Exemple #1
  * Returns the XML representation of a live property.
  * Returns a DOMElement, representing the content of the given $property.
  * The newly created element is also appended as a child to the given
  * $parentElement.
  * This method only takes care for {@link ezcWebdavGetContentTypeProperty}
  * and does not add the "charset=..." part to the generated XML output,
  * since Nautilus does not display this nicely. All other properties are
  * dispatched to the default {@link ezcWebdavPropertyHandler}.
  * @param ezcWebdavLiveProperty $property 
  * @param DOMElement $parentElement 
  * @return DOMElement
 protected function serializeLiveProperty(ezcWebdavLiveProperty $property, DOMElement $parentElement)
     switch (get_class($property)) {
         case 'ezcWebdavGetContentTypeProperty':
             $elementName = 'getcontenttype';
             $elementValue = $property->mime !== null ? $property->mime : null;
             return parent::serializeLiveProperty($property, $parentElement);
     $propertyElement = $parentElement->appendChild(ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->xmlTool->createDomElement($parentElement->ownerDocument, $elementName, $property->namespace));
     if ($elementValue instanceof DOMDocument) {
         $propertyElement->appendChild($dom->importNode($elementValue->documentElement, true));
     } else {
         if (is_array($elementValue)) {
             foreach ($elementValue as $subValue) {
         } else {
             if (is_scalar($elementValue)) {
                 $propertyElement->nodeValue = $elementValue;
     return $propertyElement;
  * Stores properties for a resource.
  * Creates a new property storage file and stores the properties given for
  * the resource identified by $path.  This depends on the affected resource
  * and the actual properties in the property storage.
  * @param string $path 
  * @param ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage $storage 
  * @return void
 protected function storeProperties($path, ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage $storage)
     $storagePath = $this->getPropertyStoragePath($path);
     // Create handler structure to read properties
     $handler = new ezcWebdavPropertyHandler($xml = new ezcWebdavXmlTool());
     // Create new dom document with property storage for one namespace
     $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
     $properties = $doc->createElement('properties');
     // Store and store properties
     $handler->serializeProperties($storage, $properties);
     return $doc->save($storagePath);
Exemple #3
 protected function storeProperties($path, ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage $storage)
     $storagePath = $this->options->propertyStoragePath . '/properties-' . md5($path);
     print_debug("storeProperties method {$storagePath}\n");
     // Create handler structure to read properties
     $handler = new ezcWebdavPropertyHandler($xml = new ezcWebdavXmlTool());
     // Create new dom document with property storage for one namespace
     $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
     $properties = $doc->createElement('properties');
     $handler->serializeProperties($storage, $properties);
     print_debug("storeProperties method end\n");
     return $doc->save($storagePath);