     * @param string $path
     * @return bool|string
    private static function fileExists($path)
        $fileUtils = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($path);

        if ($fileUtils->requiresClusterizing())
            if (!self::$dfsBackend)
                self::$dfsBackend = new eZDFSFileHandlerDFSBackend();

            $mountPoint = self::$dfsBackend->getMountPoint();
            $path       = eZDir::path(array($mountPoint, $path));

            if (file_exists($path))
                return $path;

            if (file_exists($path))
                return $path;

        return false;
Exemple #2
            $limit[0] += $limit[1];
        } else {
            $loopRun = false;
if ($checkDFS) {
    if ($delete) {
        $cli->output('Deleting the files on the DFS share that are not registered in the database...');
    } else {
        $cli->output('Checking files on the DFS share...');
    $dfsBackend = new eZDFSFileHandlerDFSBackend();
    $base = realpath($dfsBackend->getMountPoint());
    $cleanPregExpr = preg_quote(fixWinPath($base), '@');
    foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($base . '/' . $checkPath)) as $filename => $current) {
        if ($current->isFile()) {
            $relativePath = trim(preg_replace('@^' . $cleanPregExpr . '@', '', fixWinPath($filename)), '/');
            if (!$fileHandler->fileExists($relativePath)) {
                $cli->output('  - ' . $relativePath);
                if ($delete) {
$cli->cli->output( "Found ".count($visits)." visits:");
$visitAnswer = $cli->askQuestion( "Which date?", array_map( function($value){ return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value); }, $visits ));
$visitDate = $visits[$visitAnswer];

// 2 - get xmls

$hash = md5( serialize( array(
        'type'              => $nlType,
        'frequency'         => $nlFrequency,
        'customer_type'     => false,
        'specialty'         => false,
        'publisher_folder'  => false,
    ) ).$clusterIdentifier );

$dfsBackend = new eZDFSFileHandlerDFSBackend();
$mountPoint = $dfsBackend->getMountPoint();

$lastFile = false;
foreach( glob( $mountPoint.eZSys::varDirectory()."/rssCache/".$hash.'.xml.2*') as $file )
    preg_match( '#\.(?P<rssYear>[0-9]{4})(?P<rssMonth>[0-9]{2})(?P<rssDay>[0-9]{2})_(?P<rssHour>[0-9]{2})(?P<rssMinutes>[0-9]{2})\.log$#', $file, $m );
    $rssDate = mktime( $m['rssHour'], $m['rssMinutes'], 0, $m['rssMonth'], $m['rssDay'], $m['rssYear'] );
    if ( $rssDate > $visitDate )
    $lastFile = $file;

$cli->cli->output( "\nLast generated file before Creator Mail's visit:" );
$cli->cli->output( $lastFile );

 * Checks that the NFS share is still available.
 * Does so by verifying that $path does exist within the NFS mount point path + $rootPath
 * @return true
function checkNFS($rootPath)
    static $path = false;
    if (!$path) {
        $dfsBackend = new eZDFSFileHandlerDFSBackend();
        $path = realpath($dfsBackend->getMountPoint()) . '/' . $rootPath;
    if (!file_exists($path) || !is_dir($path)) {
        abort("DFS mount seems to be gone, aborting");