  * Returns string with rendered content
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
     $ini = eZINI::instance('rest.ini');
     $nodeViewData = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeViewData($tpl, $this->content->main_node, $this->content->main_node->attribute('object'), $this->content->activeLanguage, 'rest', 0);
     $tpl->setVariable('module_result', $nodeViewData);
     $routingInfos = $this->controller->getRouter()->getRoutingInformation();
     $templateName = $ini->variable($routingInfos->controllerClass . '_' . $routingInfos->action . '_OutputSettings', 'Template');
     return $tpl->fetch('design:' . $templateName);
Exemple #2
    return $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel');
if (isset($Params['LanguageCode'])) {
    $languageCode = $Params['LanguageCode'];
} else {
    $locale = eZLocale::instance();
    $languageCode = $locale->localeCode();
$node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($nodeID, $languageCode);
if (!$node) {
    return $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel');
$tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
$ini = eZINI::instance();
$contentObject = $node->attribute('object');
$nodeResult = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeViewData($tpl, $node, $contentObject, $languageCode, 'full', 0);
// Generate a unique cache key for use in cache-blocks in pagelayout.tpl.
// This should be looked as a temporary fix as ideally all cache-blocks
// should be disabled by this view.
$cacheKey = "timeline-" + time();
$nodeResult["title_path"] = array(array("text" => "Timeline Preview"), array("text" => $node->attribute('name')));
$httpCharset = eZTextCodec::httpCharset();
$locale = eZLocale::instance();
$languageCode = $locale->httpLocaleCode();
$nodeResult['content_info']['persistent_variable']['extra_template_list'] = array('timeline.tpl');
$nodeResult['content_info']['persistent_variable']['pagestyle_css_classes'] = array('yui-skin-sam', 'yui-skin-ezflow');
$site = array('title' => $ini->variable('SiteSettings', 'SiteName'), 'design' => $ini->variable('DesignSettings', 'SiteDesign'), 'uri' => eZURI::instance(eZSys::requestURI()), 'http_equiv' => array('Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=' . $httpCharset, 'Content-language' => $languageCode));
$currentUser = eZUser::currentUser();
$tpl->setVariable("current_user", $currentUser);
$tpl->setVariable('ui_context', "");
$uri = eZURI::instance(eZSys::requestURI());
    static function contentViewGenerate( $file, $args )
        extract( $args );
        $node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $NodeID );

        if ( !is_object( $node ) )
            if ( !eZDB::instance()->isConnected())
                return  array( 'content' => $Module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_NO_DB_CONNECTION, 'kernel' ),
                               'store'   => false );

                return  array( 'content' => $Module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel' ),
                               'store'   => false );

        $object = $node->attribute( 'object' );

        if ( !is_object( $object ) )
            return  array( 'content' => $Module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel' ),
                           'store'   => false );

        if ( !$object instanceof eZContentObject )
            return  array( 'content' => $Module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel' ),
                           'store'   => false );
        if ( $node === null )
            return  array( 'content' => $Module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel' ),
                           'store'   => false );

        if ( $object === null )
            return  array( 'content' => $Module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel' ),
                           'store'   => false );

        if ( $node->attribute( 'is_invisible' ) && !eZContentObjectTreeNode::showInvisibleNodes() )
            return array( 'content' => $Module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel' ),
                          'store'   => false );

        if ( !$node->canRead() )
            return array( 'content' => $Module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED,
                                                             array( 'AccessList' => $node->checkAccess( 'read', false, false, true ) ) ),
                          'store'   => false );

        $Result = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeViewData( $tpl, $node, $object,
                                                              $LanguageCode, $ViewMode, $Offset,
                                                              $viewParameters, $collectionAttributes,
                                                              $validation );

        // 'store' depends on noCache: if $noCache is set, this means that retrieve
        // returned it, and the noCache fake cache file is already stored
        // and should not be stored again
        $retval = array( 'content' => $Result,
                         'scope'   => 'viewcache',
                         'store'   => !( isset( $noCache ) and $noCache ) );
        if ( $file !== false && $retval['store'] )
            $retval['binarydata'] = serialize( $Result );
        return $retval;
// Change content object default language
$GLOBALS['eZContentObjectDefaultLanguage'] = $LanguageCode;
$Module->setTitle('View ' . $class->attribute('name') . ' - ' . $contentObject->attribute('name'));
$ini = eZINI::instance();
$res = eZTemplateDesignResource::instance();
$res->setDesignSetting($ini->variable('DesignSettings', 'SiteDesign'), 'site');
$tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
if ($http->hasSessionVariable('LastAccessesVersionURI')) {
    $tpl->setVariable('redirect_uri', $http->sessionVariable('LastAccessesVersionURI'));
$designKeys = array(array('object', $contentObject->attribute('id')), array('node', $virtualNodeID), array('remote_id', $contentObject->attribute('remote_id')), array('class', $class->attribute('id')), array('class_identifier', $class->attribute('identifier')), array('viewmode', 'full'));
// View mode
if ($assignment) {
    $designKeys[] = array('parent_node', $assignment->attribute('parent_node'));
    if ($parentNodeObject instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode) {
        $designKeys[] = array('depth', $parentNodeObject->attribute('depth') + 1);
$contentObject = $node->attribute('object');
$Result = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeViewData($tpl, $node, $contentObject, $LanguageCode, 'full', 0, $viewParameters);
$Result['requested_uri_string'] = $requestedURIString;
$Result['ui_context'] = 'view';
 function customObjectAttributeHTTPAction($http, $action, $contentObjectAttribute, $parameters)
     switch ($action) {
         case "send_preview":
             $module = $parameters['module'];
             //viewData() );
                       $classAttribute = $contentObjectAttribute->contentClassAttribute();
                       //$classAttribute = $contentObjectAttribute->contentClassAttribute();
                       //$module = $classAttribute->currentModule();
                       $module = $parameters['module'];
                       $ObjectVersion = 26;
                       $ObjectID = 99;
                       $contentObject = ezContentObjectVersion::fetchVersion(  $ObjectVersion ,$ObjectID);
                       $tpl =& templateInit();
                       $tpl->setVariable('object', $contentObject);
                       //$tpl->setVariable('newsletter', $newsletter);
                       $tpl->fetch( 'design:eznewsletter/newsletter_preview.tpl' );
                     $cacheFileArray = array( 'cache_dir' => false, 'cache_path' => false );
                     $NodeID = 101;
             //$Module = $Params['Module'];
             $tpl = templateInit();
             $LanguageCode = $Params['Language'];
             $ViewMode = "full";
             $Offset = $Params['Offset'];
             //$ini = eZINI::instance();
             $Year = $Params['Year'];
             $Month = $Params['Month'];
             $Day = $Params['Day'];
             $viewParameters = array( 'offset' => $Offset,
                                            'year' => $Year,
                                            'month' => $Month,
                                            'day' => $Day,
                                            'namefilter' => false );
             $viewParameters = array_merge( $viewParameters, $UserParameters );
             $collectionAttributes = false;
                   if ( isset( $Params['CollectionAttributes'] ) )
                     $collectionAttributes = $Params['CollectionAttributes'];
                   $validation = array( 'processed' => false, 'attributes' => array() );
                   if ( isset( $Params['AttributeValidation'] ) )
                     $validation = $Params['AttributeValidation'];
                   $localVars = array( "cacheFileArray", "NodeID",  "Module", "tpl",
                                           "LanguageCode",  "ViewMode", "Offset", "ini",
                                           "cacheFileArray", "viewParameters", "collectionAttributes",
                                           "validation" );
                     $args = compact( $localVars );
                     // the false parameter will disable generation of the 'binarydata' entry
                     $data = eZNodeviewfunctions::contentViewGenerate( false, $args ); 
             $tpl = templateInit();
             $EditVersion = 26;
             $pathIdentificationString = "";
             $ObjectID = 99;
             $parentNodeID = 2;
             $virtualNodeID = null;
             $pathString = "";
             $depth = 2;
             $objectName = "OMG";
             $node = new eZContentObjectTreeNode();
             $node->setAttribute('contentobject_version', $EditVersion);
             $node->setAttribute('path_identification_string', $pathIdentificationString);
             $node->setAttribute('contentobject_id', $ObjectID);
             $node->setAttribute('parent_node_id', $parentNodeID);
             $node->setAttribute('main_node_id', $virtualNodeID);
             $node->setAttribute('path_string', $pathString);
             $node->setAttribute('depth', $depth);
             $node->setAttribute('node_id', $virtualNodeID);
             //$node->setAttribute( 'sort_field', $class->attribute( 'sort_field' ) );
             //$node->setAttribute( 'sort_order', $class->attribute( 'sort_order' ) );
             $contentObject = null;
             $LanguageCode = null;
             $viewParameters = array();
             $contentObject = eZContentObject::fetch($ObjectID);
             $Result = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeViewData($tpl, $node, $contentObject, $LanguageCode, 'full', 0);
             //var_dump( $module->run("versionview") );
             $contentObjectAttribute->setValidationError(ezi18n('kernel/classes/datatypes', 'The email address is not valid.'));
 static function contentViewGenerate($file, $args)
     $node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($NodeID);
     if (!is_object($node)) {
         return array('content' => $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel'), 'store' => false);
     $object = $node->attribute('object');
     if (!is_object($object)) {
         return array('content' => $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel'), 'store' => false);
     if (!$object instanceof eZContentObject) {
         return array('content' => $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel'), 'store' => false);
     if ($node === null) {
         return array('content' => $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'kernel'), 'store' => false);
     if ($object === null) {
         return array('content' => $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel'), 'store' => false);
     // HACK! Ignore showInvisibleNodes policy for the 'detail' view mode in ez_sbase. We do policy
     // checking in the template.
     if ($ViewMode != 'detail') {
         if ($node->attribute('is_invisible') && !eZContentObjectTreeNode::showInvisibleNodes()) {
             return array('content' => $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel'), 'store' => false);
     if (!$object->canRead()) {
         return array('content' => $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel', array('AccessList' => $object->accessList('read'))), 'store' => false);
     $Result = eZNodeviewfunctions::generateNodeViewData($tpl, $node, $object, $LanguageCode, $ViewMode, $Offset, $viewParameters, $collectionAttributes, $validation);
     // 'store' depends on noCache: if $noCache is set, this means that retrieve
     // returned it, and the noCache fake cache file is already stored
     // and should not be stored again
     $retval = array('content' => $Result, 'scope' => 'viewcache', 'store' => !(isset($noCache) and $noCache));
     if ($file !== false && $retval['store']) {
         $retval['binarydata'] = serialize($Result);
     return $retval;