Exemple #1
  * Ensures that eZURLAliasML::fetchPathByActionList() always uses prioritized languages,
  * even if a locale is enforced (3rd param) and always available flag is false.
  * @see http://issues.ez.no/19055
  * @group issue19055
  * @covers eZURLAliasML::fetchPathByActionList
 public function testFetchPathByActionListWithFallback()
     $frenchLocale = $this->frenchLanguage->attribute('locale');
     ezpINIHelper::setINISettings(array(array('site.ini', 'RegionalSettings', 'ContentObjectLocale', $frenchLocale), array('site.ini', 'RegionalSettings', 'Locale', $frenchLocale), array('site.ini', 'RegionalSettings', 'SiteLanguageList', array($frenchLocale, 'eng-GB')), array('site.ini', 'RegionalSettings', 'ShowUntranslatedObjects', 'disabled')));
     eZContentOperationCollection::updateAlwaysAvailable(1, false);
      * - Create a content object in Norsk
      * - Remove AlwaysAvailable flag
      * - Add a translation in english
      * - Try to fetch path for this content in French (fallback is eng-GB as configured above)
     $folder = new ezpObject('folder', 2, 14, 1, $this->norskLanguage->attribute('locale'));
     $folder->name = 'norsk folder';
     eZContentOperationCollection::updateAlwaysAvailable($folder->object->attribute('id'), false);
     $folder->addTranslation('eng-GB', array('name' => 'english translation'));
     $generatedPath = eZURLAliasML::fetchPathByActionList('eznode', array($folder->mainNode->node_id), $frenchLocale);
     self::assertEquals('english-translation', $generatedPath);
     eZContentOperationCollection::updateAlwaysAvailable(1, true);
     * Test that the language mask of an url alias element is downgraded
     * when a translation is removed.
     * Test Outline
     * ------------
     * 1. Add a Folder.
     * 2. Add a ChildNode of folder.
     * 3. Add a translation (nor-NO) to ChildNode (lang_mask should be 6 now).
     * 4. Change the translation (nor-NO) of ChildNode to something else
     * 5. PROBLEM: The row with both translation are retired, and original
     *             translation is lost. (Converted into a history element with incorrect
     *             language mask)
     * 6. VERIFY: That lang_mask has been downgraded for the orignal
     *            entry, and that a new entry for the new translation has been made.
     * @link http://issues.ez.no/14787
    function testURLAliasCombinedTranslationEntry()
        $db = eZDB::instance();

        // STEP 1: Add test folder
        $folder = new ezpObject( "folder", 2 );
        $folder->name = __FUNCTION__;

        // STEP 2: Add child below folder
        $child = new ezpObject( "article", $folder->mainNode->node_id );
        $child->title = "Child";

        // STEP 3: Add translation to child with the same name
        $translationAttributes = array( "title" => "Child" );
        $child->addTranslation( "nor-NO", $translationAttributes );

        // STEP 4: Update the translation
        $newVersion = $child->createNewVersion( false, true, 'nor-NO' );
        $norDataMap = $child->fetchDataMap( $newVersion->attribute( 'version' ), "nor-NO" );
        $norDataMap['title']->setAttribute( 'data_text', 'NorChildChanged' );
        ezpObject::publishContentObject( $child->object, $newVersion );

        // STEP 5: Issue arose here.

        // STEP 6: Verify that lang_mask has been downgraded for the orignal
        // entry, and that a new entry for the new translation has been made,
        // also make sure that the pre-existing entry has not been set as a
        // history element.

        $query = self::buildSql( array( $child->mainNode->node_id ) );
        $result = $db->arrayQuery( $query );

        $childRawData = self::urlEntryForName( 'Child', $result );

        // Assert that language has been set back to main translation only
            $this->englishLanguage->attribute( 'id' ),
            (int)$childRawData['lang_mask'], "Pre-existing URL entry did not have its language mask updated to remove changed translation."

        // Assert that the already existing url entry wasn't marked as a hitory element.
        self::assertEquals( 1, (int)$childRawData['is_original'], "Pre-existing URL entry has incorrectly been marked as a history entry, while it still represents valid URLs." );

        // Assert that new entry is created for changed translation, sharing same id
        $newTranslatedChildData = self::urlEntryForName( 'NorChildChanged', $result );
        self::assertEquals( (int)$childRawData['id'], (int)$newTranslatedChildData['id'], "Newly created translation of existing action should have same id." );

        self::assertEquals( $this->norskLanguage->attribute( 'id' ), (int)$newTranslatedChildData['lang_mask'] );