// new row $row = '<dd id="config_category_' . $id . '">'; $row .= '<span class="no">[' . $save['category_id'] . ']</span>'; $row .= '<span class="icon-delete" id="config_category_delete_' . $id . '" title="' . $lng['LNG_DELETE'] . ' ' . $text . '"> </span>'; $row .= $text . ' <span id="config_category_name_' . $id . '" title="' . $lng['LNG_CLICK_TO'] . ' ' . $lng['LNG_EDIT'] . '">' . $topic[LANGUAGE] . '</span>'; $row .= '</dd>'; $ret['data'] = rawurlencode($row); $ret['newId'] = "config_category_" . $id; } elseif (preg_match('/^config_(category)_delete_([0-9]+)$/', $action, $match)) { // ลบหมวดหมู่ $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$module_id}' AND `id`='{$match['2']}' LIMIT 1"); // รายการที่ลบ $ret['del'] = "config_{$match['1']}_" . $match[2]; } elseif (preg_match('/^config_(category)_name_([0-9]+)$/', $action, $match)) { // แก้ไขชื่อหมวดหมู่ $topic[LANGUAGE] = $db->sql_trim_str(gcms::oneLine($_POST['value'])); $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$module_id}' AND `id`='{$match['2']}' LIMIT 1"; $category = $db->customQuery($sql); if (sizeof($category) == 1) { $db->edit(DB_CATEGORY, $category[0]['id'], array('topic' => gcms::array2Ser($topic))); // ส่งข้อมูลใหม่ไปแสดงผล $ret['edit'] = rawurlencode($topic[LANGUAGE]); $ret['editId'] = $action; } } } } else { $ret['error'] = 'ACTION_ERROR'; } // คืนค่าเป็น JSON echo gcms::array2json($ret);
$input = $key; $error = 'DO_NOT_UPLOAD'; } else { $ret["icon_{$k}"] = rawurlencode(DATA_URL . "board/{$icon[$k]}?{$mmktime}"); } } } } if (sizeof($icon) > 0) { $save['icon'] = gcms::array2Ser($icon); } } if (!$error) { $save['category_id'] = $category_id; $save['topic'] = gcms::array2Ser($topic); $save['detail'] = gcms::array2Ser($detail); // config $cfg = array(); $can_post = isset($_POST['category_can_post']) ? $_POST['category_can_post'] : array(); $can_post[] = 1; $can_view = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'category_can_view', array()); $can_view[] = 1; $can_reply = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'category_can_reply', array()); $can_reply[] = 1; $moderator = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'category_moderator', array()); $moderator[] = 1; $img_upload_size = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'category_img_upload_size', 0); $img_law = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'category_img_law', 0); $img_upload_type = @implode(',', $_POST['category_img_upload_type']); $cfg[] = 'can_post=' . implode(',', $can_post); $cfg[] = 'can_view=' . implode(',', $can_view);