CBR
                     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio_lame_raw['vbr_method'] == 1) {
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
                         $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] = getid3_mp3::ClosestStandardMP3Bitrate($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate']);
                         $info['audio']['bitrate'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'];
         } else {
             // not Fraunhofer or Xing VBR methods, most likely CBR (but could be VBR with no header)
             $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
             if ($recursive_search) {
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'vbr';
                 if (getid3_mp3::RecursiveFrameScanning($fd, $info, $offset, $next_frame_test_offset, true)) {
                     $recursive_search = false;
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
                 if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode'] == 'vbr') {
                     $this->getid3->warning('VBR file with no VBR header. Bitrate values calculated from actual frame bitrates.');
     if ($expected_number_of_audio_bytes > 0 && $expected_number_of_audio_bytes != $info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) {
         if ($expected_number_of_audio_bytes > $info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) {
             if ($expected_number_of_audio_bytes - ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) == 1) {
                 $this->getid3->warning('Last byte of data truncated (this is a known bug in Meracl ID3 Tag Writer before v1.3.5)');
             } else {
                 $this->getid3->warning('Probable truncated file: expecting ' . $expected_number_of_audio_bytes . ' bytes of audio data, only found ' . ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) . ' (short by ' . ($expected_number_of_audio_bytes - ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset'])) . ' bytes)');
         } else {
             if ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset'] - $expected_number_of_audio_bytes == 1) {
             } else {
                 $this->getid3->warning('Too much data in file: expecting ' . $expected_number_of_audio_bytes . ' bytes of audio data, found ' . ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) . ' (' . ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset'] - $expected_number_of_audio_bytes) . ' bytes too many)');
     if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] == 'free' && empty($info['audio']['bitrate'])) {
         if ($offset == $info['avdataoffset'] && empty($thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_frames'])) {
             $frame_byte_length = getid3_mp3::FreeFormatFrameLength($fd, $offset, $info, true);
             if ($frame_byte_length > 0) {
                 $thisfile_mpeg_audio['framelength'] = $frame_byte_length;
                 if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['layer'] == '1') {
                     // BitRate = (((FrameLengthInBytes / 4) - Padding) * SampleRate) / 12
                     $info['audio']['bitrate'] = ($frame_byte_length / 4 - intval($thisfile_mpeg_audio['padding'])) * $thisfile_mpeg_audio['sample_rate'] / 12;
                 } else {
                     // Bitrate = ((FrameLengthInBytes - Padding) * SampleRate) / 144
                     $info['audio']['bitrate'] = ($frame_byte_length - intval($thisfile_mpeg_audio['padding'])) * $thisfile_mpeg_audio['sample_rate'] / 144;
             } else {
                 // non-fatal error: Error calculating frame length of free-format MP3 without Xing/LAME header.
     if (@$thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_frames']) {
         switch ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate_mode']) {
             case 'vbr':
             case 'abr':
                 if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['version'] == '1' && $thisfile_mpeg_audio['layer'] == 1) {
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bitrate'] = @$thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bytes'] / $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_frames'] * 8 * ($info['audio']['sample_rate'] / 384);
                 } elseif (($thisfile_mpeg_audio['version'] == '2' || $thisfile_mpeg_audio['version'] == '2.5') && $thisfile_mpeg_audio['layer'] == 3) {
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bitrate'] = @$thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bytes'] / $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_frames'] * 8 * ($info['audio']['sample_rate'] / 576);
                 } else {
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bitrate'] = @$thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bytes'] / $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_frames'] * 8 * ($info['audio']['sample_rate'] / 1152);
                 if ($thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bitrate'] > 0) {
                     $info['audio']['bitrate'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bitrate'];
                     $thisfile_mpeg_audio['bitrate'] = $thisfile_mpeg_audio['VBR_bitrate'];
                     // to avoid confusion
     // End variable-bitrate headers
     if ($recursive_search) {
         if (!getid3_mp3::RecursiveFrameScanning($fd, $info, $offset, $next_frame_test_offset, $scan_as_cbr)) {
             return false;
     return true;