function batchInitializeObjectAttributeData($classAttribute) { $numRows = $classAttribute->attribute('data_int1'); $matrix = new eZMatrix('', $numRows, $classAttribute->attribute('content')); $db = eZDB::instance(); return array('data_text' => "'" . $db->escapeString($matrix->xmlString()) . "'"); }
function updateContentObjectAttributes( $params ) { $objectID = $params['object_id']; $attributesData = $params['attributes_data']; $contentObject = eZContentObject::fetch( $objectID ); if( !is_object( $contentObject ) ) { $this->reportError( "Content object with id '$objectID' doesn't exist." , 'eZSiteInstaller::updateContentObjectAttributes' ); return; } $dataMap = $contentObject->dataMap(); foreach( $attributesData as $attrIdentifier => $attrData ) { $attribute = $dataMap[$attrIdentifier]; if( !is_object( $attribute ) ) { $this->reportError( "Warning: could not acquire attribute with identifier '$attrIdentifier'.", 'eZSiteInstaller::updateContentObjectAttributes', eZSiteInstaller::ERR_CONTINUE ); continue; } //get datatype name $datatypeString = $attribute->attribute( 'data_type_string' ); switch( $datatypeString ) { case 'ezstring': { $attribute->setAttribute( "data_text", $attrData['DataText']); } break; case 'ezxmltext': { $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'."\n". '<section xmlns:image=""'."\n". ' xmlns:xhtml=""'."\n". ' xmlns:custom="">'."\n". ' <section>'."\n"; { $xml .= ' <paragraph>'; $numSentences = mt_rand( ( int ) $attributeParameters['min_sentences'], ( int ) $attributeParameters['max_sentences'] ); for( $sentence = 0; $sentence < $numSentences; $sentence++ ) { if( $sentence != 0 ) { $xml .= ' '; } } $xml .= "</paragraph>\n"; } $xml .= " </section>\n</section>\n"; $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $xml ); } break; case 'eztext': { $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $attrData['DataText'] ); } break; case 'ezmatrix': { $columnsCount = count( $attrData["MatrixDefinition"]->attribute( 'columns' ) ); if( $columnsCount > 0 ) { $rowsCount = count( $attrData["MatrixCells"] ) / $columnsCount; $tempMatrix = new eZMatrix( $attrData["MatrixTitle"], $rowsCount, $attrData["MatrixDefinition"] ); $tempMatrix->Cells = $attrData["MatrixCells"]; $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $tempMatrix->xmlString() ); $tempMatrix->decodeXML( $attribute->attribute( 'data_text' ) ); $attribute->setContent( $tempMatrix ); } else { $this->reportError( "Number of columns in 'ezmatrix' should be greater then zero", 'eZSiteInstaller::updateContentObjectAttributes', eZSiteInstaller::ERR_CONTINUE ); } } break; case 'ezboolean': { $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_int', $attrData['DataInt'] ); } break; case 'ezinteger': { $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_int', $attrData['DataInt'] ); } break; case 'ezfloat': { $power = 100; $float = mt_rand( $power * ( int ) $attrData['Min'], $power * ( int ) $attrData['Max'] ); $float = $float / $power; $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_float', $float ); } break; case 'ezprice': { $power = 10; $price = mt_rand( $power * ( int ) $attrData['Min'], $power * ( int ) $attrData['Max'] ); $price = $price / $power; $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_float', $price ); } break; case 'ezurl': { $attribute->setContent( $attrData['Content'] ); $attribute->setAttribute( "data_text", $attrData['DataText']); } break; case 'ezuser': { $user = $attribute->content(); if( $user === null ) { $user = eZUser::create( $objectID ); } $user->setInformation( $objectID, md5( time() . '-' . mt_rand() ), md5( time() . '-' . mt_rand() ) . '', 'publish', 'publish' ); $user->store(); } break; } $attribute->store(); } $contentObject->store(); }