static function split_screen_video($files)
     $total = count($files);
     // @TODO: dynamic size needed
     $input_size = new ffmpeg_size(1280, 720);
     // @TODO: 	find/get the length of the longest movie
     // 			alternatively, use something like -shortest to 'movie=' filter
     $ffmpeg = ffmpeg_presets::empty_movie($input_size->to_string(), 300);
     // find the size of the cube
     if (in_array($total, range(1, 4))) {
         $cube = 2;
     } else {
         if (in_array($total, range(5, 9))) {
             $cube = 3;
         } else {
             if (in_array($total, range(10, 16))) {
                 $cube = 4;
             } else {
                 $cube = 1;
     $output_w = $input_size->width / $cube;
     $output_h = $input_size->heigth / $cube;
     // from top to bottom, left to right
     $points = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
         $row = floor($i / $cube);
         $colm = $i % $cube;
         $px = round($colm * $output_w);
         $py = round($row * $output_h);
         // echo $row . ":" . $colm . "\t" . $px . ":" . $py . PHP_EOL;
         $points[$i] = new ffmpeg_point($colm * $output_w, $row * $output_h);
         $ffmpeg->video_filter->overlay_with_filters($files[$i], $points[$i]->x, $points[$i]->y, ffmpeg_filter::scale($input_size->width / $cube, $input_size->heigth / $cube));
     return $ffmpeg;
 public function transpose($transpose_degree)
     switch ($transpose_degree) {
         case 0:
             return false;
         case 90:
         case 270:
             $info = $this->ffmpeg_wrapper->last_input_info_video;
             $currnet_width = $info["width"];
             $current_height = $info["height"];
             $new_width = intval($current_height * ($current_height / $currnet_width));
             $new_heigth = intval($current_height);
             $padcenter_filter = ffmpeg_filter::filter_with_params("pad", array($currnet_width, $current_height, "(ow-iw)/2", "(oh-ih)/2"), array(), array());
             $scale_filter = ffmpeg_filter::filter_with_params("scale", array($new_width, $new_heigth), array(), array(), $padcenter_filter);
             $this->add_simple_filter_with_filter("transpose", array(1), $scale_filter);
             if ($transpose_degree == 270) {
             return true;
         case 180:
             return true;
             return false;
     return false;