function connect($server, $db, $user, $password, $socketPath, $charset = null, $port = false)
     $connection = false;
     if ($socketPath !== false) {
         ini_set("mysqli.default_socket", $socketPath);
     if ($this->UsePersistentConnection == true) {
         // Only supported on PHP 5.3 (mysqlnd)
         if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3') > 0) {
             $this->Server = 'p:' . $this->Server;
         } else {
             eZDebug::writeWarning('mysqli only supports persistent connections when using php 5.3 and higher', 'eZMySQLiDB::connect');
     eZPerfLogger::accumulatorStart('mysqli_connection', 'mysqli_total', 'Database connection');
     $connection = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $password, null, (int) $port, $socketPath);
     $dbErrorText = mysqli_connect_error();
     $maxAttempts = $this->connectRetryCount();
     $waitTime = $this->connectRetryWaitTime();
     $numAttempts = 1;
     while (!$connection && $numAttempts <= $maxAttempts) {
         eZPerfLogger::accumulatorStart('mysqli_connection', 'mysqli_total', 'Database connection');
         $connection = mysqli_connect($this->Server, $this->User, $this->Password, null, (int) $this->Port, $this->SocketPath);
     $this->IsConnected = true;
     if (!$connection) {
         eZDebug::writeError("Connection error: Couldn't connect to database. Please try again later or inform the system administrator.\n{$dbErrorText}", __CLASS__);
         $this->IsConnected = false;
         throw new eZDBNoConnectionException($server);
     if ($this->IsConnected && $db != null) {
         eZPerfLogger::accumulatorStart('mysqli_connection', 'mysqli_total', 'Database connection');
         $ret = mysqli_select_db($connection, $db);
         if (!$ret) {
             eZDebug::writeError("Connection error: " . mysqli_errno($connection) . ": " . mysqli_error($connection), "eZMySQLiDB");
             $this->IsConnected = false;
     if ($charset !== null) {
         $originalCharset = $charset;
         $charset = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode($charset);
     if ($this->IsConnected and $charset !== null) {
         eZPerfLogger::accumulatorStart('mysqli_connection', 'mysqli_total', 'Database connection');
         $status = mysqli_set_charset($connection, eZMySQLCharset::mapTo($charset));
         if (!$status) {
             eZDebug::writeWarning("Connection warning: " . mysqli_errno($connection) . ": " . mysqli_error($connection), "eZMySQLiDB");
     return $connection;
 function eZCodePageMapper( $input_charset_code, $output_charset_code, $use_cache = true )
     $this->RequestedInputCharsetCode = $input_charset_code;
     $this->InputCharsetCode = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode( $input_charset_code );
     $this->RequestedOutputCharsetCode = $output_charset_code;
     $this->OutputCharsetCode = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode( $output_charset_code );
     $this->Valid = false;
     $this->load( $use_cache );
     $this->setSubstituteCharacter( 63 ); // ?
 function transformByGroup($text, $group, $charset = false, $useCache = true)
     if ($text === '') {
         return $text;
     $charsetName = $charset === false ? eZTextCodec::internalCharset() : eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode($charset);
     if ($useCache) {
         // CRC32 is used for speed, MD5 would be more unique but is slower
         $keyText = 'Group:' . $group;
         $key = eZSys::ezcrc32($keyText . '-' . $charset);
         $filepath = $this->cacheFilePath('g-' . $group . '-', '-' . $charsetName, $key);
         // Try to execute code in the cache file, if it succeeds
         // \a $text will/ transformated
         $retText = $this->executeCacheFile($text, $filepath);
         if ($retText !== false) {
             return $retText;
     $commands = $this->groupCommands($group);
     if ($commands === false) {
         return false;
     $mapper = new eZCodeMapper();
     $mapper->loadTransformationFiles($charsetName, $group);
     $rules = array();
     foreach ($commands as $command) {
         $rules = array_merge($rules, $mapper->decodeCommand($command['command'], $command['parameters']));
     // First generate a unicode based mapping table from the rules
     $unicodeTable = $mapper->generateMappingCode($rules);
     // Then transform that to a table that works with the current charset
     // Any character not available in the current charset will be removed
     $charsetTable = $mapper->generateCharsetMappingTable($unicodeTable, $charset);
     $transformationData = array('table' => $charsetTable);
     if ($useCache) {
         $extraCode = '';
         foreach ($commands as $command) {
             $code = $mapper->generateCommandCode($command, $charsetName);
             if ($code !== false) {
                 $extraCode .= $code . "\n";
         $this->storeCacheFile($filepath, $transformationData, $extraCode, 'Group:' . $group, $charsetName);
     // Execute transformations
     $text = strtr($text, $transformationData['table']);
     // Execute custom code
     foreach ($commands as $command) {
         $mapper->executeCommandCode($text, $command, $charsetName);
     return $text;
 function domString($domDocument)
     $ini = eZINI::instance();
     $xmlCharset = $ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'ContentXMLCharset');
     if ($xmlCharset == 'enabled') {
         $charset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
     } else {
         if ($xmlCharset == 'disabled') {
             $charset = true;
         } else {
             $charset = $xmlCharset;
     if ($charset !== true) {
         $charset = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode($charset);
     $domString = $domDocument->saveXML();
     return $domString;
  * @param \eZLocale $primaryLanguage
  * @param \eZLocale[]|null $allLanguages
  * @param bool $canUseUnicode
  * @return array
 function findAppropriateCharsetsList($primaryLanguage, $allLanguages, $canUseUnicode)
     $commonCharsets = array();
     if (is_array($allLanguages) and count($allLanguages) > 0) {
         $language = $allLanguages[0];
         $charsets = $language->allowedCharsets();
         foreach ($charsets as $charset) {
             $commonCharsets[] = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode($charset);
         $commonCharsets = array_unique($commonCharsets);
         for ($i = 1; $i < count($allLanguages); ++$i) {
             $language = $allLanguages[$i];
             $charsets = $language->allowedCharsets();
             $realCharsets = array();
             foreach ($charsets as $charset) {
                 $realCharsets[] = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode($charset);
             $realCharsets = array_unique($realCharsets);
             $commonCharsets = array_intersect($commonCharsets, $realCharsets);
     $usableCharsets = array_values($commonCharsets);
     if (count($usableCharsets) > 0) {
         if (in_array($primaryLanguage->charset(), $usableCharsets)) {
             array_unshift($usableCharsets, $primaryLanguage->charset());
             $usableCharsets = array_unique($usableCharsets);
     } else {
         if ($canUseUnicode) {
             $usableCharsets[] = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode('utf-8');
     return $usableCharsets;
 function tableCharsetName( $charset )
     $charset = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode( $charset );
     // Convert charset names into something MySQL will understand
     $charsetMapping = array( 'iso-8859-1' => 'latin1',
                              'iso-8859-2' => 'latin2',
                              'iso-8859-8' => 'hebrew',
                              'iso-8859-7' => 'greek',
                              'iso-8859-9' => 'latin5',
                              'iso-8859-13' => 'latin7',
                              'windows-1250' => 'cp1250',
                              'windows-1251' => 'cp1251',
                              'windows-1256' => 'cp1256',
                              'windows-1257' => 'cp1257',
                              'utf-8' => 'utf8',
                              'koi8-r' => 'koi8r',
                              'koi8-u' => 'koi8u' );
     $charset = strtolower( $charset );
     if ( isset( $charsetMapping[$charset] ) )
         return $charsetMapping[$charset];
     return $charset;
    if ( $http->hasPostVariable( 'TemplateContent' ) )
        $templateContent = $http->postVariable( 'TemplateContent' );

        if ( $templateConfig->variable( 'CharsetSettings', 'AutoConvertOnSave') == 'enabled' )
            $outputCharset = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode( $outputCharset );
            if ( preg_match( '|{\*\?template.*charset=([a-zA-Z0-9-]*).*\?\*}|', $templateContent, $matches ) )
                $templateContent = preg_replace( '|({\*\?template.*charset=)[a-zA-Z0-9-]*(.*\?\*})|',
                                                 '\\1'. $outputCharset. '\\2',
                                                 $templateContent );
                $templateCharset = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode( $templateConfig->variable( 'CharsetSettings', 'DefaultTemplateCharset') );
                if ( $templateCharset != $outputCharset )
                    $templateContent = "{*?template charset=$outputCharset?*}\n" . $templateContent;
            /* Here we figure out the characterset of the template. If there is a charset
             * associated with the template in the header we use that one, if not we fall
             * back to the INI setting "DefaultTemplateCharset". */
            if ( preg_match( '|{\*\?template.*charset=([a-zA-Z0-9-]*).*\?\*}|', $templateContent, $matches ) )
                $templateCharset = $matches[1];
Exemple #8
    function checkCharsetPriv( $charset, &$currentCharset )
        $query = "SHOW CREATE DATABASE `{$this->DB}`";
        $status = mysql_query( $query, $this->DBConnection );
        $this->reportQuery( __CLASS__, $query, false, false );
        if ( !$status )
            eZDebug::writeWarning( "Connection warning: " . mysql_errno( $this->DBConnection ) . ": " . mysql_error( $this->DBConnection ), "eZMySQLDB" );
            return false;

        $numRows = mysql_num_rows( $status );
        if ( $numRows == 0 )
            return false;

        for ( $i = 0; $i < $numRows; ++$i )
            $tmpRow = mysql_fetch_array( $status, MYSQL_ASSOC );
            if ( $tmpRow['Database'] == $this->DB )
                $createText = $tmpRow['Create Database'];
                if ( preg_match( '#DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)#', $createText, $matches ) )
                    $currentCharset = $matches[1];
                    $currentCharset = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode( $currentCharset );
                    // Convert charset names into something MySQL will understand
                    $unmappedCurrentCharset = eZMySQLCharset::mapFrom( $currentCharset );

                    if ( is_array( $charset ) )
                        if ( in_array( $unmappedCurrentCharset, $charset ) )
                            return $unmappedCurrentCharset;
                    else if ( $unmappedCurrentCharset == $charset )
                        return true;
                    return false;
        return true;
 function isAllowedCharset( $charset )
     $realCharset = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode( $charset );
     $charsets = $this->allowedCharsets();
     foreach ( $charsets as $charsetName )
         $realName = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode( $charsetName );
         if ( $realName == $realCharset )
             return true;
     return false;
 static function httpCharset()
     $realCharset =& $GLOBALS['eZTextCodecHTTPCharsetReal'];
     if (!isset($realCharset)) {
         $charset = '';
         if (isset($GLOBALS['eZTextCodecHTTPCharset'])) {
             $charset = $GLOBALS['eZTextCodecHTTPCharset'];
         if ($charset == '') {
             if (isset($GLOBALS['eZTextCodecInternalCharsetReal'])) {
                 $realCharset = $GLOBALS['eZTextCodecInternalCharsetReal'];
             } else {
                 $realCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
         } else {
             $realCharset = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode($charset);
     return $realCharset;
Exemple #11
 function loadTransformationFiles($currentCharset, $transformationGroup)
     $ini = eZINI::instance('transform.ini');
     $repositoryList = array($ini->variable('Transformation', 'Repository'));
     $files = $ini->variable('Transformation', 'Files');
     $extensions = $ini->variable('Transformation', 'Extensions');
     $repositoryList = array_merge($repositoryList, eZExtension::expandedPathList($extensions, 'transformations'));
     // Check if the current charset maps to a unicode group
     // If it does it can trigger loading of additional files
     $unicodeGroups = array();
     $charsets = $ini->variable('Transformation', 'Charsets');
     foreach ($charsets as $entry) {
         list($charset, $group) = explode(';', $entry, 2);
         $charset = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode($charset);
         if ($charset == $currentCharset) {
             if (!in_array($group, $unicodeGroups)) {
                 $unicodeGroups[] = $group;
     // If we are using transformation groups then add that as
     // a unicode group. This causes it load transformation files
     // specific to that group.
     if ($transformationGroup !== false) {
         $unicodeGroups[] = $transformationGroup;
     // Add any extra files from the unicode groups
     foreach ($unicodeGroups as $unicodeGroup) {
         if ($ini->hasGroup($unicodeGroup)) {
             $files = array_merge($files, $ini->variable($unicodeGroup, 'Files'));
             $extensions = $ini->variable($unicodeGroup, 'Extensions');
             $repositoryList = array_merge($repositoryList, eZExtension::expandedPathList($extensions, 'transformations'));
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         // Only load files that are not currently loaded
         if ($this->isTranformationLoaded($file)) {
         foreach ($repositoryList as $repository) {
             $trFile = $repository . '/' . $file;
             if (file_exists($trFile)) {
                 $this->parseTransformationFile($trFile, $file);
Exemple #12
 function cacheFileName($charset_code)
     $permissionArray = eZCodePage::permissionSetting();
     if ($permissionArray === false) {
         return false;
     $charset_code = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode($charset_code);
     $cache_dir = $permissionArray['var_directory'] . "/codepages/";
     $cache_filename = md5($charset_code);
     $cache = $cache_dir . $cache_filename . ".php";
     return $cache;
 function isCharsetSupported( $charset_code )
     $charset_code = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode( $charset_code );
     return in_array( $charset_code, eZMBStringMapper::charsetList() );
Exemple #14
 static function characterEncodingScheme($charsetCode, $isRealCharset = false)
     if (!$isRealCharset) {
         $charsetCode = eZCharsetInfo::realCharsetCode($charsetCode);
     $reverseEncodingTable =& eZCharsetInfo::reverseEncodingTable();
     if (isset($reverseEncodingTable[$charsetCode])) {
         return $reverseEncodingTable[$charsetCode];
     return 'singlebyte';