Exemple #1
 function create_download()
     $action = $this->action;
     $subAction = $this->subAction;
     $id = $this->id;
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $fl = e107::getFile();
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     //	print_a($this);
     global $e107, $cal, $rs, $ns, $file_array, $image_array, $thumb_array;
     require_once e_PLUGIN . 'download/download_shortcodes.php';
     require_once e_PLUGIN . 'download/handlers/download_class.php';
     require_once e_HANDLER . "form_handler.php";
     $download = new download();
     if ($file_array = $fl->get_files(e_DOWNLOAD, "", "standard", 5)) {
     if ($public_array = $fl->get_files(e_UPLOAD)) {
         foreach ($public_array as $key => $val) {
             $file_array[] = str_replace(e_UPLOAD, "", $val);
     /*      if ($sql->select("rbinary")) //TODO Remove me.
     	         while ($row = $sql->fetch())
     	            $file_array[] = "Binary ".$binary_id."/".$binary_name;
     if ($image_array = $fl->get_files(e_FILE . 'downloadimages/', '\\.gif$|\\.jpg$|\\.png$|\\.GIF$|\\.JPG$|\\.PNG$', 'standard', 2)) {
     if ($thumb_array = $fl->get_files(e_FILE . 'downloadthumbs/', '\\.gif$|\\.jpg$|\\.png$|\\.GIF$|\\.JPG$|\\.PNG$', 'standard', 2)) {
     $frm = new e_form();
     $mirrorArray = array();
     $download_status[0] = DOWLAN_122;
     $download_status[1] = DOWLAN_123;
     $download_status[2] = DOWLAN_124;
     if (!$sql->select("download_category")) {
         //$ns->tablerender(ADLAN_24, "<div style='text-align:center'>".DOWLAN_5."</div>");
     $download_active = 1;
     if ($_GET['action'] == "edit" && !$_POST['submit']) {
         if ($sql->select("download", "*", "download_id=" . intval($_GET['id']))) {
             $row = $sql->fetch();
             $mirrorArray = $this->makeMirrorArray($row['download_mirror']);
     if ($subAction == "dlm" && !$_POST['submit']) {
         require_once e_PLUGIN . 'download/download_shortcodes.php';
         if ($sql->select("upload", "*", "upload_id=" . $id)) {
             $row = $sql->fetch();
             $download_category = $row['upload_category'];
             $download_name = $row['upload_name'] . ($row['upload_version'] ? " v" . $row['upload_version'] : "");
             $download_url = $row['upload_file'];
             $download_author_email = $row['upload_email'];
             $download_author_website = $row['upload_website'];
             $download_description = $row['upload_description'];
             $download_image = $row['upload_ss'];
             $download_filesize = $row['upload_filesize'];
             $image_array[] = array("path" => "", "fname" => $row['upload_ss']);
             $download_author = substr($row['upload_poster'], strpos($row['upload_poster'], ".") + 1);
     $text = "\n\t     \n\t         <ul class='nav nav-tabs'>\n\t            <li class='active'><a data-toggle='tab' href='#download-create'>" . DOWLAN_175 . "</a></li>\n\t            <li><a data-toggle='tab' href='#download-edit-external'>" . DOWLAN_176 . "</a></li>\n\t            <li><a data-toggle='tab' href='#download-edit-mirror'>" . DOWLAN_128 . "</a></li>\n\t         </ul>\n\t         <form method='post' action='" . e_SELF . "?" . e_QUERY . "' id='myform'>\n\t          <div class='tab-content'>\n\t          <div class='tab-pane active' id='download-create'>\n\t            \n\t               \n\t                  <table class='table adminform' style='margin:0'>\n\t                     <tr>\n\t                        <td>" . DOWLAN_13 . "</td>\n\t                        <td style='width:80%'>\n\t                           <div>" . DOWLAN_131 . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
     //       $text .= "<select name='download_url' class='tbox'>
     //               <option value=''>&nbsp;</option>\n";
     $counter = 0;
     while (isset($file_array[$counter])) {
         $fpath = str_replace(e_DOWNLOAD, "", $file_array[$counter]['path']) . $file_array[$counter]['fname'];
         $selected = '';
         if (stristr($fpath, $download_url) !== FALSE) {
             $selected = " selected='selected'";
             $found = 1;
         //    $text .= "<option value='".$fpath."' $selected>".$fpath."</option>\n";
     if (preg_match("/http:|https:|ftp:/", $download_url)) {
         $download_url_external = $download_url;
         $download_url = '';
     $etext = " - (" . DOWLAN_68 . ")";
     if (file_exists(e_UPLOAD . $download_url)) {
         $etext = "";
     if (!$found && $download_url) {
         //     $text .= "<option value='".$download_url."' selected='selected'>".$download_url.$etext."</option>\n";
     //    $text .= "             </select>";
     $text .= e107::getForm()->filepicker("download_url", $download_url, DOWLAN_131, "media=download_file&title=Choose a file");
     $text .= "\n\t                        </div>\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t               </table>\n\t            </div>\n\t            <div class='tab-pane' id='download-edit-external'>\n\t               <table class='table adminform' style='margin:0'>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                       <td>" . DOWLAN_149 . "</td>\n\t                       <td style='width:80%;'>\n\t                          <input class='tbox input-xxlarge' type='text' name='download_url_external' size='90' value='{$download_url_external}' maxlength='255'/>\n\t                       </td>\n\t                    </tr>\n\t                    <tr>\n\t                       <td>" . DOWLAN_66 . "</td>\n\t                       <td>\n\t                          <input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_filesize_external' size='8' value='{$download_filesize}' maxlength='10'/>\n\t                       \t <select class='tbox' name='download_filesize_unit'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t      <option value='B'{$b_sel}>" . CORE_LAN_B . "</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t      <option value='KB'{$kb_sel}>" . CORE_LAN_KB . "</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t      <option value='MB'>" . CORE_LAN_MB . "</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t      <option value='GB'>" . CORE_LAN_GB . "</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t      <option value='TB'>" . CORE_LAN_TB . "</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  </select>\n\t                       </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t               </table>\n\t            </div>\n\t            <div  class='tab-pane' id='download-edit-mirror'>\n\t               <table class='table adminlist'>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'><span title='" . DOWLAN_129 . "' style='cursor:help'>" . DOWLAN_128 . "</span></td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>";
     // See if any mirrors to display
     if (!$sql->select("download_mirror")) {
         // No mirrors defined here
         $text .= DOWLAN_144 . "</td></tr>";
     } else {
         $text .= DOWLAN_132 . "<div id='mirrorsection'>";
         $mirrorList = $sql->db_getList();
         // Get the list of possible mirrors
         $m_count = count($mirrorArray) ? count($mirrorArray) : 1;
         // Count of mirrors actually in use (or count of 1 if none defined yet)
         for ($count = 1; $count <= $m_count; $count++) {
             $opt = $count == 1 ? "id='mirror'" : "";
             $text .= "\n\t                        <div {$opt}>\n\t                           <select name='download_mirror_name[]' class='tbox'>\n\t                              <option value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
             foreach ($mirrorList as $mirror) {
                 $text .= "<option value='{$mirror_id}'" . ($mirror_id == $mirrorArray[$count - 1]['id'] ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">{$mirror_name}</option>\n";
             $text .= "</select>\n\t                           <input  class='tbox' type='text' name='download_mirror[]' style='width: 60%;' value=\"" . $mirrorArray[$count - 1]['url'] . "\" maxlength='200'/>\n\t                           <input  class='tbox' type='text' name='download_mirror_size[]' style='width: 15%;' value=\"" . $mirrorArray[$count - 1]['filesize'] . "\" maxlength='10'/>";
             if (DOWNLOAD_DEBUG) {
                 if ($id) {
                     $text .= '(' . $mirrorArray[$count - 1]['requests'] . ')';
                 } else {
                     $text .= "<input  class='tbox' type='text' name='download_mirror_requests[]' style='width: 10%;' value=\"" . $mirrorArray[$count - 1]['requests'] . "\" maxlength='10'/>";
             $text .= "  </div>";
         $text .= "      </div>\n\t                        <input class='btn btn-default button' type='button' name='addoption' value='" . DOWLAN_130 . "' onclick=\"duplicateHTML('mirror','mirrorsection')\"/>\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%' ><span style='cursor:help' title='" . DOWLAN_154 . "'>" . DOWLAN_155 . "</span></td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>\n\t                        <input type='radio' name='download_mirror_type' value='1'" . ($download_mirror_type ? " checked='checked'" : "") . "/> " . DOWLAN_156 . "<br/>\n\t                        <input type='radio' name='download_mirror_type' value='0'" . (!$download_mirror_type ? " checked='checked'" : "") . "/> " . DOWLAN_157 . "\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>";
     // End of mirror-related stuff
     $download_author = $subAction != "edit" && $download_author == "" ? USERNAME : $download_author;
     //TODO what if editing an no author specified
     $download_author_email = $subAction != "edit" && $download_author_email == "" ? USEREMAIL : $download_author_email;
     $text .= "\n\t               </table>\n\t            </div>\n\t           </div>\n\t            <fieldset id='download-edit-therest'>\n\t               <table class='table adminform' >\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_11 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>";
     $text .= $download->getCategorySelectList($download_category);
     // $text .= download::getCategorySelectList($download_category);
     $text .= "     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td >" . DOWLAN_12 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>\n\t                        <input class='tbox input-xxlarge' type='text' id='download-name' name='download_name' size='60' value=\"" . $tp->toForm($download_name) . "\" maxlength='200'/>\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_15 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>\n\t                        <input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_author' size='60' value='{$download_author}' maxlength='100'/>\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_16 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>\n\t                        <input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_author_email' size='60' value='{$download_author_email}' maxlength='100'/>\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_17 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>\n\t                        <input class='tbox' type='text' name='download_author_website' size='60' value='{$download_author_website}' maxlength='100'/>\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_18 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>\n\t      ";
     $text .= $frm->bbarea('download_description', $download_description);
     $text .= "     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                 \n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_19 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>";
     															$text = "<select name='download_image' class='tbox'>
     										  <option value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
     																foreach($image_array as $img)
     						$fpath = str_replace(e_FILE."downloadimages/","",$img['path'].$img['fname']);
     						  $sel = ($download_image == $fpath) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
     						  $text .= "<option value='".$fpath."' $sel>".$fpath."</option>\n";
     									 $text .= "     </select>";
     $text .= $frm->imagepicker('download_image', $download_image, '', 'download_image');
     if ($subAction == "dlm" && $download_image) {
         $text .= "\n\t         <input type='hidden' name='move_image' value='1'/>\n";
     $text .= "     </td>\n\t                  </tr>";
     if (is_dir(e_FILE . "downloadthumbs")) {
         $text .= "\n\t                 <tr>\n\t\t\t            <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_20 . "</td>\n\t\t\t           <td style='width:80%'>";
         												   $text .= "
         											 <select name='download_thumb' class='tbox'>
         												<option value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
         foreach($thumb_array as $thm){
         							  $tpath = str_replace(e_FILE."downloadthumbs/","",$thm['path'].$thm['fname']);
         							  $sel = ($download_thumb == $tpath) ? " selected='selected'" : "";
         							  $text .= "<option value='".$tpath."' $sel>".$tpath."</option>\n";
         										 $text .= "        </select>";
         $text .= $frm->imagepicker('download_thumb', $download_thumb, '', 'download_thumb');
         $text .= "\n\t\t\t                </td>\n\t\t\t              </tr>";
     $text .= "\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . LAN_DATESTAMP . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>";
     if (!$download_datestamp) {
         $download_datestamp = time();
     $text .= $frm->datepicker('download_datestamp', $download_datestamp);
     //    $update_checked = ($_POST['update_datestamp']) ? "checked='checked'" : "";
     //    $text .= "        &nbsp;&nbsp;<span><input type='checkbox' value='1' name='update_datestamp' $update_checked/>".DOWLAN_148."</span>";
     $text .= "\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  \n\t     \t\t\t <tr>\n\t                     <td >" . LAN_SEFURL . "</td>\n\t                     <td class='input-group' style='width:80%'>\n\t                        " . $frm->renderElement('download_sef', $download_sef, array('type' => 'text', 'writeParms' => array('sef' => 'download_name', 'size' => 'xxlarge'))) . "\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr> \n\t                  \n\t                  \n\t                 <tr>\n\t                     <td >" . LAN_KEYWORDS . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>" . $frm->tags('download_keywords', $download_keywords) . "\n\t                    \n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>  \n\t                  \n\t\t\t\t\t                \n\t                  \n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_21 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>\n\t                        <select name='download_active' class='tbox'>";
     foreach ($download_status as $key => $val) {
         $sel = $download_active == $key ? " selected = 'selected' " : "";
         $text .= "<option value='{$key}' {$sel}>{$val}</option>\n";
     $text .= "        </select>\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_102 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>";
     if ($download_comment == "0") {
         $text .= LAN_YES . ": <input type='radio' name='download_comment' value='1'/>\n\t            " . LAN_NO . ": <input type='radio' name='download_comment' value='0' checked='checked'/>";
     } else {
         $text .= LAN_YES . ": <input type='radio' name='download_comment' value='1' checked='checked'/>\n\t            " . LAN_NO . ": <input type='radio' name='download_comment' value='0'/>";
     $text .= "     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_145 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>" . r_userclass('download_visible', $download_visible, 'off', 'public, nobody, member, admin, classes, language') . "</td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:20%'>" . DOWLAN_106 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:80%'>" . r_userclass('download_class', $download_class, 'off', 'public, nobody, member, admin, classes, language') . "</td>\n\t                  </tr>";
     if ($subAction == "dlm") {
         $text .= "\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:30%'>" . DOWLAN_153 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:70%'>\n\t                        <select name='move_file' class='tbox'>\n\t                           <option value=''>" . LAN_NO . "</option>";
         $dl_dirlist = $fl->get_dirs(e_DOWNLOAD);
         if ($dl_dirlist) {
             $text .= "<option value='" . e_DOWNLOAD . "'>/</option>\n";
             foreach ($dl_dirlist as $dirs) {
                 $text .= "<option value='" . e_DOWNLOAD . $dirs . "/'>" . $dirs . "/</option>\n";
         } else {
             $text .= "<option value='" . e_DOWNLOAD . "'>" . LAN_YES . "</option>\n";
         $text .= "     </select>\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>\n\t                  <tr>\n\t                     <td style='width:30%'>" . DOWLAN_103 . "</td>\n\t                     <td style='width:70%'>\n\t                        <input type='checkbox' name='remove_upload' value='1'/>\n\t                        <input type='hidden' name='remove_id' value='{$id}'/>\n\t                     </td>\n\t                  </tr>";
     $data = array('method' => 'form', 'table' => 'download', 'id' => $id, 'plugin' => 'download', 'function' => 'create_download');
     $text .= $frm->renderHooks($data);
     $text .= "\n\t      \t   \n\t               </table>\n\t        <div class='buttonsbar center'>";
     if ($id && $subAction == "edit") {
         $text .= "<input class='btn btn-success' type='submit' name='submit_download' value='" . DOWLAN_24 . "'/> ";
     } else {
         $text .= "<input class='btn btn-success' type='submit' name='submit_download' value='" . DOWLAN_25 . "'/>";
     $text .= "\n\t                     </div>\n\t             \n\t            </fieldset>\n\t         </form>\n\t    \n\t        \n\t        ";
     // $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_24, $text);
     echo $text;