if ($product_count) { $confirm_msg = "There are {$product_count} products that are associated with this manufacturer. You cannot delete the manufacturer until all these products have been removed or reassigned"; $fex->add_element('op_kill', array(OP_KILL, 'submit', null, null, 'onclick="alert(\'' . $confirm_msg . '\'); return false"')); } else { $confirm_msg = 'This will remove this manufacturer from the site permanently. Are you sure?'; $fex->add_element('op_kill', array(OP_KILL, 'submit', null, null, 'onclick="return confirm(\'' . $confirm_msg . '\')"')); } } } else { /** list all manufacturers in one big ass dump using HTML_Table **/ $table = new fu_HTML_Table(array("width" => "600")); $table->setAutoGrow(true); $table->setAutoFill("n/a"); $header_row = array('sName' => 'Name', 'product_count' => '#Products'); $table->addSortRow($header_row, null, null, 'TH', null); $table->addCol(array('Edit/Del'), 'align="center"', 'th'); $sql = "SELECT m.id, m.sName, COUNT(p.id) AS product_count\n FROM manufacturers m LEFT JOIN products p ON (p.manufacturerid = m.id) \n GROUP BY (m.id)\n ORDER BY sName"; $res = $pdb->query($sql); while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) { $vals = array($row['sName']); // store.edit.php?nid=444 $vals[] = sprintf('<a href="store.edit.list.php?mfr=%d">%d</a>', $row['id'], $row['product_count']); $vals[] = sprintf('<a href="store.manufacturers.php?mfr=%d" class="buttonEditItem">»</a>', $row['id']); $table->addRow($vals); } $numrows = $res->numRows(); } ############################################################################## # output template ############################################################################## include 'templates/control/header.php';
$fex->set_element_opts('colorways_id', cshopUtils::get_all_colors($pdb, true)); if ($ACTION == OP_EDIT) { $sql = sprintf("SELECT colorways_id, order_weight, class, filename_large AS upfile\n FROM {$tablename} WHERE id = %d", $reqid); $row = $pdb->getRow($sql); $fex->elem_vals = $row; $fex->add_element('reqid', array('reqid', 'hidden', $reqid, null)); $fex->add_element('op_kill', array(OP_KILL, 'submit', null, null, 'onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure?\')"')); } } else { /** list all cm_categories in one big ass dump using HTML_Table **/ $table = new fu_HTML_Table(array('width' => '90%', 'align' => 'center')); $table->setAutoGrow(true); $table->setAutoFill("-"); $header_row = array('class' => 'Class', 'filename_fmt' => 'File Name', 'colorname' => 'Colorway', 'order_weight' => 'weight'); $table->addRow(array_values($header_row), null, 'TH'); $table->addCol(array(' '), 'align="center"', 'th'); $sql = sprintf("SELECT pi.id, pi.class, pi.order_weight, system_location, filename_large, filename_thumb, dims_thumb, cw.name AS colorname\n FROM cm_product_images pi \n LEFT JOIN cm_colorways cw ON (cw.id = colorways_id)\n WHERE cm_products_id = %d\n ORDER BY pi.order_weight, cw.name", $productid); $res = $pdb->query($sql); while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) { $vals = array(); $row['filename_fmt'] = strlen($row['filename_large']) > 30 ? substr($row['filename_large'], 0, 27) . '...' : $row['filename_large']; foreach (array_keys($header_row) as $k) { $vals[] = $row[$k]; } // store.edit.php?nid=444 $vals[] = sprintf('<img src="%s/%s" %s alt="" />', $row['system_location'], $row['filename_thumb'], $row['dims_thumb']); $link = sprintf('%s?op_edit=%d&nid=%d', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $row['id'], $productid); $table->addRow($vals, null, true, $link); } $numrows = $res->numRows(); }