  * Main method to process current row returned by getNextRow() method.
  * You may throw an exception if something goes wrong. It will be logged but won't break the import process
  * @param mixed $row Depending on your data format, can be DOMNode, SimpleXMLIterator, SimpleXMLElement, CSV row...
 public function process($row)
     $contentOptions = new SQLIContentOptions(array('class_identifier' => 'user', 'remote_id' => (string) $row->login));
     $content = SQLIContent::create($contentOptions);
     $content->fields->first_name = (string) $row->firstName;
     $content->fields->last_name = (string) $row->lastName;
     $userParts = array((string) $row->login, (string) $row->email);
     //password management : if empty, generate it, use custom default or fixed default
     $password = $row->password;
     if (!$password) {
         if (isset($this->options->generate_password) && $this->options->generate_password) {
             $password = eZUser::createPassword(6);
         } elseif (isset($this->options->default_password) && $this->options->default_password) {
             $password = $this->options->default_password;
         } else {
             $password = '******';
     $userParts[] = $password;
     $userParts[] = eZUser::createHash((string) $row->login, $password, eZUser::site(), eZUser::hashType());
     $userParts[] = eZUser::hashType();
     $content->fields->user_account = implode('|', $userParts);
     // Now publish content
     $publisher = SQLIContentPublisher::getInstance();
     // Free some memory. Internal methods eZContentObject::clearCache() and eZContentObject::resetDataMap() will be called
     // @see SQLIContent::__destruct()
        $tpl->setVariable( 'wrong_key', true );
else if ( strlen( $hashKey ) > 4 )
    $tpl->setVariable( 'wrong_key', true );

if ( $module->isCurrentAction( "Generate" ) )
    $ini = eZINI::instance();
    $passwordLength = $ini->variable( "UserSettings", "GeneratePasswordLength" );
    $password = eZUser::createPassword( $passwordLength );
    $passwordConfirm = $password;

//    $http->setSessionVariable( "GeneratedPassword", $password );

    if ( $module->hasActionParameter( "Email" ) )
        $email = $module->actionParameter( "Email" );
        if ( trim( $email ) != "" )
            $users = eZPersistentObject::fetchObjectList( eZUser::definition(),
                                                       array( 'email' => $email ),
                                                       true );
 protected function getUserAccountString($login, $email)
     $password = eZUser::createPassword(8);
     $passwordHash = eZUser::createHash($login, $password, eZUser::site(), eZUser::hashType());
     return $login . '|' . $email . '|' . $passwordHash . '|' . eZUser::passwordHashTypeName(eZUser::hashType());