public function testExecuteNotReadable()
     // If running as root you can always write, so this test should be
     // skipped when running as root.
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction("posix_getuid") || posix_getuid() == 0) {
     copy($this->templateCompiledPath . "full-14862b79ceaf01443626bd5d564c53e2.php", $this->templateStorePath . "full-14862b79ceaf01443626bd5d564c53e2.php");
     // This only works on Linux/Unix, what to do here on other platforms?
     $old = umask(0);
     chmod($this->templateStorePath . "full-14862b79ceaf01443626bd5d564c53e2.php", 0222);
     $conf = new ezcTemplateCompiledCode('14862b79ceaf01443626bd5d564c53e2', $this->templateStorePath . 'full-14862b79ceaf01443626bd5d564c53e2.php');
     self::assertTrue(file_exists($conf->path), "Compiled file <" . $conf->path . "> should exist.");
     self::assertSame(false, $conf->isValid(), "isValid() should return false.");
Exemple #2
  * Checks if the email address $address is valid based on its MX records.
  * Steps:
  *  - the MX records are fetched for the domain part of $address, along with
  *    their weights
  *  - the MX records are sorted based on the weights
  *  - for each MX record a connection is open
  *  - a test mail (RCPT TO) is tried to be sent to $address
  *  - if one test mail succeeds, then the address is valid, else invalid
  * Set these values before calling this function, to ensure the MX record
  * checks work properly:
  * <code>
  * ezcMailTools::$mxValidateServer = 'your.mail.server'; // default ''
  * ezcMailTools::$mxValidateAddress = '*****@*****.**'; // default '*****@*****.**'
  * </code>
  * MX record checking does not work on Windows due to the lack of getmxrr()
  * and checkdnsrr() PHP functions. The ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException
  * is thrown in this case.
  * @throws ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException
  *         if getmxrr() or checkdnsrr() functions are missing (e.g. on Windows)
  * @param string $address
  * @return bool
 protected static function validateEmailAddressMx($address)
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('getmxrr') || !ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('checkdnsrr')) {
         throw new ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException('Checking DNS records', 'getmxrr() or checkdnsrr() missing');
     $timeoutOpen = 3;
     // for fsockopen()
     $timeoutConnection = 5;
     // for stream_set_timeout()
     list($local, $domain) = explode('@', $address);
     if (!empty($domain)) {
         if (getmxrr($domain, $hosts, $weights)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($hosts); $i++) {
                 $mx[$hosts[$i]] = $weights[$i];
             $mx = array_keys($mx);
         } elseif (checkdnsrr($domain, 'A')) {
             $mx[0] = gethostbyname($domain);
         } else {
             $mx = array();
         if (($numberOfMx = count($mx)) > 0) {
             $smtp = array("HELO " . self::$mxValidateServer, "MAIL FROM: <" . self::$mxValidateAddress . ">", "RCPT TO: <{$address}>", "QUIT");
             for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfMx; $i++) {
                 if ($socket = @fsockopen($mx[$i], 25, $errno = 0, $errstr = 0, $timeoutOpen)) {
                     $response = fgets($socket);
                     stream_set_timeout($socket, $timeoutConnection);
                     $meta = stream_get_meta_data($socket);
                     if (!$meta['timed_out'] && !preg_match('/^2\\d\\d[ -]/', $response)) {
                         return false;
                     foreach ($smtp as $command) {
                         fputs($socket, "{$command}\r\n");
                         $response = fgets($socket, 4096);
                         if (!$meta['timed_out'] && preg_match('/^5\\d\\d[ -]/', $response)) {
                             return false;
                     return true;
                 } elseif ($i === $numberOfMx - 1) {
                     // none of the mail servers could be contacted
                     return false;
         } else {
             // no mail servers found
             return false;
Exemple #3
  * Set an option value
  * @param string $propertyName 
  * @param mixed $propertyValue 
  * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
  *          If a property is not defined in this class
  * @return void
 public function __set($propertyName, $propertyValue)
     switch ($propertyName) {
         case 'imageFormat':
             if (imagetypes() & $propertyValue) {
                 $this->properties['imageFormat'] = (int) $propertyValue;
             } else {
                 throw new ezcBaseValueException($propertyName, $propertyValue, 'Unsupported image type.');
         case 'jpegQuality':
             if (!is_numeric($propertyValue) || $propertyValue < 0 || $propertyValue > 100) {
                 throw new ezcBaseValueException($propertyName, $propertyValue, '0 <= int <= 100');
             $this->properties['jpegQuality'] = (int) $propertyValue;
         case 'detail':
             if (!is_numeric($propertyValue) || $propertyValue < 1) {
                 throw new ezcBaseValueException($propertyName, $propertyValue, 'int >= 1');
             $this->properties['detail'] = (int) $propertyValue;
         case 'supersampling':
             if (!is_numeric($propertyValue) || $propertyValue < 1) {
                 throw new ezcBaseValueException($propertyName, $propertyValue, 'int >= 1');
             $this->properties['supersampling'] = (int) $propertyValue;
         case 'background':
             if ($propertyValue === false || is_file($propertyValue) && is_readable($propertyValue)) {
                 $this->properties['background'] = realpath($propertyValue);
             } else {
                 throw new ezcBaseValueException($propertyName, $propertyValue, 'readable file');
         case 'resampleFunction':
             if (ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction($propertyValue)) {
                 $this->properties['resampleFunction'] = $propertyValue;
             } else {
                 throw new ezcBaseValueException($propertyName, $propertyValue, 'function');
         case 'forceNativeTTF':
             if (!is_bool($propertyValue)) {
                 throw new ezcBaseValueException($propertyName, $propertyValue, 'bool');
             $this->properties['forceNativeTTF'] = (bool) $propertyValue;
         case 'imageMapResolution':
             if (!is_numeric($propertyValue) || $propertyValue < 1) {
                 throw new ezcBaseValueException($propertyName, $propertyValue, 'int >= 1');
             $this->properties['imageMapResolution'] = (int) $propertyValue;
             parent::__set($propertyName, $propertyValue);
Exemple #4
 public function testRenderLabeledPieSegmentWithGleamAndShadowGD()
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport('gd') && (ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('imagefttext') || ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('imagettftext'))) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('This test needs ext/gd with native ttf support or FreeType 2 support.');
     $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png';
     $chart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
     $chart->data['sample'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet(array('Mozilla' => 4375, 'IE' => 345, 'Opera' => 1204, 'wget' => 231, 'Safari' => 987));
     $chart->options->font->path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/font.ttf';
     $chart->data['sample']->highlight['Safari'] = true;
     $chart->data['sample']->color['Safari'] = '#000000';
     $chart->data['sample']->highlight['IE'] = true;
     $chart->data['sample']->symbol['IE'] = ezcGraph::CIRCLE;
     $chart->data['sample']->symbol['Opera'] = ezcGraph::BULLET;
     $chart->data['sample']->symbol['wget'] = ezcGraph::DIAMOND;
     $chart->renderer = new ezcGraphRenderer3d();
     $chart->renderer->options->pieChartShadowSize = 10;
     $chart->renderer->options->pieChartGleam = 0.5;
     $chart->renderer->options->dataBorder = false;
     $chart->renderer->options->pieChartHeight = 16;
     $chart->renderer->options->legendSymbolGleam = 0.5;
     $chart->renderer->options->pieChartOffset = 180;
     $chart->driver = new ezcGraphGdDriver();
     $chart->render(500, 200, $filename);
     $this->assertImageSimilar($filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000);
Exemple #5
  * Serializes this header and appends it to the given ezcArchiveBlockFile $archiveFile.
  * @param ezcArchiveBlockFile $archiveFile
  * @return void
 public function writeEncodedHeader(ezcArchiveBlockFile $archiveFile)
     // Offset | Field size |  Description
     // ----------------------------------
     //  0     | 100        | Name of file
     //  100   | 8          | File mode
     //  108   | 8          | Owner user ID
     //  116   | 8          | Owner group ID
     //  124   | 12         | Length of file in bytes
     //  136   | 12         | Modify time of file
     //  148   | 8          | Checksum for header
     //  156   | 1          | Type flag.
     //  157   | 100        | Name of linked file
     //  257   | 6          | USTAR indicator.
     //  263   | 2          | USTAR version.
     //  265   | 32         | Owner user name.
     //  297   | 32         | Owner group name.
     //  329   | 8          | Major device number.
     //  337   | 8          | Minor device number.
     //  345   | 155        | Filename prefix.
     //  500   | 12         | NUL.
     if (ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('posix_getpwuid')) {
         $posixName = posix_getpwuid($this->userId);
         $posixGroup = posix_getgrgid($this->groupId);
     } else {
         $posixName['name'] = 'nobody';
         $posixGroup['name'] = 'nogroup';
     $enc = pack("a100a8a8a8a12a12a8a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12", $this->fileName, str_pad($this->fileMode, 7, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), str_pad(decoct($this->userId), 7, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), str_pad(decoct($this->groupId), 7, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), str_pad(decoct($this->fileSize), 11, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), str_pad(decoct($this->modificationTime), 11, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), "        ", $this->type, $this->linkName, "ustar", "00", $posixName["name"], $posixGroup["name"], sprintf("%07s", decoct($this->deviceMajorNumber)), sprintf("%07s", decoct($this->deviceMinorNumber)), $this->filePrefix, "");
     $enc = $this->setChecksum($enc);
  * Checks wether the GD handler is available on the system.
  * Returns if PHP's {@link getimagesize()} function is available.
  * @return bool True is the handler is available.
 public function isAvailable()
     return ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'getimagesize' );
Exemple #7
  * Render text depending of font type and available font extensions
  * @param resource $image Image resource
  * @param string $text Text
  * @param int $type Font type
  * @param string $path Font path
  * @param ezcGraphColor $color Font color
  * @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position Position
  * @param float $size Textsize
  * @param ezcGraphRotation $rotation
  * @return void
 protected function renderText($image, $text, $type, $path, ezcGraphColor $color, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $size, ezcGraphRotation $rotation = null)
     if ($rotation !== null) {
         // Rotation is relative to top left point of text and not relative
         // to the bounding coordinate system
         $rotation = new ezcGraphRotation($rotation->getRotation(), new ezcGraphCoordinate($rotation->getCenter()->x - $position->x, $rotation->getCenter()->y - $position->y));
     switch ($type) {
         case ezcGraph::PS_FONT:
             imagePsText($image, $text, $this->psFontRessources[$path], $size, $this->allocate($color), 1, $position->x + ($rotation === null ? 0 : $rotation->get(0, 2)), $position->y + ($rotation === null ? 0 : $rotation->get(1, 2)), 0, 0, $rotation === null ? 0 : -$rotation->getRotation(), 4);
         case ezcGraph::TTF_FONT:
             switch (true) {
                 case ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('imagefttext') && !$this->options->forceNativeTTF:
                     imageFtText($image, $size, $rotation === null ? 0 : -$rotation->getRotation(), $position->x + ($rotation === null ? 0 : $rotation->get(0, 2)), $position->y + ($rotation === null ? 0 : $rotation->get(1, 2)), $this->allocate($color), $path, $text);
                 case ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('imagettftext'):
                     imageTtfText($image, $size, $rotation === null ? 0 : -$rotation->getRotation(), $position->x + ($rotation === null ? 0 : $rotation->get(0, 2)), $position->y + ($rotation === null ? 0 : $rotation->get(1, 2)), $this->allocate($color), $path, $text);
Exemple #8
  * Save an image file.
  * Saves a given open file. Can optionally save to a new file name.
  * @see ezcImageHandler::load()
  * @param string $image                File reference created through load().
  * @param string $newFile              Filename to save the image to.
  * @param string $mime                 New MIME type, if differs from initial one.
  * @param ezcImageSaveOptions $options Save options.
  * @return void
  * @throws ezcImageFileNotProcessableException
  *         If the given file could not be saved with the given MIME type.
  * @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException
  *         If the desired file exists and is not writeable.
  * @throws ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException
  *         If the desired MIME type is not recognized
  * @throws ezcImageFileNameInvalidException 
  *         If an invalid character (", ', $) is found in the file name.
 public function save($image, $newFile = null, $mime = null, ezcImageSaveOptions $options = null)
     $options = $options === null ? new ezcImageSaveOptions() : $options;
     if ($newFile !== null) {
     // Check is transparency must be converted
     if ($this->needsTransparencyConversion($this->getReferenceData($image, 'mime'), $mime) && $options->transparencyReplacementColor !== null) {
         $this->replaceTransparency($image, $options->transparencyReplacementColor);
     $this->saveCommon($image, isset($newFile) ? $newFile : null, isset($mime) ? $mime : null);
     $saveFunction = $this->getSaveFunction($this->getReferenceData($image, 'mime'));
     $saveParams = array($this->getReferenceData($image, 'resource'), $this->getReferenceData($image, 'file'));
     switch ($saveFunction) {
         case "imagejpeg":
             if ($options->quality !== null) {
                 $saveParams[] = $options->quality;
         case "imagepng":
             if ($options->compression !== null) {
                 $saveParams[] = $options->compression;
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction($saveFunction) || call_user_func_array($saveFunction, $saveParams) === false) {
         throw new ezcImageFileNotProcessableException($file, "Unable to save file '{$file}' of type '{$mime}'.");
 public function testHasFunction2()
     $this->assertEquals(false, ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('non_existent_function_in_php'));
 public function testDrawPSText()
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('imagepstext')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('This test needs Type 1 font support within your gd extension.');
     $filename = $this->tempDir . __FUNCTION__ . '.png';
     $this->driver->options->font->path = $this->basePath . 'ps_font.pfb';
     $this->driver->drawTextBox('Fontfiletest', new ezcGraphCoordinate(10, 10), 150, 70, ezcGraph::LEFT);
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($filename), 'No image was generated.');
     $this->assertImageSimilar($filename, $this->basePath . 'compare/' . __CLASS__ . '_' . __FUNCTION__ . '.png', 'Image does not look as expected.', 2000);
Exemple #11
 public function testValidateEmailAddressMXThrowException()
     if (ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('getmxrr') && ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('checkdnsrr')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('This test works only if getmxrr() or checkdnsrr() support is missing');
     try {
         ezcMailTools::validateEmailAddress('*****@*****.**', true);
         $this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown.');
     } catch (ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('Checking DNS records is not supported. Reason: getmxrr() or checkdnsrr() missing.', $e->getMessage());
Exemple #12
  * Extract the current entry to which the iterator points.
  * Extract the current entry to which the iterator points, and return true if the current entry is extracted.
  * If the iterator doesn't point to a valid entry, this method returns false.
  * True if the file is extracted correctly, otherwise false.
  * @param string $target
  *        The full path to which the target should be extracted.
  * @param bool $keepExisting
  *        True if the file shouldn't be overwritten if they already exist.
  *        For the opposite behaviour, false should be given.
  * @throws ezcArchiveValueException     if the archive contains invalid values.
  * @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException if the link cannot be found.
  * @return bool
 public function extractCurrent($target, $keepExisting = false)
     if ($this->file === null) {
         throw new ezcArchiveException("The archive is closed");
     if (!$this->valid()) {
         return false;
     $isWindows = substr(php_uname('s'), 0, 7) == 'Windows' ? true : false;
     $entry = $this->current();
     $type = $entry->getType();
     $fileName = $target . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry->getPath();
     if ($type == ezcArchiveEntry::IS_LINK) {
         $linkName = $target . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry->getLink();
         if (!file_exists($linkName)) {
             throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException($linkName, "link", "Hard link could not be created.");
     if (!$keepExisting || !is_link($fileName) && !file_exists($fileName)) {
         if ((file_exists($fileName) || is_link($fileName)) && !is_dir($fileName)) {
         if (!file_exists($fileName)) {
             switch ($type) {
                 case ezcArchiveEntry::IS_CHARACTER_DEVICE:
                     if (ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('posix_mknod')) {
                         posix_mknod($fileName, POSIX_S_IFCHR, $entry->getMajor(), $entry->getMinor());
                     } else {
                         throw new ezcArchiveValueException($type);
                 case ezcArchiveEntry::IS_BLOCK_DEVICE:
                     if (ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('posix_mknod')) {
                         posix_mknod($fileName, POSIX_S_IFBLK, $entry->getMajor(), $entry->getMinor());
                     } else {
                         throw new ezcArchiveValueException($type);
                 case ezcArchiveEntry::IS_FIFO:
                     if (ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('posix_mknod')) {
                         posix_mknod($fileName, POSIX_S_IFIFO);
                     } else {
                         throw new ezcArchiveValueException($type);
                 case ezcArchiveEntry::IS_SYMBOLIC_LINK:
                     if ($isWindows) {
                         // FIXME.. need to be sure that target file
                         // already extracted before copying it to link destination.
                         $sourcePath = dirname($fileName) . '/' . $entry->getLink();
                         $fileName = str_replace('/', '\\', $fileName);
                         copy($sourcePath, $fileName);
                     } else {
                         symlink($entry->getLink(), $fileName);
                 case ezcArchiveEntry::IS_LINK:
                     if ($isWindows) {
                         copy($target . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry->getLink(), $fileName);
                     } else {
                         link($target . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry->getLink(), $fileName);
                 case ezcArchiveEntry::IS_DIRECTORY:
                     $permissions = $entry->getPermissions();
                     if ($permissions === null || $permissions === false) {
                         $permissions = '0777';
                     mkdir($fileName, octdec($permissions), true);
                 case ezcArchiveEntry::IS_FILE:
                     throw new ezcArchiveValueException($type);
             if ($type == ezcArchiveEntry::IS_SYMBOLIC_LINK && ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('posix_geteuid') && posix_geteuid() == 0) {
                 $user = $entry->getUserId();
                 $group = $entry->getGroupId();
                 @lchown($fileName, $user);
                 @lchgrp($fileName, $group);
             // Change the username and group if the filename exists and if
             // the intention is to keep it as a file. A zip archive
             // stores the symlinks in a file; thus don't change these.
             if (file_exists($fileName) && ($type == ezcArchiveEntry::IS_FILE || $type == ezcArchiveEntry::IS_DIRECTORY)) {
                 $group = $entry->getGroupId();
                 $user = $entry->getUserId();
                 $time = $entry->getModificationTime();
                 $perms = octdec($entry->getPermissions());
                 if ($this->options && $this->options->extractCallback) {
                     $this->options->extractCallback->{$type == ezcArchiveEntry::IS_DIRECTORY ? 'createDirectoryCallback' : 'createFileCallback'}($fileName, $perms, $user, $group);
                 if (ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('posix_geteuid') && posix_geteuid() === 0) {
                     @chgrp($fileName, $group);
                     @chown($fileName, $user);
                 if ($perms != false) {
                     chmod($fileName, $perms);
                 touch($fileName, $time);
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #13
 public function testSetDriver()
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport('gd') && (ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('imagefttext') || ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('imagettftext'))) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('This test needs ext/gd with native ttf support or FreeType 2 support.');
     $pieChart = new ezcGraphPieChart();
     $driver = $pieChart->driver = new ezcGraphGdDriver();
     $this->assertSame($driver, $pieChart->driver);
Exemple #14
 public function testAppendToCurrentFifo()
     if (!$this->canWrite) {
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction('posix_mknod')) {
     $dir = $this->getTempDir();
     posix_mknod("{$dir}/myfifo", POSIX_S_IFIFO);
     $fifo = "{$dir}/my_fifo.tar";
     $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile($fifo, true);
     $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance($bf, $this->tarMimeFormat);
     $archive->appendToCurrent("{$dir}/myfifo", "{$dir}");
     // Do the same with gnu tar.
     exec("tar -cf {$dir}/gnutar.tar --format=" . $this->tarFormat . " -C {$dir}/ myfifo");
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents("{$dir}/gnutar.tar"), file_get_contents($fifo));
  * Test saving code to template file
 public function testSaveNonWriteable()
     // If running as root you can always write, so this test should be
     // skipped when running as root.
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction("posix_getuid") || posix_getuid() == 0) {
     copy($this->templatePath . "zhadum.ezt", $this->templateStorePath . "zhadum.ezt");
     // This only works on Linux/Unix, what to do here on other platforms?
     $old = umask(0);
     chmod($this->templateStorePath . "zhadum.ezt", 0444);
     $src = new ezcTemplateSourceCode($this->templateStorePath . "zhadum.ezt", "planet:zhadum.ezt", "I would not go there if I were you.\nJust a friendly advice.\n");
     self::assertTrue(file_exists($this->templateStorePath . "zhadum.ezt"), 'Stored template file <' . $this->templateStorePath . 'zhadum.ezt> does not exist, cannot run save test.');
     self::assertTrue(!is_writeable($this->templateStorePath . "zhadum.ezt"), 'Stored template file <' . $this->templateStorePath . 'zhadum.ezt> should not be writable, cannot run save test.');
     try {
         self::fail("No exception thrown for non-writeable file");
     } catch (ezcTemplateFileNotWriteableException $e) {
     self::assertSame($this->templateStorePath . "zhadum.ezt", $src->stream, 'Property <stream> does not return correct value.');
     self::assertSame("planet:zhadum.ezt", $src->resource, 'Property <resource> does not return correct value.');
     self::assertSame("I would not go there if I were you.\nJust a friendly advice.\n", $src->code, 'Property <code> does not return correct value.');
     self::assertSame("A planet far far away.\n{\$}\n", file_get_contents($src->stream), 'Original file does no longer contain the correct value.');
     self::assertSame(true, file_exists($this->templateStorePath . "zhadum.ezt"), 'Stored template file <' . $this->templateStorePath . 'zhadum.ezt> does not exist after save()');
     self::assertSame("A planet far far away.\n{\$}\n", file_get_contents($this->templateStorePath . "zhadum.ezt"), 'File <' . $this->templateStorePath . 'zhadum.ezt> does not contain the original source code, file was probably written to (which should not happen).');
     //        self::assertSame( null, $src->context, 'Property <context> does not return correct value.' );
Exemple #16
  * testConstructorErrorLocationNotWriteable 
  * @access public
 public function testConstructorErrorLocationNotWriteable()
     // If running as root you can always write, so this test should be skipped when running as root.
     if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction("posix_getuid") || posix_getuid() == 0) {
     // Produce "Location not writeable" exception
     if (($oldMode = fileperms($this->getTempDir())) === false) {
         throw new Exception('Could not determine old file permissions for location <' . $this->getTempDir() . '>.');
     if (chmod($this->getTempDir(), 00) === false) {
         throw new Exception('Could not change permissions for location <' . $this->getTempDir() . '> to 0000.');
     $exceptionThrown = false;
     try {
         $cache = new $this->storageClass($this->getTempDir());
     } catch (ezcBaseFilePermissionException $e) {
         $exceptionThrown = true;
     if (chmod($this->getTempDir(), $oldMode) === false) {
         throw new Exception('Could not change permissions for location <' . $this->getTempDir() . '> to ' . $oldMode . '.');
     if ($exceptionThrown === false) {
         $this->fail('Exception "Location not writeable" not thrown.');