function convert($manager, $sourceMimeData, &$destinationMimeData, $filters = false) { $argumentList = array(); $executable = $this->Executable; if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32' and $this->ExecutableWin32) { $executable = $this->ExecutableWin32; } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'mac' and $this->ExecutableMac) { $executable = $this->ExecutableMac; } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'unix' and $this->ExecutableUnix) { $executable = $this->ExecutableUnix; } } } if ($this->Path) { $executable = $this->Path . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $executable; } if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32') { $executable = "\"{$executable}\""; } $argumentList[] = $executable; if ($this->PreParameters) { $argumentList[] = $this->PreParameters; } $frameRangeParameters = $this->FrameRangeParameters; if ($frameRangeParameters && isset($frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']])) { $sourceMimeData['url'] .= $frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']]; } $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($sourceMimeData['url']); $qualityParameters = $this->QualityParameters; if ($qualityParameters and isset($qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']])) { $qualityParameter = $qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']]; $outputQuality = $manager->qualityValue($destinationMimeData['name']); if ($outputQuality) { $qualityArgument = eZSys::createShellArgument($qualityParameter, array('%1' => $outputQuality)); $argumentList[] = $qualityArgument; } } if ($filters !== false) { foreach ($filters as $filterData) { $argumentList[] = $this->textForFilter($filterData); } } $destinationURL = $destinationMimeData['url']; if ($this->UseTypeTag) { $destinationURL = $this->tagForMIMEType($destinationMimeData) . $this->UseTypeTag . $destinationURL; } $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($destinationURL); if ($this->PostParameters) { $argumentList[] = $this->PostParameters; } $systemString = implode(' ', $argumentList); system($systemString, $returnCode); if ($returnCode == 0) { if (!file_exists($destinationMimeData['url'])) { eZDebug::writeError('Unknown destination file: ' . $destinationMimeData['url'] . " when executing '{$systemString}'", 'eZImageShellHandler(' . $this->HandlerName . ')'); return false; } $this->changeFilePermissions($destinationMimeData['url']); return true; } else { eZDebug::writeWarning("Failed executing: {$systemString}, Error code: {$returnCode}", __METHOD__); return false; } }
static function convertFilterToText($filterDefinition, $filterData) { $replaceList = array(); if ($filterData['data']) { $counter = 1; foreach ($filterData['data'] as $data) { $replaceList['%' . $counter] = $data; ++$counter; } } $argumentText = $filterDefinition['text']; $text = eZSys::createShellArgument($argumentText, $replaceList); return $text; }
function convert($manager, $sourceMimeData, &$destinationMimeData, $filters = false) { $argumentList = array(); $executable = $this->Executable; if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32' and $this->ExecutableWin32) { $executable = $this->ExecutableWin32; } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'mac' and $this->ExecutableMac) { $executable = $this->ExecutableMac; } else { if (eZSys::osType() == 'unix' and $this->ExecutableUnix) { $executable = $this->ExecutableUnix; } } } if ($this->Path) { $executable = $this->Path . eZSys::fileSeparator() . $executable; } if (eZSys::osType() == 'win32') { $executable = "\"{$executable}\""; } $argumentList[] = $executable; if ($this->PreParameters) { $argumentList[] = $this->PreParameters; } $frameRangeParameters = $this->FrameRangeParameters; if ($frameRangeParameters && isset($frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']])) { $sourceMimeData['url'] .= $frameRangeParameters[$sourceMimeData['name']]; } // Issue EZP-21357: // ImageMagick has it's own meta-characters support, hence: // $ convert 'File*.jpg'' ... // Still expand File*.jpg as the shell would do, however, this is only true for the file's basename part and not // for the whole path. $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($sourceMimeData['dirpath'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . addcslashes($sourceMimeData['filename'], '~*?[]{}<>')); $qualityParameters = $this->QualityParameters; if ($qualityParameters and isset($qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']])) { $qualityParameter = $qualityParameters[$destinationMimeData['name']]; $outputQuality = $manager->qualityValue($destinationMimeData['name']); if ($outputQuality) { $qualityArgument = eZSys::createShellArgument($qualityParameter, array('%1' => $outputQuality)); $argumentList[] = $qualityArgument; } } if ($filters !== false) { foreach ($filters as $filterData) { $argumentList[] = $this->textForFilter($filterData); } } $destinationURL = $destinationMimeData['url']; if ($this->UseTypeTag) { $destinationURL = $this->tagForMIMEType($destinationMimeData) . $this->UseTypeTag . $destinationURL; } $argumentList[] = eZSys::escapeShellArgument($destinationURL); if ($this->PostParameters) { $argumentList[] = $this->PostParameters; } $systemString = implode(' ', $argumentList); system($systemString, $returnCode); if ($returnCode == 0) { if (!file_exists($destinationMimeData['url'])) { eZDebug::writeError('Unknown destination file: ' . $destinationMimeData['url'] . " when executing '{$systemString}'", 'eZImageShellHandler(' . $this->HandlerName . ')'); return false; } $this->changeFilePermissions($destinationMimeData['url']); return true; } else { eZDebug::writeWarning("Failed executing: {$systemString}, Error code: {$returnCode}", __METHOD__); return false; } }