Exemple #1
                 die('{"status":"thumb_error: ' . $thumb . '"}');
         } else {
     } else {
 // new app
 if (isset($_POST['account']) && isset($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
     $path = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT path FROM {$wpdb->flaggallery} WHERE gid = {$gid}");
     $filepart = flagGallery::fileinfo($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
     $filename = $filepart['basename'];
     $file = ABSPATH . trailingslashit($path) . $filename;
     // check if this filename already exist
     $i = 0;
     while (file_exists($file)) {
         $filename = sanitize_title($filepart['filename']) . '_' . $i++ . '.' . $filepart['extension'];
     $file = ABSPATH . trailingslashit($path) . $filename;
     // Open temp file
     if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $file)) {
         $alttext = esc_sql($account->alttext);
         $description = esc_sql($account->description);
         $exclude = intval($account->exclude);
         $location = esc_sql($account->location);
         $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->flagpictures} (galleryid, filename, alttext, description, exclude, location) VALUES ('{$gid}', '{$filename}', '{$alttext}', '{$description}', '{$exclude}', '{$location}')");
Exemple #2
  * Upload function will be called via the Flash uploader
  * @class flagAdmin
  * @param integer $galleryID
  * @return string $result
 static function swfupload_image($galleryID = 0)
     global $wpdb;
     if ($galleryID == 0) {
         return __('No gallery selected!', 'flag');
     // WPMU action
     if (flagAdmin::check_quota()) {
         return '0';
     // Check the upload
     if (!isset($_FILES['file']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]) || $_FILES["file"]["error"] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
     // get the filename and extension
     $temp_file = $_FILES["file"]['tmp_name'];
     $filepart = flagGallery::fileinfo($_FILES['file']['name']);
     $filename = $filepart['basename'];
     // check for allowed extension
     $ext = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif');
     if (!in_array($filepart['extension'], $ext)) {
         return $filename . ' ' . __('is no valid image file!', 'flag');
     // get the path to the gallery
     $gallerypath = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT path FROM {$wpdb->flaggallery} WHERE gid = %d ", $galleryID));
     if (!$gallerypath) {
         return __('Failure in database, no gallery path set !', 'flag');
     // read list of images
     $imageslist = flagAdmin::scandir(WINABSPATH . $gallerypath);
     // check if this filename already exist
     $i = 0;
     while (in_array($filename, $imageslist)) {
         $filename = sanitize_title($filepart['filename']) . '_' . $i++ . '.' . $filepart['extension'];
     $dest_file = WINABSPATH . $gallerypath . '/' . $filename;
     // save temp file to gallery
     if (!@move_uploaded_file($temp_file, $dest_file)) {
         flagAdmin::check_safemode(WINABSPATH . $gallerypath);
         return __('Error, the file could not moved to : ', 'flag') . $dest_file;
     if (!flagAdmin::chmod($dest_file)) {
         return __('Error, the file permissions could not set', 'flag');
     // add images to database
     $image_ids = flagAdmin::add_Images($galleryID, array($filename));
     $return = '';
     //create thumbnails
     foreach ($image_ids as $picture) {
         $return = flagAdmin::create_thumbnail($picture);
     //add the preview image if needed
     if (intval($_POST['last']) == 1) {
     return intval($return) == 1 ? '' : $return;