function logError($msg) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/"; $e = new errorHandler(); $e->setError(9, "Logging error: " . $msg); $e->dumpError(); return; }
// include the crypto thing include_once "../includes/"; startCMSSession(); // include_once the error handler include_once "../includes/"; $e = new errorHandler(); // if $max_attempts system setting is set, use it, otherwise set to 3 $max_attempts = !empty($max_attempts) ? $max_attempts : 3; $username = preg_replace("/[^\\w\\.@-]/", "", htmlspecialchars($_POST['username'])); $givenPassword = preg_replace("/[^\\w\\.@-]/", "", htmlspecialchars($_POST['password'])); $captcha_code = preg_replace("/[^\\w\\.@-]/", "", $_POST['captcha_code']); $sql = "SELECT {$dbase}." . $table_prefix . "manager_users.*, {$dbase}." . $table_prefix . "user_attributes.* FROM {$dbase}." . $table_prefix . "manager_users, {$dbase}." . $table_prefix . "user_attributes WHERE {$dbase}." . $table_prefix . "manager_users.username REGEXP BINARY '^" . $username . "\$' and {$dbase}." . $table_prefix . "user_attributes.internalKey={$dbase}." . $table_prefix . ";"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $limit = mysql_num_rows($rs); if ($limit == 0 || $limit > 1) { $e->setError(900); $e->dumpError(); } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); $internalKey = $row['internalKey']; $dbasePassword = $row['password']; $failedlogins = $row['failedlogincount']; $blocked = $row['blocked']; $blockeduntil = $row['blockeduntil']; $registeredsessionid = $row['sessionid']; $role = $row['role']; $lastlogin = $row['lastlogin']; $nrlogins = $row['logincount']; $fullname = $row['fullname']; $email = $row['email']; if ($failedlogins >= $max_attempts && $blockeduntil > time()) {
if ($oT->checkTemplateById($_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['customtable'])) { $tbl = (int) $_REQUEST['customtable']; $onetbl = $modx->getFullTableName('customtable_' . $tbl); $manager_theme = $modx->config['manager_theme']; include_once ""; include_once MODX_BASE_PATH . "/assets/plugins/customtables/mutate_content.dynamic.php"; include_once ""; die; } } if ($action == 5 && isset($_REQUEST['customtable']) && $_POST['mode'] == '27') { if (isset($_REQUEST['customtable']) && $oT->checkTemplate($_REQUEST['customtable'])) { if (!$modx->hasPermission('save_document')) { include_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes/"; $err = new errorHandler(); $err->setError(3, "You don't have enough privileges for this action!"); $err->dumpError(); } $oT->api->setTable('customtable_' . $_REQUEST['customtable']); $oT->updateDoc($_POST); $oT->modx->clearCache(); header('Location:index.php?a=27&customtable=' . $_REQUEST['customtable'] . '&id=' . (int) $_POST['id']); echo 'updated'; die; } } break; case 'OnWebPageInit': $oT->checkCacheEvents(); break; default:
$length_eng_lang = count($_lang); if ($manager_language != "english") { include_once "includes/lang/" . $manager_language . ".inc.php"; } // include_once the error handler include_once "includes/"; $e = new errorHandler(); // first we check to see if this is a frameset request if (!isset($_POST['a']) && !isset($_GET['a']) && $e->getError() == 0) { // this looks to be a top-level frameset request, so let's serve up a frameset include_once "frames/1.php"; exit; } // retrieve the action directive form the request if (isset($_GET['a']) && isset($_POST['a'])) { $e->setError(100); $e->dumpError(); // set $e to a corresponding errorcode // we know that if an error occurs here, something's wrong, // so we dump the error, thereby stopping the script. } else { $action = $_REQUEST['a']; } // now we decide what to do according to the action request. switch ($action) { /********************************************************************/ // frame management - show the requested frame /********************************************************************/ case "1": // get the requested frame $frame = $_REQUEST['f'];
function userLogin($username, $password, $rememberme = 0, $url = "", $id = "", $alias = "", $use_captcha = 0, $captcha_code = "") { // Performs user login and permissions assignment // And combination of the following variables can be sent // Defaults to current document // $url = and fully qualified URL (no validation performed) // $id = an existing document ID (no validation performed) // $alias = any document alias (no validation performed) // include the crypto thing include_once "./manager/includes/"; // include_once the error handler include_once "./manager/includes/"; $e = new errorHandler(); if ($use_captcha == 1) { if ($_SESSION['veriword'] != $captcha_code) { unset($_SESSION['veriword']); $e->setError(905); $e->dumpError(); $newloginerror = 1; } } unset($_SESSION['veriword']); $username = htmlspecialchars($username); $givenPassword = htmlspecialchars($password); $sql = "SELECT " . $this->db . "manager_users.*, " . $this->db . "user_attributes.* FROM " . $this->db . "manager_users, " . $this->db . "user_attributes WHERE " . $this->db . "manager_users.username REGEXP BINARY '^" . $username . "\$' and " . $this->db . "user_attributes.internalKey=" . $this->db . ";"; $rs = $this->dbQuery($sql); $limit = $this->recordCount($rs); if ($limit == 0 || $limit > 1) { $e->setError(900); $e->dumpError(); } $row = $this->fetchRow($rs); $_SESSION['shortname'] = $username; $_SESSION['fullname'] = $row['fullname']; $_SESSION['email'] = $row['email']; $_SESSION['phone'] = $row['phone']; $_SESSION['mobilephone'] = $row['mobilephone']; $_SESSION['internalKey'] = $row['internalKey']; $_SESSION['failedlogins'] = $row['failedlogincount']; $_SESSION['lastlogin'] = $row['lastlogin']; $_SESSION['role'] = $row['role']; $_SESSION['nrlogins'] = $row['logincount']; if ($row['failedlogincount'] >= $this->config['max_attempts'] && $row['blockeduntil'] > time()) { session_destroy(); session_unset(); $e->setError(902); $e->dumpError(); } if ($row['failedlogincount'] >= $this->config['max_attempts'] && $row['blockeduntil'] < time()) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->db . "user_attributes SET failedlogincount='0', blockeduntil='" . (time() - 1) . "' where internalKey=" . $row['internalKey'] . ";"; $rs = $this->dbQuery($sql); } if ($row['blocked'] == "1") { session_destroy(); session_unset(); $e->setError(903); $e->dumpError(); } if ($row['blockeduntil'] > time()) { session_destroy(); session_unset(); $e->setError(904); $e->dumpError(); } if ($row['password'] != md5($givenPassword)) { session_destroy(); session_unset(); $e->setError(901); $newloginerror = 1; $e->dumpError(); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->db . "user_roles where id=" . $row['role'] . ";"; $rs = $this->dbQuery($sql); $row = $this->fetchRow($rs); $_SESSION['permissions'] = $row; $_SESSION['frames'] = 0; $_SESSION['validated'] = 1; if ($url == "") { $url = $this->makeURL($id, $alias); } $this->sendRedirect($url); }