protected function composePhpOptions($domain, $ssl_vhost = false) { $php_options_text = ''; if ($domain['phpenabled'] == '1') { $php = new phpinterface($domain); $phpconfig = $php->getPhpConfig((int) $domain['phpsettingid']); if ((int) Settings::Get('phpfpm.enabled') == 1) { $srvName = 'fpm.external'; if ($domain['ssl'] == 1 && $ssl_vhost) { $srvName = 'ssl-fpm.external'; } // #1317 - perl is executed via apache and therefore, when using fpm, does not know the user // which perl is supposed to run as, hence the need for Suexec need if (customerHasPerlEnabled($domain['customerid'])) { $php_options_text .= ' SuexecUserGroup "' . $domain['loginname'] . '" "' . $domain['loginname'] . '"' . "\n"; } // mod_proxy stuff for apache-2.4 if (Settings::Get('system.apache24') == '1' && Settings::Get('phpfpm.use_mod_proxy') == '1') { $php_options_text .= ' <FilesMatch \\.php$>' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' SetHandler proxy:unix:' . $php->getInterface()->getSocketFile() . '|fcgi://localhost' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' </FilesMatch>' . "\n"; $mypath_dir = new frxDirectory($domain['documentroot']); // only create the require all granted if there is not active directory-protection // for this path, as this would be the first require and therefore grant all access if ($mypath_dir->isUserProtected() == false) { $php_options_text .= ' <Directory "' . makeCorrectDir($domain['documentroot']) . '">' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' Require all granted' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' </Directory>' . "\n"; } } else { $php_options_text .= ' FastCgiExternalServer ' . $php->getInterface()->getAliasConfigDir() . $srvName . ' -socket ' . $php->getInterface()->getSocketFile() . ' -idle-timeout ' . Settings::Get('phpfpm.idle_timeout') . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' <Directory "' . makeCorrectDir($domain['documentroot']) . '">' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' <FilesMatch "\\.php$">' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' SetHandler php5-fastcgi' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' Action php5-fastcgi /fastcgiphp' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' Options +ExecCGI' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' </FilesMatch>' . "\n"; // >=apache-2.4 enabled? if (Settings::Get('system.apache24') == '1') { $mypath_dir = new frxDirectory($domain['documentroot']); // only create the require all granted if there is not active directory-protection // for this path, as this would be the first require and therefore grant all access if ($mypath_dir->isUserProtected() == false) { $php_options_text .= ' Require all granted' . "\n"; } } else { $php_options_text .= ' Order allow,deny' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' allow from all' . "\n"; } $php_options_text .= ' </Directory>' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' Alias /fastcgiphp ' . $php->getInterface()->getAliasConfigDir() . $srvName . "\n"; } } else { $php_options_text .= ' FcgidIdleTimeout ' . Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_idle_timeout') . "\n"; if ((int) Settings::Get('system.mod_fcgid_wrapper') == 0) { $php_options_text .= ' SuexecUserGroup "' . $domain['loginname'] . '" "' . $domain['loginname'] . '"' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' ScriptAlias /php/ ' . $php->getInterface()->getConfigDir() . "\n"; } else { $php_options_text .= ' SuexecUserGroup "' . $domain['loginname'] . '" "' . $domain['loginname'] . '"' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' <Directory "' . makeCorrectDir($domain['documentroot']) . '">' . "\n"; $file_extensions = explode(' ', $phpconfig['file_extensions']); $php_options_text .= ' <FilesMatch "\\.(' . implode('|', $file_extensions) . ')$">' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' SetHandler fcgid-script' . "\n"; foreach ($file_extensions as $file_extension) { $php_options_text .= ' FcgidWrapper ' . $php->getInterface()->getStarterFile() . ' .' . $file_extension . "\n"; } $php_options_text .= ' Options +ExecCGI' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' </FilesMatch>' . "\n"; // >=apache-2.4 enabled? if (Settings::Get('system.apache24') == '1') { $mypath_dir = new frxDirectory($domain['documentroot']); // only create the require all granted if there is not active directory-protection // for this path, as this would be the first require and therefore grant all access if ($mypath_dir->isUserProtected() == false) { $php_options_text .= ' Require all granted' . "\n"; } } else { $php_options_text .= ' Order allow,deny' . "\n"; $php_options_text .= ' allow from all' . "\n"; } $php_options_text .= ' </Directory>' . "\n"; } } // create starter-file | config-file $php->getInterface()->createConfig($phpconfig); // create php.ini (fpm does nothing here, as it // defines ini-settings in its pool config) $php->getInterface()->createIniFile($phpconfig); } else { $php_options_text .= ' # PHP is disabled for this vHost' . "\n"; } return $php_options_text; }
/** * We write the configs */ public function writeConfigs() { // Write diroptions fwrite($this->debugHandler, ' apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions') . "\n"); $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "rebuilding " . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions')); if (count($this->diroptions_data) > 0) { $optsDir = new frxDirectory(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions')); if (!$optsDir->isConfigDir()) { // Save one big file $diroptions_file = ''; foreach ($this->diroptions_data as $diroptions_filename => $diroptions_content) { $diroptions_file .= $diroptions_content . "\n\n"; } $diroptions_filename = Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'); // Apply header $diroptions_file = '# ' . basename($diroptions_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $diroptions_file; $diroptions_file_handler = fopen($diroptions_filename, 'w'); fwrite($diroptions_file_handler, $diroptions_file); fclose($diroptions_file_handler); } else { if (!file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'))) { fwrite($this->debugHandler, ' apache::writeConfigs: mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'))) . "\n"); $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, 'mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions')))); safe_exec('mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions')))); } // Write a single file for every diroption foreach ($this->diroptions_data as $diroptions_filename => $diroptions_file) { $this->known_diroptionsfilenames[] = basename($diroptions_filename); // Apply header $diroptions_file = '# ' . basename($diroptions_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $diroptions_file; $diroptions_file_handler = fopen($diroptions_filename, 'w'); fwrite($diroptions_file_handler, $diroptions_file); fclose($diroptions_file_handler); } } } // Write htpasswds fwrite($this->debugHandler, ' apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . "\n"); $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "rebuilding " . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir')); if (count($this->htpasswds_data) > 0) { if (!file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'))) { $umask = umask(); umask(00); mkdir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'), 0751); umask($umask); } $htpasswdDir = new frxDirectory(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir')); if ($htpasswdDir->isConfigDir(true)) { foreach ($this->htpasswds_data as $htpasswd_filename => $htpasswd_file) { $this->known_htpasswdsfilenames[] = basename($htpasswd_filename); $htpasswd_file_handler = fopen($htpasswd_filename, 'w'); fwrite($htpasswd_file_handler, $htpasswd_file); fclose($htpasswd_file_handler); } } else { fwrite($this->debugHandler, ' cron_tasks: WARNING!!! ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . ' is not a directory. htpasswd directory protection is disabled!!!' . "\n"); echo 'WARNING!!! ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . ' is not a directory. htpasswd directory protection is disabled!!!'; $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_WARNING, 'WARNING!!! ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . ' is not a directory. htpasswd directory protection is disabled!!!'); } } // Write virtualhosts fwrite($this->debugHandler, ' apache::writeConfigs: rebuilding ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . "\n"); $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "rebuilding " . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')); if (count($this->virtualhosts_data) > 0) { $vhostDir = new frxDirectory(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')); if (!$vhostDir->isConfigDir()) { // Save one big file $vhosts_file = ''; // sort by filename so the order is: // 1. subdomains x-29 // 2. subdomains as main-domains 30 // 3. main-domains 35 // #437 ksort($this->virtualhosts_data); foreach ($this->virtualhosts_data as $vhosts_filename => $vhost_content) { $vhosts_file .= $vhost_content . "\n\n"; } // Include diroptions file in case it exists if (file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'))) { $vhosts_file .= "\n" . 'Include ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions') . "\n\n"; } $vhosts_filename = Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'); // Apply header $vhosts_file = '# ' . basename($vhosts_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $vhosts_file; $vhosts_file_handler = fopen($vhosts_filename, 'w'); fwrite($vhosts_file_handler, $vhosts_file); fclose($vhosts_file_handler); } else { if (!file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) { fwrite($this->debugHandler, ' apache::writeConfigs: mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) . "\n"); $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, 'mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')))); safe_exec('mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')))); } // Write a single file for every vhost foreach ($this->virtualhosts_data as $vhosts_filename => $vhosts_file) { $this->known_vhostfilenames[] = basename($vhosts_filename); // Apply header $vhosts_file = '# ' . basename($vhosts_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $vhosts_file; $vhosts_file_handler = fopen($vhosts_filename, 'w'); fwrite($vhosts_file_handler, $vhosts_file); fclose($vhosts_file_handler); } } } }
public function writeConfigs() { fwrite($this->debugHandler, ' nginx::writeConfigs: rebuilding ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . "\n"); $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "rebuilding " . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')); $vhostDir = new frxDirectory(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')); if (!$vhostDir->isConfigDir()) { // Save one big file $vhosts_file = ''; // sort by filename so the order is: // 1. subdomains // 2. subdomains as main-domains // 3. main-domains ksort($this->nginx_data); foreach ($this->nginx_data as $vhosts_filename => $vhost_content) { $vhosts_file .= $vhost_content . "\n\n"; } $vhosts_filename = Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'); // Apply header $vhosts_file = '# ' . basename($vhosts_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $vhosts_file; $vhosts_file_handler = fopen($vhosts_filename, 'w'); fwrite($vhosts_file_handler, $vhosts_file); fclose($vhosts_file_handler); } else { if (!file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) { fwrite($this->debugHandler, ' nginx::writeConfigs: mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) . "\n"); $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, 'mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')))); safe_exec('mkdir -p ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')))); } // Write a single file for every vhost foreach ($this->nginx_data as $vhosts_filename => $vhosts_file) { $this->known_filenames[] = basename($vhosts_filename); // Apply header $vhosts_file = '# ' . basename($vhosts_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $vhosts_file; if (!empty($vhosts_filename)) { $vhosts_file_handler = fopen($vhosts_filename, 'w'); fwrite($vhosts_file_handler, $vhosts_file); fclose($vhosts_file_handler); } } } // htaccess stuff if (count($this->htpasswds_data) > 0) { if (!file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'))) { $umask = umask(); umask(00); mkdir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'), 0751); umask($umask); } elseif (!is_dir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'))) { fwrite($this->debugHandler, ' cron_tasks: WARNING!!! ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . ' is not a directory. htpasswd directory protection is disabled!!!' . "\n"); echo 'WARNING!!! ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . ' is not a directory. htpasswd directory protection is disabled!!!'; $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_WARNING, 'WARNING!!! ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . ' is not a directory. htpasswd directory protection is disabled!!!'); } if (is_dir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'))) { foreach ($this->htpasswds_data as $htpasswd_filename => $htpasswd_file) { $this->known_htpasswdsfilenames[] = basename($htpasswd_filename); $htpasswd_file_handler = fopen($htpasswd_filename, 'w'); // Filter duplicate pairs of username and password $htpasswd_file = implode("\n", array_unique(explode("\n", $htpasswd_file))); fwrite($htpasswd_file_handler, $htpasswd_file); fclose($htpasswd_file_handler); } } } }
public function writeConfigs() { $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "lighttpd::writeConfigs: rebuilding " . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')); $vhostDir = new frxDirectory(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')); if (!$vhostDir->isConfigDir()) { // Save one big file $vhosts_file = ''; // sort by filename so the order is: // 1. main-domains // 2. subdomains as main-domains // 3. subdomains // (former #437) - #833 (the numbering is done in createLighttpdHosts()) ksort($this->lighttpd_data); foreach ($this->lighttpd_data as $vhosts_filename => $vhost_content) { $vhosts_file .= $vhost_content . "\n\n"; } $vhosts_filename = Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'); // Apply header $vhosts_file = '# ' . basename($vhosts_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $vhosts_file; $vhosts_file_handler = fopen($vhosts_filename, 'w'); fwrite($vhosts_file_handler, $vhosts_file); fclose($vhosts_file_handler); } else { if (!file_exists(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'))) { $this->logger->logAction(CRON_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, 'lighttpd::writeConfigs: mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')))); safe_exec('mkdir ' . escapeshellarg(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')))); } // Write a single file for every vhost foreach ($this->lighttpd_data as $vhosts_filename => $vhosts_file) { $this->known_filenames[] = basename($vhosts_filename); // Apply header $vhosts_file = '# ' . basename($vhosts_filename) . "\n" . '# Created ' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . "\n" . '# Do NOT manually edit this file, all changes will be deleted after the next domain change at the panel.' . "\n" . "\n" . $vhosts_file; if (!empty($vhosts_filename)) { $vhosts_file_handler = fopen($vhosts_filename, 'w'); fwrite($vhosts_file_handler, $vhosts_file); fclose($vhosts_file_handler); } } } // Write the diroptions $htpasswdDir = new frxDirectory(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir')); if ($htpasswdDir->isConfigDir()) { foreach ($this->needed_htpasswds as $key => $data) { if (!is_dir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'))) { mkdir(makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir'))); } $filename = makeCorrectFile(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_htpasswddir') . '/' . $key); $htpasswd_handler = fopen($filename, 'w'); fwrite($htpasswd_handler, $data); fclose($htpasswd_handler); } } }
* Copyright (c) 2010 the Froxlor Team (see authors). * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING * file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the * COPYING file online at * * @copyright (c) the authors * @author Florian Lippert <*****@*****.**> (2003-2009) * @author Froxlor team <*****@*****.**> (2010-) * @license GPLv2 * @package Lib * */ $configcommand = array(); $vhostDir = new frxDirectory(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')); $optsDir = new frxDirectory(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions')); if ($vhostDir->isConfigDir()) { $configcommand['vhost'] = 'mkdir -p ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'); $configcommand['include'] = 'echo -e "\\nInclude ' . makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')) . '*.conf" >> ' . makeCorrectFile(makeCorrectDir('/etc/apache2/httpd.conf')); $configcommand['v_inclighty'] = 'echo -e \'\\ninclude_shell "cat ' . makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost')) . '*.conf"\' >> /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf'; } else { $configcommand['vhost'] = 'touch ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost'); $configcommand['include'] = 'echo -e "\\nInclude ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '" >> ' . makeCorrectFile('/etc/apache2/httpd.conf'); $configcommand['v_inclighty'] = 'echo -e \'\\ninclude "' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_vhost') . '"\' >> /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf'; } if ($optsDir->isConfigDir()) { $configcommand['diroptions'] = 'mkdir -p ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'); $configcommand['d_inclighty'] = 'echo -e \'\\ninclude_shell "cat ' . makeCorrectDir(Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions')) . '*.conf"\' >> /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf'; } else { $configcommand['diroptions'] = 'touch ' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions'); $configcommand['d_inclighty'] = 'echo -e \'\\ninclude "' . Settings::Get('system.apacheconf_diroptions') . '"\' >> /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf';