ezcWorkflowExecution provides all functionality necessary to execute a workflow. However, it does not provide functionality to make the execution of a workflow persistent and hence usuable over more than one PHP run. Implementations must implement the do* methods and provide the means to store the execution data to a persistent medium.
 public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     $qa_results_dir = "/var/qa";
     // value will be the latest score of the package
     $value = $execution->getVariable('distilled_review');
     // an integer
     // dump this value to a file in the filesystem
     $storage = new midgard_query_storage('com_meego_package_details');
     // get the detailed package object
     $q = new midgard_query_select($storage);
     $q->set_constraint(new midgard_query_constraint(new midgard_query_property('packageguid'), '=', new midgard_query_value($execution->getVariable('package_instance'))));
     $package = $q->list_objects();
     if (count($package) && $value) {
         $project_name = $package[0]->repoprojectname;
         $package_name = $package[0]->packageparent;
         $qa_results_dir = $qa_results_dir . '/' . $project_name;
         if (!is_dir($qa_results_dir)) {
             $ret = mkdir($qa_results_dir, 0755, true);
             if (!$ret) {
                 // do something
         $handle = fopen($qa_results_dir . '/' . $package_name . '.txt', "wb");
         if ($handle) {
             $ret = fwrite($handle, $value);
             if (!$ret) {
                 // do something
  * Executes this node and returns true.
  * Expects the configuration parameters 'name' the name of the workflow
  * variable to work on and the parameter 'value' the value to operate with
  * or the name of the workflow variable containing the value.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @return boolean
  * @ignore
 public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     if (is_array($this->configuration)) {
         $variableName = $this->configuration['name'];
     } else {
         $variableName = $this->configuration;
     $this->variable = $execution->getVariable($variableName);
     if (!is_numeric($this->variable)) {
         throw new ezcWorkflowExecutionException(sprintf('Variable "%s" is not a number.', $variableName));
     if (is_numeric($this->configuration['operand'])) {
         $this->operand = $this->configuration['operand'];
     } else {
         if (is_string($this->configuration['operand'])) {
             try {
                 $operand = $execution->getVariable($this->configuration['operand']);
                 if (is_numeric($operand)) {
                     $this->operand = $operand;
             } catch (ezcWorkflowExecutionException $e) {
     if ($this->operand === null) {
         throw new ezcWorkflowExecutionException('Illegal operand.');
     $execution->setVariable($variableName, $this->variable);
     $this->activateNode($execution, $this->outNodes[0]);
     return parent::execute($execution);
  * Activate this node.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @param ezcWorkflowNode $activatedFrom
  * @param int $threadId
  * @ignore
 public function activate(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution, ezcWorkflowNode $activatedFrom = null, $threadId = 0)
     $parentThreadId = $execution->getParentThreadId($threadId);
     if (empty($this->state['threads'])) {
         $this->state['threads'][] = $threadId;
         parent::activate($execution, $activatedFrom, $parentThreadId);
Exemple #4
  * Executes this by setting all the variables specified by the
  * configuration.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @return boolean true when the node finished execution,
  *                 and false otherwise
  * @ignore
 public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     foreach ($this->configuration as $variable => $value) {
         $execution->setVariable($variable, $value);
     $this->activateNode($execution, $this->outNodes[0]);
     return parent::execute($execution);
Exemple #5
  * Performs the merge by ending the incoming threads and
  * activating the outgoing node.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @return boolean true when the node finished execution,
  *                 and false otherwise
 protected function doMerge(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     foreach ($this->state['threads'] as $threadId) {
     $this->activateNode($execution, $this->outNodes[0]);
     return parent::execute($execution);
 public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     $package_instance = new com_meego_package($execution->getVariable('package_instance'));
     // We load the form from the package's repository
     $repository = new com_meego_repository($package_instance->repository);
     $list_of_forms = midgardmvc_ui_forms_generator::list_for_object($repository);
     if (empty($list_of_forms)) {
     $execution->setVariable('review_form', $list_of_forms[0]->name);
  * Property write access.
  * @param string $propertyName Name of the property.
  * @param mixed $val  The value for the property.
  * @throws ezcBaseValueException
  *         If a the value for the property definitionStorage is not an
  *         instance of ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorage.
  * @throws ezcBaseValueException
  *         If a the value for the property workflow is not an instance of
  *         ezcWorkflow.
  * @ignore
 public function __set($propertyName, $val)
     if ($val instanceof ezcWorkflow && ($val->isInteractive() || $val->hasSubWorkflows())) {
         throw new ezcWorkflowExecutionException('This executer can only execute workflows that have no Input and SubWorkflow nodes.');
     return parent::__set($propertyName, $val);
  * @todo: docs
 public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     $form = midgardmvc_ui_forms_generator::get_by_guid($execution->getVariable('review_form'));
     $instance = new midgardmvc_ui_forms_form_instance($execution->getVariable('review'));
     $review = midgardmvc_ui_forms_store::load_form($form, $instance);
     $items = $form->items;
     $boolean_count = 0;
     $positive = 0;
     $package = new com_meego_package($instance->relatedobject);
     foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
         if ($key == "redirect_link" || $key == "execution") {
         try {
             $field = new midgardmvc_ui_forms_form_field($key);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             midgardmvc_core::get_instance()->log('Invalid field detected in distill review: ' . $key . ', value: ' . $item, 'warning');
         // todo: ugly hardcoded check, but what can we do..
         if ($field->title == "Should the application be in this application catalog?") {
             // if the answer belongs to a certain field then we process
             // this field must be a boolean too
             if ($item instanceof midgardmvc_helper_forms_field_boolean) {
                 if ($item->get_value()) {
                     // add +1 to the package score
                 } else {
                     //  oh yes, we do give -1 points too ;)
                 $res = $package->update();
                 if (!$res) {
                     //update failed; do what?
         } else {
             // otherwise
     // pass on the score
     $execution->setVariable('distilled_review', $package->metadata->score);
  * Visualizes the current state of the workflow execution.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
 protected function visualize(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     $activatedNodes = array();
     foreach ($execution->getActivatedNodes() as $node) {
         $activatedNodes[] = $node->getId();
     if ($this->options['includeVariables']) {
         $variables = $execution->getVariables();
     } else {
         $variables = array();
     $visitor = new ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualization();
     $visitor->options['highlightedNodes'] = $activatedNodes;
     $visitor->options['workflowVariables'] = $variables;
     file_put_contents(sprintf('%s%s%s_%03d_%03d.dot', $this->options['directory'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $execution->workflow->name, $execution->getId(), ++$this->fileCounter), $visitor);
  * Passes variables from one execution context to another.
  * @param  ezcWorkflowExecution $from The execution context the variables are passed from.
  * @param  ezcWorkflowExecution $to The execution context the variables are passed to.
  * @param  array                $variables The names of the variables.
  * @throws ezcWorkflowExecutionException if a variable that is to be passed does not exist.
  * @ignore
 protected function passVariables(ezcWorkflowExecution $from, ezcWorkflowExecution $to, array $variables)
     foreach ($variables as $fromName => $toName) {
         $to->setVariable($toName, $from->getVariable($fromName));
Exemple #11
  * Executes this node.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @return boolean true when the node finished execution,
  *                 and false otherwise
  * @ignore
 public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     $variables = $execution->getVariables();
     $canExecute = true;
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($this->configuration as $variable => $condition) {
         if (!isset($variables[$variable])) {
             $execution->addWaitingFor($this, $variable, $condition);
             $canExecute = false;
         } else {
             if (!$condition->evaluate($variables[$variable])) {
                 $errors[$variable] = (string) $condition;
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         throw new ezcWorkflowInvalidInputException($errors);
     if ($canExecute) {
         $this->activateNode($execution, $this->outNodes[0]);
         return parent::execute($execution);
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #12
  * Ends the execution of this workflow.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @return boolean true when the node finished execution,
  *                 and false otherwise
  * @ignore
 public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     return parent::execute($execution);
Exemple #13
  * Property set access.
  * @param string $propertyName
  * @param string $propertyValue
  * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
  *         If the given property could not be found.
  * @throws ezcBaseValueException
  *         If the value for the property options is not an ezcWorkflowDatabaseOptions object.
  * @ignore
 public function __set($propertyName, $propertyValue)
     switch ($propertyName) {
         case 'definitionStorage':
         case 'workflow':
             return parent::__set($propertyName, $propertyValue);
         case 'options':
             if (!$propertyValue instanceof ezcWorkflowDatabaseOptions) {
                 throw new ezcBaseValueException($propertyName, $propertyValue, 'ezcWorkflowDatabaseOptions');
             throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException($propertyName);
     $this->properties[$propertyName] = $propertyValue;
Exemple #14
  * Called after a variable has been unset.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @param string               $variableName
 public function afterVariableUnset(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution, $variableName)
     $this->notifyListeners(sprintf('Unset variable "%s" for execution #%d of workflow "%s" (version %d).', $variableName, $execution->getId(), $execution->workflow->name, $execution->workflow->version), ezcWorkflowExecutionListener::DEBUG);
  * Evaluates all the conditions, checks the constraints and activates any nodes that have
  * passed through both checks and condition evaluation.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @return boolean true when the node finished execution,
  *                 and false otherwise
  * @ignore
 public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     $keys = array_keys($this->outNodes);
     $numKeys = count($keys);
     $nodesToStart = array();
     $numActivatedConditionalOutNodes = 0;
     if ($this->maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes !== false) {
         $maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes = $this->maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes;
     } else {
         $maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes = $numKeys;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numKeys && $numActivatedConditionalOutNodes <= $maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes; $i++) {
         if (isset($this->configuration['condition'][$keys[$i]])) {
             // Conditional outgoing node.
             if ($this->configuration['condition'][$keys[$i]]->evaluate($execution->getVariables())) {
                 $nodesToStart[] = $this->outNodes[$keys[$i]];
         } else {
             // Unconditional outgoing node.
             $nodesToStart[] = $this->outNodes[$keys[$i]];
     if ($this->minActivatedConditionalOutNodes !== false && $numActivatedConditionalOutNodes < $this->minActivatedConditionalOutNodes) {
         throw new ezcWorkflowExecutionException('Node activates less conditional outgoing nodes than required.');
     return $this->activateOutgoingNodes($execution, $nodesToStart);
Exemple #16
  * Activate this node in the execution environment $execution.
  * $activatedFrom is the node that activated this node and $threadId is
  * threadId of the thread the node should be activated in.
  * This method is called by other nodes and/or the execution environment
  * depending on the workflow.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @param ezcWorkflowNode $activatedFrom
  * @param int $threadId
  * @ignore
 public function activate(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution, ezcWorkflowNode $activatedFrom = null, $threadId = 0)
     if ($this->activationState === self::WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION) {
         $this->activationState = self::WAITING_FOR_EXECUTION;
         if ($activatedFrom !== null) {
             $this->activatedFrom[] = get_class($activatedFrom);
Exemple #17
  * Cancels the execution of this workflow.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @param ezcWorkflowNode      $activatedFrom
  * @param int                  $threadId
  * @ignore
 public function activate(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution, ezcWorkflowNode $activatedFrom = null, $threadId = 0)
  * Gets a rendered HTML form
 public function get_form(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
     $list_of_variables = $execution->getVariables();
     if (array_key_exists('review_form', $list_of_variables)) {
         $db_form = new midgardmvc_ui_forms_form($list_of_variables['review_form']);
         $form = midgardmvc_ui_forms_generator::get_by_form($db_form, false);
         if ($this->request->isset_data_item('redirect_link')) {
             $redirect_link = $this->request->get_data_item('redirect_link');
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER)) {
                 $redirect_link = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
             } else {
                 $redirect_link = '';
         $form->set_cancel(null, $this->mvc->i18n->get('cancel', 'midgardmvc_helper_forms'), $redirect_link);
         // add a hidden input with the recirect link
         // where we go upon successful submit
         $field = $form->add_field('redirect_link', 'text');
         $widget = $field->set_widget('hidden');
         // add a hidden input with the execution guid
         $field = $form->add_field('execution', 'text');
         $widget = $field->set_widget('hidden');
         return array('db_form' => $db_form, 'form' => $form);
     return null;