$gb_auth = new gb_session($include_path);
     $AUTH = $gb_auth->checkSessionID();
     $VARS = $gb_auth->fetch_array($gb_auth->query("SELECT * FROM " . $gb_auth->table['cfg']));
     $template = new gb_template($include_path);
     if (isset($_COOKIE['lang']) && !empty($_COOKIE['lang'])) {
     } else {
     $LANG = $template->get_content();
     $enter_html = "";
     if (!$AUTH) {
         $message = isset($username) || isset($password) ? $LANG["PassMess2"] : $LANG["PassMess1"];
         eval("\$enter_html = \"" . $template->get_template($GB_TPL['header']) . "\";");
         eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template($GB_TPL['adm_enter']) . "\";");
         eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template($GB_TPL['footer']) . "\";");
         echo $enter_html;
     } else {
         $GB_PG["admin"] = $GB_PG["base_url"] . "/admin.php?username={$username}&password={$password}&enter=1";
         header("Location: {$GB_PG['admin']}");
 case "comment":
     require_once $include_path . "/lib/vars.class.php";
     require_once $include_path . "/lib/comment.class.php";
     $gb_com = new gb_comment($include_path);
     $gb_com->id = isset($_GET["gb_id"]) ? $_GET["gb_id"] : '';
     $gb_com->id = isset($_POST["gb_id"]) ? $_POST["gb_id"] : $gb_com->id;
if (isset($_COOKIE['lang']) && !empty($_COOKIE['lang'])) {
} else {
$LANG = $template->get_content();
if (!$AUTH) {
    define('IS_INCLUDE', false);
    $message = isset($username) || isset($password) ? '<div style="border: 1px solid #D00; width: 300px; background: #FFC0CB; margin: 0 auto 10px auto; padding: 3px 0;" id="admin_error">' . $LANG['PassMess2'] . '</div>' : '';
    $adminVariables = '';
    if (!empty($action) && !empty($tbl) && !empty($id)) {
        $adminVariables = htmlspecialchars('?action=' . $action . '&tbl=' . $tbl . '&id=' . intval($id));
    $EMAILJS = '';
    $enter_html = '';
    eval("\$enter_html  = \"" . $template->get_template('header') . "\";");
    eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template('admin_enter') . "\";");
    eval("\$enter_html .= \"" . $template->get_template('footer') . "\";");
    echo $enter_html;
} else {
    // This is an array of some generic variables common to most forms
    $postVars = array('gbsession', 'uid', 'action', 'panel', 'section', 'tbl');
    $action = !isset($action) ? '' : $action;
    $rid = !isset($rid) ? '' : $rid;
    $admin = new gb_admin($AUTH['session'], $AUTH['uid']);
    $admin->VARS =& $VARS;
    $admin->db =& $gb_auth;
    switch ($action) {
        case 'accept':
            $admin->accept_entry($id, $tbl);