function update()
     $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->params['month'], 1);
     $endday = expDateTime::endOfMonthDay($timestamp);
     if ($this->params['day'] > $endday) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt('There are only') . ' ' . $endday . ' ' . gt('days in') . ' ' . $this->motd->months[$this->params['month']], $this->params);
Exemple #2
 function userFormUpdate($params)
     global $order;
     if ($order->grand_total > $params["cash_amount"]) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt("The total amount of your order is greater than what the amount you have input.") . "<br />" . gt("Please enter exact or greater amount of your total."));
     $this->opts = null;
     $this->opts->cash_amount = $params["cash_amount"];
     return $this->opts;
Exemple #3
 function afterValidationOnCreate()
     global $user, $db;
     //check if user is logged in.  If so, then we won't have the password and capture fields
     if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) {
         //user is not logged in, so we assume they are creating their first address
         //we'll check to see if they have elected to 'remember me' and if so, check the username and passwords.
         //if not, then we just check the captha and create an account manually
         $password = $_POST['password'];
         if (isset($_POST['remember_me']) && $_POST['remember_me'] == true) {
             $user->username = $_POST['email'];
             $validateUser = $user->setPassword($password, $_POST['password2']);
             if (!is_bool($validateUser)) {
                 expValidator::failAndReturnToForm($validateUser, $_POST);
         } else {
             $user->username = $_POST['email'] . time();
             //make a unique username
             $password = md5(time() . rand(50, 00));
             //generate random password
             $user->setPassword($password, $password);
         //expValidator::check_antispam($_POST, "Your anti-spam verification failed.  Please try again.");
         //if we've come this far, we're good to create the new user account
         $user->email = $_POST['email'];
         $user->firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
         $user->lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
         $checkUser = $db->selectObject('user', 'username="******"');
         if (isset($checkUser->id)) {
             expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt("The email address you entered already exists as a user. If you have lost your password, you may reset it here:") . " <a href='/users/reset_password'>Reset Password</a>.", $_POST);
         $user->is_system_user = false;
         $user->login($user->username, $password);
         $this->user_id = $user->id;
         $this->is_default = true;
         //$user-> = $_POST['first_name'];
         //set this back since we now have a logged in user and we don't want things going goofy if they logout and log back in and such
 public function saveShippingMethods()
     global $order;
     $shipping = new shipping();
     $order->shippingmethods = array();
     // if they didn't fill out anything
     if (empty($this->params['methods'])) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt("You did not pick  any shipping options"), $this->params);
     // if they don't check all the radio buttons
     if (count($this->params['methods']) < count($this->params['calcs'])) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt("You must select a shipping options for all of your packages."), $this->params);
     foreach ($this->params['methods'] as $id => $method) {
         $cost = $this->params['cost'][$method];
         $title = $this->params['title'][$method];
         $shippingmethod = new shippingmethod($id);
         $shippingmethod->update(array('option' => $method, 'option_title' => $title, 'shipping_cost' => $cost, 'shippingcalculator_id' => $this->params['calcs'][$id]));
         $order->shippingmethods[] = $shippingmethod->id;
     redirect_to(array('controller' => 'cart', 'action' => 'checkout'));
// Update the section from the _POST data.
$section = section::update($_POST, $section);
if ($check_id == -1) {
    $check_id = $section->parent;
if ($check_id != -1 && expPermissions::check('manage', expCore::makeLocation('navigationmodule', '', $check_id))) {
    // make sure the SEF name is valid
    global $router;
    if (empty($section->sef_name)) {
        $section->sef_name = $router->encode($section->name);
    if (!section::isValidName($section->sef_name)) {
        expValidator::failAndReturnToForm('You have invalid characters in the SEF Name field.');
    if (section::isDuplicateName($section)) {
        expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt('The name specified in the SEF Name field is a duplicate of an existing page.'));
    if (isset($section->id)) {
        if ($section->parent != $old_parent) {
            // Old_parent id was different than the new parent id.  Need to decrement the ranks
            // of the old children (after ours), and then add
            $section = section::changeParent($section, $old_parent, $section->parent);
        // Existing section.  Update the database record.
        // The 'id=x' where clause is implicit with an updateObject
        $db->updateObject($section, 'section');
    } else {
        // Since this is new, we need to increment ranks, in case the user
        // added it in the middle of the level.
        $db->increment('section', 'rank', 1, 'rank >= ' . $section->rank . ' AND parent=' . $section->parent);
        // New section.  Insert a new database record.
Exemple #6
 function userFormUpdate($params)
     if (!$this->validate_card_number($params['cc_number']) || !$this->validate_card_type($params['cc_number'], $params['cc_type'])) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt("Either the card number you entered is not a") . " " . $this->cards[$params['cc_type']] . ", " . gt("or the credit card you entered is not a valid credit card number. Please select the proper credit card type and verify the number entered and try again.") . "<br/>" . gt("For your security, your previously entered credit card information has been cleared."));
     if (!$this->validate_card_expire($params['expiration_month'] . substr($params['expiration_year'], 2, 2))) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt("Please enter a valid expiration data.") . "<br/>" . gt("For your security, your previously entered credit card information has been cleared."));
     if (!$this->validate_cvv($params['cvv'])) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt("Please enter a valid CVV number.") . "<br/>" . gt("For your security, your previously entered credit card information has been cleared."));
     //eDebug(debug_backtrace(), true);
     //this is broke to f**k, as you can't validate more than one type of anything without overwriting it. duh.
     //so calling twice instead....needs to be  fixed though TODO:
     //expValidator::validate(array('presence_of'=>'cc_number'), $params);
     //expValidator::validate(array('presence_of'=>'cvv'), $params);
     $this->opts = null;
     //$this->opts->first_name = $params["first_name"];
     //$this->opts->last_name = $params["last_name"];
     $this->opts->cc_type = $params["cc_type"];
     $this->opts->cc_number = $params["cc_number"];
     $this->opts->exp_month = $params["expiration_month"];
     $this->opts->exp_year = $params["expiration_year"];
     $this->opts->cvv = $params["cvv"];
     return $this->opts;
Exemple #7
  * validate help item sef_url within the help_version
  * @return bool
 public function validate()
     global $db;
     // check for an sef url field.  If it exists make sure it's valid and not a duplicate
     //this needs to check for SEF URLS being turned on also: TODO
     if (property_exists($this, 'sef_url') && !in_array('sef_url', $this->do_not_validate)) {
         if (empty($this->sef_url)) {
         $this->validates['is_valid_sef_name']['sef_url'] = array();
         $this->validates['uniqueness_of']['sef_url'] = array();
     // safeguard again loc data not being pass via forms...sometimes this happens when you're in a router
     // mapped view and src hasn't been passed in via link to the form
     if (isset($this->id) && empty($this->location_data)) {
         $loc = $db->selectValue($this->tablename, 'location_data', 'id=' . $this->id);
         if (!empty($loc)) {
             $this->location_data = $loc;
     // run the validation as defined in the datatypes
     if (!isset($this->validates)) {
         return true;
     $messages = array();
     $post = empty($_POST) ? array() : $_POST;
     foreach ($this->validates as $validation => $field) {
         foreach ($field as $key => $value) {
             $fieldname = is_numeric($key) ? $value : $key;
             $opts = is_numeric($key) ? array() : $value;
             $sql = "`" . $fieldname . "`='" . $this->{$fieldname} . " AND help_version_id='" . $this->help_version_id . "'";
             if (!empty($this->id)) {
                 $sql .= ' AND id != ' . $this->id;
             $ret = $db->countObjects($this->tablename, $sql);
             if ($ret > 0) {
                 $ret = array_key_exists('message', $opts) ? $opts['message'] : ucwords($fieldname) . ' "' . $this->{$fieldname} . '" is already in use.';
             } else {
                 $ret = true;
             if (!is_bool($ret)) {
                 $messages[] = $ret;
     if (count($messages) >= 1) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm($messages, $post);
 public function update_userpassword()
     if (empty($this->params['id'])) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt('You must specify the user whose password you want to change'), $this->params);
     if (empty($this->params['new_password1'])) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt('You must specify a new password for this user.'), $this->params);
     if (empty($this->params['new_password2'])) {
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt('You must confirm the password.'), $this->params);
     $u = new user($this->params['id']);
     $ret = $u->setPassword($this->params['new_password1'], $this->params['new_password2']);
     if (is_string($ret)) {
         $this->params['new_password1'] = '';
         $this->params['new_password2'] = '';
         expValidator::failAndReturnToForm($ret, $this->params);
     } else {
     flash('message', gt('Password reset for user') . ' ' . $u->username);
 public function saveConfig()
     if (!empty($this->params['aggregate']) || !empty($this->params['pull_rss'])) {
         if ($this->params['order'] == 'rank ASC') {
             expValidator::failAndReturnToForm(gt('User defined ranking is not allowed when aggregating or pull RSS data feeds.'), $this->params);