Exemple #1

header("HTTP/1.1 403 Unauthorized");
require "assets/functions.php";

<h1 class="center">Error | 403</h1>
<p class="center"> You are not to allowed to access this resource.</p>

Exemple #2

require "../assets/functions.php";
$projects_css = "<link rel='stylesheet' href='/assets/css/projects.css' type='text/css' />";
$projects_js = "<script type='text/javascript' src='/assets/js/projects.js'></script>";
functions::print_header("Projects | HexR", array(), array($projects_js), array($projects_css));
<h1 class="center">HexR Projects</h1>
<p>When not working with clients, HexR works on projects to better serve the community. Here are some of the projects that we are working on:</p>
<div class="projects">
	<div class="project-row">
		<div class="project">
			<div class="project-title">TWMaker</div>
			<div class="project-subtitle">Access all your teachers' websites in one page</div>
			<div class="project-description">TWMaker allows you to access the websites of 8 different teachers in one page, allowing you to access their websites anywhere with a simple to remember link.</div>
			<div class="project-logos">
				<div class="project-logo logo-github" data-bind-href="https://github.com/HexRdesign/twmaker"></div>
				<div class="project-logo logo-favicon logo-favicon-twmaker" data-bind-href="/projects/twmaker"></div>
		<div class="project">
			<div class="project-title">ImageHosting</div>
			<div class="project-subtitle">Quickly upload and store an image</div>
			<div class="project-description">Image Hosting allows a user to upload an image and choose the file-name or have it randomly generated</div>
			<div class="project-logos">
				<div class="project-logo logo-github" data-bind-href="https://github.com/HexRdesign/imagehosting"></div>
				<div class="project-logo logo-favicon logo-favicon-ih" data-bind-href="/projects/imagehosting"></div>
	<div class="project-row">
Exemple #3

require "../assets/functions.php";
functions::print_header("FAQ | HexR", array(), array(), array("<link rel='stylesheet' href='/assets/css/faq.css' type='text/css' />"));
<h1 class="center">Here are some Frequently asked Questions we are asked</h1>
		<h2 class="question">What is HexR</h2>
		<p class="answer">HexR is an organization that was founded to provide <strong>free</strong>, modern websites to anyone because people should do what they do because they love it, not because it will pay the bills.</p>
		<h2 class="question">Where did you get the name HexR</h2>
		<p class="answer">HexR is split into two parts - Hex and R. The reason we have Hex in our name is because it's the most complex simple shape to use in generating a display. It's simple enough to make the math easy, complex enough to make the programming easy. The R stands for what we expect and give in return - Respect, responsibility, reliability and responsiveness.</p>
		<h2 class="question">How much does a website cost?</h2>
		<p class="answer">For us to write it? Free. If you want more personalized options, like a domain or Google Apps, we cannot give you a discount (since we don't own it), so you will have to pay the costs they charge.</p>
<p>This list is pretty short. If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to <a href="<?php 
print functions::get_link("contact");
">contact us</a>. We care the most about you.</p>
Exemple #4

require "../assets/functions.php";
functions::print_header("HexR | Initiative", [], [], array("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/assets/css/initiative.css\" type=\"text/css\" />"));
<div id="initiative">
	<h1>The HexR Initiative<sup class="hover-click"><a class="link" href="#" onclick='$(".fadein").css("visibility","visible");$(".fadein").animate({"opacity":1},1000)'>Content hidden?</a></sup></h1>
	<p class="fadein">tl;dr? Make modern websites, get paid in satisfaction.</p>
	<p class="fadein">But dont't tl;dr, the cool kids aren't!</p>
	<p class="fadein">Here at HexR, we don't like money. It hurts the life of too many people.</p>
	<p class="fadein">Take any person in the world. If they want a website, completely branded, they can expect to pay a lot of money - with all these terms like hosting, building, DNS, backend, ect.</p>
	<p class="fadein">Many people have come to view website building as scary, and in the end, pay for it with their wallet.</p>
	<p class="fadein">Why? Easy, because every place that people go to in order to obtain a website is backed by something - money, so those places work hard to get it.</p>
	<p class="fadein">HexR isn't one of those companies, for one simple reason. HexR is is <strong>FREE</strong>.</p>
	<p class="fadein">Everything HexR uses has been provided for free.</p>
	<p class="fadein">Server hosting is sponsored by <a href="https://linode.com" target="_blank">Linode </a>, the domain by <a href="//gandi.net" target="_blank">Gandi</a> and mail by <a href="//mail.yandex.com" target="_blank">Yandex</a>.</p>
	<p class="fadein">Any money HexR gets is repopulated to the community through donations to local high school clubs inspiring STEM principles, such as robotics clubs, engineering clubs and 3D printing clubs.</p>
	<p class="fadein">Our world is in a modern age, and since we can't fight it, we might as well embrace it by providing people with positive values into the system of research, development and production.</p>
	<p class="fadein">HexR doesn't get paid in money, but in satisfaction. We want to be able to visit any website, and see one thing - built through the HexR initiative.</p>
	<p class="fadein">People shouldn't work for money, but for satisfaction. We hope by getting the word out, we can stop doing what we do for money, and instead do it because we love it.</p>
	<p class="fadein">Every single person in HexR gets paid a total of $0.00 per year, the same amount that HexR vows to spend, for the one reason that we are physically restricted from living without working.</p>
<div id="about">
	<h1>Why the initiative?</h1>
	<p>HexR is an organization that was founded with one goal -</p>
	<p class="fadein emphasize"><e>inspire and provide the world with modern, easy to use and simple websites.</e></p>
	<p class="fadein new">Why? Well, since the use of computers has practically changed our world,
	<p class="fadein">it is becoming easier and easier to create services to automatically generate websites based on the users wants,
	<p class="fadein emphasize"><e>which has caused the idea of website development to decline.</e></p>
	<p class="fadein new">Now, website "development" is focused around a drag and drop interface which can be accessed and edited anywhere,</p>
	<p class="fadein">leading to the importance of basic principles to come to a decline. 
Exemple #5

require "../../assets/functions.php";
functions::print_header("TWMaker | HexR Projects");
<h1 class="center">TWMaker- Projects from HexR</h1>
<p>TWMaker is a project developed for high school students to be able to quickly access their teacher's websites</p>
<p>It asks you a few questions to create a website with 8 tabs (one for each block)</p>
<p>That way you only have one link to remember, and can access their website anywhere!</p>
<p>TWMaker is being discontinued as of the 2015 Fall semester and will be replaced by StashBoard - The modern student dashboard which will make customobility and administration much cleaner, nicer and easier to use.</p>
<p><a href="//github.com/hexrdesign/twmaker" target="_blank">Check it out on GitHub</a>!</p>
Exemple #6

require "../assets/functions.php";
functions::print_header("Clients | HexR");
<h1 class="center">HexR Clients</h1>
	This page isn't really of any use right now. Behind the scenes, we're working on a client interface to make it easy for clients to request help. Right now, please <a href="<?php 
print functions::get_link("contact");
">contact us</a> if you have any problems.
Exemple #7

require "../../assets/functions.php";
functions::print_header("ImageHosting | HexR Projects");
<h1 class="center">ImageHosting - Projects from HexR</h1>
<p>ImageHosting makes it easy for people to quickly upload and share images</p>
<p>ImageHosting is being re-written to ease the upload process and increase efficiency. Check back in a few months to see if it's been done!</p>
<p><a href="//github.com/hexrdesign/imagehosting" target="_blank">Check it out on GitHub</a>!</p>
Exemple #8

require "../assets/functions.php";
functions::print_header("Sponsors | HexR");
<h1 class="center">HexR Sponsors</h1>
<p>HexR lives off of sponsors! The only way we can run is by you. Here are some people that sponsor us right now:</p>
<h3>We are currently sponsored by:</h3>
	<li><a href="https://www.gandi.net" target="_blank">Gandi Domain Management</a></li>
	<li><a href="https://www.bitrixsoft.com" target="_blank">Bitrix for CRM</a></li>
	<li><a href="https://www.yandex.com/" target="_blank">Yandex for mail services</a></li>
	<li><a href="https://www.linode.com" target="_blank">Linode now provides us hosting!</a></li>
	<li><a href="https://www.browserstack.com/" target="_blank">BrowserStack for project testing</a></li>
	<li><a href="http://www.solveigmm.com/" target="_blank">Solveig MultiMedia for video recording</a></li>
	<li><a href="https://www.codeanywhere.com/" target="_blank">CodeAnyWhere for integrated development (anywhere!)</a></li>

<h3>Previous sponsors include:</h3>
	<li><a href="https://www.squee.co" target="_blank">Squee was our host until 4/27/2015</a></li>
Exemple #9
require "../assets/functions.php";
if (isset($_GET['plan']) && in_array($_GET['plan'], $plans)) {
    switch ($_GET['plan']) {
        case "basic":
            print "test";
        case "plus":
            print "plus";
        case "platinum":
            print "platinum";
} else {
    functions::print_header("Plans | HexR", array(), array(), array("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../assets/css/request.css\" type='text/css' />"));
<div class="container">
	<h1 class="center">HexR | Plans</h1>
	<p>The table below gives a quick description of our "plans". Click "Choose this plan" to request the plan.</p>
	<table class="tg">
			<th class="normal">Feature</th>
			<th class="special-2">Basic</th>
			<th class="normal">Plus</th>
			<th class="special-2">Platinum</th>
			<td class="special">CMS</td>
			<td class="special">Wordpress<br>(Can use other upon request)</td>
			<td class="special">Wordpress(Can use other upon request)</td>
Exemple #10

require '../assets/functions.php';
functions::print_header("Contact Hexr");
<h1 class="center">Contact HexR</h1>
<p>Have a question? Want to talk? Want a website? Not stated? Feel free to contact us. <small>Currently, we are unable to use the script we normally use to make mail seamless. We apologize for the inconvience.</small> Contact us by clicking <a href="mailto:contact@hexr.org" target="_blank">THIS LINK</a>!</p>
<p>Please note we do not have live chat, phones or mailing addresses since we currently have no sponsors for those services.</p>
Exemple #11
	$(".scroll-button a").click(function()
		$.fn.fullpage.moveTo(parseInt($("body").attr("class").split("fp-viewing-")[1])-1 > 0 ? parseInt($("body").attr("class").split("fp-viewing-")[1]):1)
$fullpage = "<script type='text/javascript' src=\"/assets/js/fullpage.min.js\"></script>";
$fullpagecss = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fullPage.js/2.5.6/jquery.fullPage.css\" type='text/css' />";
$main = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/assets/css/home.css\" type='text/css' />";
functions::print_header("Home | HexR", $meta = array(), $scripts = array($fullpage, $onload), $styles = array(functions::FONTAWESOME, $fullpagecss, $main));
			<div id="content">
				<div class='section' id="home" data-anchor="home">
					<div class="container content"><h1>HexR</h1><h4>Simply modern websites</h4></div>
					<div class="scroll-button home-scroll" data-scroll="2">
						<p>About us</p>
						<div><a class="fa fa-5x fa-arrow-circle-down scroll-arrow" title="Next Section: About us"></a></div>
				<div class='section' id="about" data-anchor="about">
					<div class="container">
						<h1>About HexR</h1><p>HexR - Noun - An organization founded in April 2014 dedicated to embodying the principles of the <a href="#" onclick="$.fn.fullpage.moveTo('initiative')">HexR initiative</a>.
					<div class="scroll-button contact-scroll" data-scroll="3">
Exemple #12

require "../assets/functions.php";
functions::print_header("About HexR", array(), array(), array("<style>body > section > ul > li > span{font-weight:900;}</style>"));
<h1 class="center">About HexR</h1>
	HexR (Pronounced Hex-Er) was founded on April 13, 2014 with a goal. To write code for websites. That's what we're really about.
	But it's also nice to know what makes us different. Here, you can find the answer to the question <i>Why should <strong>I</strong> 
	choose to have my website written by HexR?</i>
	Well, here are a few reasons why:
		<li><span>HexR is 100% non-profit</span>
				<li>In fact, HexR is a zero-dollar organization. That means we don't spend or earn <strong><em>ANY</em></strong> money. Some of the <a href="<?php 
					we recieve go straight to <a href="<?php 
">our sponsors</a> as a token of gratitude, and the rest is given to STEM clubs and organizations in local high schools</li>
				<li>This means that our goal is getting you a website that works in a timely manner. Our <em>only </em>focus is you.</li>
		<li><span>HexR is simple</span>
				<li>The code we write is no nonsense. We don't waste code. The backbone of the site is minimal. We don't need fancy stuff to produce modern sites</li>
				<li><a href="https://www.github.com/hexrdesign" target="_blank">Check out our code</a> and you will notice that we've done a lot to make sure that this website is small and loads fast.</li>