$dpmsg_prev_message = ''; } $private_message_entry = tmpl_drawpmsg($m, $usr, false); if (!$m->read_stamp && $m->pmsg_opt & 16) { q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_pmsg SET read_stamp=' . __request_timestamp__ . ', pmsg_opt=(pmsg_opt & ~ 4) |8 WHERE id=' . $m->id); if ($m->ouser_id != _uid && $m->pmsg_opt & 4 && !isset($_GET['dr'])) { $track_msg = new fud_pmsg(); $track_msg->ouser_id = $track_msg->duser_id = $m->ouser_id; $track_msg->ip_addr = $track_msg->host_name = null; $track_msg->post_stamp = __request_timestamp__; $track_msg->read_stamp = 0; $track_msg->fldr = 1; $track_msg->pmsg_opt = 16 | 32; $track_msg->subject = 'Leggi la notifica per il topic: ' . $m->subject; $track_msg->body = 'Ciao,<br>' . $usr->login . ' ha letto il tuo messaggio personale, "' . $m->subject . '", ' . strftime("%a, %d %B %Y %H:%M", $m->post_stamp) . '<br>'; $track_msg->add(1); } } if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 2) { $page_gen_end = gettimeofday(); $page_gen_time = sprintf('%.5f', $page_gen_end['sec'] - $PAGE_TIME['sec'] + ($page_gen_end['usec'] - $PAGE_TIME['usec']) / 1000000); $page_stats = '<br /><div align="left" class="SmallText">Tempo totale richiesto per generare la pagina: ' . $page_gen_time . ' secondi</div>'; } else { $page_stats = ''; } echo $GLOBALS['fud_egw_hdr']; ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="5"><tr><td class="ForumBackground"> <?php echo $cur_ppage; echo $tabs;
$msg_p->subject = htmlspecialchars($msg_p->subject); char_fix($msg_p->subject); if (empty($_POST['msg_id'])) { $msg_p->pmsg_opt = $msg_p->pmsg_opt & ~96; if ($_POST['reply']) { $msg_p->ref_msg_id = 'R' . $_POST['reply']; $msg_p->pmsg_opt |= 64; } else { if ($_POST['forward']) { $msg_p->ref_msg_id = 'F' . $_POST['forward']; } else { $msg_p->ref_msg_id = null; $msg_p->pmsg_opt |= 32; } } $msg_p->add(); } else { $msg_p->id = (int) $_POST['msg_id']; $msg_p->sync(); } if (isset($attach_list)) { attach_finalize($attach_list, $msg_p->id, 1); /* we need to add attachments to all copies of the message */ if (!isset($_POST['btn_draft'])) { $c = uq('SELECT id, original_name, mime_type, fsize FROM phpgw_fud_attach WHERE message_id=' . $msg_p->id . ' AND attach_opt=1'); while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) { $atl[$r[0]] = "'" . addslashes($r[1]) . "', " . $r[2] . ", " . $r[3]; } if (isset($atl)) { foreach ($GLOBALS['send_to_array'] as $mid) { foreach ($atl as $k => $v) {