public static function getAssociations(ezcDbHandler $db, $url)
     $options = new ezcAuthenticationOpenidDbStoreOptions();
     $table = $options->tableAssociations;
     $query = new ezcQuerySelect($db);
     $e = $query->expr;
     $query->select('*')->from($db->quoteIdentifier($table['name']))->where($e->eq($db->quoteIdentifier($table['fields']['url']), $query->bindValue($url)));
     $query = $query->prepare();
     $rows = $query->fetchAll();
     if (count($rows) > 0) {
         $rows = $rows[0];
         $data = $rows[$table['fields']['association']];
         return $data;
Exemple #2
 static function execOptionsQuery(ezcQuerySelect $query, $keyName, $valueName, array $options = array())
     $defaultOptions = array('skip_empty' => false, 'allow_empty' => false, 'empty_text' => _('-- Selezionare --'));
     $opt = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
     $stmt = $query->prepare();
     $optionsList = array();
     if ($opt['allow_empty']) {
         $optionsList[''] = $opt['empty_text'];
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         if ($opt['skip_empty'] !== true || trim($row[$valueName]) != '') {
             $optionsList[$row[$keyName]] = $row[$valueName];
     return $optionsList;
  * Returns the SQL string for the subselect.
  * Example:
  * <code>
  * <?php
  * $subSelect = $q->subSelect();
  * $subSelect->select( name )->from( 'table2' );
  * $q->select( '*' )
  *   ->from( 'table1' )
  *   ->where ( $q->expr->eq( 'name', $subSelect ) );
  * $stmt = $q->prepare();
  * $stmt->execute();
  * ?>
  * </code>
  * @return string
 public function getQuery()
     return '( ' . parent::getQuery() . ' )';
  * Resets the query object for reuse.
  * @return void
 public function reset()
     $this->fromTables = array();
     $this->rightJoins = array(null);
  * Returns the SQL to check if a value is one in a set of
  * given values.
  * in() accepts an arbitrary number of parameters. The first parameter
  * must always specify the value that should be matched against. Successive
  * parameters must contain a logical expression or an array with logical
  * expressions.  These expressions will be matched against the first
  * parameter.
  * Example:
  * <code>
  * $q->select( '*' )->from( 'table' )
  *                  ->where( $q->expr->in( 'id', 1, 2, 3 ) );
  * </code>
  * Oracle limits the number of values in a single IN() to 1000. This 
  * implementation creates a list of combined IN() expressions to bypass 
  * this limitation.
  * @throws ezcQueryVariableParameterException if called with less than two
  *         parameters.
  * @throws ezcQueryInvalidParameterException if the 2nd parameter is an
  *         empty array.
  * @param string|array(string) values that will be matched against $column
  * @return string logical expression
 public function in($column)
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (count($args) < 2) {
         throw new ezcQueryVariableParameterException('in', count($args), 2);
     if (is_array($args[1]) && count($args[1]) == 0) {
         throw new ezcQueryInvalidParameterException('in', 2, 'empty array', 'non-empty array');
     $values = ezcQuerySelect::arrayFlatten(array_slice($args, 1));
     $values = $this->getIdentifiers($values);
     $column = $this->getIdentifier($column);
     if (count($values) == 0) {
         throw new ezcQueryVariableParameterException('in', count($args), 2);
     if ($this->quoteValues) {
         foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
             switch (true) {
                 case is_int($value):
                 case is_float($value):
                 case $value instanceof ezcQuerySubSelect:
                     $values[$key] = (string) $value;
                     $values[$key] = $this->db->quote($value);
     if (count($values) <= 1000) {
         return "{$column} IN ( " . join(', ', $values) . ' )';
     } else {
         $expression = '( ';
         do {
             $bunch = array_slice($values, 0, 1000);
             $values = array_slice($values, 1000);
             $expression .= "{$column} IN ( " . join(', ', $bunch) . ' ) OR ';
         } while (count($values) > 1000);
         $expression .= "{$column} IN ( " . join(', ', $values) . ' ) )';
         return $expression;
  * Handles preparing query.
  * Overrides ezcQuery->prepare()
  * Adds "FROM dual" to the select if no FROM clause specified 
  * i.e. fixes queries like "SELECT 1+1" to work in Oracle.
  * @return PDOStatement
 public function prepare()
     if ($this->fromString == null || $this->fromString == '') {
     return parent::prepare();
  * Creates a simple JOIN to fetch the objects defined by $relation.
  * Creates a simple LEFT JOIN using the aliases defined in $relation and
  * the $srcTableAlias, to fetch all objects defined by $relation, which are
  * related to the source object, fetched by $srcTableAlias.
  * @param ezcQuerySelect $q 
  * @param string $srcTableAlias 
  * @param string $dstTableAlias 
  * @param ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition $relation 
 protected function createSimpleJoin(ezcQuerySelect $q, $srcTableAlias, $dstTableAlias, ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition $relation)
     $relationDefinition = $relation->relationDefinition;
     $first = true;
     $joinCond = null;
     foreach ($relationDefinition->columnMap as $mapping) {
         $srcColumn = $this->getColumnName($srcTableAlias, $mapping->sourceColumn);
         $destColumn = $this->getColumnName($dstTableAlias, $mapping->destinationColumn);
         if ($first) {
             $joinCond = $q->expr->eq($srcColumn, $destColumn);
             $first = false;
         } else {
             $joinCond = $q->expr->and($joinCond, $q->expr->eq($srcColumn, $destColumn));
     $q->leftJoin($q->alias($this->db->quoteIdentifier($relationDefinition->destinationTable), $this->db->quoteIdentifier($dstTableAlias)), $joinCond);
  * Returns the unserialized association linked to the OpenID provider URL.
  * Returns false if the association could not be retrieved or if it expired.
  * @param string $url The URL of the OpenID provider
  * @return ezcAuthenticationOpenidAssociation
 public function getAssociation($url)
     $table = $this->options->tableAssociations;
     $query = new ezcQuerySelect($this->instance);
     $e = $query->expr;
     $query->select('*')->from($this->instance->quoteIdentifier($table['name']))->where($e->eq($this->instance->quoteIdentifier($table['fields']['url']), $query->bindValue($url)));
     $query = $query->prepare();
     $rows = $query->fetchAll();
     if (count($rows) > 0) {
         $rows = $rows[0];
         $data = unserialize($rows[$table['fields']['association']]);
         return $data;
     // no association was found for $url
     return false;
 public function testSubSubSelect()
     $name = 'IBM';
     $name2 = 'company';
     $q = new ezcQuerySelect(ezcDbInstance::get());
     // subselect
     $q2 = $q->subSelect();
     // sub subselect
     $q3 = $q2->subSelect();
     $q3->select('*')->from('query_test2')->where($q3->expr->in('company', 'IBM', 'eZ systems'));
     // bind values
     $q2->select('company')->from('query_test')->where($q2->expr->eq('company', $q2->bindParam($name)), ' id > 2 ');
     $q->select('*')->from('query_test')->where(' id >= 1 ', $q->expr->in('company', $q2->getQuery()))->orderBy('id');
     $stmt = $q->prepare();
     $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
     $this->assertEquals('IBM', $result[0]['company']);
     $this->assertEquals('Norway', $result[0]['section']);
     $this->assertEquals('IBM', $result[1]['company']);
     $this->assertEquals('Germany', $result[1]['section']);
  * Returns a series of strings concatinated
  * concat() accepts an arbitrary number of parameters. Each parameter
  * must contain an expression or an array with expressions.
  * @param string|array(string) $... strings that will be concatinated.
 public function concat()
     $args = func_get_args();
     $cols = ezcQuerySelect::arrayFlatten($args);
     if (count($cols) < 1) {
         throw new ezcQueryVariableParameterException('concat', count($args), 1);
     $cols = $this->getIdentifiers($cols);
     return "CONCAT( " . join(', ', $cols) . ' )';
  * Helper for {@see listVersions()} and {@see listVersionsForUser()} that filters duplicates
  * that are the result of the cartesian product performed by createVersionInfoFindQuery()
  * @param \ezcQuerySelect $query
  * @return string[][]
 private function listVersionsHelper($query)
     $query->orderBy($this->dbHandler->quoteColumn('id', 'ezcontentobject_version'));
     $statement = $query->prepare();
     $results = array();
     $previousId = null;
     foreach ($statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
         if ($row["ezcontentobject_version_id"] == $previousId) {
         $previousId = $row["ezcontentobject_version_id"];
         $results[] = $row;
     return $results;
  * Transforms the query from the parent to provide LIMIT functionality.
  * Note: doesn't work exactly like the MySQL equivalent; it will always return
  * $limit rows even if $offset + $limit exceeds the total number of rows.
  * @throws ezcQueryInvalidException if offset is used and orderBy is not.
  * @return string
 public function getQuery()
     $query = parent::getQuery();
     if ($this->hasLimit) {
         if ($this->offset) {
             if (!$this->orderString) {
                 // Uh ow. We need some columns to sort in the oposite order to make this work
                 throw new ezcQueryInvalidException("LIMIT workaround for MS SQL", "orderBy() was not called before getQuery().");
             return 'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP ' . $this->limit . ' * FROM ( ' . self::top($this->offset + $this->limit, $query) . ' ) AS ezcDummyTable1 ' . $this->invertedOrderString . ' ) AS ezcDummyTable2 ' . $this->orderString;
         return self::top($this->limit, $query);
     return $query;

require_once __DIR__ . '/tutorial_example_01.php';
$name = 'IBM';
$q = new ezcQuerySelect(ezcDbInstance::get());
// Creating subselect object
$q2 = $q->subSelect();
// $q2 will build the subquery "SELECT company FROM query_test WHERE
// company = :ezcValue1 AND id > 2". This query will be used inside the SQL for
// $q.
$q2->select('company')->from('query_test')->where($q2->expr->eq('company', $q2->bindParam($name)), 'id > 2');
// $q the resulting query. It produces the following SQL:
// SELECT * FROM query_test
// WHERE  id >= 1  AND
//     company IN ( (
//         SELECT company FROM query_test
//         WHERE company = :ezcValue1 AND id > 2
//     ) )
$q->select('*')->from('query_test')->where(' id >= 1 ', $q->expr->in('company', $q2));
$stmt = $q->prepare();
echo $stmt->queryString;
  * Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished.
  * @param ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials $credentials Authentication credentials
  * @return int
 public function run($credentials)
     $db = $this->database;
     // see if username exists
     $query = new ezcQuerySelect($db->instance);
     $e = $query->expr;
     $query->select('COUNT( ' . $db->instance->quoteIdentifier($db->fields[0]) . ' )')->from($db->instance->quoteIdentifier($db->table))->where($e->eq($db->instance->quoteIdentifier($db->fields[0]), $query->bindValue($credentials->id)));
     $rows = $query->prepare();
     $count = (int) $rows->fetchColumn(0);
     if ($count === 0) {
         return self::STATUS_USERNAME_INCORRECT;
     if (count($this->requestedData) > 0) {
         // fetch extra data from the database
         $query = new ezcQuerySelect($db->instance);
         $e = $query->expr;
         $params = array();
         foreach ($this->requestedData as $param) {
             $params[] = $db->instance->quoteIdentifier($param);
         $query->select(implode(', ', $params))->from($db->instance->quoteIdentifier($db->table))->where($e->lAnd($e->eq($db->instance->quoteIdentifier($db->fields[0]), $query->bindValue($credentials->id))));
         $rows = $query->prepare();
         $data = $rows->fetchAll();
         $data = $data[0];
         foreach ($this->requestedData as $attribute) {
             $this->data[$attribute] = array($data[$attribute]);
     return self::STATUS_OK;