<td colspan="4"> <div class="form-group"><label class="col-xs-3 control-label"><span class="red required"> </span><?php echo $utils->getConstant("sortable"); ?> : </label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <?php $field_ob3 = new field(); $field_ob3->SetIdField('sortable'); $field_ob3->SetNameField('sortable'); $field_ob3->SetTypeField('select'); $field_ob3->SetTable(); $field_ob3->SetCssClass("form-control"); $field_ob3->setWhere(); $field_ob3->SetExtra($extra_sortable); echo $field_ob3->getField(); ?> <small class="field-description"><?php echo constant("sortable_desc"); ?> </small> </div></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-2"> <input id="required" name="required" value="" type="checkbox" > </div> <label class="control-label col-sm-9"> <?php
public function getForm($action) { global $allGroupAvilable; global $pageList; global $module_id; $res = ""; $res .= "<div class='box box-danger form-horizontal'><div class='box-body'>"; if ($this->steps == true) { $res .= $this->create_gen_path($_SESSION['cmsMID'], $this->stepsArray, $this->stepsPages); } if ($this->AsForm == true) { $res .= "<form method='post' class='{$this->cssForm}' name='{$this->nameForm}' id='{$this->idForm}'><input type='hidden' name='backLink' value='" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "'>"; } $res .= "<div class='Form-Field form-generate-voila {$this->cssForm}'>"; $countColumns = 0; if ($this->countCell > 0) { $countColumns = round(count($this->columns) / $this->countCell); $res .= "<div class='{$this->cellClassWithCount}'>"; } $i = 0; $classSubmit = ""; $dataObjectForPageBuilder = ""; foreach ($this->columns as $column) { if ($this->types[$column] == "pageBuilder") { $classSubmit = "SubmitPageBuilder"; $currentGroup = $_REQUEST['gr_id_pg']; $dataObjectForPageBuilder = " data-cuuenr-file='" . basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "' data-cms-id='{$module_id}' data-avilable-groups='{$allGroupAvilable}' data-current-page='{$currentGroup}' data-list-page='{$pageList}' "; } if (!$countColumns) { $res .= "<div class='{$this->ClassMain}'>"; } if ($countColumns > 0) { if (fmod($i, $countColumns) == 0 && $i != 0) { $res .= "</div><div class='{$this->cellClassWithCount}'>"; } } $i++; $res .= "<div class='form-group'>"; $span = ""; if ($this->requireds[$column] == 'required' || in_array($column, $this->requireds)) { $span = "<span class='red required' >* </span>"; } else { $span = "<span class=' req'> </span>"; } $SubMainClass = $this->SubMain[0]; $SubMainClass2 = $this->SubMain[2]; $labelClass = "control-label"; if ($this->types[$column] == "pageBuilder") { $SubMainClass = $SubMainClass2 = "col-sm-12"; $labelClass = ""; } else { if ($this->LangEffected[$column] != "") { $lang_org = str_replace($this->LangEffected[$column] . "_", "", $column); $orgin_col = str_replace("_" . $lang_org, "", $column); $res .= "<label class='" . $SubMainClass . " {$labelClass}'>" . $span . $this->getConstant($orgin_col, $this->constants[$orgin_col]) . " (" . $this->getConstant($lang_org) . ")" . ": </label>"; } else { $res .= "<label class='" . $SubMainClass . " {$labelClass}'>" . $span . $this->getConstant($column, $this->constants[$column]) . ": </label>"; } } $field_ob = new field(); if ($this->types[$column] == 'map') { $field_ob->setMap($this->values[$column]); } $field_ob->SetIdField($column); $field_ob->SetNameField($column); $field_ob->SetCssClass($this->classes[$column] . " form-control"); $field_ob->SetValueField($this->values[$column]); $field_ob->SetTypeField($this->types[$column]); $field_ob->SetTable($this->extendTables[$column][0]); $field_ob->SetTname($this->extendTables[$column][1]); $field_ob->SetTvalue($this->extendTables[$column][2]); $field_ob->setWhere($this->extendTables[$column][3]); $field_ob->SetRequiredField($this->requireds[$column]); if (!$this->extendTables[$column][4]) { $this->extendTables[$column][4] = true; } $field_ob->setWithAdd($this->extendTables[$column][4]); $field_ob->SetExtra($this->extra[$column]); $field_ob->SetInputLength($this->legths[$column]); $res .= "<div class='" . $SubMainClass2 . "'>"; $res .= $field_ob->getField(); $res .= "<small class='field-description'>" . $this->FieldDescription[$column] . "</small>"; $res .= "</div></div>"; // echo $this->tableName; // global $fpdo; // $get_description= $fpdo->from('cms_module_fields')->where("table_id='".$_SESSION['cmsMID']."'")->fetch(); // echo $get_description['description']; $res .= "<div class='hr'><hr></div>"; if (!$countColumns) { $res .= "</div>"; } } if ($this->countCell) { $res .= "</div>"; } $res .= $this->AppendToForm; $res .= " <div class='col-sm-12'>"; $res .= " <input type='hidden' value='{$action}' name='action' id='action'>"; if ($this->backBtn == true) { $res .= $this->back($this->backLink); /* alaa */ } if ($this->submit == true) { if ($this->steps == true) { $res .= "<Button type='submit' class='btn btn-submit {$classSubmit}' data-btn-type='continue' {$dataObjectForPageBuilder} name='saveContinue' value='saveContinue'>" . $this->getConstant("save_continue") . "</button> "; $res .= "<Button type='submit' class='btn btn-new {$classSubmit}' data-btn-type='close' {$dataObjectForPageBuilder} name='saveClose' >" . $this->getConstant("save_close") . "</button>"; } else { $res .= "<Button type='submit' class='btn btn-submit {$dataObjectForPageBuilder} {$classSubmit}' >" . $this->getConstant("save") . "</button>"; } } $res .= " </div>"; $res .= " </div>"; if ($this->AsForm == true) { $res .= "</form>"; } $res .= "</div></div>"; return $res; }
public function GetList($parent = '', $value = '') { if ($parent == '') { $parent = $this->field_Parent; } if ($value == '') { $value = $this->parentValue; } $columns = implode(',', $this->columns); $this->where[$this->field_Parent] = $value; $list = $this->fpdo->from($this->table)->select($columns)->where($this->where)->orderBy($this->order)->fetchAll(); $result = ""; if (count($list) > 0) { $result .= '<ol class="dd-list" data-id="' . $value . '">' . "\r\n"; foreach ($list as $row) { $bool = false; $result .= '<li class="dd-item dd3-item" data-id="' . $row[$this->field_id] . '">' . "\r\n"; $result .= '<div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>' . '<div class="dd3-content form-inline">'; if ($this->checkEditParmeters($row)) { $result .= "<form method='post' action='" . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "'>"; } $result .= "<div class='left-item'>"; $arrayCols = array(); $editLink = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?action=_edit"; foreach ($this->columns as $col) { if ($col != $this->field_id && $col != $this->field_Parent && $col != $this->field_active && $col != $this->field_static) { $column = "<label>" . $row[$col] . "</label>"; if ($_REQUEST['action'] == '_edit') { if ($this->checkEditParmeters($row)) { $field_ob = new field(); $field_ob->SetIdField($col); $field_ob->SetNameField($col); $field_ob->SetValueField($row[$col]); $field_ob->SetTypeField($this->types[$col]); $field_ob->SetCssClass($this->cssClass[$col]); $field_ob->SetTable($this->source[$col][0]); $field_ob->SetTname($this->source[$col][1]); $field_ob->SetTvalue($this->source[$col][2]); $field_ob->setWhere($this->source[$col][3]); $column = $field_ob->getField(); } } array_push($arrayCols, "<div class='form-group'><label class='red'><strong class='red'>" . $this->getConstant($col) . ":</strong></label> " . $column . "</div>"); } } foreach ($this->editParameters as $parmeter) { $editLink .= "&" . $parmeter . "=" . $row[$parmeter]; } $arrayCols[0] = "<b>" . $arrayCols[0] . "</b>"; $result .= implode(" ", $arrayCols); $result .= "</div>"; $result .= "<div class='second-item'>"; if ($this->checkEditParmeters($row)) { foreach ($this->editParameters as $parameter) { $result .= "<input type='hidden' value='" . $_REQUEST[$parameter] . "' name='{$parameter}'>"; } $result .= "<input type='hidden' value='Edit' name='action'>"; $result .= "<button type='submit' class='btn-e-r btn btn-danger btn-sm'>" . $this->icons->ico['save'] . "</button>"; } else { if ($this->delete) { $result .= "<div class='right-item'><input type='checkbox' value='" . $row[$this->field_id] . "' name='DeleteRow[]' class='checkbox'></div>\n"; } $result .= '<div class="dropdown nestable-dropdown"> <button class="btn-option dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></i></button> <ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1">'; if ($this->edit != "") { $result .= "<li><a href='{$editLink}'>" . $this->icons->ico['edit'] . " " . $this->getConstant("Edit") . "</a></li>"; } if ($this->static == true) { $result .= "<div class='right-item'>" . _Static . "</div>"; } if ($this->active == true) { $result .= "<li>" . $this->switcher($this->table, $row[$this->field_id], $this->field_active, $row[$this->field_active], "SwitcherV", $this->field_id, "Active") . "</li>"; } foreach ($this->extraflag as $flag) { $result .= "<li>" . $this->switcher($this->table, $row[$this->field_id], $flag, $row[$flag], "SwitcherV", $this->field_id, $flag) . "</li>"; } $result .= ' </ul> </div>'; } $result .= "</div>"; if ($this->checkEditParmeters($row)) { $result .= "</form>"; } $result .= "</div>"; $result .= $this->GetList($this->field_Parent, $row[$this->field_id]); $result .= '</li>' . "\r\n"; } $result .= '</ol> ' . "\r\n"; return $result; } else { return false; } }
// $field_ob->SetRequiredField($this->requireds[$col]); $field_ob->SetTname($t_name); $field_ob->SetTvalue($t_value); $field_ob->SetValueField($extra_value); $field_ob->setWhere(); if ($extra_table == "") { $field_ob->SetExtra(array($extra_id)); } if ($laneffected[$field] != "") { $lang_org = str_replace($laneffected[$field] . "_", "", $field); $orgin_col = str_replace("_" . $lang_org, "", $field); $field_cons = $utils->getConstant($orgin_col, "") . " (" . $utils->getConstant($lang_org) . ")"; } else { $field_cons = $utils->getConstant($field, ""); } $row = '<div class="popover editable-container editable-popup fade top in" style="top: -90px; left: 0px; display: block;width:300px;">' . '<div class="arrow"></div><h3 class="popover-title">' . $utils->getConstant(edit) . ' ' . $field_cons . '</h3>' . '<div class="popover-content"> <div><div class="editableform-loading" style="display: none;"></div>' . '<form class="form-inline editableform" style=""><div class="control-group form-group">' . '<div>' . '<div class="editable-input" style="position: relative;width:180px;">' . $field_ob->getField() . '</div>' . '<div class="editable-buttons">' . '<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm editable-submit SaveEditInline" data-type="' . $type . '" data-table="' . $table . '" data-id="' . $id . '" data-field="' . $field . '" data-extratable="' . $extra_table . '" data-extraid="' . $extra_id . '" data-extraname="' . $extra_name . '" data-extravalue="' . $extra_value . '" ><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i></button>' . '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm editable-cancel CancleEditInline" data-type="' . $type . '" data-table="' . $table . '" data-id="' . $id . '" data-field="' . $field . '" data-extravalue="' . $extra_value . '">' . '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i></button></div></div><div class="editable-error-block help-block" style="display: none;"></div></div></form></div></div></div>'; //$row = "<div class='row row-margin'><div class='Fright'><a href='javascript:;' data-type='" . $type . "' data-table='" . $table . "' data-id='" . $id . "' data-field='$field' data-extratable='" . $extra_table . "' data-extraid='" . $extra_id . "' data-extraname='" . $extra_name . "' data-extravalue='" . $extra_value . "' class='SaveEditInline'><i class='fa fa-floppy-o' aria-hidden='true'></i></a> <a href='javascript:;' data-type='" . $type . "' data-table='" . $table . "' data-id='" . $id . "' data-field='$field' class='CancleEditInline' ><i class='fa fa-times' aria-hidden='true'></i></a></div></div>" . $field_ob->getField(); if ($extra_table == "") { $field_name = $fileds['title']; $get_new_val = $fpdo->from($extra_table)->where("id", $t_value)->fetch(); file_put_contents("rows", $t_value . $field_name); $val = $get_new_val[$field_name]; echo json_encode($row . $val); } else { echo json_encode($row . $extra_value); } } elseif ($action == 'cancle') { echo json_encode($extra_value); } elseif ($action == 'save') { $field_up = "`" . $field . "`"; if ($newvalue != "") {
$dataModule = ""; $options = "<option value='='>=</option>" . "<option value='>'>></option>" . "<option value='>='>>=</option>" . "<option value='<'><</option>" . "<option value='<='><=</option>" . "<option value='!='>!=</option>" . "<option value='LIKE'>LIKE</option>" . "<option value='LIKEPER'>LIKE %...%</option>" . "<option value='NOTLIKE'>NOT LIKE</option>" . "<option value='IN'>IN(...)</option>" . "<option value='NOTIN'>NOT IN(...)</option>" . "<option value='ISNULL'>IS NULL</option>" . "<option value='ISNOTNULL'>IS NOT NULL</option>"; if (in_array($field['type'], $dateTypeArray)) { $input = "<div class='input-group date date-widget' ><input type='text' class='form-control valueOperation' data-id='" . $field["id"] . "' />" . "<span class='input-group-addon'>\n <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-calendar'></span>\n </span></div>" . ""; $options = "<option value='='>=</option>" . "<option value='>'>></option>" . "<option value='>='>>=</option>" . "<option value='<'><</option>" . "<option value='<='><=</option>" . "<option value='!='>!=</option>" . "<option value='ISNULL'>IS NULL</option>" . "<option value='ISNOTNULL'>IS NOT NULL</option>"; } elseif ($field['type'] == "DynamicSelect") { $field_ob = new field(); $field_ob->SetIdField(); $field_ob->SetNameField(); $field_ob->SetCssClass("valueOperation form-control"); $field_ob->SetTypeField($field['type']); $plus = explode(',', $field['plus']); $field_ob->SetExtra($plus); $field_ob->setWithObjectsExtra(true); $field_ob->setDataObjects(array("id" => $field["id"])); $res = $field_ob->getField(); $dataModule = "data-module='" . $plus[0] . "'"; $input = "<div class='input-group' style='width:100%' >{$res}</div>"; $options = "<option value='='>=</option>" . "<option value='!='>!=</option>" . "<option value='IN'>IN(...)</option>" . "<option value='NOTIN'>NOT IN(...)</option>" . "<option value='ISNULL'>IS NULL</option>" . "<option value='ISNOTNULL'>IS NOT NULL</option>"; } else { $input = "<div class='input-group' style='width:100%' ><input type='text' class='form-control valueOperation' data-id='" . $field["id"] . "' ></div>"; } $operations .= "<tr>" . "<td><label>" . $utils->getConstant($field["title"]) . "</label></td>" . "<td><select data-field='" . $field["title"] . "' {$dataModule} data-type='" . $field['type'] . "' class='operation form-control' style='min-width:150px;' data-id='" . $field["id"] . "'>" . $options . "</select></td>" . "<td>{$input}</td>" . "</tr>"; } $operations .= "</tbody></table></div><div class='col-sm-6'><table class='table table-striped table-bordered table-hover' style='margin-top:10px'><tbody><tr><tr><td colspan='3' class='danger'><label>" . $utils->getConstant("sorting") . "</label></td></tr>"; $operations .= "" . "<td><label>" . $utils->getConstant("OrderBy") . "</label></td>" . "<td colspan='2'><select class='form-control' id='WidgetSortBy'><option value=''>---------------------</option><option value='id'>id</option>{$sortingField}</select></td>" . "</tr>"; $operations .= "<tr>" . "<td><label>" . $utils->getConstant("OrderType") . "</label></td>" . "<td colspan='2'><select class='form-control' id='WidgetOrderBy'><option value=''>---------------------</option><option value='asc'>" . $utils->getConstant("asc") . "</option><option value='desc'>" . $utils->getConstant("desc") . "</option></select></td>" . "</tr>"; $operations .= "<tr>" . "<td><label>" . $utils->getConstant("Limit") . "</label></td>" . "<td colspan='2'><input class='form-control' id='WidgetLimit'></td>" . "</tr>"; $operations .= "</tbody></table></div></div>"; echo $operations; }
function GetListTable() { $this->updateOrderItems(); $query = $this->fpdo->from($this->db_table)->where($this->where_str); if ($this->orderBy != '') { $query->orderBy($this->orderBy); } if ($this->limit != '') { $query->limit($this->limit); } if ($this->debug == true) { echo $query->getQuery(); } $count = $query->execute(); $countTable = count($query->execute()); if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "add") { $countTable = 1; } if ($countTable > 0) { if ($this->order == true) { $soratble = "sortable"; $script = "" . " var order_table='{$this->db_table}';\n" . " var order_filed='{$this->f_order}';\n" . " var order_id='{$this->f_id}';\n" . " ordIds=new Array();\n"; } else { $soratble = ""; } if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "_edit") { $linkAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?action=Edit"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "add") { $linkAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?action=Insert"; } $result .= $this->getParentAttr(); $result .= " <div class='box box-danger'>\n"; $result .= " <div class='box-header with-border'>\n"; $result .= $this->FilterTable(); $result .= " </div>\n"; $result .= " <div class='box-header with-border'>\n"; $result .= $this->getModuleButtons(); $result .= " </div>\n"; $result .= " <div class='box-body'>\n"; $result .= "<form name='TableForm' action='{$linkAction}' method='post'>"; $result .= "<table id='TableForm' class='{$this->class} table table-bordered table-hover' >\n"; $result .= "<thead>\n"; $result .= "<tr>\n"; foreach ($this->columns as $column) { $result .= "<th>"; if ($this->LangEffected[$column] != "") { $lang_org = str_replace($this->LangEffected[$column] . "_", "", $column); $orgin_col = str_replace("_" . $lang_org, "", $column); $result .= $this->getConstant($orgin_col, "") . " (" . $this->getConstant($lang_org) . ")"; } else { $result .= $this->getConstant($column, ""); } $result .= "</th>"; } foreach ($this->extraLinks as $exlink) { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . $exlink[0] . "</th>\n"; } if ($this->active == true) { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . active . "</th>\n"; } $i_page = 0; foreach ($query as $row_seo) { if ($i_page < 1) { if ($row_seo[$this->page_id] > 0) { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . seo . "</th>\n"; $i_page++; } } } $i_dublicate = 0; foreach ($query as $row_dublicate) { if ($i_dublicate < 1) { if ($this->display == true) { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . dublicate . "</th>\n"; $i_dublicate++; } } } if ($this->special == true) { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . special . "</th>\n"; } if ($this->static != '') { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . _static . "</th>\n"; } if ($this->seo == true) { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . seo . "</th>\n"; } if ($this->widget == true) { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . widget . "</th>\n"; } if ($this->view_page == true) { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . view . "</th>\n"; } if ($this->edit != '') { $result .= "<th width=30 align='center'>" . edit . "</th>\n"; } if ($this->delete == true) { $result .= "<th width=30><input type='checkbox' id='SelectAll'></th>\n"; } $result .= "</tr>\n"; $result .= "</thead>\n"; $result .= "<tbody id='{$soratble}' class='sortable ui-sortable'>\n"; $m = 1; if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'add' && $this->isGridList == true) { if (count($this->types) > 0) { $result .= "<tr>"; $result .= $this->getParametersToPassIt(true); $result .= $this->getParametersToPassIt(); foreach ($this->columns as $col) { $field_ob = new field(); $field_ob->SetIdField($col); $field_ob->SetNameField($col); $field_ob->SetCssClass($this->classes[$col]); $required = $this->requireds[$col]; if ($required == "" && in_array($col, $this->requireds)) { $required = "required"; } $field_ob->SetRequiredField($required); $field_ob->SetValueField($this->source[$col][3]); $field_ob->SetTypeField($this->types[$col]); $field_ob->SetTable($this->extendTables[$col][0]); $field_ob->SetTname($this->extendTables[$col][1]); $field_ob->SetTvalue($this->extendTables[$col][2]); $field_ob->setWhere($this->extendTables[$col][3]); $field_ob->WithLabel(false); if (!$this->extendTables[$col][4]) { $this->extendTables[$col][4] = true; } if (in_array($col, $this->parentAttr)) { $field_ob->SetValueField($_REQUEST[$col]); } $field_ob->setWithAdd($this->extendTables[$col][4]); $field_ob->SetExtra($this->extra[$col]); $field_ob->SetInputLength($this->legths[$col]); $result .= "<td>" . $field_ob->getField() . "</td>"; } foreach ($this->extraLinks as $exlink) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->active == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } $i_page = 0; foreach ($query as $row_seo) { if ($i_page < 1) { if ($row_seo[$this->page_id] > 0) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; $i_page++; } } } $i_dublicate = 0; foreach ($query as $row_dublicate) { if ($i_dublicate < 1) { if ($this->display == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; $i_dublicate++; } } } if ($this->special == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->static != '') { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->seo == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->widget == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->view_page == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->edit != '') { $result .= "<td><button type='submit' class='btn-e-r btn btn-danger btn-sm'>" . $this->icons->ico['save'] . "</button></td>\n"; } if ($this->delete == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } $result .= "</tr>"; } } foreach ($query as $row) { $id = stripcslashes($row[$this->f_id]); if ($id == $_REQUEST['id'] && $_REQUEST['action'] == '_edit') { $result .= "<tr><input type='hidden' name='{$this->f_id}' value='" . $_REQUEST[$this->f_id] . "'>"; $result .= $this->getParametersToPassIt(); $result .= $this->getParentAttr(); if ($this->order == true) { $script .= "ordIds[{$m}]='{$id}';"; } $m++; foreach ($this->columns as $column) { $value = ""; $value = stripcslashes($row[$column]); if (isset($this->source[$column]) && $this->source[$column] != '') { $value = $this->lookupField($this->source[$column][0], $this->source[$column][1], $this->source[$column][2], $row[$column]); } if ($this->types[$column] == 'photos') { $value = $this->ViewPhotos($value, 1, 1, 50, 50); } $field_ob = new field(); $field_ob->SetIdField($column); $field_ob->SetNameField($column); $field_ob->SetCssClass($this->classes[$column]); $field_ob->SetTypeField($this->types[$column]); $field_ob->SetTable($this->extendTables[$column][0]); $field_ob->SetRequiredField($this->requireds[$col]); $field_ob->SetTname($this->extendTables[$column][1]); $field_ob->SetTvalue($this->extendTables[$column][2]); $field_ob->SetValueField(stripcslashes($row[$column])); $field_ob->setWhere($this->extendTables[$column][3]); $field_ob->WithLabel($withLabel); if (!$this->extendTables[$column][4]) { $this->extendTables[$column][4] = true; } $field_ob->setWithAdd($this->extendTables[$column][4]); $field_ob->SetExtra($this->extra[$column]); $field_ob->SetInputLength($this->legths[$column]); if ($this->types[$column] != "") { $result .= "<td>" . $field_ob->getField() . "</td>"; } elseif ($this->types[$column] == "" && $column == 'l_key') { $result .= "<td>" . $field_ob->getField() . "</td>"; } else { $result .= "<td>" . $value . $field_ob->getField() . "</td>"; } } foreach ($this->extraLinks as $exlink) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->active == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } $i_page = 0; foreach ($query as $row_seo) { if ($i_page < 1) { if ($row_seo[$this->page_id] > 0) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; $i_page++; } } } $i_dublicate = 0; foreach ($query as $row_dublicate) { if ($i_dublicate < 1) { if ($this->display == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; $i_dublicate++; } } } if ($this->special == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->static != '') { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->seo == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->widget == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->view_page == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } if ($this->edit != '') { $result .= "<td><button type='submit' class='btn-e-r btn btn-danger btn-sm'>" . $this->icons->ico['save'] . "</button></td>\n"; } if ($this->delete == true) { $result .= "<td></td>\n"; } $result .= "</tr>\n"; } else { $result .= "<tr id=" . $id . 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