Exemple #1
require_once 'busTableGateway.php';
//connection to bus tbale
if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
    //oif the id is not one from the db
$id = $_GET['id'];
//get the id from the databae
$connection = Connection::getInstance();
//connect to the db
$garageGateway = new garageTableGateway($connection);
//connect to the garage table
$busGateway = new busTableGateway($connection);
//connect to the bus table
$garages = $garageGateway->getGarageByGarageId($id);
//garage table get garageby id
$buses = $busGateway->getBusByID($id);
//bus table get bus by id
//used in conjunction to view the garage that hioues that bus
//$row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
//if (!$row) {
//    die("Unable to get Bus By ID");

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