$proj_num = $array_proj['proj_num'];
$proj_name = $array_proj['proj_name'];
$sheet_title = "Project Checklist";
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$sql_checklist = "SELECT * FROM intranet_project_checklist_items LEFT JOIN intranet_project_checklist ON checklist_item = item_id AND checklist_project = {$proj_id} WHERE checklist_required != 1 ORDER BY item_group, item_order, checklist_date DESC, item_name";
$result_checklist = mysql_query($sql_checklist, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
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$pdf->Cell(65, 5, "Item", B, 0, L, 0);
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     $contact_address_print = "Client Details Required";
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 $pdf->SetXY(105, 88);
 $pdf->Cell(0, 4, $invoice_ref);
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 $pdf->Cell(150, 6, 'Description of Work Undertaken', 'B', '', '', false);
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 $invoice_novat_total = 0;
 $invoice_vat_total = 0;
 $invoice_novat_total = 0;
 $invoice_total = 0;
 $ts_expense_total_vat = 0;
 $ts_disbursement_total = 0;
 $grand_total = 0;
 // Pull the corresponding results from the Invoice Item list
 $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM intranet_timesheet_invoice_item WHERE invoice_item_invoice = '{$invoice_id}' ORDER BY invoice_item_desc";
$pdf->Cell(0, 6, $user_name, 0, 1);
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$pdf->Cell(100, 4, "Description", 0, 0, L, 0);
$pdf->Cell(15, 4, "Net.", 0, 0, R, 0);
$pdf->Cell(15, 4, "VAT", 0, 0, R, 0);
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$expense_total_value = 0;
$expense_total_vat = 0;
$expense_total_diff = 0;
$expense_invoice_net = 0;
$expense_noinvoice_net = 0;
$expense_invoice_vat = 0;
$expense_noinvoice_vat = 0;
$expense_invoice_gross = 0;
$expense_noinvoice_gross = 0;
// Get the relevant infomation from the Invoice Database
$sql_expense = "SELECT * FROM intranet_timesheet_expense, intranet_projects WHERE ts_expense_project = proj_id AND ts_expense_user = '******' AND ( ts_expense_verified = 0 OR ts_expense_verified IS NULL ) ORDER BY ts_expense_date";
$result_expense = mysql_query($sql_expense, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
while ($array_expense = mysql_fetch_array($result_expense)) {